//------------------------------// // Spectrum // Story: A Princess's Path // by Bluecatcinema //------------------------------// After the romantic awkwardness of Trottingham, Flurry was glad to spend some time with Moongleam in the castle library. The two were reading, Flurry enjoying the legend of Mistmane, while Moongleam was perusing a book on Southern Equestria. "Wow, Mistmane really was a powerful sorceress." Flurry declared. "And so compassionate, too. Maybe someday, I can be like her... though maybe without the wrinkles, of course." "I have no doubt you'll become a legend yourself one of these days, Flurry." Moongleam smiled. "Oh, please." Flurry snorted. "You're just saying that." "Think about it." Moongleam declared. "Your mother and father defeated Chrysalis and Sombra. Your aunt and her friends saved Equestria so many times. Greatness is practically in your blood." "Yeah, but... back then, there were bad guys and magical monsters around every corner." Flurry shrugged. "Things are a lot quieter these days. Not much chances to prove myself when Equestria is so peaceful..." Discord suddenly appeared, wearing a straw hat, sunglasses, a wreath of flowers around his neck, and a red shirt with yellow flower patterns. "I'm baaack!" He sang. "Did you miss me? I know you did!" "Ugh, Discord..." Moongleam groaned. "So much for 'peaceful'..." "Uh... hi, Discord." Flurry declared. "Haven't seen you around that much lately." "What can I say?" Discord shrugged. "My schedule has just been jam-packed lately. I had Tuesday teas with Fluttershy, college reunion with the Smooze, Guy's Night with Spike and Big Mac... I was so exhausted, I even took a little vacation to Presto Caballo, just to recharge the old batteries!" He sighed. "I must apologize for my absence. I can't imagine how badly you've been getting on with your assignments without my sage wisdom guiding you to success." "We've been managing." Flurry deadpanned. "Better than you'd imagine." Moongleam added. "So I've heard." Discord smirked. "Taking on a dragon to protect Flurry? I'm impressed. Didn't know you had it in you!" "How did you know about that?" Starlight frowned. "Oh, I wrote to your mother while I was on vacation." Discord shrugged. "I asked about yours and Flurry's little missions, and the subject came up. And I say again, I never expected such bravery from you, little one." "Well... thank you." Moongleam said graciously. "Guess you're not always about logic and reason, huh?" Discord smirked. "Maybe we have more in common than I thought..." "Yeah, right." Moongleam rolled her eyes. "So, I'm guessing you don't have an assignment today, Flurry?" Discord inquired. "Which is why you're reading these boring old books?" He added with a scoff. "I happen to like reading books." Flurry countered. "Of course you do." Discord rolled his eyes. "That's your dear aunt Twilight's influence at work." He patted Flurry on the head. "Poor thing. You never stood a chance." "Books are a wealth of knowledge and enlightment." Moongleam declared. "Maybe you should try reading one sometime." "Ooh." Discord pouted. "I'm knowledgeable enough to recognise a stealth insult when I hear one." "Then I suppose we both learned a little something about each other today." Moongleam smirked. "Okay, play nice, you two." Flurry sighed. "Alas, I have no time to play today." Discord shrugged. "I just dropped by to say 'hello'. I really must be getting back home. I let the Smooze house-sit, and I need to make sure he didn't make too big of a mess... at least, not without me there to watch... Don't go missing me too much now!" Discord vanished in his usual flash of light. "Wow. He's actually more annoying than I remember..." Moongleam rolled her eyes. "I don't know, I actually did kind of miss having him around." Flurry admitted. "Maybe having him around all the time would be a bit much, but I guess a visit from him every now and again wouldn't be so bad." "Speak for yourself." Moongleam snorted. Later that afternoon, Flurry was sharing dinner with her family. "Good news, Flurry." Shining Armor announced. "We have a new assignment for you tomorrow." "What is it?" Flurry asked. "We need you to make a good will visit to the Changeling hive." Cadance declared. "So I get to see Thorax again? Great!" Flurry smiled. "It's been way too long since we last saw each other." "We had a feeling you'd enjoy hearing that." Shining Armor grinned. "We would have gone ourselves, but we have to speak with the delegates from Southern Equestria tomorrow." After dinner, Flurry made her to Moongleam's home, and told her the news while she and her parents were in the living room.. "So we'll be going to the hive?" Moongleam asked. "I've met Thorax before, since he and my parents are old friends... but I've never actually been to the hive before. It should prove... educational." "I went there once a while." Flurry declared. "It's quite a sight, if you want to know the truth." "I'm sure it is." Moongleam nodded. "And seeing Changeling culture up close will be a nice little bonus." "Thorax is a very gracious host." Starlight declared. "I visited his hive a few times before settling down here, and it was always fun." "In that case, I'll say 'hi' to him for you, mom." Moongleam smiled. "Thanks, sweetie." Starlight ruffled her daughter's mane. "Don't forget me." Sunburst grinned. "Never gonna happen, daddy." Moongleam chuckled, hugging her father. Flurry couldn't help but smile at the warm family moment. 