//------------------------------// // this suck // Story: Now and later // by madric //------------------------------// This sucks, that is the only thing you could think as you sat on an old slightly stained couch that smelled like beer, sex, and shame. Why do I even come to these? You ask yourself. "Dude what do you think of the party?" *sigh* Right. Zack best friend since elementary school. You became his friend after he stuck up for you because some bigger kid had taken your juice box. You don't entirely know how he managed to pull off another one of these party's of his but he did. If you remember he had the cops called on him three times in the past week for a "noise disturbance", not sure how since the entire neighborhood was here but oh well. "It's great man but how the hell are you not in trouble right now, aren't you supposed to keep the noise down?" "Well normally duh but all it takes is knowing the right people, and of course when I say knowing the right people I just mean inviting the cops to your next party and just hoping to God they say yes." "Huh" you hadn't really noticed but there do seem to be a few people here who look a bit older then the rest, namely the one guy by the front door who's hair had a speck of gray here and there. "About that are you sure it's a good idea to invite cops to a party?" "Yeah dude turns out some of these guys are actually pretty cool, and since I invited them to my party the said they'd forget about those tickets." "Uh isn't that kinda oh I don't know illegal!" "Hah most definitely but we're gonna keep that on the down low." You hear a deep voice from behind you say. You turn around to see a man in a black t-shirt and an old pair of blue jeans on he has green eyes, and appears to be around thirty-two to thirty-five. "Heyyy officer gomez" you hear zack say as he takes a seat next to you on the couch. "Hey now I'm off duty right now so just call me randy got it, can't let any of these lady's know I'm a cop now can we?" "Wait a second I could've swore you were married though?" Zack says. "Oh I am 5 years going strong". He let's out a hefty chuckle. "But I'm not doing anything more than talking you know, looking but no touching. "I hear that so whada think of the party?" "You call this a party I partied harder in my teen years." He let's out another laugh. "No I'm just playing with ya you did a pretty good job, but I'd expect nothin less from you." ...oh shit that's right you totally forgot that officer gomez is a family friend of zacks. "Yeah I try, i still need to fix one of my speakers though, the left one got blown out when It got turned up to loud last time." He motions to a very large speaker connected to a stereo. You look and see that it has a huge hole in the middle of it. "Hell I don't think you can fix that you'll probably just have to get a new speaker with the condition that one's in." Officer go- er randy says. "Yeah your probably right uh hey Daniel you doin all right?" What why would he ask you that? "Yehh duude imm fffiine" HOLY SHIT you are not fine you sound slurred as fuck. "Uh i think you've had enough to drink for the night" randy tells you. "Naa imm good" No you're not "Dude you should probably get home and get some sleep." "Wha but is a party" Yeah and you hate them so why are you arguing? "As true as that is you are a horrible drunk and I do not want to be the one who has to deal with that, hell I'm drunk right now but I'm better at hiding it, you not so much." "Yeah yur probableee rigt" Hell yeah he's right. "Here I'll call you a cab since your cars in my garage already it'll be safe for the night " "Nah dude I can wak" you can your house isn't that far, maybe like a half a mile not that long. "I don't know dude are you sure I don't want you walking out there this late." Hah gayyyyy he cares about you. "NAHh I'll be good." At least you won't be driving. "If you say so many at least let me get you jacket." He said as he handed you a grey under armor jacket that had your phone, headphones, and keys to your car. "Here yu better tak theese." You say as you hand him your car keys better safe than sorry right. "Yeah better let me hang on to those for the night." He says as he takes your keys. "And your sure you'll be good?" He asks questionably "Yeah ill be good." And you most likely would be, you didn't live in a neighborhood where crime was popular but there was the occasional thug here and there but nothing to serious. "Allright dude I guess that I'll see you later than" "Yea ill see you latr." You say as you make your way through the front yard which is covered in passed out people and beer cans. Towards the long journey you shall embark on to your comfy bed "It waas a good idea too wak." You say to yourself and it was, the moon was full the stars were out and not a cloud in the sky.you decide to take a moment to stop and look at the stars in the sky. Apparently the stars are on earth too as well because when you looked back down you see two big bright ones...."wait wut". Is the only thing you can say before you you feel an VERY intense amount of pain, and then suddenly nothing and black out.