//------------------------------// // Cell: New Power // Story: Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction // by Blackdrag-rose //------------------------------// Rainbow waited for a few seconds, keeping her eyes on the crater in front of her as she waited for Cell to show himself so she could truly begin the battle she had been waiting for the entire time. She was eager to reveal the full extent of her power to everyone around her, because she had been holding back when the Bio-Android was in his imperfect form, as it would have been unfair to demolish Cell without the ability to fight back. Now that Cell was in what she would call a semi-perfect form, however, she knew that she could demonstrate her new power without having to worry about Cell dying in the middle of the fight. At the same time she knew that the fight might be short lived anyway, not with Gale moving in on where she was standing, though Rainbow could tell that the second Bio-Android was pissed that they had allowed this to happen. "I cannot believe that you let this happen," Gale commented, to which she glared at Rainbow as she approached her, as it was impossible to hide her anger over the fact that they had allowed Android 17 to be absorbed like this, especially when she knew that Rainbow had been holding back the entire time, "You could have easily destroyed Cell in his imperfect form, especially with the power that I know you possess, and yet you found it necessary, and deemed it important, to hold back and test your power against Cell. You know that you have only made things harder on all of us, as now that he's in this form his power has increased to a whole new level." "True, but this makes things much more interesting," Rainbow replied, not even bothering to fight back with Gale at this point, because it would sound like she was talking with her sister, as she knew that Gale followed after Applejack's mindset more than she did, "besides, now that Cell's power has increased I should show him the power I acquired during my training... though there is one skill I think I'll hold off on using. Even with his power up Cell's not worth loosing the Wrath of the Thunder God on, but the other skills I developed should be more than enough to deal with him." Gale glared at Rainbow for a few seconds, her mind trying to work out what this 'Wrath' skill that the pony girl had mentioned was, because she knew that Rainbow only knew the Kamehameha, the Kaio-Ken, her Cloud Copy technique, and the Lightning Lance. Then there were the other skills, in addition to the Wrath, that she and the others knew nothing about, save for Applejack, so it made her wonder what else Rainbow could have come up with during her training. One thing she was certain of was that this new named attack had to be somewhat destructive, as it was named after what Rainbow referred to as the 'Thunder God'... though for a moment Gale had to wonder if Rainbow actually meant herself, instead of some made up person. A few seconds later she let out a sigh and turned her head towards her brother, taking in his semi-perfect form and feeling the power that was coming from him for a few seconds... to which she determined that Rainbow might have the potential to beat him if she released all her power, and might even destroy him if she aided her. "Fine, but this time we play for keeps," Gale said, to which she turned her full attention to her brother, while at the same time allowing her ki to wrap around her, "and Rainbow... I swear that if you, or anyone else, let Cell chase after Android 18, instead of killing him where he stands, I'll obliterate him myself." "That's not really much of a threat," Rainbow commented, though at the same time she smirked as she turned her attention to Cell, who had been standing on the ground the entire time, patiently waiting for them when he could have easily fled while they were talking, "though we should get this fight underway... and I think I'll start with one of the techniques I developed while Applejack and I were training." Gale glanced over at Rainbow and watched as her ki started to dance around her body, though instead of appearing like a normal aura her ki took on the appearance of lightning. For a few seconds Gale thought that her mind was playing tricks on her or something, though that was before she came to the understanding that Rainbow's elemental affinity was lightning. She supposed that it made sense, seeing how every skill she had developed so far had something to do with the sky or the lightning, but she silently waited to see what happened next. Not a few seconds later Rainbow's ki flickered around her entire body, though a few strands of energy separated themselves from Rainbow's body and the air around her vibrated with her power... while at the same time the strands struck the ground and left small craters around where they landed. Gale was impressed by the amount of power that Rainbow was putting out this time, because now it felt like she was using the full extent of her power... and she wasn't even using the Kaio-Ken to increase her abilities this time. A few seconds later Rainbow disappeared from where she was