A Place to Call Home

by Shumiry


“Never forget where you came from. If you don't remember what came before, you'll never be prepared for what will come next.” -Cast Away

Heart hammering in his chest, he fled the enraged ponies. Looking over his shoulder, his eyes widened in panic as he saw a massive frying pan flying at him. With a stumbling sidestep, he managed to dodge the ungainly projectile. Muscles pumping, he struggled to outrun his pursuers, but with each second they grew closer, their longer legs propelling them farther with each galloping stride.
Luna curse them! He thought, tears in his eyes as he struggled not to think about the thrashing he was about to receive. Suddenly, a massive shadow loomed before him, great leathery dragon wings, black as night snapping open as the beast reared. The black-coated earth pony skidded to a halt, eyes locked on the monster's head, where two burning red embers glared out at the approaching mob.
Gasps of fear came from behind, as his would-be punishers scrambled to turn around, fleeing in the other direction, their wrath forgotten. He stood frozen, unable to breathe as the giant head swiveled to face him.
“Whadda we have 'ere?” A voice said, sounding decidedly undragon-like. The thing dissolved before his eyes, as one young foal hopped off the back of another, draped in a large, midnight blue blanket. With a shrug, the cover fell to the ground, and the blood colored unicorn beneath began circling to the earth pony's right side.
The other pony, a grass green pegasus with a scar across his muzzle, moved to his other side. As they circled him, they alternated speaking.
“Whatcha got there?”
“Something that doesn't belong to you?”
“Maybe it didn't before, but it's yours now ain't it?”
“Kind of liking that feeling, aren't you?”
“Feels pretty good to get whatcha want.” Both ponies now stood before him once more, eyeing the basket of cabbages dangling from his mouth. Reflexively, he lowered closer to the ground, preparing to flee.
“I wouldn't bother,” the pegasus said, indicating the roller blades on his hooves, and then the unicorn's horn, it's owner flashing him a dangerous grin. Slowly, he set the basket on the ground, and set his jaw, glaring at his two... potential rescuers. The unicorn laughed at his face.
“Ha! Look at the cantaloupes on this one! Gonna fight us are ya?” he sneered, flexing his muscles. Though they were still just colts, it was clear the two ponies had been in many, many more fights than he had, and had probably been eating better. They were tone, and limber, not to mention wielding magic and having wings for speed put them at a decided advantage. By the end of his assessment, his scowl had withered, replaced by a dejected frown as he pushed the basket away, and turned to leave.
“Hold on now,” he froze, fear rising up within him despite the geniality in the tone. Too afraid to move, he waited as the two ponies approached him, one on either side.
“He's a blank flank too...” one whispered. They circled around, coming to a stop in front of him. Both ponies sat on the ground, and the pegasus, who had the basket in his mouth, set it down between the three of them. He cleared his throat,
“Ahem. Maybe we got off on the wrong hoof here. Let's start with some introductions. I'm Cast Away. My brother here goes by Crimson.” The pegasus leaned in, adding, with a mock-conspiratorial whisper, “He's not very creative.” The other pony shot him a friendly scowl, causing the black pony to smile a little.
As he leaned back, the pegasus smiled too, with Crimson joining in last.
“Who might you be, if you could?” The strange wording caused the pony to hesitate, mulling it over. If I could...? With a widening smile, he looked up,
“If I could, I'd be Volition.” It was a name he'd chosen long ago, when he'd decided that his life would be his own, and nopony else's. Crimson nodded in respect, and Cast Away smiled, nodding as well.
“Well then, Volition, how about we share these cabbages, and my brother here and I will tell you all about our little club?” The earth pony nodded, and they began munching on the ripe vegetables.
“What do ya call yourselves?” he asked, mouth full. The pegasus carefully finished chewing, and swallowed, before speaking.
“We are the Blank Flank Brotherhood, and I'd like to extend to you an official invitation to join us.” Volition looked at the green foreleg being offered to him for only a second, before reaching out his own and shaking it. In the distance, they heard shouts, and Crimson rose to his hooves, scooping up the basket's handle in his mouth and galloping away.
“Come now my Brother,” Cast Away said to the black-coated pony, as he too prepared to run, “it's high time we were away from this place.” With a warm sensation in his chest he hadn't felt in over a year, Volition broke into a gallop beside his new Brothers.
It's about time something good came my way.