Equestria girls Hell rider

by Tunefulsubset72

Justice reborn

---Riders realm---

"Why did I snap at Blizzard?" Rider muttered to himself as he paced around a dark void. "And since when did I ever call someone mortal?"

"You really don't remember?" A voice called from the void as the Rider looked around. "The war?"

"You again?" Rider groaned as the voice chuckled ."And people say I'm annoying."

"Well they're not wrong." The voice said as Rider cackled.

"I try." Rider said as he calmed down. "So, what were you going on about, something about a war?"

"The angel wars to be exact." The voice said as the Rider crossed his arms. "When lucifer was cast out."

"Let me guess, I was on the losing side?" Rider asked. "I wouldn't be surprised." He added as the voice was silent. "I wasn't with Lucifer.....was I?"

"No....you were once an angel." The voice said as the Rider sighed. "They day you became the spirit of vengeance, was the day you were tricked."

"What.....What was my name?" The Rider asked sadly.

"You were called Zarathos, the Angel of Justice." The voice said as the Rider growled. "You remember?"

"I was sent to earth to walk amongst the mortals to learn from them." The Rider said quietly. "To protect them."

"Indeed." The voice said. "Do you remember who tricked you?"

"I do, and you do as well don't you?" The Rider asked as he turned to see an angel with blue wings standing behind him. "Right....Zarathos?"

"I do." Zarathos said clenching his fists. "The one who deceived me for his own personal gain."

"The Savage Wolf?" Rider growled as Zarathos nodded. "What's the plan?"


D@mn birds I thought to myself as I was awoken by the sound of chirping birds. "Just once, I would like to wake up on my own time." I said as I tried to move my arm, but noticed something was on it. "Better not be another rock." I muttered as I tried to move it again, but this time my attempt was followed by a groan and something tightening its grip around my arm, and that something, was Rainbow dash. "Oooooh Sh@t." I said fearfully as she slowly opened her eyes as gasped.

"Blizzard?" Rainbow asked nervously as she let go and blushed. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?" I said as we sat up.

"What are you doing here?" She repeated as I fell off the bed.

"This is not going to look good." I said nervously as I got up.

"No, look, don't panic." Rainbow said as I started putting my shoes on. "We didn't do anything."

"Still, I'm a little shy around your brother." I said as I slipped my jacket on. "I mean, seriously, why does the man have to be so intimidating?"

"Keep your voice down." Rainbow said as she hopped off the bed. "If we're lucky, we can sneak you down the stairs."

"Rainbow, are you okay?" Spitfire called from downstairs.

"Spitfire." Rainbow squeaked in fear as she ran to the closet. "Quick, hide in the closet."

"Rainbow?" Spitfire called again as I began backing towards the window.

"No no no no." Rainbow whispered as I opened the window and jumped out, followed by a thud. "Or do that."

"Hey Rainbow are you okay?" Spitfire said as she opened the door. "What was that loud thud?"

"H-hey Spitfire." Rainbow said as she started fixing the bed. "Uh, well..."

"It's freezing in here." Spitfire said as she went over to the window to close it. "Say, Blizzard didn't spend the night did he?"

"Wait before I answer where's Crimson?" Rainbow asked as Spitfire closed the window.

"Oh he's in the front yard changing a tire that popped in the middle of the night." Spitfire said as she looked out the window with a grin on her face.

"Oh he's busy okay... wait... did you say front yard?" Rainbow said nervously as she ran over to the window only to see that I landed right behind Crimson who had his earbuds in while he was fixing the car.

Sh!t Sh!t Sh!t. I thought to myself as I quietly stood up behind him.

"Blizzard! Run!" Rainbow whispered as she opened the window.

"Dum de Dum." Crimson hummed to himself as he opened the door in front of him and began looking for something in the floor board.

"Oh lord he's in for it now." Spitfire chuckled as she watched.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow said only to be answered by my screams as Crimson began chasing me around the yard with a long piece of rope.

"WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" I yelled as Crimson chased me.

"DUM DE DUM!!" Crimson sang as he threw the rope around my leg.

"I swear we didn't do anything!!" I pleaded as Crimson began hog tying me.

He didn't respond he just picked me up and carried me inside.

