//------------------------------// // I'm going to Hell // Story: The Time Mishap: A History of Ponies // by Regidar //------------------------------// Chapter 4: I'm Going to Hell Fluttershy awoke to find herself in a huge crowd of people. "What's going on?" A person who was wearing a "I heart the Roman Empire" t-shirt looked down at her and said "There's gonna be a crucifixion! I super pumped!" Fluttershy looked around. There were people all lined up while some skinny guy carrying a heavy looking cross staggered down the path. "What did he do?" "Oh, everyone was talking about how he was the son of god and everything, and that pissed off the roman empire for some reason, so, here we are!" The man said, smiling. "I wish I had some rocks to throw, that would be great!" "Rocks! Get your nice hot rocks to throw at the false prophet!" A nearby man with a sack of rocks was yelling. "OOH!" The first man ran off to grab some rocks. Fluttershy looked at the man carrying the cross.He was looking over at a group of people who had crosses around their necks and holding a "Go Jesus" sign. "Aren't you guys gonna help me?Or at least try? Haven't I tought you guys anything?" "Um, we're kinda busy right now, but we're, um, rootin' for yah!" The leader of the crowd said. then, he turned and whispered to his friend next to him "This is not going to look good in the history books." His friend whispered back "We'll just say that he wanted to die for our sins. It'll make him look like a martyr too!" The first man returned with a bag of rocks. "Here, I got some for you too!" The man handed Fluttershy some rocks. "I'm Judas, by the way." "I'm Fluttershy. So why do you support the Roman Empire? They seem kinda... mean." Judas laughed. "The roman empire is a rock solid commodity! It'll last for at least another couple thousand years. This stupid "Christianity" thing was bound to die off soon. I'd have given it another 400 years AT BEST." Fluttershy looked at Judas.Judas smiled back. "I'm going to help him." "What? And ruin a perfectly good crucifixion? Are you mad?" Fluttershy flew up into the air, and raced over to Jesus. He was climbing up onto the cross while people pelted him with mud. At least, Fluttershy hoped it was mud. "I'm here to help you!" Fluttershy said, grabbing Jesus by the arms. "THANK YOU!" Jesus said gratefully. "See guys? At least SOMEONE came to help!" Judas's eyes narrowed. "Oh, we'll have none of this," and he pulled out a giant plasma cannon. Jesus looked over at Judas "Hey, where did you even get that?" Judas fired, making a giant hole in the side of the cross. "SWEET ME, he's really gonna do it!" Jesus yelled. Fluttershy grabbed his hair in his mouth, and flew him to the top of a building. "Thanks for saving me Fluttershy, we really dodged a-" Jesus was incinerated by another cannon blast. "EEK!" Fluttershy scrambled away quickly. Everyone looked around.Judas put the plasma cannon back into his pocket. The Christians looked around. The leader said "Damn. This kinda ruins the 'bring him back to life' part of our plan." Fluttershy flew overhead again, this time shouting "You all have to learn from this! You can't just kill all of your problems! You can't go around persecuting people who don't do anything wrong! You can't-" Judas pulled out the cannon. "I did not come down here to be lectured by a flying horse!" But by accident, he flipped the switch from "kill" to "send back to own time period" on his plasma cannon. The shot hit Fluttershy dead on. "Well, now that's that, we can enjoy another 2000 years of Roman goodness."