Zoroark in Ponyville

by Viper Pit

chapter 7 guest chapter

Zoroark was napping in one of the many apple trees the comprised Sweet apple Acres. His dark fur warmed by the suns rays. it was a nice day, there had been no distraction, no problems, no Discord to trying to manipulate him, all in all, a nice day. Or at least it was till his ears picked up voices talking close by.

"There it is girls. See? I told ya I wasn't lyin!" One said. it sounded like they were trying to whisper, emphasis on trying.

"We didn't say you were lying Applebloom, we said we didn't think it could do all the stuff you said it could." said another. Zoroark, cracked one eye open and saw a small bush underneath his napping branch. said bush had three sets of eyes and three tail in red, purple and one in pink and purple.

"It doesn't look that tough to me." a third voice said. Zoroark huffed slightly. He closed his eyes trying to shut out the banter.

"Does anypony know what it is?"

"I'm not sure, miss Fluttershy might."

"Maybe we could get our cutie marks by figuring out what species it is." Zoroark was just starting to fall asleep, excepting their talking as background noise when his ears were assaulted by loud cheers

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SPECIES IDENTIFIERS! YAY!" Zoroark fell from his branch, landing on the ground with a solid thud. He glared at the bush as he got to his feet, Said bush started to shake and whimper. Zoroark's form was engulfed in a dark aura and with a pop, a scowling Fluttershy was in his place.

"Can't a guy get any peaceful sleep anymore?" He growled at them.

One of them popped their head out of the bush. It was a unicorn filly with white fur and green eyes and the owner of the pink and purple tail.

"But your a mare." She said while looking at the illusioned Zoroark in confusion. Zoroark's eyebrow twitched slightly.

"What your seeing is an illusion, I can make myself look like anyone as long as I've seen them before but I am a male." A seconded head popped out, it was another filly, this one had orange fur and bright purple eyes.

"That's so COOOOOL! your like the ultimate secret agent!" The orange filly jumped out of the bush and started humming some odd tune while she crouched and slowly crawled around the apple tree.

"Like that awesome Spy Pony show Rainbow Dash and I watch all the time, He keeps Equestria safe from the evil plans of Dr. No Mane." She had crawled around the tree, then rolled forward and struck a pose.

"The names Gun, Golden Gun." she said in a strange accent. Zoroark shook his head.

"The only times I use these illusion are to defend myself or to communicate with others." Zoroshy said, then a mischievous grin split his face.

"Or to play a prank on someone." He said. The fillies shivered, they knew it wasn't Fluttershy but seeing her face grin like that was a bit disturbing.

"Is that what ya got your cutie mark for? Pranking ponies?" The third voice said from within the bush. the third one had decided it liked the bush better. That didn't protect the voice from Zoroark's plan. The grin On the illusion Fluttershy grew even wider.

"Especially young ones who interrupt my naps." Zoroark said as his eye flashed white and he disappeared from the fillies sight. The two that were out looked left and right, frantically trying to find him. The third one poked her head out from the bush.

"This ain't good girls... I remember what he did when we first met him, I'd rather not go through that again." The yellow furred and bright red maned filly shivered as she slowly climbed out of the bush. Unknown to them Zoroark was still where he was before, he had just placed an illusion on the filly's to make it seem like they he had disappeared.

The Purple one rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"What are you so worried about Applebloom? What's the worst he could do? Make Sweetie bells cooking taste good?" She said gesturing to the white unicorn to her right.

"Hey!" Sweetie belle exclaimed. Zoroark made note of who was who as he watched their banter and tweaked his plan slightly. Applebloom looked like she'd just seen a ghost.

"It ain't nothing to sneeze at Scootaloo! I thought I was gonna die when it happened to me." A tear fell down Applebloom's cheek as she recalled the memory. Zoroark felt a twinge of guilt seeing her so upset. He had only been trying to defend himself. He sighed in dissapointment at himself, he was probably the only pokemon here, it was a golden opertunity to show that dark types like himself weren't bad. Yet here he was scaring everyone and proving the steriotype right.

