//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: The Misadventures of the Renegades // by reading is magic //------------------------------// The Mango Sisters stood outside of the Canterlot Precinct. Both of them stared at the cloudy sky. They both stayed for a few hours in a cell, and they had a blast singing with other prisoners. When dinner time came, a pony picked a fight with Mango Jane and that pony ended up in the infirmary. Apparently the pony was one of the bounty hunters wanting to get revenge and because of that, they missed their meal. “Well, at least we got money for bail,” Mango Jill stated. “Uh huh.” “What do you say we hit a pub before we go back home?” “Sure.” The sisters began walking away from the precinct. Mango Jill looked inside her saddle bag. “What’cha looking for?” Mango Jane asked. “This.” Mango Jill pulled out Frost Bite’s journal. “I thought of returning it to Frosty if I ever meet her again, but...” “Eh, we’ll see her again.” “That’s for sure.” Mango Jill placed back the journal into the saddle bag. The sisters had a process when selecting a place to eat or shop at. They would stand in front of each shop they were interested in and just stare at the shop for a minute. In that minute, they would decide if they would go to the said shop. When they did it here in Canterlot, ponies became uncomfortable especially in the restaurants with glass windows in the front, forcing the managers to ask them to leave. It took them more than ten restaurants before they arrived at the pub with a sign that said ‘Troubles Be Gone!’ and they still took their time to stare at the establishment. “Let’s eat here,” Mango Jill finally spoke. “Okay.” The sisters filed through the wooden swivel doors. The place was empty save for the pony tending the counter. “I like this place,” Mango Jane commented. “Really?” “Uh huh.” The sisters took seats by the counter. They then proceeded to look around the interior of the pub, ignoring the bartender. “Can I help you?” said the bartender in a bored tone. With that, the sisters snapped back their glance to the bartender, which really surprised the bartender. “Do you have a menu?” Mango Jill asked. “Wow, you gals wanna eat here? That’s a new one,” the bartender said as she went down the counter. “Here you go.” The sisters took the menu and glanced at it for a while. “I’ll have a blueberry pie and an apple cider deluxe.” Mango Jill handed the menu back. “I’ll have a apple pie and an apple cider deluxe.” Mango Jane handed the menu back. “Got it. One blueberry pie, one apple, and two apple cider deluxe,” the bartender recited then left the two. “Be back in a jiffy.” Mango Jill then took out Frost Bite’s journal. The cover was leather-bound. It was heavy despite missing a large number of its pages. “What’cha got there— Oh, the journal,” Mango Jane said. “Just wondering what’s inside.” Ombré felt tired and rightly so. Holding Nightingale back was a nightmare and hearing her screech when she was apprehended at the Canterlot Castle was even more so. For now, Nightingale was detained at the Canterlot Guard Barracks. She had silent ever since. Ombré didn’t hear anything from Frost Bite since then. When he asked Princess Celestia, she assured him with a smile that Frost Bite was safe but won’t be coming back for a while. With that, he understood. Frost Bite was laying low from Canterlot. He wanted to ask the princess if she knew about Frost Bite being a changeling, but decided not to. It was one long night calling it that was an understatement. He had his first date with a mare and also his last. It was ironic that he felt like cheated by fate. He ended up in Troubles Be Gone!, the usual pub. After that, he really didn’t want to go back to the Garden. Ombré pushed through the double swivel doors and let out a sigh. Well at least this place never changes. Ombré went to the jukebox, dropped a bit into the machine, and pressed the buttons. The machine moved to play the disc. Music began from it. It was a lively piano tune and while he wasn’t really a classic lover, hearing the piece helped him ease his mind off his problems. He then sat by the counter, where the bartender was washing a boot with a cloth. Seriously, what’s with this pub’s choice of beverage containers? “Oh, Ombré,” the bartender called. “What’cha having?” “Whatever that can make my troubles be gone.” “One apple cider deluxe, coming up,” the bartender giggled. Ombré wondered what the bartender was giggling about. Then he placed his forehead on the counter. “Here’s your— Long night, huh?” the bartender asked, putting his drink beside his head. “I guess you can say that.” “Anything I can do to help?” Ombré  raised his head and saw the bartender looking at him smiling. “What’s with the offer?” Ombré raised an eyebrow. “You usually just leave the customers unless they bring something up.” “Just like you,” the bartender poured herself a drink. “I had a long night.” “I’m betting it’s not as crazy as mine.” Ombré took a big slurp from his drink. “I’m betting my darn helmet even.” “Well, I’m betting my...” the bartender looked around the pub. “My jukebox.” “This should be interesting.” Ombré took another chug. I’ve been wanting those discs for a while. “Should you go first?” “Screw the ‘ladies first’ thing. I wanna hear yours first.” And so Ombré told the bartender of his