standing, causing Gale to turn her gaze towards Cell, where she arrived just in time to see Rainbow reappear in front of Cell. Not a few seconds later Rainbow slammed her fist into Cell's unprotected chest and the entire area around them shook, almost as if lightning had struck the area, though that was followed by Rainbow releasing a barrage of punches at her opponent. Cell found himself on the defensive almost immediately, as it appeared that Rainbow's new ability not only increased her speed but also increased her power... which amazed everyone that was watching her at the moment. At that exact moment Gale knew that if Rainbow kept this up, and actually used her new power for more than a few minutes, she could beat Cell on her own and save the entire world... though at the same time she prepared herself, just in case something changed for the worse. "Rainbow's power has increased since she fought the Androids," Gohan commented, though at the same time he could feel the pony girl's ki energy, while wondering exactly what sort of power she had created during her training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. "It makes sense, considering that she was training against her sister and someone else," Goku spoke up, though even as he said the words he had to wonder who the mysterious training partner was, because he was sure that whoever it was had been the reason behind Rainbow and Applejack's sudden jump in both power and skill, "though at the same time it appears that Cell's power has increased as well. Rainbow might be powerful when she uses her full power, but unless she uses that lance of hers we will have to place our faith in Vegeta and Trunks overcoming the Super Saiyan wall and seeing if there's anything more powerful than it." "Are you sure that there's something more powerful than a Super Saiyan?" Gohan asked, to which he turned to his father, as he was curious about what his father was thinking about when it came to the Super Saiyan transformation. "Yes, I am sure of that." Goku replied, to which he turned towards the door that he, his son, and Mr. Popo were standing around, as they were waiting for it to open any minute now, "Vegeta is sure to know about a transformation that could rival, or even overpower, the Super Saiyan form, but until they come out we won't know for sure..." "They should be exiting the Hyperbolic Time Chamber any second now," Mr. Popo commented, to which the two Saiyans turned and faced him, though at the same time he merely moved out of the way so the door didn't hit him, "so you should be able to answer your question soon enough." Goku stood up and faced the door for a few seconds, silently waiting for it to open as Gohan focused on worrying about the fight that was happening with Cell at the moment, before they noticed the handle turn a little bit. They held their breath as the handle moved into position and the door moved outward, to which they watched as Trunks walked out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with a rather serious look on his face. Not a few seconds later Vegeta followed his son with a smile on his face, which meant that he was either pleased with their progress inside the chamber, pleased with the power they had acquired from their training, or both of those things. The two of them seemed more powerful than they had been when they entered the chamber, which made Goku smile as Vegeta and Trunks came their way. Gohan, at the same time, noticed that Vegeta and Trunks' clothing had suffered during their training, as there were some rips and tears in literally every piece of clothing they were wearing... which spoke volumes on the intensity of the training he and his father would be going through in the near future. At the same time he noticed that Trunks' hair had changed since the last time they had seen him and he seemed to have gotten a tad bit taller, but he decided not to worry about that at the moment. "Well, its seems that the two of you have increased in strength and power since we last saw you," Goku said, causing Trunks to blush for a few seconds, while at the same time Vegeta's smile only widened a tiny bit, "So tell me, how long did it take for you to overcome the Super Saiyan wall?" "Two months," Vegeta replied, though at the same time it appeared that he was searching for someone important, but Goku knew that he was making sure that Rainbow and Applejack were okay, "but we trained some more since that feat was achieved, just to be on the safe side in case Cell ended up absorbing either of the Androids... and it appears that he might have done just that while we were training." "And Rainbow seems to be fighting him at the moment," Trunks commented, feeling the power that was flowing from Rainbow at the moment, though he was sure that she seemed to be as powerful as one of the forms he and his father had discovered while they were training. "It has to be one of the new powers that she developed during her training," Vegeta stated, though once he locked onto both of his friends he discovered that there was a third ki signature that seemed familiar to theirs, which meant that Gale was with them at the moment. Before anyone