Daring Do and The Last Laugh

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 1

It's a dust cloud filled day on the Dawn's Day Plateau as Daring Do looks out over the hill. All of a sudden, the dust clears and Daring Do sees a familiar shadow: the shadow of Doctor Caballeron. She then approaches him and he begins to canter off at a hundred miles an hour. "Caballeron!" hollers Daring Do. "You're through!"

"Not unless you catch me, which you can't!" laughs Caballeron.

Daring Do lowers her head and charges at full speed before leaping into the sky and breaking into flight. She is soon right above him. "You may be able to outrun me, but you can't outfly me, you're still an earth pony after all," taunts Daring. Caballeron rolls his eyes and continues to run before jumping onto a passing stagecoach and throwing a bag of treasures up onto it. A few minutes later, Daring Do lands on top of the coach and catches Caballeron off guard. "Give up now, Caballeron!" hollers Daring Do.

"I'll never give up, besides I already have the Sapphire of Horichoko in my grasp!" replies Caballeron.

"Now you don't," says Daring as she sneakily pulls it out from his pocket and tosses it into her bag under her wing. She then throws a rope over his neck and another around his waist and then ties it to herself and takes to the sky, dragging him along behind her. She drags him all the way to Somnambula where he is booed and hissed at by the locals as they throw moldy apples at his face. Once he is thoroughly embarrassed by the Somnambulans, Daring Do takes him back with her to the Palomino Prison. Once in the prison, Daring Do throws him into a cell. "The Sapphire of Horichoko is going back to the Bay Dusk Museum where it belongs." Daring Do then runs out of the prison and towards the town of Bay Dusk.

Once in Bay Dusk, she goes into the museum and hands the Sapphire to the museum curator, Mr. Silas Halohoof. "Thanks for returning the Sapphire," says Silas Halohoof as he puts it back in the case along with the Emerald of Coltardon and Ruby of Canterdaron. "Oh, we also have something we want to show you," says the curator. "Follow me!" Daring Do nods and follows him to a new exhibition hall.

"Wow! This hall is new!" replies Daring Do with a grin.

"This is our new Daring Do Adventure Hall, it has interactive areas and history tidbits along the walls along with other relics you've brought us in the past on display. We have your vase and goblet from your trip to Azteca. We also have your Glopaz necklace the Somnambulans gave you on display.

"Wow! It's amazing! I'm so honored!" replies Daring Do, removing her hat and beginning to blush.

"I'm glad you like it, we open it for public viewing in two weeks time," replies Mr. Halohoof. "There is one thing we are missing for the collection that I'd love you to get for us though, the wand of Mayatonia."

"Sure, I can get that for you, it's in my cottage somewhere," replies Daring Do with a smile. "I'll get it to you before the opening of the exhibit in two weeks. I promise."