With a sigh he dropped the illusion to the gasps of the fillies, cause it seemed like he just appeared there. He started to change to Fluttershy but paused as an idea hit him. most of these ponies were nervous around his natural form and it seemed to cause problems if he took another's like Fluttershy's.

Zoroark made up his mind and concentrated, it's harder to create a new illusion then just to copy something. His body glowed and blurred slightly shifting between different forms as he tried to get it just right. With a statisfying pop, Zoroark finished his illusion.

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stared wide eyed at what was now standing in front of them. He was a colt with dark grey fur and a patch of black fur in a v shape on his chest. His mane was a deep crimson with black highlights that stuck out like little spikes. His tail looked similar to a foxes except it was black and transitioned into red as it neared the end.

"I'm sorry I scared you when I first got here, I was nervous, didn't know where my friends and trainer were and was acting on instinct.." His voice was a bit deeper then one would think for his size but it still sounded like a young colt's voice. He scuffed a forehoof against the ground as he waited nervously for their response.

"It still wasn't very nice though." Applebloom said. She was willing to give him another chance but, like her sister, she wanted to make sure the lesson was learned. Zoroark flinched and decided to try something he'd perfected while he was a young Zorua.

"Sorry." She said as sweetly as he could and gave it his best.

The three fillies felt their hearts twinge as their own attack was turned on them. They tried to resist but they could feel their resistance being chipped away.

"Just make sure not to do it again." Applebloom just managed to get out before she was able to break eye contact. Zoroark smiled happily and did a little trot in place dance in happiness.

I still got it. He thought proudly. The girls all had the same thought go through their head.

So that's what that feels like. After they had felt the power of their attack turned on them, they latter on, all agreed not to use their cuteness unless it was a dire circumstance.

Shaking her head to clear it Scootaloo noticed something the other's hadn't.

"Hey! You don't have a cutie mark!" This drew both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle's attention to Zoroark's blank flank. He cocked his head in confusion.

"What's a cutie mark?" They looked at him like he'd grown a third head, making him sweat drop.

"It's a mark that you get when you discover your special talent!" Applebloom said excitedly.

"It appears on your flank showing the world what your good at." Sweetie Belle pointed a hoof at her flank, showing Zoroark where it would be.

"And since you don't have a cutie mark, your just like us!" Scootaloo said, prancing in place with excitement. Zoroark was getting more confused by the second.

"And what are you, besides ponies?" He asked. He got a bad feeling that he shouldn't have said that, as the three looked at each other smiling widely.

"WE'RE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS! YAY!" They yelled in unison, catching Zoroark off guard and sending him rolling backwards into a tree trunk. It was all he could do to keep his illusion from breaking.

"And we're crusading for our Cutie marks." Scootaloo added.

Zoroark managed to get to his hooves.

Sheesh, they could give an Exploud a run for their berries with voices like that. He thought.

"That's... interesting." He said. Sweetie belle eyes suddenly sparkled.

"IDEA!" She yelled, jumped in the air and some how hung their for a few seconds before coming back down.

"Since you don't have a cutie mark, you want to come crusading with us?" the other two smiled widely nodding their heads, then turning their expectant smiles toward Zoroark.

"I...Uh..." He tried to find a way to tell them he didn't want to without being mean but he couldn't think of a way. After a few seconds he gave up with a sigh.

"Sure." He said. the three fillies jumped and cheered.

Why does being nice have to be so hard? Zoroark thought glumly.

"Come on..." Scootaloo paused as a thought crossed her mind.

"We never did learn your name." She said, provoking nods from the other two.

"That's right what is your name anyway?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"I'm called Zoroark." He said. Applebloom's muzzle scrunched up.

"That's to much of a mouthful... I know we'll call ya Zoro for short, that's way easier." She announced happily, Sweetie and Scootaloo agreeing.

