//------------------------------// // Chapter 37 - Underoos // Story: This War of Ours // by JDPrime22 //------------------------------// Leipzig, Germany Leipzig Airport 2:09 p.m.   Captain America led the pack, his suit donned, his shield equipped, and his eyes focused directly ahead. He could see the helicopter resting only about fifty yards away, out in the open and in the sunlight. Just waiting there. Had they not had an alternative to the helicopter, they would have had to defend it from the inevitable appearance of Stark and the others. The alternative being the Quinjet Stark and his team flew over with. They were closing in. Fast. Steve didn’t know this, but somehow Daredevil did. “They’re right above us,” Daredevil whispered, standing right by the Captain’s side, following him out from the safety of the underpass. Steve pursed his lips, constantly scanning the outside. “Copy that,” he whispered back. “What do we do if it gets hot, Cap?” Alongside the two was the ever-so persistent Rainbow Dash, practically guarding Steve’s empty side. She, as well as the others, were constantly on alert, keeping her eyes focused on what lied ahead, unsure whether a trap was waiting for them or not. Most likely. Daredevil, for some reason, gave them all the insight they needed on Stark’s location. Maybe he really was the devil. Maybe she just didn’t care and wanted to get the mission over with. Without even looking back at her, Steve shook his head and mumbled, “Just follow my lead.” With that, he took off at a slow jog out from cover and into the open. Daredevil and Rainbow shared a quick glance before joining him. Just when they stepped into the sunlight, Daredevil instantly stopped, turning his eyes to the direction of the sky. He reacted quicker than the electric bolt did when it impacted the roof of the helicopter, shocking the entire thing and disabling it. That was expected, Steve and the others thought as they turned their heads skyward. Steve sighed inwardly to see Tony Stark staring at them from above. Suited up in his Mark 46, Tony lowered his arm which had shot out the bolt that disabled the chopper. He landed between the three and the helicopter, his mask sliding back to reveal the bruised eye and the humorous expression that Stark was known for. He settled his sights, first and foremost, on Steve Rogers. He had his star-spangled suit, helmet, and shield to go with it. Good for him. Don’t know how he got it back, but it didn’t really matter all that much. He was here, without an escape, with only way left out for him: surrender. With that comforting thought in mind, Stark turned his attention to the other individuals Rogers dragged along. There was, of course, Rainbow Dash. Oh, Twilight’s gonna have a field day with her. Her scars were clearing up, surprisingly. She may not appreciate who they brought along, but they needed the extra hands… or… claws in this case. Dash appeared to be on edge, and rightfully so. All he needed was a few minutes to explain everything and she’ll be on board… hopefully. The last one, however, was really interesting. He wore what appeared to be a dark red costume with bright, red eyes and devil horns. Stark remembered seeing someone like him in recent news broadcasts. They didn’t get a good shot of him, but they recognized the devil-like attire. They called him “Daredevil” on the news. “The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen” they said. Another masked vigilante originating from New York. Hey, Stark had one of those. With the three staring at him, waiting for some kind of grand announcement of some sort, Stark thought it was in his best interests to give them just that. He looked straight at the Captain and said, “Probably wasn’t the smartest idea to leave your only means of escape right out in the open. Someone could shoot it. Isn’t that right, Rhodey?” The four of them looked up, Steve and Rainbow somewhat surprised by who War Machine was flying down with. In James’ right hand was the shooter himself, Frank Castle. He wore the exact attire he arrived in Romania with, a pure black jacket with light armor underneath, blue jeans, combat boots, the painted white skull on his armored chest, and the scowl on his face just as ripe. James settled him down on Stark’s far right while he landed in-between Tony and Frank. Daredevil tightened his fists. Unlike Stark, Rhodes didn’t bring his mask back to reveal his face. His red eyes burned on the mask’s face, turning to Steve and the others. “Oh, yeah. That was a mistake,” he said, voice altered slightly by the helmet. Daredevil centered his red gaze on the lone shooter. Frank seemed to catch his stare with one of his own. Daredevil nodded his way, greeting him with a weak: “Frank…” Castle nodded back. “Hey, Red.” “You know what has to happen, right?” Daredevil asked, his voice on edge. “Stopping Barnes?” Frank asked, nodding. “Yeah, I do.” Daredevil shook his head, tightening his fists. “No, Frank. I can’t let you do that.” Castle rolled his shoulder blades, sniffing rather loudly. “Course you can’t.” Steve observed the small group of three ahead of them. Stark picked his men right. Getting the aid of the shooter was a risky move, but the bottom line was that he wanted Bucky. He sure as hell wasn’t gonna get him. But aside from that, Stark and whoever else they brought weren’t leaving without Bucky, as well as all of them in handcuffs. They looked ready for a fight. “Hear us out, Tony,” Steve said. Stark raised a curious