night, beginning with his date with Frost Bite up to restraining his colleague. “I’ll admit, that is crazy.” The bartender chugged her drink and slammed it to the counter. “But I think I win this one.” The bartender, whose name was Champagne Barrels, told him of her friend going to her pub and asked her to bring her to the Castle. Champagne told him every detail of the crazy ride up to the crash into the castle’s throne room. ”Even after all that, I got off with no charges and the princess even offered to fix my carriage, PLUS a reward for helping my friend.” Champagne held her nose high, looking smug. “You win.” Ombré took off his helmet and placed it onto the counter. “That is true,” Champagne agreed as she grabbed the helmet. “A fine display, don’t you think?” “Yeah, yeah,” Ombré took his boot and noticed it was empty. “How about another one?” “Another bet?” “I’d rather get another round of cider.” Champagne took his boot, refilled it, and refilled hers as well. “You know what, the refill’s on me.” Champagne placed his drink before him. “Really?” Ombré took his boot. “You’re not just pitying on me, are you?” “There’s that,” Champagne giggled. “But talking about that just now really made me feel better. I don’t know what I got to gain by helping that pony.” “We all have our crazy moments, huh?” Ombré raised his boot. “To crazy things.” “Crazy things indeed.” And they clinked their boots together and chugged their drinks. After they emptied their drinks, Ombré noticed a pair of ponies, or rather twins reading together. He recalled one of them back then in Crystal Empire, where Frost Bite got assaulted. Ombré got off his seat and approached them. “Excuse me,” Ombré  called out. Both of the mares turned their heads fast, still chewing their food. “Do you this pony, Mango?” one of them asked the other while chewing. “Oh, this dude tried to arrest me when I slammed your friend into the ground,” the other answered, also chewing. “Right...” Ombré sat next to them. “You ponies know Frost Bite?” “Not me,” said one of the twins. “We were singing travel buddies, even it’s just for a while,” said the other. “Do you where she is now?” Ombré asked eagerly. “Last time we saw her, she was being chased by nasty ponies,” one of them said. “Very nasty.” the other one added. “We had to stall them so she can away.” “Wait, you ponies talking about Frost Bite?” the bartender said as she walked to their spot. “I was talking about her too.” “Wait, the pony you escorted to Canterlot Castle was Frost Bite?” Ombré turned to the bartender. “Yeah.” “Well, this makes a weird meeting of Frost Bite’s acquaintances,” one of the twins said. “Uh huh,” her twin added. Ombré peered into his drink. That’s one heck of a coincidence. “So, none of you know where she is now?” “Like I said,” the bartender said. “I don’t know where she went after the crash.” “We got arrested for beating up nasty ponies, so we don’t know,” one of the twins said, to which her twin nodded. Ombré let out a sigh then smiled. If she had this much ponies caring for her, then she’s got to be safe. Plus, I think Sing Song’s still looking out for her. “What are you smiling about, Ombré?” the bartender asked. “Nothing.” Ombré proceeded to empty his boot. “How about another one?” Frost Bite sat in front of a bundle of sticks for bonfire while Sing Song hummed a tune, watching Frost Bite trying to cast some sort of fire spell as she sat on a rock. They’ve been walking for awhile and decided to take shade under some high trees for rest after being long ways away from Canterlot. Sing Song stopped humming. “Say, Frost Bite,” Sing Song called out. “Yeah?” Frost Bite replied as he levitated a spellbook that contained a firestarter spell. “I still don’t get why we had to leave Canterlot like that.” “I already told you; I’m gonna be a burden if I stayed there,” Frost Bite answered. “Not to mention, Night Tickle and those bounty hunters are gonna be on alert with changelings.” “And the princesses don’t mind the burden,” Sing Song said. “You really think they’d let you get caught?” “Of course not,” Frost Bite admitted. “Why is this spell hard?” “We didn’t have to leave,” Sing Song muttered. Frost Bite lowered his spellbook. “Yeah. I know.” Frost Bite just stared at the firewood. “Did you wanted to stay?” “Not really.” Sing Song looked down. ”I know you wanted to.” Frost Bite lifted up the spellbook again, trying to focus on the firestarter spell. Frost Bite wanted to stay. Of course. “You know, if we had faced bounty hunters when we first met, you’d be shaking and crying.” Sing Song looked up. “No I wouldn’t!” Sing Song let out a hearty laugh which made Frost Bite smile. Would I be really that scared? A spark ignited the firewood, lighting a fire. “Yes!” Frost Bite jumped. “I did it!” “Still a princess protege, huh?” “Duh!” Frost Bite flashed her necklace to Sing Song. “Wouldn’t be wearing this if it wasn’t for that!” Frost Bite looked up into the night sky and then to the moon. I wonder what’s she’s doing now? Frost Bite couldn’t help but think of the princesses. They had been so nice to him and patiently taught him magic. He was very grateful for that. Frost Bite took out a leather bound notebook. No, this is my new journal. The cover had Princess Luna’s cutie mark. Frost Bite levitated an inkwell and a quill. Dear Princess Luna... (Cue the ending theme)