"Yeah come on Zoro, We got crusading to do!" Scootaloo yelled as she galloped off the other two following quickly.

"Hey! Wait up!" Zoro yelled giving chase. Every adult in Ponyville felt a shiver of dread crawl down their spines, but they are unaware of what had just been unleashed upon them.

"Now what do you all have to say for yourselves?" Fluttershy asked as she, Applejack, Rainbowdash and Rarity stood in front of three sheepish fillies and one nervous illusioned Zoroark.

"That maybe trying for our demolitions cutie mark in the sewer system wasn't the best idea." Scootaloo said and cast a sideways glance at Diamond Tiara's home. It's would take a long time to get that smell out of the carets.

"and?" Rarity prompted, with Fluttershy giving them a diluted version of the stare. The four shivered slightly under her gaze.

"I shouldn't have tried for my baking cutie mark in sugar cube corner, hope they can get their kitchen fixed soon." Sweetie Belle's ears pinned to her head as a small explosion was heard from the direction of sugar cube corner.

"And the structural damage is minimal." She added with a nervous chuckle.

"And?" Applejack was, disappointment clear as a bell in her voice.

"ah shouldn't have tried to sell Sweetie Belle's cooking with an impromptu bake sale to try and get my salespony cutie mark." Applebloom hung her head sadly. Fluttershy directed her eyes right to Zoroark, sending a shiver of fear through him making his illusion flicker slightly.

"And?" She said, her voice stern. Zoroark gulped,

"To not illusion Sweetie Belle's cooking so Ponies would buy them... and then get sent to the hospital for food poisoning." His ears were pinned to his head and his tail was tucked between his legs. Rarity sighed,

"Your just lucky no pony got seriously hurt." She cast her stern gaze at her little sister who flinched slightly.

"Come Sweetie Belle, We're going home now were I can keep a close eye on you to make sure you don't get into anymore trouble." Rarity said, picking up Sweetie in her magic and walking off. Sweetie Belle waved to her friends as she was carried off.

"You too Applebloom, Granny's got a few choice words for your to go straight from school to home from now on." Applejack said giving Applebloom a slight nudge toward their home.

"Bye guys" she said as she followed her sister.

"While I'm all for you getting your Cutie mark squirt, I don't want you getting hurt doing it..." Rainbow said,

"So you loose your scooter pivilages for a week." Rainbow said. Scootaloo looked like she'd been punched but took it and didn't complain.

"I'll walk ya home scoots." Rainbow said, leading the sad Scootaloo away. the only ones left were Zoroark and Fluttershy. Zoroark couldn't bring himself to speak he was so ashamed. He felt tears start to leak from his eyes and started to sniffle. What surprised him was that he was enveloped in a warm hug.

"Shhh, it's okay, It's okay." Fluttershy cooed as she stroked head with her hoof. Zoroark tried to hide the tears but they stared flowing anyway.

"I-I'm sorry." He said through the sniffles.

"I d-din't m-mean to hurt anyo-one." he said into fluttershy's chest.

"I know you didn't, you just got a little carried away that's all, but now we know not to do that again don't we?' She asked looking down and smiling at him. Zoroark felt his heart leap with happiness at her smile and he nodded his head. Fluttershy giggled lightly,

"Good, now come on, lets go home, it's nearly dinner time." She stood to her hooves and they started walking back to her cottage.

"Who did you copy to become a colt Zoroak?" She asked. He wiped his eyes with a hoof as he answered.

"I didn't, I made this on my own so I wouldn't seem as threatening to other's and didn't have to keep using your image to talk cause it would get really confusing." He explained. Fluttershy Smiled at him making his heart warm.

"You did a good job, and you look so cute." She said, almost with a squee. Zoroark puffed out his cheeks as he pouted.

"I'm not cute! I'm tough." He said. Fluttershy chuckled at his adorable outburst.

"Of course you are." She said. Zoroark went on to try to explain why he was tough, only making his cuteness more evident, much to Fluttershy's enjoyment.