"Honey don't you think that was a lil too much?" Spitfire giggled as Rainbow sat next to her mortified.

"Maybe, I don't know, just wanted to have a bit of fun." Crimson laughed out as he sat me in the chair next to Rainbow.

"Wait did you two know?" I asked.

"Yep and I was the one who found the two of you asleep on the bed." Crimson said as he started pouring a cup of coffee.

"I swear we didn't do anything." Rainbow stated.

"It's okay I just wanted to have fun is all." Crimson replied.

"So now what?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow while I heard yawning behind me.

"Breakfast." A sleepy Green Song said as she walked over and sat down and laid her head on the table.

"I like her plan." Crimson said as he turned the stove on.

"We aren't going to be punished in any way are we?" Rainbow questioned.

"Oh yeah you are. Your punishment is this." Crimson said as he pulled out his wallet. "Here's five twenties. All I ask is bring back whatever is left and have fun."

"Wait what?" I asked as I looked at the money.

"Well Spitfire and I talked and she changed my mind." Crimson said with a smirk.

"And?" Spitfire said as she nudged Crimson's side.

"And I decided that I wouldn't have a problem if the two of you dated." Crimson said with a sigh.

Rainbow and I just sat there with our mouths open.

"What?" Crimson asked.

"Can you get this rope off?" I asked as I tried to free myself.

"Not until after breakfast because the punishment for the two of you for springing this on us suddenly is that Rainbow will feed you." Crimson said as he laughed.

"Uh I'm not sure if Blizzard would be fine with that." Rainbow said as we both blushed while they cooked.

"What is my life?" I muttered.


"Rarity is going to flip when she finds out." Rainbow asked as we walked through town. "Embarresed?"

"I fell on a garden gnome." I said as Rainbow snickered. "Then got tied to a chair, and was fed like a baby, Honestly I've been through worse."

"Not surprised." Rainbow said snickering. "Concidering you've been all over."

"You don't know the half of it." I said with a smirk. "So, anything you what to do tonight?"

"There's a movie I've been wanting to see." Rainbow said as she shrugged. "Honestly, I haven't been a date since...." she trailed off as she looked away. "Nevermind."

"You okay?" I asked as Rainbow nodded. "Just like Applejack, I can tell when someone's lying."

"I'd rather not talk about it right now." Rainbow said as I nodded in understanding. "Don't get me wrong, it's just..."

"Does it have to do with that Ryker guy that Crimson mentioned last night?" I asked as Rainbow looked away. "I'll leave it be for now, but if you need someone to talk to, I'll listen."

"Thanks." Rainbow said as she looked at me with a small smile.

"Anytime." I said as we approached the park. "So, what's this movie you want to see?"

"It's a Daring Do movie." Rainbow said as we sat on a bench. "I've heard a lot of great things about it."

"Can't argue with that, I've been looking forward to it myself." I said as Rainbow sighed. "What's up?"

"I'm fine, it's just, this is how me and Ryker first started dating." Rainbow said sadly as I leaned forward. "You see, when I first meet Ryker, he was the silent type, hardly talked." Rainbow said as she rested her chin on her hand. "I got to know him and he seemed very nice, then we fell in love, heck even him and Crimson got along."

"With Grimstone in the picture? I guess that's possible sometimes." I said as I felt a sharp pain in my head, but ignored it. "You don't have to continue, if you don't want too."

"It's fine." Rainbow said as tears formed in her eyes. "Anyway, one day it was just us two at my house, we were watching a movie, none of my family was home until the morning, so he stayed with me, next thing he tried to....*sob*" Rainbow began to cry. "He.... did something very bad to me, and...."

"If I ever meet him, he's f@cking dead." I growled out as Rainbow rested her head on my shoulder as she cried. "Where is he now?"

"Some place called the Raft." Rainbow said as she sniffled. "What ever that is?"

"It's a prison for people with powers, mostly villains." I said as Rainbow sighed. "You going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine, it happened two years ago, but I still remember it." Rainbow said as I wrapped my arm around her. "I just needed someone to talk to about it."

"You're friends don't know?" I asked as Rainbow nodded. "I feel ya, holding something in for so long is difficult."

