The Intrepid Few

by The Fields of Ice

Chapter Three: Dissolution

The Intrepid Few
Chapter Three: Dissolution

I haven't spoken to Sweetie Belle in a few weeks now. I've tried calling, even stopping by, but no answer. Sure it hurts, but still her words held true. Sweetie Belle, my Sweetie Belle died two years ago, and this copy of her memories, her consciousness, was still just a copy. A copy I found myself holding onto, not daring to let go of. Not wanting to be alone.

Is it the idea of an organic soul that makes us think this way. Someone doesn't need to be born to make you smile, to reminisce with, and to long for. Yet you still feel that lingering thought in the far recesses of your mind. A small voice saying this isn't real, no matter how real it feels. These few weeks away just make me realize that more and more.

Ironically, the one pony I would have gladly never spoke to again was the only one who would still take me in. Even after all this time.

I sat in the Royal Ponyville Library, the large table before me doubling as a touch screen. I look over each blueprint and progress photo of the ship. A ship that finally got it's name last week; Intrepid. I continue through the photos. The central spire of the ship connecting the massive shield at its tip to the equally huge reactor chamber at its rear. In the next photo, the twin shuttles "Icarus" and "Daedalus" both acting as counterweights for the ship's spin. This is of course to create the artificial gravity onboard. Then lastly, the fuel tanks were added; each the size of a thirty five story building.

Hoof steps sounded through the corridor behind me, as Twilight walked over. Taking a seat on the bench beside me, she looked to the images I had pulled up.

"So what's your thought's on naming the ship 'Intrepid'?" she asked.

I shrugged. "It's fitting I suppose. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. Just wasn't my first choice. I would have much rather named it Atlantis."

"Atlantis huh? The mythical city that fell into the ocean killing thousands?" I replied sarcastically.

She gave me a smirk as she rolled her eyes. "I prefer the mythical city that is said to hold things beyond our wildest dreams, just waiting to be discovered."

I smiled, shaking my head. "Why do you always have to be like that?"

"Like what?"

"Over thinking things."

She chuckled. "Someone's got to do the thinking, right?"

I rolled my eyes.

Her smile softened and faded as she took on a more serious tone. "So have you heard from Sweetie Belle at all?"

I shook my head. "No. I've tried to contact her, but she doesn't want to see me right now."

She looked down, and slowly lifted her hoof around me. "I'm sorry."

"No. It's alright. I feel like in a way, I needed this." I paused. "Living with her, I never really had the opportunity to accept that the real Sweetie Belle was gone. Only delaying the grieving process I guess."

"Well, if you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to ask me. Okay?"

I nodded. "Of course... And there's something else."

Twilight's ears perked up a bit. "What is it?"

My eyes stayed fixed at her hooves, not wanting to look up. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for blaming you."


"I-I've known there was nothing you could do. I just believed she was going to become an alicorn so bad. It was all she would talk about. Always telling me one day she'd discover a new magic like you, and become a princess."

Twilight rested her other hoof atop my hand, which I quickly held onto. "Spike, I wish I could have helped her find that. I really do. Honestly-" She paused. "I feel like I failed her as her teacher. All those things you said, I've been asking myself how I could have done things differently."

I looked up, a little surprised, and even more ashamed. We were both close to her, yet I never stopped to think of how her death affected Twilight. It was wrong of me to be so selfish. Slowly, I pulled her in close. As I did so, I felt her tear fall onto my arm. I couldn't help but feel my eyes beginning to water up as well.

"I miss her so much. The real her," I said, a few of my tears finally starting to break free.

She pulled me into her more. "I do to."

It took us a few minutes, but this was something we both needed. Just getting this buildup of grief out in the open. Turning away, she wiped away her tears. Watery bloodshot eyes facing me as I did the same.

"Well, um," she began with a cracky voice. "There was something else I wanted to tell you."

I cleared my throat. "Y-Yeah?"

Wiping away a few more tears, she tapped the screen a few times to reveal an image of a patch. It was the flag of equestria reaching to a bright star with the outline of a planet behind it. And at the very top, an homage to our old friends. Seven stars, each the color of their fur, with one bright green star as the exception. It was the one right in the middle too.

"I uh, threw this together after they announced the name of the ship. Princess Celestia already approved it."

I gave her a sheepish smile. "I love it." I then pointed to the small green star and asked "Might I ask why you added my color to the elements of harmony?"

She looked to me with sincerity in her eyes. "We never would have made it without you. You're more than deserving of a star."

I gave a little chuckle in reply, before giving her a quick hug. "Thank you, Twi."


Needing a little fresh air, I decided to go up to the balcony. Running into one of the royal guards, he quickly bowed, before saying "Sorry sir, I'll leave you be."

I threw up a hand. "Nonsense, you're fine as you were, Golden Shield."

He then nodded, and turned away overlooking the city below. I joined him, leaning against the railing.

"Can I ask you something?"

He nodded. "Of course, sir."

"What's one thing you'd want to do if you knew you'd never get to do it again? And I don't mean the usual kiss your wife or anything like that. Name something fun."

The guard smiled. "Well sir, you may think it's rather simple, but I'd go to my favorite restaurant one last time, bring out all my friends, and just have one last fun night together."

