Hey Rainbow...

by Majorminor

2. Promise me

"What the..."

"Relax Scoots. You passed out after travelling past the speed of sound itself unprepared." The mysterious voice responded. Both Scootaloo's vision and hearing were a bit patchy, and her mind still wasn't completely focused... but only one mare in all Equestria could breach the sound barrier.

"Where am I Rainbow." the filly was now growing tired of this exuberant day and seriously needed some shuteye.

"Who and where are you're parents? Earlier this afternoon while you were resting (out cold) I left for ten seconds flat (roughly an hour) to find out more about you at the city hall... (Twighlights treehouse thingy) and surprise surprise, all the records that contained anything about you are gone. I wonder who or what could have done that?!" Rainbow glanced at Scootaloo. Scootaloo gulped as discretely as possible, but not discreet enough. Rainbow sat down slowly and lifted scoot's heavy, tired head up. "Please, just tell me Scoot, I want to help." She said almost begging like.

"Fine, but first promise that you won't tell ANYPONY about this, or our relationship as sisters is over."

"O-o-okay..." It was now rainbow who was gulping.

"Fine... You asked for this. Don't say I didn't warn you." Sigh "I'm homeless, my parents are either gone or dead, I have no idea. And yes that makes me an orphan. I don't know their names, and I 'live' in the CMC clubhouse with the quilt that SB, AB and I made trying to sew for our cutie marks, as well a straw pillow I made myself. My 'diet' mainly consists of apples, rainwater I filter through a funnel outside and the few things I can sometimes find. Oh, and if you tell anyone about this, I’ll be taken back to Cloudsdale orphanage where I was bullied and picked on and wanted to die before I escaped and came here. And if any of this happens, I solemnly swear to RIP YOUR BOWELS FROM YOUR STOMACH AND FEED THEM TO YOUR FRIENDS IN RAINBOW FROSTED CUPCAKES. So I suggest you keep your word.” She death-stared into Rainbow’s soul.

Rainbow.exe has stopped responding and will automatically begin rebooting now.

"And you're the only 'family' I have. By blood or not..." Scootaloo muttred into the very empty abyss of the room she was in. "Ya know that one time you and I hugged... No, snuggled? Whatever, on that cloud that one cold night when I asked to be under your wing?"


"That was the only time I've had anything near a hug, or anything similar to that, from someone not just my friend, but my family. I'm not sure if you realise, but it meant so much more to me than just a boring, old, sappy hug. And I've hugged my friends before... (awkwardly). It was also the first and only other time apart from now, I've ever been on a cloud." She looked down at the stunningly white surface. Scootaloo could never understand how clouds could be so soft and fluffy, yet sturdy and firm. Hell, the bumps are comfy from her experience!

'Well that's all about to change.' Rainbow whispered in the back of her mind. ‘This filly's somehow been through even worse than me... and I thought I was unlucky... At least she didn’t get abused and raped, not that it changes much at this point.’

‘I guess I wasn’t the only unlucky pony this often cruel reality created.’ As she silently cuddled up to her little Scootaloo. Forgetting about her family and past.

‘My little Scootaloo... I think I like the sound of that.’