"Thanks for listening." Rainbow said as she sat up. "So, you still want to see that movie?"

"I'm ready when you are." I said as we got up and walked towards the movie theater.

---Rider realm--

"Ready when you are." Zarathos said as Rider sighed. "Problem?"

"It's my host, he's currently on date with a girl he likes." Rider said as Zarathos crossed his arms. "I don't want to ruin it."

"You seem to care for your host, more then most riders." Zarathos said as Rider nodded. "Why?"

"Don't know, maybe cuz he puts up with me, or for the fact he treats me like a friend." Rider said as Zarathos smiled.

"Very well, we can wait till your host is done, then we make our move." Zarathos said as Rider nodded.


"That was awesome." Rainbow said with delight as we walked out of theater. "Thanks for taking me."

"No problem." I said. "I'm glad you had fun."

"Hey guys." A familiar voice said as we turned to see Sunset. "You guys just get out of that Daring Do movie?"

"You bet." Rainbow said. "Are the others here with you?"

"They're waiting for me over there." Sunset said pointing towards the group. "Rarity noticed you guys sitting together during the movie, are you guys on a date?"

"Yeah, we are actually." I said as Rarity squealed. "I'm just going to ignore that."

"About time." Sunset said as me and Rainbow blushed. "I guess the big bad Rider, is a softie as well."

"Who ever said the Rider was a....." I trailed realizing something was off. "Speaking of Rider, I haven't heard a peep from him all day."

"Isn't he usually annoying you?" Rainbow asked as I nodded. "Maybe he gave you the day off?"

"Hopefully." I muttered as Sunset told us good bye and walked back to her friends. "You ready to head home?"

"Yeah." Rainbow said with a yawn. "It's been one heck of a day."

"You bet." I said as we laughed. "Think you can stay awake by the time we get back?"

"Hopefully." Rainbow said with another yawn as I chuckled as we began walking. "I had fun tonight."

"I did too." I said, after walking for awhile I started feeling a presence. "We're being followed."

"Bout time you noticed us." A man with a mask with two others said behind us. "Now, hand over your goods and no one gets hurt." he said pulling out a gun. "Please."

"You know saying please, isn't going to make us do it any more then we don't want too." I said as the man pulled the hammer back on the gun as other two surrounded me as Rainbow backed away. "I'll tell you this once, leave now or else." I said as I raised my hand.

"Or what?" The man said laughing. "Three of us, and only one of you."

"There's two actually." I said as I clenched my fist expecting fire to cover it, but nothing happened. "That's odd."

"Get 'em boys." He said as I was grabbed from behind and lifted up by one of the men and the other gabbed Rainbow by the neck. "Well you're a pretty one, ain't ya."

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" I shouted as I struggled to break free. Where's rider when you need him?

"How about we take you with us...and have some fun." The man said as Rainbow gasped for air. "I'm not hearing a no."

"I SAID LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!!" I bellowed in anger and kicked at the man holding me. "What are you, the hulk?"

"Some mutant buddies of mine actually." The man said cackling as Rainbow's struggles starting getting weaker. "Meet lock and load."

"Blizzard....help." Rainbow gasped out. "Please...."

"Anytime Rider." I said as Rainbow's eyes closed. "NO!!!" I shouted as lock howled in pain as a bright light covered us both.

"You should have listened to him." A voice not mine said as lock whimpered in pain as he gripped what was left of his arm. "Now you answer to me."

"And you are?" the man sneered as two blue wings shot from my back. "Great, another inhuman I suppose."

"Wrong, I'm not an inhuman." The voice said as it took control of my body. "Nor am I mutant."

"So what are ya then?" The man said as load growled. "Easy buddy, you'll get your chance."

"I'm what you can an angel." The voice said as it summoned a blue flaming sword. "I am Zarathos, the angel of justice, who long ago was deceived and cast into hell, now, I've returned."

"Don't care." The man sneered. "Get him load." He said as nothing happened. "Load?" The man asked as he noticed load running away. "Well, I'm screwed aren't I?"

"Indeed." The Angel said lifting his sword. "Guilty." He said which soon was followed by the mans screams of pain and red liquid flying everywhere.