Dafaddah's Box of Chocolates

by Dafaddah

Crossing Over

Submission to the Flashfic July 2017 contest (150 word stories)


We two small souls await the twilight.
When it comes we know not.
In these inconstant days our vigil is made worse for having no measure. Every moment is an eternity and hope struggles, heaves for breath beneath the crushing unknown.
We two small souls, weary of life made grey, shiftless, selfish, craven, mean of spirit, empty of laughter. Without cause life holds no purpose. A present without past has no compass, no direction, no future.
We two small souls will tilt against the amorphous vast. We two, offered up, ephemeral certainty, an unforeseen foundation from which to cast down chaos and once again shed Harmony upon the land.
One chance only we will have, when day ends and all shadows move, when two small shadows may hope to cross the chasm unseen.
We two small souls await.
And there is no avoiding this crossing, for this is war.