A Place That We Call Home

by Erina Tail Yellow

Chapter 1

No time like the present. Silver said to herself as she set down with her glass of water and looked up from her plate. It was like any other dinner with her family; very quiet and very uneventful.No one had really spoken since they sat down and the kitchen staff had served dinner. She said to just weave into normal conversation. I guess that’s easier said than done.
Silver lightly tapped the side of her glass with her fork as if she were calling the table to join in a toast. Her parents turned towards her. Silver’s father held a look of intrigue and pride in seeing the way his daughter asked for their attention. However, her mother held an odd look of disdain for the action. Silver briefly wondered as she had broken an unspoken rule of silence during dinner.
“Do you know what will be on the menu next week?” Silver asked.
“Is that all you did that for?” Perfect Set replied; clearly displeased with her daughter’s course of action. “Why not just ask the help that is what they are her for after all.”
“What your mother means to say is that you don’t have to call us to attention just to ask a simple question. Now to answer you. I’m not sure what we’ll be having. Why?” Pure Ingot clarified.
Weave it in. Silver thought once more. She took a deep breath. “Well… you see I kinda… wanted to… uhhhh-” She stumbled.
“Spit it out!” Her mother insisted.
Silver gulped. One shot. “I wanted to bring my girlfriend over for dinner.”
Her father replied happily very quickly. “That sounds gre-” And then it hit him. “You mean boyfriend right?”
Silver suddenly had a bit more confidence. “N-no I mean girlfriend.”
Perfect Set leaned forward. “I don’t believe you. This isn’t true.”
Silver sighed heavily. Okay. Evaluate the situation Silver. You have one parent in denial and the other in shock. Which to tackle first? Silver tossed ideas around in her head for a few moments before finally making a decision “Mom please trust that this is me. I’m sure of it. I need your support.”
My support. What about your father over there? He looks to be more of a wreck than I am.” Silver’s mother fought; her words laced with denial so thick it was practically visible.
Silver looked at her dad. I feel bad this is the way he took it. I’ll come back to him after Mom. “Yes, your support. Dad will be fine in a few minutes but you seem pretty adamant to deny this is even happening right now. Please. I spoke with you all week about acceptance. Did that mean nothing?” Her eyes were pleading for some kind of help.
“Is this what that was all about?”Perfect frowned. “Were you trying to trick me.”
“Wait! What?!” Silver’s features scrunched up in confusion. “No. I was trying to figure out how to start this conversation.”
“So you wanted me to hate the idea and be upset?!” Perfect cried out. “How could you!?”
“Mom no. I didn’t want this version of this conversation. I was hoping that you would accept me.” Silver pleaded.
“Accept? I did not raise you to be like… this! I raised a good daughter with proper values.” Perfect divulged.
Silver felt her resolve begin to break down. No! I have to fix this. She looked over at her dad who had gone back to trying to eat his dinner but could only miss his mouth with the food. The food would then fall off the fork and the cycle would begin a new. And that is way bad. I need to help him. “Mom! This girl means the world to me. Just please try? You may come to think of her as like a second daughter. She’s amazing! Just one dinner? That’s all I ask.” Silver made a final push.
“I FORBID IT!” Perfect Set announced firmly. “My daughter is no… no… lesbian.”
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!” Silver Spoon shouted. “After all your talk of acceptance. I- I love her.” She snuck another peak over to her dad. He was now just frozen in the position of having just taken a cold bite of his dinner. Not only have I failed her. I failed you too.
“You will take that back!” Silver’s mother commanded. She looked to her husband for support.
“L-listen t-to your m-mother.” Pure Ingot said as he finally took a bite of his now cold dinner.
His wife sighed and turned back to their daughter. “This is just a phase.”
Silver took a deep breath. That old standby. I just have to power through. She thought. “I thought so too… at first.” Silver began to extend a hand. “I’ve been testing the water with her for two years now.” She paused to let that sink in. She took a step forward. “We decide that now was the time. The time to say something.” This is as far as I can take it. This is the end of the line.
Perfect Set froze up.  Was this true? Had she missed any signs? Her daughter’s hand was extended to her now.

Silver took one final step forward.Maybe I finally got through. She had a warm smile on her face. She moved to dorkily adjust her glasses. “Please?” she asked calmly.
“No!” Her mother said as she smacked Silver’s hand away.
“What?!” Silver asked as she shook her hand in attempt to alleviate the stinging sensation she felt.
“Leave!” Her mother added.
“Mom?” Silver was on the verge of tears.
“I don’t want you in my house. You are not my daughter!” Perfect finished. “You have twenty minutes to gather your belongings and leave.”
Silver quickly made her way to her room. Tears blurred her vision slammed the door shut. She promptly pulled out her phone. I guess this is my only choice.