brow, taking a step forward. “That doctor, the psychiatrist, he’s behind all of this.” “There are more Winter Soldiers even more dangerous than Barnes,” Daredevil added, everyone’s attention shifting his way. “If you don’t let us through, it’s time wasted stopping the doctor from releasing them upon the world.” “Oh, wow, that sounds really believable,” Stark said, the sarcasm heavy. He looked to Rainbow Dash, saying, “Oh, and Rainbow? Twilight wants to talk to you… face to face.” Before Rainbow could even form a reply, a burst of light emerged directly in front of Stark. It was so bright that Steve and Rainbow shielded their eyes. Daredevil just stared at it, not even flinching. After the light had faded once a quick burst of energy spread through the area, Steve lowered his shield and Rainbow her foreleg. Standing directly in front of Tony, Rhodes, and Castle were the rest of Rainbow’s friends: Twilight, Starlight, Applejack, and Rarity. And they did not look happy to see Dash. Especially Twilight. She took a particular first step forward, keeping her stone-cold gaze centered on the Pegasus. Steve looked down to his right, to Rainbow Dash, and didn’t say a word. Twilight completely stole the spotlight. “Rainbow Dash… you’ve been one of my closest friends since I first came to Ponyville. I’ve seen you grow into the reliable, strong, caring, and awesome mare that you are today. You’ve done some questionable things in the past, but you did them for a good cause, either trying to help somepony else or simply trying to do good in the world.” Twilight took in a deep breath. Rainbow watched silently, offering not a single breath. Closing her eyes, pressing her hoof to her heart and exhaling, Twilight continued. “Now, Rainbow Dash… with your current actions…” she seemed to be holding back a snarl. “They are nothing compared to what you’ve done before. This is asinine, Rainbow, and even you know it.” As opposed to Dash’s growing frown, Twilight eased the tension as best as she could by softening her expression, cooling her tone, and taking another helpful step forward. Very calm, very collected, very… Twilight. “Please…” she breathed, voice barely over a whisper, “… just stop. Come back home with us… so we can leave and head back to Equestria.” Noticing no difference in Rainbow’s stance or expression, Twilight followed suit, her frown growing, her eyes burning, and one more step forward. A step filled with malice, anger, and most of all… warning. Her voice dropped ten degrees below zero, near venom at the end of tongue. It almost didn’t even sound like Twilight was talking, but the deepest, darkest, worst parts of her vilest of personalities. Still, she refrained herself, and held back. “I’m not going to tell you again, Rainbow Dash,” she almost growled. Rainbow knew Twilight. She knew how angry she could get, she had seen it plenty of times back in Equestria. But here, this was a whole other level that Rainbow had never seen from the calm, collected egghead. After everything Rainbow’s done, after everything that’s happened to Twilight, heck, she didn’t blame her for acting out in such a way. Still, Twilight’s fuming attitude didn’t dictate how Rainbow lived her life, nor did it dictate her actions. So, with a firm grasp on her personal beliefs, Rainbow stared Twilight dead in the eye and said, “Then don’t.” Acknowledging Twilight’s growing frown, Rainbow continued. “I know what I’ve done, Twilight, and I’m damn proud about it. If you can’t see that Bucky is innocent and deserves another chance… then that’s just too bad. I know where I stand… and I’m sure Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Spike do, too. Right here!” She stamped her hoof down on the concrete for added affect. It shocked Twilight, as well as the other ponies by her side. A consecutive chorus of gasps erupted from the mares, the three men behind them only narrowing their eyes. As for Twilight, she looked as if she had been slapped in the face by her own mother. “Wait, Spike?” she whispered, her voice seemingly lost. Then, on a sudden twist of emotion, her eyes ignited, her wings spreading, her voice growling, “Where’s Spike?” “He’s with us, Twilight.” The Alicorn turned her heated gaze away from Rainbow’s and centered it on Steve Rogers. He noticed how on edge she appeared, her lips scrunched in a clear sign of anger. Her eyes said it all. Confusion, rage, a slight hint of betrayal, and most of all… pain. Steve had seen it so many times, and to see it done to Twilight… it almost hurt him, especially knowing her and Spike’s relationship. That didn’t stop Steve. He told her, “Spike’s safe with us, and he’s willing to give Buck another chance… something I really wish you would’ve done.” Another slap, this one even more painful than the last. Twilight took a double-take, causing Starlight and Applejack to slowly step aside from her. She yelled, “I would have given him another chance if he didn’t try to kill me and my friends!” “When he was provoked, Twilight!” Steve finished for her. Twilight frowned, but remained silent to allow him to continue. “You attacked him when he was provoked! He’s stable now and wants to stop the doctor from releasing the other Winter Soldiers!” “And how much longer will he be stable?” Stark asked. The heated debate shifted back to Tony, everyone’s eyes following. Stark began to step forward, not stopping but rather moving from side to side. “How much longer until that chewed-up brain of his snaps again and causes him to go