could say anything more they heard the sound of something hitting the floor of the area in front of the building they were in, to which they turned towards the front of the building and made their way there, as they were curious as to who was showing up. What they found was Bulma and one of her sky cars, which meant that she had come to either tell them about something or wanted to see Vegeta and the future version of her son before they left to do battle with Cell. They also noticed that she was carrying the baby version of Trunks, which either meant that she didn't want to leave him home alone with her parents, or was treating him to some fun while they were all busy risking their lives. "Hey guys." Bulma said, immediately noticing the group as they walked out towards her, though at the same time she gently passed baby Trunks over to Vegeta, who was happy to see his son, this era's version of him, before he went off to fight Cell in battle. "Bulma, how did you know that we were here?" Gohan asked, though at the same time he knew that his father and the others didn't care about that information, but he wanted to know how she had figured it out. "Well, I was chatting with Chi Chi, about the controller for the Androids, and she told me that you guys had some sort of special training area you were heading to," Bulma explained, though at the same time she started searching for something in her sky car, which meant that she must have brought them something important, "while we were chatting Yajirobe overheard the description that she gave me of the area you were training in. He told me that you were training up on Kami's Lookout and told me exactly where I could find it, so I gathered some of my things, grabbed Trunks, and came here as fast as I could. Though now that I've mentioned him, that makes me want to ask something; Trunks, when did your hair grow as long as it has? And how come your a little bit taller since the last time I saw you?" "I spent a whole year training with dad," Trunks explained, beckoning to his father for a moment, though it warmed his heart to see that he was actually smiling and taking care of this era's version of himself, while feeling a little sour over the fact that he had been robbed of that in his timeline, "the Lookout has a room called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, where a year inside the chamber is the same as a day outside the chamber. We basically training for an entire year in the chamber, where I guess my hair grew and I gained some height while I was learning from my father." "Speaking of hair for a moment, why hasn't your hair grown Vegeta?" Bulma asked, though at the same time it made her remember that Goku was a Saiyan as well, and, more importantly, that she had never seen his hair change in all of the years that they had known each other. "From what I can tell, the hair of a pure blooded Saiyan doesn't change from the day they are born," Vegeta explained, giving Bulma and the others his understanding of why a Saiyan's hair never changed, though it made him wonder if his parents might have a better answer, "though there is the possibility that we might, and this is a very slim might, grow beards or mustaches at some point... but that's not very important at the moment." "So that's why my hairs never changed," Goku commented, rubbing the back of his head for a moment, as he had never taken his own hair into consideration before. "So why did you come here Bulma?" Vegeta asked, though he knew that there had to be a reason besides allowing him some time with this era's version of his son before the big battle with Cell. "Remember how you asked me if it was possible to repair your old battle suit and improve upon it?" Bulma inquired, to which Vegeta nodded in return, because he remembered asking her about that some time ago, but hadn't demanded it be done immediate because he knew that she was busy with other experiments and studies, "Well, I finished my work and made one for everyone, though if someone doesn't want to use theirs then I guess there's spares in case someone's is damaged from all the fighting. I took me some time to make them out of the same material as the original suit, but I was able to crack the code and make the suits that I've brought with me." With that said Bulma pulled out the capsule she had been searching for and climbed out of the sky car, to which she turned to the side and tossed the capsule to the ground, where it expanded into the container that contained the battle suits she had prepared. That was followed by Vegeta returning his son to Bulma and taking a look at the suits she had brought them, to which he offered her some praise the moment he discovered that they were literally the same thing he had been wearing so long ago. It meant that Bulma had managed to recreate the armor he was used to using, to which Trunks and Gohan each pulled out a suit and started switching them with what they were wearing. Goku, on the other hand, commented on the armor being light and listed some of its characteristics to himself, which was why everyone was leaving him alone for the moment, because they knew this was his first experience