'Tomorrow is going to be great.' She thought. 'No doubt...' The following morning, Flurry and Moongleam headed out to the Changeling territory. Their carriage landed just outside the hive entrance. Standing at either side of the entrance were a light green Changeling and a blue Changeling, each wearing silver helmets, boots, and chestplates. They were the hive guards, formed some years back under the guidance of Thorax's brother, Pharynx. "Princess Flurry Heart, I presume?" The green Changeling asked. "That's me." Flurry nodded. "I'm with her." Moongleam added. "Go right in." The blue Changeling smiled. "King Thorax is expecting you." Flurry and Moongleam entered the hive, walking through the passageways leading to the top. As they did, Flurry waved to any Changelings they happened to pass by, with the Changelings waving back. Meanwhile, Moongleam looked around, taking in their surroundings. "This really is... something else." She admitted. "The word 'hive' is well-deserved. So many passageways and compartments..." "It is definitely not something you see every day." Flurry nodded. "And that's coming from two ponies who live in homes made out of crystal..." As they finally emerged at the top of the hive, they saw that Thorax was indeed waiting for them. He was seated on his throne, Pharynx standing nearby. "Hello, Flurry." Thorax smiled. "Hi, Thorax." Flurry nodded. "You remember Moongleam, right?" "Starlight and Sunburst's little girl? Of course." Thorax declared. "It's been a while. Good to see you again." "And you, sir." Moongleam said respectfully. "Mom and dad say 'hi', by the way." "So your pals in the Crystal Empire sent a couple of kids on their 'goodwill visit'?" Pharynx frowned. "Seems kind of insulting, when you think about it..." "Seriously, Pharynx?" Thorax sighed. "I'm just saying." Pharynx said defensively. "My parents would have come themselves, but they have a lot of important matters to attend to." Flurry declared, trying to ignore Pharynx's tone. "Rather than simply cancel the visit entirely, and risk damaging relations between the Changeling hive and the Crystal Empire, they sent myself and Moongleam. I think you'll agree, any visitors are better than none." "...Yeah, I guess..." Pharynx muttered. "Well, listen to you." Thorax smiled at Flurry. "You sound so grown-up. I remember when you were this sweet little foal. Seems like just yesterday..." "Thorax..." Flurry blushed. "We've both come so far since then, haven't we?" Thorax smiled. "Life can be a wonderful journey sometimes..." "If you keep this up, I'm gonna hurl." Pharynx joked. "Very funny." Thorax rolled his eyes. "You know, Moongleam is really interested to learn about Changeling culture." Flurry declared. "Right, Moony?" "I wouldn't mind learning a little more about your lifestyle... if that's okay with you." Moongleam admitted. "I'd be honored." Thorax smiled. "As it turns out, the theater players are just about to start their performance of King Deer. Would you like to watch?" "It would be a fascinating new experience." Moongleam nodded. "And I like a good show." Flurry grinned. "Then it's settled." Thorax smiled. "You two can sit with me." "Are you coming too?" Moongleam asked Pharynx. "Nah, not my thing." Pharynx shrugged. "I've gotta go put the new recruits through their paces, anyway." "Try not to go too hard on them, bro." Thorax chuckled. "No promises..." Pharynx smirked. Flurry and Moongleam followed Thorax to the far side of hive, where the performance was being held. It turned out to be a very enjoyable show. "That was a marvelous performance." Moongleam remarked, as the actors took a bow. "Yeah, they really nailed that final act." Flurry agreed. "They're no Canterlot Theatrical Society, but they have their moments." "Thank you." Thorax smiled. "I'll let them know you enjoyed it." Just then, the two Changeling guards from outside the entrance arrived, carrying a third, yellow Changeling guard, who looked badly hurt. "King Thorax!" One of the guards announced. "We have a problem!" The call drew Thorax, Flurry and Moongleam over, as well as Pharynx , who had just returned from putting the new recruits through drills. "What is it?" Thorax asked. "We found Stone Shell while we were on patrol." The blue guard declared. "He was behind some bushes, and as you can, someone or something really roughed him up." "Trouble is, we saw him enter the hive moments before finding him in the bushes." The green guard added. