//------------------------------// // The day it all changed // Story: A charm lost, a love uncovered, a bond realized // by shadowmoon117 //------------------------------// When I found Cadance down in the crystal caverns tired, hungry, and dirty as she was I felt rage. Saying that doesn’t really do the feeling justice it was like I was burning on the inside as if lava flowed in my veins. After we made it to where the wedding was being held the imposter revealed herself for all to see. In that moment as I stared at the now named Chrysalis something snapped both in and on me. In that moment, I didn’t notice what had broken all my attention was focused on Chrysalis. Princess Celestia was crossing horns with her when I threw her into the wall in my telekinetic grip. Immediately I fired a stun spell that immobilized her for the next six hours then I roughly knocked her unconscious. I stared at her as a shield was cast by Princess Celestia riding Canterlot of the changelings. I turned around expecting to see Cadance helping my brother with everyone else giving me an odd look or two. Instead there she stood not a few hooves away staring at me with wide eye’s and an open mouth. That was when the sensation of a missing charm registered in my brain meaning one important thing. She could feel what I had kept hidden in my heart at that moment I teleported back to my old room. I stumbled over to the bed wrapping the covers over me as tears silently fell. It wouldn’t matter though she would feel me no matter where I went in Canterlot and I didn’t have the energy to go further. After a while the day finally caught up with me dragging me into sleeps sweet embrace. Just as a wing settled on my back hugging me close to a warm body I knew so well. I was surrounded by bright shining stars as Cadance held me tight in a warm comforting embrace. Then suddenly the dream Cadance disappeared while across from me Princess Luna appeared. She didn’t say anything at first just sat there studying my face as if looking for something. I finally broke the silence “So why are you here Luna is everything alright with the wedding”? She shook her head as she said “Twilight the wedding has been postponed until you talk to all of us about your feelings. Though I am personally amazed that you were able to hide both your feelings from her and your dreams from me.” I shrugged “My talent is magic even forms that have been missing for a thousand years or are relatively new. Though I suppose Cadance is surprised I was able to hide my feelings from her she is the alicorn of love after all.” Luna sighed “Twilight why did you hide this from her these feelings have to have existed for years before this. Yet even with her being engaged you simply watched not even throwing up a protest.” Now it was my turn to sigh “Cadance deserves to be happy Luna if this will do so then no matter what happens to me I won’t stand in the way. As for before… why would she want me over all the others out there that could make her happy.” Shaking my head and looking off to the side I continued in a noticeably quieter voice. “Besides she deserves a life that I could never give her one where her love’s only duty is her.” To that Luna had no comment only a pained expression before saying, “I am sorry Twilight when you awaken we will be in the royal library waiting for you enjoy your dreams”. She faded out as the dream Cadance came back while I forgot about the world for the moment. I slowly woke up still in my old room though the blanket was on the floor to my right now meaning I tossed and turned. Then I remembered my talk with Luna causing me to sigh heavily as the weight of it all came back. I spent a few minutes making myself presentable however no amount of time would wipe away my look. It was the look in my eyes the deep pain that I could hide before all this happened. Now that everyone knew though it was like all that control was gone swept away on the wind. Afterword’s I made my way to the library calmly though efficiently so as not to make them wait. Standing outside the door were my friends all of whom were looking in my eyes with pained expressions of their own. The only exception was Spike he had a more understanding expression than I thought he would. As we all filed into the room I saw a pair of guard’s station themselves at the door apparently, we were going to be here a while. After a few turns amongst the shelves that I knew like my cutie mark we arrived at a small table. Everyone was there though my parents seemed to be neutral in all of this not reacting as we sat down. Spike sat to my left while Fluttershy sat to me right with everyone else sitting beside her. I sighed as a few minutes went by without anyone saying anything figuring I would break the ice. I looked down as I spoke “Why are we talking about this exactly Luna already told I won’t stand in the way?” I heard some shifting as if they were all exchanging glances or silent questions before replying