with the armor and was talking to himself for a few seconds. "Okay, Rainbow is currently engaged in a fight with Cell," Vegeta stated, knowing that it was a matter of time until Applejack joined in on the fight, because those two were at their best when they fought side by side, "which means it a matter of time until either Cell dies, or one of the others joins in and ensures that the Bio-Android dies. Even at Cell's current level I wouldn't worry about him actually killing one of them, but even so I think its best if Trunks and I join the fight as soon as possible." "Should I use my Instant Transmission and get you there in a few seconds?" Goku asked, because he knew that if speed was of the essence for Vegeta, why he had no idea, then he knew that it would be best if they used his new technique to get there. "Yes, that would be best," Vegeta replied, to which he and Trunks stood side by side as Goku approached them, as they knew exactly what was coming their way and they were prepared for it. Goku nodded and raised one hand to his forehead, with two fingers set in the stance they needed to be in, before both Vegeta and Trunks carefully placed their hands on both of his shoulders. The moment they were ready, and he knew that they were, Goku took a breath and activated the technique, to which the three of them disappeared and headed towards where Cell and the rest of their friends were located. The instant Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks appeared they noticed that the majority of the Z Warriors were definitely standing on a rock plateau and were occupied with watching the fight, to which they turned towards where Cell was supposed to be and noticed that he was being pushed around by Rainbow. Vegeta and Trunks pulled their hands off of Goku's shoulders and watched what was going on, to which Vegeta noticed that Rainbow had a new type of aura wrapped around her body, one that looked like lightning. He had never seen anything like it before, but considering that Rainbow could use the lance, which was her most powerful technique, he knew that it was possible that Rainbow had created another new ability while she was training. "What is that ability that Rainbow is using?" Trunks asked, though at the same time he realized that he shouldn't be expecting an answer, because neither Goku or his father had been here when she activated the ability and wouldn't know anything about it. "Rainbow calls it 'Thunder God's War Cry'," a voice said, to which the trio noticed that Applejack had landed beside them, though at the same time they knew that she was the only one that could answer the question, as she was the only one present that had seen the ability in action, "Its similar to the Kaio-Ken technique, but instead of increasing her power the War Cry increases her speed to the point where her opponent feels like their fighting a bolt of lightning. There's no increase to her strength, as this skill is purely an increase to her speed, which is why your seeing her disappearing and reappearing a few seconds later. Unfortunately she only developed the skill when we were ten months into our training, so she's only got two months of using that skill... and, from what we've been told, its still not fully complete, so it taxes the body more than Rainbow would like." Vegeta smiled as he watched Rainbow disappear from Cell's view and reappear behind him, to which she loosed a barrage of blows against her opponent for a few seconds before vanishing once more. He was pleased to have gone through his training, because that meant that he and Trunks could actually follow Rainbow's movements, if they focused on her ki anyway. At the same time he was concerned about the fact that the ability was incomplete, as it meant that Rainbow was burning though her energy at the moment. "Well, it seems like she has everything under control," Goku commented, to which he waved at the people that had noticed that he was standing there, before returning his fingers to his forehead, "I'll see you guys in a day, once Gohan and I have completed our training." Before anyone could say anything Goku disappeared and left Vegeta and Trunks where they were standing, to which they turned their attention to the fight that was happening above them. The two Saiyans were curious as to whether Rainbow was planning on using another one of her skills or rather she was planning on overpowering him under he surrendered, though as they watched they could tell that Rainbow was getting tired. Not tired from the fight being boring, but rather it appeared that taking on a level of speed that mimicked lightning was taxing on her body, which meant that even a whole year of training wasn't enough to perfect the new power Rainbow had developed. Vegeta and Trunks knew that they were going to be joining the battle soon, because now that Rainbow was tiring it was only a matter of time until Cell capitalized on her sudden weakness, to which the two of them prepared themselves to enter the fight the moment Rainbow backed away from Cell. "It appears that whatever you are using is rapidly draining your power," Cell commented, this time blocking the punch that was