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Pharynx frowned. "We fear that we may have a rogue Changeling among us." The blue guard declared. "A rogue Changeling?" Flurry repeated. "Yes." Thorax nodded. "Most likely from Chrysalis's hive." "Chrysalis?" Moongleam asked. "As in the former Queen you deposed?" "That's right." Thorax admitted. "After Chrysalis fled the hive, she gathered together the Changelings who had been posing as the royal family and Princess Twilight's friends, and formed a new hive, somewhere in the northern mountains. She's spent the years since slowly building up an army of Changelings loyal to her. In truth, I've been afraid something like this would happen for a while now." "An act of aggression against the hive that rejected her? Yeah, that was pretty much a given." Pharynx deadpanned. "Haven't you ever... taken precautions, or something?" Moongleam asked. "I have." Thorax admitted. "Using... certain trustworthy connections, I've been keeping an eye on her new hive's activities." "I always said we had to do more than just keep an eye on them." Pharynx frowned. "In case you've forgotten, little brother, you were the one who deposed Chrysalis. She was bound to want payback for that. It wouldn't have hurt to launch a little preemptive strike. Y'know, hit 'em before they were ready to hit us. " "I'd prefer not to "hit" anyone." Thorax said firmly, before turning back to Flurry and Moongleam. "I used those same connections to try and get in contact with Chrysalis, and negotiate a peace treaty." "Again with this?" Pharynx groaned. "I love you, bro, but peaceful negotiations aren't always the answer!" "I know that." Thorax nodded grimly. "But I was hoping they could be the answer here. Even after all these years, Chrysalis's new hive isn't that big. I'm afraid that if it did come to all-out warfare, they'd suffer major casualties." "Why would that be a problem?" Moongleam asked. "Because most of those Changelings are just like ours once were; They follow Chrysalis because they don't know any better." Thorax explained. "If we only had the chance, maybe we could show them our way. The better way." "Maybe." Pharynx nodded. "But for now, we gotta find this imposter, and fast. And since we know who he's pretending to be, we have the edge." "Good thinking, Pharynx." Thorax nodded. "Meanwhile, you should get Stone Shell some medical attention." He told the guards. "Yes, sir." The blue guard nodded. As the guards led their injured comrade away, Flurry approached Thorax. "Can we help?" She inquired. "It's good of you to offer." Thorax smiled. "But-" "This is a Changeling matter, Princess." Pharynx declared. "You should let us handle it. Besides, I doubt your parents would be too happy at us if you got hurt on our turf..." "We're not afraid of a single rogue Changeling." Moongleam said firmly. "We took on dragons not too long ago!" "That doesn't-wait, really?" Pharynx froze mid-sentence, surprised. "Well, they were young dragons." Flurry shrugged. "And Moongleam did get a decent shot in..." "Stop. You'll make my head swell..." Moongleam deadpanned. "My point is, we're more than capable of handling ourselves." "Okay then, you can help." Thorax nodded. "Just watch yourselves." Pharynx warned. "Neither of you know what it's like to face a Changeling who's still hungry for love." "If you're trying to intimidate us, it won't work." Flurry said boldly. "We'll see." Pharynx retorted, allowing himself a small smile at Flurry's determination. At that moment, what looked like the exact double of Stone Shell (aside from lacking all the bumps and bruises Stone Shell currently possessed) emerged onto the top of the hive. "My King." He bowed before Thorax. "I've returned from patrol." "So I see." Thorax remarked, his expression impassive. "Anything to report?" "Yes." "Stone Shell" nodded. "I have reason to believe a maulwurf may be headed toward the hive, and a big one, too. I recommend you send all the guards to attack it together." "But if we do that, that could the hive vulnerable to any other threats that might show up." Pharynx said, faux-worry in his voice. "Taking down a maulwurf doesn't just happen in a snap, you know." "I'd be happy to stay behind and protect you, my King." "Stone Shell" offered, an unsettling gleam in his eye. "I'll take good care of you." "How about we take care of you, faker?!" Flurry stepped forward. "E-excuse me?" "Stone Shell" frowned. "Princess, don't-" Pharynx started. "We know you're an imposter!" Flurry growled. "We just saw the real Stone Shell, who you beat up! So why don't you just show your real face, or face the consequences!" Flurry fired a bolt of magic at the imposter. The fake sidestepped it, then reverted to his true form. "Okay, you got me." The spy sneered. "Ugh..." Moongleam shuddered as she looked upon his true form. "I've heard about what Changelings used to look like, but seeing it in person is... unsettling." "Gee, thanks." The spy growled, slowly inching towards the passageway he'd entered by. "Stand down, invader." Thorax demanded. "How about I just go down instead?" The