Do You Really Love Me Unconditionally?

by stephamazin

Doing One-Hundred Twenty Percent For Love

For the next few days the bullies were jumping at shadows, seemingly as skittish as Fluttershy had been. They had made plenty of enemy with their personality but they'd never received a letter so descriptive it made them feel sick. While they were much better than before it wasn't enough for Fluttershy. When they challenged Rainbow Dash to a race Fluttershy had been cautious.

When Fluttershy waved that checkered flag she felt her jaw ache from the strength she gripped the pole with. Her anger cooled when she saw Rainbow's visage. She looked euphoric. Her mane and tail fluttered violently as she zoomed through a hoop. She howled in unfiltered bliss; Rainbow Dash loved races, whether she was in them or not. Suddenly Hoops swerved to the left ramming into Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy's happiness transformed into rage when he called her Rainbow Crash. While her body trembled in fury her eyes remained locked on Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow's wings pumped faster than ever before in effort to past the colts. As she tore through the air a near transparent barrier just in front of her hooves. Just as she reaches the lowest hoop she breaks through leaving a magnificent rainbow trail after her. She leaves a large shimmering upside down rainbow in her wake. When she lands her appearance is breathtaking. Her hooves look as if she had dunked them in the vats in the rainbow factory. Across her back was a trail of rainbow starting at the bottom of her mane and ending at the base of her tail; her entire body seemed to be glowing with power and beauty.

Fluttershy could hear a voice in her ears and it took a second before she realized it belonged to her. "A sonic rainboom, she did it. She did it, Wooo!" Fluttershy jumped up and down with glee before tackling Rainbow Dash to the ground. Every other pony sat or flew in stunned silence, a sonic rainboom was suppose to be just an old mares tale. She had made the impossible happen. Lightning Dust rushed forward to talk to her.

"I'm really sorry that I avoided you before. I had been told that you were, like, a total loser but you can't be if you can fly like that." She extended her hoof "You should totally hang out with us instead of those weirdos you usually hang with." Her smile slumped when Rainbow Dash didn't take her hoof.

"I'm not gonna abandon my friends just to join the popular crowd. Thanks for the invite though." With that she turned and heading towards Fluttershy and Derpy leaving Lightning Dust with a scowl on her face and a clenched hoof. "Derpy Flutters, did you see that; I didn't even know I could do that. That was awesome." Rainbow Dash radiated happiness.


Less than a week later one of Lightning Dust's underlings asked Rainbow Dash to a race. The colt wasn't anything special it was obvious he was going to lose from the beginning but what shocked all but a few was when he pushed he at the exact wrong, or right depending on who you ask, time. Her eyes went wide as she saw the upcoming column; she only had a few seconds before she'd hit it. Rainbow Dash managed to turn to her side to avoid a head on hit with the column but... her wing snapped.

Fluttershy stood frozen when she heard Rainbow Dash scream in mind-numbing pain. Her body fell like a rock, Rainbow struggled to slow her descent with one good wing but the ground continued to get closer as she spun in a circle. She felt tears fill her eyes, she closed them tightly before screaming out.

"FLUTTERSHY!" The yellow pegasus burst into action racing to the ground. Blood roared in her ears as she took in Rainbow's proximity to the ground. Fluttershy flew faster than she ever had the flame inside her scorched her insides a painful black. Rainbow Dash had turned to face her approaching friend; she reached her hooves out to Fluttershy and she did the same. Fluttershy hit Rainbow Dash head on. With the additional two wings the descent slowed. They tumbled in a circle as the world spun back and forth; Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash Wrapped their hooves around each other.

Fluttershy could feel Rainbow's tears staining her fur; She kissed each of Rainbow Dash's eyes. Tasting the salt from the tears on her lips Fluttershy began hauling her friend back up to Cloudsdale. She kept the burning hatred off her face for now but she knew there was a filly up in those clouds that should fear for her life.

Rainbow Dash was swarmed by medical ponies after the mare watching them had seen Rainbow Dash fall. She watched get carted away slowly but when she spotted Lightning Dust, if looks could kill her entire body would already be rotting from the inside out. Fluttershy breathed slowly to keep herself from running towards the girl and ripping a chunk out of her neck. No, Fluttershy had other plans for what she'd do to her. All she would need is duck tape.

When Fluttershy walked into a nearby convenience store she grabbed a basket and started walking through the isles. In the end she also purchased a rather large veggie sub for later. Then she went to talk with Lightning Dust, phase 1.

"Hey lightning can I talk with you for a minute? It's extremely important." Lightning may not have liked her but she was still curious to know what Fluttershy wanted.

"Make it quick then" With that Fluttershy lead Lightning Dust away from the crowd so she could start phase two. "Alright, We're alone now out with it." Fluttershy lunged at her, she smacked a piece of tape against her mouth before full-force kicking her in the face.

Lightning Dust began to wake just as the stars came out everything was quiet and her eyes struggled to make out anything through the thick darkness. She twitched her ear to the sound she heard it sounded like... chewing. Fluttershy's coat could be made out as she came closer to her bound captive. "I'm sorry if the tape is a bit sticky on your feather but i figured it would be better than a rope's chafing. I waited till night so that nearly everypony would be asleep. I thought it would be rather dull if you slept through your own death so I also waited for that, I don't feel like waiting any longer." Fluttershy's soft tone vanished into thin air and was replaced by a much darker and gravely voice. "Are you ready to die?"

Lightning Dust shivered at her tone and expression. Even though this filly was obviously deranged her face was the definition of calm, a light smile and gentle eyes looked down on her. She tried begging Fluttershy but the words remained in her mouth because of the duck tape. Fluttershy face cracked at the sounds of terror coming from Lightning Dust. "How dare you beg when you could have killed my everything. I wholeheartedly believe the world will be a better place without you." Fluttershy looked over her shoulder, temporarily hiding her expression as she spoke "She would never forgive me if she found out... I'll just have to take care of you appropriately." With that she put a hoof against Lightning Dust's side and kicked her off Cloudsdale.