//------------------------------// // Equestria Girls und Panzer 07 // Story: The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer // by ratedoni //------------------------------// And the research started with a thunderous cheer by the girls in the garage. Soon, they all began to look at the instructions left on the small leather bound notebook that the leaders of the new club had found. Well, no one was the leader so far, but most girls deferred to Sunset at this point, except for Trixie who was Trixie and for some reason was thinking that all power in the new club will fall upon her. She was special in that way. Every girl soon divided in groups without even the need of orders and they soon went searching on the elusive tanks that had been part of the once proud team of Canterlot High. It was fun to see all the girls these excited with something like that considering they didn’t have any real information about the condition or what exactly the tanks were. Most information seemed to have been erased from the notebook much to the surprise of Sunset. Usually clubs always took careful notes of what their roster was at any moment, with things like main teams and substitutions something normal in most schools. Also, Sunset understood that every school was different and not only the students that were part of the team were very different from one school to the other, but the tactics, the philosophy behind the battle and most importantly, the tanks. Tanks were the main focus of all teams and the philosophy of the team was reflected on the line up each club had. Some, like Sunset’s previous school, liked to focus on the power of the heavy and medium tanks like the Pershing. Schools like Cloudsdale had T34s in their line up to use hit and run tactics that, although slightly inefficient against well prepared teams, brought them some victories on the official Sensha-do league and cups. This time, after reading the little information still relevant on the notebook, Sunset couldn’t even imagine what kind of tactics or battle plan Canterlot High used; it was all just a weird mish mash of tanks of all types that simply left her perplexed. Was the club so bad in terms of support and reserves that they had to get their tanks from sales at different stores or something similar? It was clear that the M3 Stuart was not a mistake and indeed they had one. Probably that was part of the reason why the club went belly up. No matter, they were still in the fence and they had to find tanks if they had any chance of reviving the club. With that in order the girls quickly began to search all across the school and beyond, into the quiet streets of Canterlot where mostly small family businesses and homes were present. Their quest was one that felt more like a Treasure hunt as Sunset had told them, but most girls were truly interested in the adventure. “What do you think we will find first? Maybe a Tiger, or what about a Maus?!” began to spout Rainbow who was getting excited at the idea of finding some rare tanks out there. Sunset simply arched an eyebrow at the way the other girl was acting; almost like a little girl that was in a toy shop. This was not something Sunset was used to see; maybe Rainbow was truly getting into the whole Sensha-do mind set. “If we ever find a Maus, which will be a miracle, almost like winning the lottery at this point; besides, considering the rarity of that type of tank and how poorly Canterlot High did, I don’t think they ever had a truly awesome tank.” “Come on, what a way to pop the balloon.” “She’s right Rainbow, Ah don’t think they ever had something of that caliber in that club; momma would have told me that story already.” “Was your mother also in Sensha-do my dear?” “Ah’m not quite sure, but she knows her fair share of it; do ya think she was part of the club when it was closed down? Ah mean, momma was a student at CH,” the blonde had a point, but so far it was just a theory that had nothing to do with them. True, it was a mystery, but their attention should be placed on finding more tanks and maybe be able to revive it. “Well, I hope we are able to find more tanks, this place is not exactly small; I think it would be easier if we lived on a carrier,” listening to the comment from Fluttershy, Sunset had to hide her laughter with a cough while the other girls simply stared with clear confusion at their mild mannered friend. “I hope it is not the same situation; I don’t feel in the mood to enter a tournament and win it. I like the school, but I don’t want to be pressured to save it,” Sunset said in reference to the Sensha-do story that the two had seen before. It was true that the now legendary fight for survival at Oarai had been modified when it was turned into an animation, but many things had been changed, just like the whole place they lived, which was completely nonsensical and impossible. While the two girls had to contain their giggles, the other three quickly understood that it was basically an inside joke and the three wondered how well Fluttershy and Sunset knew each other. Shrugging they continued their search across the other buildings of CH, like the gym and the track field, but they were looking at obvious places just to take all possibilities out of the list; but soon, Rainbow’s cellphone went off and with a large smile she showed the message to Sunset. Several minutes later, the five girls were inside the local theater and were looking at the creature made out of metal in wonder. “So wait, let me get this straight, this thing here has been used by the theater troupe as a prop?! What in tarnation?” “Well, it has become a part of the theater at this point,” the man in front of them, Sonnet Globe, explained to them as Trixie and company inspected the tank that seemed to have seen better days. Sunset couldn’t believe the way in which the tank had been painted in so many garish colors, as if someone had decided to use the tank as a canvas for some strange psychedelic painting “we also sometimes use it on our modern re-enactment of Romeo and Juliet; is it true that you will take it from us?” “I’m sorry, but we need this tank for the Sensha-do club at our school,” usually, Fluttershy was the best when it came to reach an agreement in peace, but this Sonnet guy seemed to have been part of whatever school Rarity learned her best drama queen moments. “Oh, what a blow to the fine arts; I will love to give you this beautiful prop, but it would be impossible. Everyone in the troupe as gone quite attached. Using this beautiful Sherman for warmongering is so savage, is better as a canvas of dreams.” “First, the tank was only loaned to the local theater troupe until the moment the Sensha-do club needed it again, which is now,” Sunset quickly interrupted the man, partly because she wanted the tank and partly because she was also tempted to hit him due to how annoying he was “second, the tank is not a Sherman, I’m pretty sure you never even tried to research it and just went with the only tank name you knew. This tank is not even from the American continent, it is Swedish.” “Wait, Sweden had tanks?” Cloudy Kicks asked as she inspected the interior of the tank, which was surprisingly well preserved. “They were never officially part of the fight, but the rules allow their usage since they were created on the right time. This is a Stridsvagn m/42 or Strv in short; it is a light tank that was created by AB Landsverk and it is really good tank, well done girls,” she was going to go ahead with her explanation, but a new series of messages caught everyone’s attention. It seems that the club had some hope because now, not only they had the Stuart and the Strv, they had other 3, so it was time to prepare for their first offensive; show Luna that they were ready to revive the club. It was time to go to war.