Waking Nightmares

by Kelvin Shadewing

Chapter 4

Waking Nightmares

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit work of fan fiction. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro.

Chapter 4

"Davie! Davie! Gimme your answer due!
You're half crazy, with six ponies haunting you!

I'll follow you to your marriage,
if you ignore this barrage!

We think you're sweet, though you eat meat,
Don't ignore me or I'll eat you!"

That last line was sung in Pinkamena's voice and sent chills down my spine. I couldn't resist looking at her to make sure her hair was still curly. Being a psychopath was one thing. Having a psychopath living in my head was another.

"Aha!" she shouted gleefully, poking her hoof in my face, "I made you look! I win the game!"

"Pinkie!" Twilight scolded, "This isn't a game! We're inside a stranger's head, and we aren't welcome here. Now please, let him ignore us."

"Thank you, Twi," I said, and immediately smacked myself in the face.

I was sitting on a bench outside, trying to kill some time until math class. I could think of a thousand better things to be doing right now, but all of them seemed like they would elicit more activity from the ponies. The rec room would surely get Pinkie going, and the library was off limits because of Twilight.

For all I knew, she would start levitating books around in my mind, but in reality, it would be me holding them in the air and making magic noises with my mouth... yes, I realize how weird that sounds. But for all I knew, any physical changes around me as a result of the ponies might not just be in my head. I could be unknowingly doing something and just think it was the ponies. That wasn't a risk I was willing to take.

If there was any comfort to all of this, it was Fluttershy. She'd forgiven me, and had elected to cuddle me as much as possible, so I was sitting with Equestria's most adorable citizen laying on my lap with the side of her face pressed against my belly. It hurt to see something so cute yet not be able to pet it without looking like I was pretending to... well, park bench and petting an invisible person/pony... yeah. Not gonna go there.

Pinkie then whispered something into Rainbow Dash's ear. The pegasus giggled and shot up into the air. I thought she was just gonna do some flips and spins to get my attention, but the earth-shaking explosion that followed had other ideas.

I was literally thrown off the bench onto the shaking ground as the tremor struck. Up in the sky, I could see the sonic rainboom spreading out as Dash came down at me at full speed and came to a dead stop, executing a perfect landing.

I death glared at her, but what I saw behind her caught my attention right away. People were running for cover?!

"Hey! Are you OK?" some girl asked me.

"Y-yeah," I said, getting back on my feet, "What happened?"

"An earthquake. Come on, we need to get somewhere safe in case of after shocks."

"Oh, OK..." I was still a little dizzy, which didn't help my brain process what had happened. When it all came together, I stopped and caught my breath.

These ponies... can predict earthquakes?!

It was no hallucination. Other people were seeing it too. Naturally, though, some suspicions about it were still floating through my mind.

"Pinkie Pie, I swear to God, if this is your way of getting me to pay attention, you've gone too far this time."

"Me?" the pink earth pony squeaked, stepping back and taking offense, "I can't make earthquakes happen. That was real!"

"Yeah, right," I shot back, "And there's no way all those people running around were illusions too?"

"If I may interject," Twilight interjected, "David, you do have a point. All that could have been an illusion, but it wasn't."

"How can I believe that?" I asked.

"Because, Pinkie Pie would never pull a prank that would get somepony in trouble," said Twilight, "And I don't know how much you know about the human mind, but do you know how some animals can sense disasters?"

I nodded.

"Well, it's possible that humans can too, only subconsciously. And if we are a product of your subconscious, as you so insistently believe, Pinkie's rainboom prank could have been your mind's way of warning you about the oncoming earthquake."

My inner Spock was telling me her logic was sound. But why did it have to happen like that? Why couldn't it be, like, Pinkie having one of her doozies, or something?

I entered the storm shelter where some other people were waiting in case of another quake. A few minutes later, the all clear was given, but I was told to be careful since they could still happen later.

After checking my watch, I figured that if I took a short walk, I'd be able to kill enough time while trying to ignore the girls some more before math.

Twilight was the only pony who wanted to stay with me during math class. The others said they would rather explore the campus, which translated to going into my memories of this place and seeing what it was like through me. All things considered, I was taking this pretty well, which actually made me even more afraid that I may have hit the point of no return long ago.

"OK, look," I said before entering my classroom, "If you're gonna be in here with me, you need to be quiet! This room is smaller and if I'm caught talking to you, they'll send me out, and I'll be in big trouble, so just please, please, please don't get me into trouble!" Despite the facet that someone could have been watching, I put my hands together pleadingly, looking down at Twilight with my best puppy beg face.

"I understand," she said flatly, "Your studies are very important, and I'd hate to have somepony interrupt me when I'm trying to write a report to the princess. I'll be quiet, but may I still read your notes?"

I sighed heavily. "Alright, fine. Just no distracting me, and for the love of God, no making things float. Promise?"

"I promise."

"Alright." I took a deep breath, and grabbed the door handle. A short pause of doubt kept me from opening it, but I shook it off and went in anyway. If I had anything in my hand, I would have dropped it.

Everyone in the classroom was a pony.