Sweetie Belle calmly made her way to her room. Rarity had taken everything no better or worse than she had assumed her sister would. It makes sense though. She is with AJ so I knew she wouldn’t lose it. She thought as she slipped into her night gown. Just as she began to lay down; her phone went off.
Sweetie groaned as she reached over to her nightstand and picked up the offending device. Her eyes widened as she read the text she’d received. “Oh no.”

Silver sighed. Okay, now that is out of the way, I’m starting to feel slightly better. She started to move towards her closet but as she approached it there was a knocking at her door. Forget feeling better. “Come in.” She said shakily.
A very well dressed man entered the room the room slowly. “Master Ingot sent me to assist you with what ever you may need assistance with.”
Silver thought for a moment. “Thank you but, I don’t believe I need any help currently.”
“Very well. And if it is any consolation I am deeply sorry for what has happened tonight.” The servant said before bowing and leaving.
Silver waved to him even though he couldn’t see her any longer. She checked her clock and realized that she only had ten minutes left. The young girl opened her closet and grabbed a small suitcase. She haphazardly threw several outfits into it and called that good for clothing.
Silver then picked up a family portrait off her bedside table and opened it to reveal a photostrip. She gently layed it on top of the clothes and zipped the suitcase closed. With her luggage packed, she made her way out of her room and toward the entrance hall.

“Sweetie Belle!” You can’t be serious.” Rarity dismissed.
“You want proof. Here.” Sweetie Belle slid her phone across the table to her sister. “I can’t make this up.”
Rarity read the lengthy message as quickly as she could without missing anything. “No, I suppose you can’t.” She looked thoughtful for a moment. “I’d guess I’m not at liberty to turn this one down. Am I?”
Sweetie shook her head.
“Fine. Tell her yes. When she gets here there will be a discussion on boundaries and house rules.” Rarity concluded.
Sweetie looked up from her phone. “Already done.” She calmly set her phone down. “We really appreciate what you’re doing Big Sis.”
“I’d hope you do! Just think how I’ll explain this to our parents the next time they visit.” Rarity fretted. “Both your daughters have no chance of giving you grandchildren. ‘Why?’ Oh! Why that’s because they’re both gay!”
“Rarity, I would be the only new information to them right?” Sweetie asked. There was a lengthy pause. “Right?”
“W-” Rarity started but was interrupted by a sharp knocking at the front door.
Sweetie Belle stood up and rushed to the door. Upon opening it she was shocked. “Hey Aj?”
The farm girl tipped her stetson. “Howdy kiddo.”
“What’re you doing here?” Sweetie asked disappointedly.
AJ laughed. “Yer sister texted me all worked up. Said Ah didn’t have to show up but Ah figured it was werth checkin’ on.”
“Okay. She’s in the kitchen wiggin’ out. Thanks for comin’ over in such a rush AJ.” Sweetie said as she took a seat on the couch.
Applejack approached the dining table cautiously. “Hey Rar.”
“Good evening love. I hope I didn’t wake you.” Rarity said as she wiped a tear out of her eye.
“So... Ah hate to have you rehash what happened but Ah need to know what all went on.” AJ pulled out a chair and sat down.
“No... No I understand. I see you’ve already taken a seat.” Rarity chuckled. “You’ll need it.”
After a long and detailed explanation of nights Applejack yawned. “Sure sounds like you’ve had quite the night.”
“The first shock was fine. I could handle that to an extent. When Sweetie came back in saying that someone I had just been introduced to the concept of needed a place to stay. And then Mom and Dad.” Rarity ranted.
“Woah there. Yer parents are nothin’ to worry about. You told me Sweetie said herself that she should be the only revelation for them Rar.” Applejack reassured.
Rarity laughed nervously. “About that. I uhhhh… didn’t really didn’t get a chance to talk with them about that particular topic last time they visited.”
“So you mean to tell me that yer parents still have no clue.” AJ deadpanned.
“You would be correct in making that assumption.” Rarity answered
“And when do they visit again?” AJ probed.
“Next week.” Rarity responded meekly.
“Well Ah guess we’ll just have to set up a family dinner or somethin’ while they’re here.” The farm girl summed up.
“That sounds like a good idea love. Now we should probably go sit with Sweetie while she waits.” Rarity stood up and began walking towards the living room.
Sweetie Belle looked at the messaging app on her phone. She hadn’t received anything in over an hour. She sighed deeply. As Rarity entered with Applejack in tow she quickly threw her phone back onto the table. “Hey guys. I’m glad you’re out here to watch the door. I should probably freshen up before she arrives.” Sweetie said as she got up, grabbed her phone, and hugged her sister as she left the room.
As Sweetie started up the stairs someone knocked at the door. “Oh come on!” She turned around and walked back to the living room.
Sweetie opened the door. Any remnants of frustration melted as she saw who had knocked. “Silvy!” She shouted as she jumped at Silver and wrapped her arms around her in an extremely tight hug.
“It’s good to see you too.” Silver said as she reciprocated the hug.