//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Adorable Trash // by RDDash //------------------------------// Year 7 of the Lunar Reign. Rainbow Dash's House,12:34 am It's been a normal day in a Ponyvile. Specifically, today was the day when Rainbow Dash and the girls would go to the Whitetail Woods for camping. There they will stay for about a night, tell each other another round of campfire scary stories. "It's going to be so much fun!"Scootaloo squealed excitedly. "Aren't you excited Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo was literally jumping everywhere, up and down, up and down. "Yeah, kiddo it will." Rainbow Dash replied. "Can big sister Lightning Dust join us for today?" asked Scootaloo. "I am sorry, but she can't." Rainbow Dash replied. "Ow, that stinks!" said Scootaloo, "I'll go and see what other girls are up too then, see ya." "Yeah, . . . " Rainbow said absently, Scootaloo didn't notice it, she just dashed away. "Stay safe!" She said to the already empty room. Carousel Boutique 1:17 pm. "Well I am here," said Rainbow Dash, she has just arrived at Carousel Boutique. "You know it's been quite awhile and all of us still need to carry a bunch of supplies. Anyway, the point I am trying to make is you actually getting better at Rarity." "Why, thank you, Rainbow, although Ill had to admit it Ill still making Sweetie Belle do all the work." "Huh, is that so! Well as long as she doesn't mind." "Yes, well shall we go?" "Yep, let's go visit Applejack." Whitetail Woods, 4;56 pm Rainbow Rarity and Applejack went into the forest. After awhile they just picked the place that looked good and placed the camp. They are about to get ready to tell the stories, but they got interrupted by an invasion of bugs, most commonly known as flyders. "Run!" Rainbow hurried everypony for cover into the cave."I'll be right back!"Rainbow then quickly dashed outside and into her tent. At that time it felt like an overkill but Rainbow made sure to pack the best bug repellent she could a hoof mounted flamethrower "Canister fully loaded, the lighter is lighted. It's time to take out the adorable trash." She pressed the trigger setting the flame thrower at full throttle, and let the bugs burn." 5. . . 4. . .3. . .2. . . 1 She started to count seconds. Oh oh, it looks like I am out, now quick reload, and. . . No, stay away, stay away. Ow! Bitten, exhausted and quickly defeated Rainbow Dash threw useless flame thrower to the ground, she then retreats it back to the cave. "Here!" she said while tossing burning log to the ground. "Is that?" Sweetie Belle started saying. "Yep, completely ordinary wooden log that I managed to save from the bugs!" Rainbow Dash quickly reassured everypony. Sweetie Belle sighed hoof mounted flamethrowers weren't cheaply made, and schematics for it are corrupted by a freak error of a memory core of an Crusader class destroyer starship. . I "Wouldn't flyders try and attack us here?" Scootaloo asked. "It's fine, don't worry about it kid." Rainbow quickly dismissed. "Now who wants to start to tell stories." "Well, I guess I should go first," Applejack said, and she started and then finished her story. "So that how it went huh, don't get me wrong I am all for heroism and heroic sacrifice. But tell me Applejack, why would nopony helped him dig the tunnel? Surely it would have been faster if they helped? Also, why nopony ever thought of it? Also, I am pretty sure lava doesn't work that way, it went downhill way too slow. Also if those ponies knew they were living under a volcano then why they refused to leave? What are they doing, a mass grave suicide?" "I don't really know myself but as you are aware that story had been told from person to person." "Okay, I get it, broken telephone." "Well, I guess it's my turn next." Rarity said happily. After awhile she finished the story as well. "Do you have anything you want to add Rainbow Dash?" "Oh look at me I am the next King Sombra, I turned evil because I do look like old and wrinkly. Fear my wrath, you dirty peasants." "I am sure she isn't like that dear." "Yeah, I know, I am just messing with you." "Oh okay, that good I guess." "Where is your confidence? Smile for me Rarity, with pride." "Yes, you are quite a right dear. Anyway, I believe it's your turn." Rainbow Dash went and finished her story. "That nice, I think although, it's a bit weird that dragons would back out after the shock of lightning, even if they are fire resistant to lava. Is that Ember's father, I didn't realize that he was that old," said Rarity. "Yeah, I completely made it up. Nopony actually remembers who they were. Anyway, we should be thankful that dragons have such a weakness." Everypony nodded in agreement, then one of the flyders attacked. Rainbow Dash panicked and with a single strike took down the cave supports for the entrance. "I guess that could have been avoided?" asked Applejack. "I panicked okay, it's not like you could have done it any better. Let's just sleep for a bit, I think we are safe for now." "Why are we afraid of them anyway?" Apple Bloom asked. "Besides being extremely aggressive towards ponies, and been extremely territorial in general!" "Good point." So they went to sleep, hours later three little fillies were laying on the ground and talking with each other. "You know that Empress looked awfully like you Scootaloo, minus being a unicorn. She wouldn't happen to be your distant relative?" asked Apple Bloom. "I don't really know, Rainbow Dash just found me all In the forest, and I just don't remember my family." "Oh, sorry for asking." "No, that's fine, I am pretty sure Rarity just made it up, I mean that other unicorns have waving hair like Princess Celestia does." "Still it's a great story." Sweetie Belle defended her sister. "I am not saying it isn't, anyway let's sleep, tomorrow we would still need to escape from the cave." So with that, they went to sleep, outside the buzzing of the flyders could have been heard.