coming his way, though as he tried to hit Rainbow she jumped backwards and stared at him, to which he stood straight with a smile on his face, "You may have had the upper hand, when you started using this ability, but now it appears that your energy is rapidly declining... and now you are on the same speed as I am once more." "You really think that you'll win if I keep using this technique?" Rainbow inquired, though at the same time she actually let the War Cry form break apart, but instead of sending the lightning away she pulled it around her right hand, choosing to use the second of the three skills she had developed while training with her sister and Whis. "Of course," Cell replied, to which his smile widened as he faced Rainbow, because without her empowered speed form he could easily follow her movements, which meant that he was going to beat her into the ground before he chased after Android 18, "without your speed you are nothing, which means I can easily defeat you and get back to finding out where my target ran off to." "You really shouldn't consider me to be someone that you can easily take out," Rainbow said, to which the lightning of her hand started flickering, just like when she had activated the War Cry form, but this time her ki wrapped around her hand completely and formed a pointed tip just above her fingers, "especially when you have no idea what else I have hidden up my sleeves." Cell could hear the crackle coming from the 'lightning' that was resting around Rainbow's hand, because it sounded like her lance, which was also made of lightning, and that made him worry about his chances. The lance, Rainbow's strongest attack, was so destructive that it made Cell wonder how much destruction this new attack could cause, which was followed by him raising his defenses. He knew that Rainbow would come at him with the remainder of her power, though this time he decided to stop underestimating her skills, but to show Rainbow her place in the universe he was willing to show her how weak her new skill truly was. That was quickly followed by Rainbow flying through the sky and rapidly crossing the distance between the two of them, though as she approached Cell he had one thought that crossed his mind... to which he moved to the side as Rainbow neared him, where her lightning attack pierced his skin, right above his right lung, and went all the way through his body, causing him to cough up some blood in the process. "Huh, you were fast enough to avoid having your heart pierced." Rainbow commented, to which she tore her hand out of Cell's chest and backed away, leaving her wounded opponent where he was floating, "I guess I stayed in the War Cry form too long, otherwise that would have pierced your heart without fail." "What... what was that move you used?" Cell asked, though at the same time he made sure that his wound was covered, because he had a way to repair his body that would require some additional pain on his part. "Its my Lightning Blade attack," Rainbow replied, knowing that it was okay to show off the attack, because the way things were going Cell would never be able to replicate it, "As you saw the lightning wraps around whichever hand I choose to use and forms a point in front of my fingers, though its designed to deal a fatal blow though should kill whoever I use it against. Your the first person that I've actually hit with it, so I'll take hitting your lung instead of your heart... but I'm afraid that our time together is at an end." "And why do you say that?" Cell inquired, though at the same time he was actually pleased by this change of events, because it allowed him a chance to restore his body before he went out in search for Android 18. "Because I'm here," a voice said, to which Vegeta appeared in front of Cell and leveled his hand with the damaged side of Cell's body, to which he released the ki he had been silently gathering and obliterated the part of Cell's body that he was pointing at, which was followed by Cell falling to the ground, "That felt better than I thought it would... and Rainbow, you should have known better than to waste your energy like that." "I wanted to see how Cell measured up to my War Cry form," Rainbow replied, though she smiled as she stared at Vegeta, because she knew that he and Trunks could easily defeat Cell at this point, if their new power was anything to take into consideration, "but I will gladly step back and let you beat Cell." Vegeta nodded and watched as Rainbow flew back to where Applejack was standing, though he had to wonder if there were any Senzu Beans left for her to eat. He knew that the best way to get rid of Cell was the devastating explosion that followed the lance, which meant that she needed more power if she was going to pull that off. Once that thought had crossed his mind he turned back to where Cell was laying and smiled a tiny bit, because he knew that he and Trunks could win once they started fighting. Cell was going to pay for all the lives he had taken, in both this timeline and the future timeline... and Vegeta knew that he and Trunks were more than willing to make the Bio-Android pay for everything that he had done so far.