on another killing spree?” he asked. Steve didn’t say a word. “You see why we can’t let you go, Rogers. Barnes is the most wanted criminal in the world, as of now. If we don’t stop you now, Ross’ll bring in the big boys with the big guns, ones who are not afraid to kill each of you on sight. I want to make this easy. Please, just come with us. By the way, you seem to be surrounded.” Upon those words, Steve was prepared for the sound of scratching claws behind him. He, Rainbow, and Daredevil spun around to see the Black Panther actually leap over a supply of airport equipment and land without a sound. He arose, his silver eyes watching the three with hidden intent. It looked as if he was on the hunt, his prey resting just feet ahead of him. “Captain,” T’Challa greeted, then looked down. “Pony.” Steve barely smiled, bowing his head. “Your Highness.” Rainbow snorted. “Pussy.” Her friends, feet ahead of her, gasped at that, their shocked gazes focused on the rainbow mare. Dash looked at them, rolled her eyes, and finished with: “… Cat? Is that better?” Rarity, seeming to be most shocked by Rainbow’s attempt at vulgar language, straightened herself out, clearing her throat and smiling in a satisfied way. “As a matter of fact, yes, it is. You know, Rainbow Dash, you should really learn to treat royalty with respect!” she said, turning her eyes to King T’Challa and holding her hoof out to him. “You wouldn’t look at the princesses and call them—” The other wore a pure black suit, its eyes blank and white with claws on each hand. The second one definitely wasn’t alive anymore. Rarity remained frozen for several seconds, her hoof outstretched, shaking lightly. Her eyes were as wide as can be, her mouth in the shape of a lowercase “O”. Applejack waved her hoof in front of Rarity’s face, shrugging to Twilight and Starlight, who shrugged back. “Rarity, are you okay?” Starlight asked, prodding Rarity’s shoulder with the tip of her hoof, remaining cautious as if the mare would explode by the smallest touch. However, the unicorn was far beyond straight communication at that point. Her eyes were practically glazed over, her vision replaying horrible, terrible memories again and again and again. She saw the craters, the rising black smoke, the burning blue planet, and the hundreds upon hundreds of bodies. Upon the fourth touch Rarity felt on her shoulder, she shot her head away from the Black Panther, causing the mares around her to gasp and back away. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, her chest rising at a pace she hadn’t experience since the day she saw her world burn. At least, she thought she did. The visions rarely came to her. She couldn’t hear the voices of her friends any longer. Instead, she tried her hardest to focus on something, anything that wasn’t the Black Panther. She looked to Rainbow Dash, to Steve, and to— There was a smaller one wearing a red and black outfit, batons in each hand and twin horns atop his head. Blood coated his mouth, dripping slowly into the dirt. Her forelegs quivered, more visions flooding into her mind, in her eyes, and back into her heart. It grew to the point where her sweat was replaced by tears, silent gasps escaping her shivering lips. While her friends tended to Rarity’s panic attack, the remaining group returned their attention to Steve and the woman that suddenly appeared behind her. “Steve…” Noticing the similar voice, it almost pained Steve to turn and meet Natasha’s gaze. It almost looked as if she could barely do the same. She wore a black outfit covering her entire form. Her soft, auburn hair was curled to perfection, but she didn’t come dressed to look good. She came dressed, as it looked, to fight. Steve sighed at that thought. “If you turn your back on this one, we’ll have no choice. You really want to punch your way out of this?” she asked. Steve stared at her. He looked away, his eyes wavering across T’Challa, then to Rhodes, to Twilight and her friends, and finally to Tony. He barely looked at Castle, keeping his focus on Tony, his eyes unwavering, his stance clear as the day they all woke up to. “As much as it takes,” Rainbow Dash said. Steve looked to her, then back to Tony, and nodded. Stark puffed his lower lip, bringing his gaze to the ground. He sighed. Instead of lashing out like Steve expected, he simply breathed and nodded, bringing his head back up. Nodding, Tony said, “All right, I’ve run out of patience.” Bringing up his metal palms, Tony cleared his throat and yelled. “Underoos!” Before Steve could react in time, a strand of webbing shot from above and attached itself to his shield. Steve looked up just in time to see the webbing yank his shield right from his grasp, a second strand shooting outwards and tying his hands together like a pair of handcuffs. To add insult to injury, a third strand shot out, completely covering Rainbow Dash’s mouth. Shocked, Rainbow pried at the webbing, watching the bright red and blue assailant fly over everyone’s heads and land gracefully, without imperfection, on a nearby structure. In its right hand, it held the Captain’s shield, slowly raising its head to unveil the slick, white eyes surrounded by black. And, to Rainbow’s continued surprise, it narrowed its white gaze right at her. It spoke in a young male tone, saying, “As the Captain would say, Rainbow Dash: ‘Watch your language’!” Rainbow Dash frowned, the webbing covering a particular couple of words she wanted to share with him. Steve just barely smiled.