//------------------------------// // Where am i? // Story: Maze of Twilight // by DeadlyKDPonys //------------------------------// You trust the light Twilight layed on a stone cold floor. Her head was starting ache as she slowly gained consciousness. Her entire Body was in pain, especially her back. Her eyes slowly open to meet Darkness. She couldn't see anything. She tried to stand up, but her body was too weak at the moment. She thought for a moment about what to do. She decided to create some light with her magic, to see if there was anything in this room that might be useful. It took almost all of the little Strength Twilight had regained to cast the Light spell, but when she did, it wasn't enough to light up the whole room, but enough for her to see a lantern a little away from her, just sitting there. She used her magic to bring the lantern to her, and she lit it up. Twilight could see things a lot more clearer. She looked around and then looked at her body, she was horrified by the sight. A Bandage was wrapped around her waist, and there was blood spots on it. The spots where her wings should be. Her wings were gone! Somepony or something must have taken away her wings and put her in this room, But for what reason? The Alicorn, Now Just a unicorn, tried to stand up again. She was almost there, but ending up on the floor again, this time in a sitting position. She sighed. 'Haven't gotten enough strength to stand up yet' She thought. She looked over at the lantern she began to question alot of things. 'Where am i? Why am i here? How did i get here? Who or what took my Wings? And why? What is going on?' Her head was just filled with question that she began to space out. Alot of possible answers started to fill her head even more. She was so focused on her questions, she didn't even notice she was standing and started pacing, until she stopped and saw that she was standing, feeling a little better. She took some careful steps to make sure she could go on without falling to the ground. After walking a few circles, she was pretty sure she has gotten her strength back. She grabbed the lantern with her magic and started walking around the room to see if there was an exit. She eventually found one and was going to open the door, but then notices something on the ground, it was a box. It was made out of dark wood, and it had a golden keyhole at the front. Thinking it might be useful, Twilight picked up the box with her magic. She then went to open the door, when she did it let out a loud squeak. Before her was a long dark Hallway. The unicorn was happy she found the lantern. She slowly started to walk down the hallway. Twilight had no idea how long she's been going. The Hallway seems to go on forever. Though, She had a suspicion that she wasn't in a Hallway. Her theory became confirmed when she saw a room, With 4 other hallways. That's when she knew. "I'm in a Maze" She said. Her throat felt so sore after she spoke, and her voice was slightly raspy. She wondered why. The unicorn just stood there, wondering which way to go. After a few minutes she decided to go in the second hallway and prayed that she chose correct. She kept on walking, her hooves starting to ache. How long was she going to keep walking? Her head was filled with so many questions, it felt like her head was about to burst. She tried her best to remember what had happen before she ended up here, the last thing she could remember, was that she was with her friends in the Castle library and that's it. She kept on walking and walking, until finally, she stumbled upon something. It was a small random stand, with a torch on it, and in the wall there was build a small room big enough for the unicorn to crawl in. The strangest part was that there was a pillow and a blanket there. Twilight became so confused, but she was so exhausted, she didn't bother question it. She turned off the Lantern and layed it, Plus the box down next to stand. She lifted up the pillow and blanket with her magic, and crawled into the small room in a comfortable laying position. She then put the pillow under her head and the blanket on top of her, and she was fast asleep. In the darkness of the corridor where Twilight had stepped into. A Dark, shadowy creature was slowly walking, with slow heavy steps. It groaned when it noticed the light of a torch. It reached the source, and saw a purple unicorn Laying in a tiny room, probably asleep. It's instincts told it to grab her. it reached out to the unicorn, but it felt something burn it. Then it noticed. There was a magical barrier Protecting the pony while she was asleep. The creature was so annoyed until a deep voice was heard throughout the corridor. A voice it was familliar with. "Now, now, You won't be attacking our 'guest' while she's sleeping. She will need her energy for the next 'Task'. Now move on" The voice told the creature. The creature stood there in front of the unicorn for a moment, but then continued down the corridor. After a while, another shadow towered over Twilight. The shadow chuckled. "Oh, Little Twilight, That room you woke up in was just a start. Just wait for the other Tasks i have in store for you" It said, then left, letting the unicorn have her peace and quiet. After all, she will need her all her energy, for all the tasks that will be layed before her. And it won't be as simple as just walking around a dark room with a lantern.