I smiled as well. "Hey it's simple, but there's no problem with being simple if it makes you happy... Only issue is my friends were the Elements of Harmony, and all I have left are colleagues."

He nodded. "In that case, do something you've always wanted to but never took the time to do. Go climb a mountain, go out to the waterfalls in the Everfree. You can never go wrong with the beauty of nature, sir."

I patted him on his shoulder. "This is why I've always prefered you guys in Ponyville over the dicks in Canterlot."

He let out a laugh. "Indeed, there are quite a few like that over there."

A cool breeze then came up over the balcony, giving me a little shiver. The guard however, stood without showing the slightest indication he was cold.

"I really don't see how you guys do it. That metal has to be freezing."

He nodded. "We've gotten used to it."

"So, do you know your next assignment after Twilight and I leave?"

"Not just yet, but I've heard the Crystal Empire getting thrown around a bit."

"Oh you'll enjoy it, but be warned the guards up there are a bit more strict than here."

With a smile he replied "I know no one will treat us quite as well as you and Princess Twilight, sir."

I grinned as I took his hoof, and shook it. "Good luck, Golden Shield."

"Thank you, sir."

With that, I turned and made my way back inside. As I descended the spiral staircase, I bumped right into Twilight. Both of us a little startled, but laughed it off.

"Hey, I was looking for you," she said.

"Oh, what's up?"

She the gestured with her hoof to follow her, and so I did. Down the halls, to her bedroom. She opened the door for me, before closing it behind us. I was a little confused as to why she'd bring me here, but went along with it nonetheless.

"So I just spoke to Celestia, and she wanted me to bring you in on this."

I eyed her. "On what?"

She lowered her voice. "The real reason we built the Intrepid."

Okay, now I'm confused. "There's a second reason?"

"It was actually my selling point for the mission. Basically, with the Elements of Harmony gone, and there still being no shortage of magical or physical threats to Equestria, I proposed that the best defense against these threats would be to diversify the playing table."

I raised my brow. "You're talking about colonizing worlds so that if something were to happen to Earth..."

She nodded. "Precisely. Our mission is to basically scout out new worlds, establish landing sites for future colonists, and claim territory for Equestria."

"So why tell me this?"

She cleared her throat. "Well, Princess Celestia also told me something else. With my leadership experience, and your knowledge of the planets, she thought it a good idea to name us both commanders."

I crossed my arms. "Wait, how does that even work?"

"Hey, she always seems to have a plan somehow, so I've just learned to not question her word."

"If you say so."


One Hundred Fifty years. In our year long journey shiptime, one hundred fifty years will have passed back on Earth. In the last hundred years, Equestria has become a nation reborn with technology, but to more than double it, I can't even begin to imagine the innovations we'd come back to find. That is if there's anything left to come back to.

On top of that, the moment we kick on the engines, we'll lose all communications with Earth. With the speed we'll be traveling, any communications we'd send will be arriving only a little sooner than we would. We will be totally alone in the void, with no one but each other to count on. No backup, no rescue, no escape plan.

With the days counting down, I decided to give it one last go to try to make things right. I just can't leave things with Sweetie Belle the way I did. Taking in a deep breath, I ring our doorbell. Nothing. I give it a few seconds and try again. Still nothing. I wait for a solid minute, and with a sigh, turn and start to walk away, when I finally hear the sound of a lock clicking open. I quickly do a one eighty, finding a distraught Sweetie Belle in the doorway.

I take a step closer. "Hey, are you okay?"

She waves me off with a hoof. "I'm fine."

"C-Can I come in?"

Hesitantly she nods, and I follow her inside. "I heard you reconsidered Princess Celestia's offer."

I nodded. "Yeah. We don't have a set launch date, but we're expecting sometime in the next few weeks."

She gave me a meek smile. "That's good. I'm happy for you... You're staying with Twilight now?"

"Yeah, we ended up talking for awhile, just getting everything out on the table."

"I'm glad to hear that."

I kept my distance, not wanting to upset her anymore, but I had to say something. "I've missed you. A lot."

She averted her gaze. "I've missed you too."

Sighing, I asked "What are we doing?"

Sweetie Belle only stared at the ground. "I'm going to say something, but I just want you to listen until I'm done."

The tone in her voice concerned me.

Looking up at me with tears in her eyes, she bit her lip. "Spike... I-I don't know what I'm supposed to think anymore. I know I'm not really her, but I can still remember the butterflies in her stomach the first time we kissed, I can remember how she felt on her wedding day, all of it. But I don't know if what I feel for you is really the love she had for you, or if it's just the closests representation they can put to software. I just- I just don't know if I can ever love you like she did and-" Her voice cracked as she started to sob. "I-I wish I was her! But I'm just holding you back from finding something real."

That was it. I couldn't just stand here watching her cry anymore. I pulled her in, letting her bury her face into my chest. Even if she wasn't the Sweetie Belle I married, whatever it was she was feeling was real. Those tears on my scales were proof enough.

She looked up at me, sniffling as she tried to wipe away her tears. "I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have done that."

I hugged her tight. "Sweetie, if that isn't real, I don't know what is."

"Spike, please don't. I'm not-"

"Yes, you are. Do I know if what you feel is the same as her? No. But when I look into your eyes, I know whatever that spark is, you have it. Your love is real."


I can't let her go.