Memoirs: The Princesses of Equestria

by Nugget

Princess Cadence: Who Wears the Pants?

Princess Cadence
Who Wears the Pants?

"So, Princess Cadence?"

"Yes?" she says, sitting on her throne in the Crystal Castle. She takes a sip from a teacup floating inches from her lips.

"Who's the dominant one in your relationship with Shining Armor?"

She pits out the tea, shocked to hear such a question. "What?!"

"Who wears the pants between you two?"

Cadence levitates a napkin to her mouth, wiping the spat tea off her face. "Why, that's an easy answer! Me, of course!"

"Why do you say so?"

Cadence giggled, "Because, I can wear always wear his pants, but he can never wear my panties. He's all," Cadence imitated her husband's voice, "These are way too small! There's no way I'm able to fit into this!"

She then cracked a grin, "And I'm all, darn right! Now shut up and get back to your duties Shining!"