to me. To my surprise, it was Cadance that spoke up almost causing me to gaze up before I stubbornly kept it down. “Twilight I assume you know about alicorn biology from Auntie Celestia’s lessons, right?” I gave a small nod wondering what she was getting at exactly though not interrupting her any further as she continued. “Well as you know if an alicorn finds a mate their touch cause’s a reaction that lets them know this fact. However, that is only true if their feelings are open to that alicorn otherwise it gives a false result. I’m sure you felt me hug you as you were falling asleep correct?” I once again nodded thinking maybe with confirmation that my touch came up false this would all finally be over. “Well… how do I put this… your touch uh… passed.” She said the last so quietly that I barely made it out once it processed I went wide eyed. However once again I kept my gaze down as emotions shifted across my eye’s rapidly. Once I would have trusted in my control but not now so keeping my head down was for the best. After a moment of silence, I spoke up in the same voice as at the start of all this unnecessary discussion. “That doesn’t matter Cadance you want to marry my brother as I have been saying what matters is what you want. This changed nothing only wasted time that I’m sure everyone would like to have spent on something else.” I felt satisfied with my answer thinking that it would finally end this farce before I start to wonder and then hurt. I don’t want to wonder it will only make the pain worse thinking about what could have been. However, it seems that we weren’t done yet unfortunately as Princess Celestia spoke up. “Twilight you don’t understand when she touched you the connection was” she paused before heaving a sigh “it was an almost perfect match.” I sat in shock as the words registered in my brain… she couldn’t mean that could she it was almost impossible. I spoke up again with a shaky almost broken quiet voice “Please tell me this is a joke… please!” A deep breath taken by someone then let out slow as Cadance spoke up “This isn’t a joke Twilight as you know the test is there to help an alicorn find there one true partner. The connection we made upon contact was so perfect that I very nearly finished it right then. Luna told us about your dream after your talk and it was foreboding.” Luna spoke for the first time with a calm kind voice “That was no ordinary dream Twilight it was what would have happened if Cadance had finished the process. You both would have been transported to the place portrayed in your dreams then came back. However, both of you would have been alicorns thus becoming each other’s perfect connection in other words mates.” I sat there in utter shock my ability to comprehend the situation strained to nearly the breaking point. I was the one that Cadance was destined for, that, I don’t even know what to think let alone say. Still I tried though now my voice truly was broken as I said, “She deserves better than me better than what I could give her.” It was at that moment that I saw a teleport flash before being enveloped in warmth and Cadance. She held me as Shinning spoke up for the first time “Twilight both Cadance and I came to an understanding before we ever decided to get married. If, at the time a massive if, she ever found her one true mate that I would stand aside for them. That you are the one meant for her makes me happy and I can find someone meant just for me.” At this point I couldn’t handle it anymore with her comforting me I lost consciousness hoping that this wasn’t a dream. However instead of the blackness that I had expected I found myself still in her embrace. We were once again in that special place that appeared in my earlier dream and I knew this was the real Cadance. Cadance spoke up after a few minutes still holding me all the while “Twilight now that were alone can we talk about this just us?” I nodded my head saying “You know how I feel that I want this but- “ She sighed “But you don’t want to force me because you think I don’t love you like that back right?” I couldn’t say anything so I settled for nodding my head still reveling in her warmth that I had craved along with her touch. Cadance sighed again before gently placing a kiss on my head before speaking softly, calmly, and most of all lovingly. “Twilight I never told you this before but you were always one of the few people I felt I could be with. I already love you Twilight now the question is do we love each other enough for the hardships? I am willing to work around any problems that may come up in the future the question is are you?” I had tears in my eyes as I looked up at her before leaning in saying tenderly “Yes” before finally kissing the one I love. A bright light enveloped us as we became complete, as we became mates in alicorn terms and soon we would be married. Throughout all our lives to the end I never forgot that day the start of our future and realization of our love.