spy smirked, as he ran back down the way he came. Catch me if you can!" "Guards, secure the entrances!" Thorax instructed some nearby guards. "And catch the spy!" "Yes, sir!" The guards chorused. Four flew off the top of the hive and headed downward, while the other two followed the spy. "Nice going, kid." Pharynx glared at Flurry. "Me?!" Flurry spluttered. "What did I do?" "If you hadn't jumped in like that, we could have lulled the spy into a false sense of security, then restrained him when his guard was down." Pharynx retorted. "A sound strategy." Moongleam noted grudgingly. "But now, thanks to you, he's in the hive somewhere, and has plenty of places to hide in!" Pharynx growled. "Not to mention plenty of new forms to take..." "Lay off her, Pharynx." Thorax declared. "She was just trying to help." "Well, she failed." Pharynx growled. "And now, we have to clean up the mess. I'm going after the spy myself..." Pharynx stomped down into the hive's interior. "Maybe you should stay up here." Thorax suggested. "Pharynx may not be willing to accept more help than you... no offense." Thorax followed his brother downwards. "Great." Flurry hung her head. "Some help I was." "Don't be so hard on yourself, Flurry." Moongleam comforted her. "It was an honest mistake. Anypony could have made it." "But I did." Flurry sighed... before setting her face in determination. "And I'm going to fix it..." Flurry followed Thorax and Pharynx down the hive. "Wait for me!" Moongleam followed after her. Down below, Thorax and Pharynx were searching for signs of unusual behavior from the other changelings. "Who played the lead role in King Deer today?" Thorax asked a dark green Changeling. "Carpenter." The Changeling replied. "Correct." Thorax nodded. "You, soldier!" Pharynx, some distance away, yelled to a blue-green guard. "Y-yes, sir?" The guard nodded. "What combat strategy did we practice yesterday?" Pharynx asked. "Uh... the dive and swarm?" The guard said nervously. "No, the hover and sting." Pharynx retorted. "Gotcha." "But can you keep me?" The spy dived forward, adopting his usual form as he slid between Pharynx's legs. He quickly turned around and spat some slimy green resin at Pharynx's hooves, temporarily immobilizing him. Flurry and Moongleam arrived on the scene, just in time to see the spy making his getaway. "Get back here!" Pharynx yelled, as the spy turned down another passageway. "Not a chance!" The spy sneered. "We're on him!" Flurry declared, as she and Moongleam gave chase. "Great." Pharynx snorted, pulling a hoof free. "Princess mess-up's on the case..." Flurry and Moongleam were hot on the heels of the spy, who tried to evade them by turning into other passages and chambers. But he wasn't having much luck... "Blasted plants!" The spy scowled, the new decor throwing him off. "Barely even recognize the place..." Just as Flurry and Moongleam were gaining on the spy, he rounded a corner. When they turned to follow, they found two chambers ahead. "We've gotta split up." Flurry declared. "I'll take the right chamber, you take the left." "On it" Moongleam nodded. Flurry rushed into the right chamber. It turned out to be a chamber for containing theater, craft, and dining supplies. Flurry quickly checked each item in turn, levitating it with her magic, hoping that if one were the spy, she could shake it into changing back. But none of them seemed to be fakes. After searching through the supplies chamber, Flurry encountered Moongleam walking out of the other chamber. "Nothing over there." Moongleam announced. "That was fast." Flurry declared. 'Too fast. She's usually so thorough...' "Well, like I said, there wasn't anything of note there." Moongleam told Flurry. Flurry glanced into the passageway, noting a number of arts and crafts projects hanging on the walls, like a wing in a museum. 'Nothing of note... in an area full of Changeling artwork you've never seen before.' Flurry narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Remind me, what's your opinion on our friend Discord?" She asked. "He's a fun guy, right?" "Oh, yeah!" Moongleam nodded. "The funnest!" "Gotcha!" Flurry said triumphantly. She struck "Moongleam" with a bolt of magic, causing the disguise to fail, and the spy stood in her place. "Did you really think you could pretend to be my best friend that easily? Now why don't you come along quiet-" "I think not!" The spy spat up more slime, trapping Flurry's front hooves and left wing. "Ew, gross!" Flurry gagged. "Unlike you, I don't have time to stick around." The spy sneered. "So I'll just be go-" He collided with a wall of magic. "Ow!" "You're not going anywhere." Moongleam announced, emerging from the artwork chamber. "Sorry I couldn't help sooner. I found the artwork quite interesting. Though I couldn't help but notice that a sculpture I passed on the way in was gone when I turned to leave..." "Now that's my best friend." Flurry smiled, as Moongleam zapped the slime off her hooves and wings. "I won't be beaten by a couple of pony brats!" The spy lunged forward. "Wanna bet?" Flurry smirked. She fired a bolt of magic froze him in mid-air. "Look at that. Guess you'll be sticking around after all." Flurry levitated the spy back through the chambers, Moongleam by her side, until they encountered Thorax and Pharynx. "You did it!" Thorax smiled. "We did it, actually." Flurry nodded in Moongleam's direction. "Unbelievable." Pharynx gaped. "Guess I'm not 'Princess mess-up' after all, huh?" Flurry grinned. "Maybe not..." Pharynx admitted grudgingly. The spy was brought back to the top of the hive, where Thorax, Pharynx, Flurry, Moongleam and the guards surrounded him. "I don't know exactly what you planned on accomplishing here, but your mission has failed." Thorax declared. "And whatever twisted scheme you were sent to enact ends here." "Pretty pathetic, if you ask me." Pharynx smirked. "Bad enough you turned against your own brothers and sisters, but you couldn't even do it right." "Who are you to judge me?" The spy growled. "You betrayed your Queen." He gazed all around him. "All of you! You turned on Chrysalis and drove her away! You're vile traitors, one and all!" "Chrysalis was the one who betrayed this hive." Pharynx said coldly. "She used us, then abandoned us. Even when I didn't like the way this hive was going, I stayed. Because this is my home. Clearly, Chrysalis didn't feel the same way. Given the choice, she left rather than stay. On that day, she lost my respect." "Couldn't have put it better myself." Thorax nodded. "How dare you insult my Queen!" The spy snarled. "If you love your Queen so much, we'd be happy to have you sent right back to her." Thorax retorted. "...Wait, we're not locking him up?" Pharynx asked. "I'd like to." Thorax admitted. "But I'm still holding onto the hope that we can resolve things with Chrysalis peacefully. That won't be so easy when we're holding one of her own captive." "You heard the King." Pharynx told the two entrance guard, a distinct growling tone in his voice. "Stalk, Hopper, escort our uninvited guest up north, so he can return to his precious Queen's hive." "You send Chrysalis a message from me." Thorax glared at the spy. "You tell her that if she tries something like this ever again, we will take it as an act of war. And from what I know, she doesn't want that... just yet. Am I making myself clear?" "Crystal Empire clear." The spy said coldly. "But know this, pretender: Chrysalis isn't through with you yet. Not by a long shot." "Duly noted." Thorax retorted. "And we'll be ready for a fight... any time." Pharynx snarled. "But can your hive say the same?" "Time will tell." The spy snarled, as a quartet of guards restrained him. "Time will tell..." The guards took to the sky, carrying the spy into the horizon. "Well, this visit has been far more interesting than I expected." Moongleam declared. "Yeah..." Thorax shrugged. "Sorry there was so much trouble today." "It wasn't your fault." Flurry said fairly. "Besides, a little action is good every now and then." "I think I'm actually starting to like this kid..." Pharynx smirked. "All the same, maybe I should let mom and dad know about what happened here today." Flurry said seriously. "I suppose..." Thorax mused. "But try not to make it sound like too big of a deal. I know your parents have had bad experiences with Chrysalis, so they may not react too well..." "I'll try my best." Flurry nodded. "You and your friend did pretty good today, Princess." Pharynx smiled. "I don't think any Changeling here will be forgetting you two in a hurry." "How about that, Flurry?" Moongleam grinned. "Guess you're a hero now!" "That's... Kind of stretching it..." Flurry said humbly. "Besides, you played a part in catching that spy too." "So you're both heroes." Thorax smiled. "That's the way I see it, at least..." "Thanks, Thorax." Moongleam beamed. "Well, we really should be heading back." Flurry admitted, noting the position of the sun. "But it was a great visit." "Yes." Moongleam nodded. "Very informative." "Goodbye for now, then." Thorax nodded. "We hope you come back soon... right, Pharynx?" "...Eh, seeing you kids again wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, I guess." Pharynx shrugged. "I'll take that as a compliment." Flurry smirked. "And seeing you again won't be so bad either..." "Thanks, Princess mess-up." Pharynx joked. "This is nice, but all the playful banter is taking up our remaining time." Moongleam pointed out. "Shall we take our leave?" "We shall." Flurry nodded. "And we can always joke around next time..." Flurry and Moongleam returned to the carriage, and made their way home, with quite a story to tell to their families. And though the thought of what acts Chrysalis and her hive might do in the future worried Flurry, for the moment, she took solace in the fact that Thorax's hive was strong, and if worst came to worst, they had allies they could call upon. 'As long as we all stick together, there's nothing we can't do.' Flurry thought, believing every word.