Crazy's Crazy Life

by Comrade Bagel Muffin

Things Start Getting Batty

Crazy slowly made his way down the stairs, in his blue pajamas with exploding fireworks. It was really, really late and the guard ponies were asleep, but he was thirsty, and really need a glass of milk. Normally this would have been a real problem given that there were so many monsters that came out at night. However, Crazy had brought a flashlight with him. He normally would have used his magic candles, which were absolutely guarantied to keep all of the monsters away, but the guards had taken all of his things after the accident last week. It wasn't his fault though. Seriously how was he suppose to know that the timer was upside down, and instead of 5 minutes it was actually 2 seconds. Anypony could have made that mistake. Crazy was sure to jump over the last 2 steps because they'd let all the monsters know where he was.
As soon as his hooves hit the floor he bolted making a mad dash to the lamp. The light came on with a click banishing all the bad ghost monsters. Crazy sat down in the safety of the lamp light. All that was left was to run to the kitchen and open the refrigerator, and hope that the fairies that turned on the refrigerator light were awake this late at night. Fortunately they were and the second he opened the refrigerator door the whole kitchen filled with light. He chugged down a small glass of milk and turned on his flash light before closing the refrigerator door and quickly making his way back to the living room.
Suddenly the door nob started shacking. Crazy froze in place. Something was at the door. "D-Don't c-come in I-I have a flashlight." The door opened. The monster was easily twice as tall as he was, with slitted yellow eyes. "Eeep." The flash light fell to the floor just as two wings unfurled and the creature lunged at him squealing. "AAHHHH!"
"Crazy, it's 2am what in Equestria are you doing!" Winged Shield flew down the stairs spear in hoof.
"I'm to scared of the dark to be a Vampony!" Crazy cried as he continued to struggle. He had kept the Vampony from biting his neck and it was instead content to nuzzling his cheek and squeaking. wait what? Crazy suddenly stopped struggling. "Uh Ms.Vampony ma'am not telling you how to do you, but aren't you supposed to be trying to bite my neck?"
"He's so CUTE!" The strange Vampony continued to nuzzle Crazy's face.
"Corporal Batty I take it? Your insanely early you were suppose to be here at 2pm"
"There's a 2pm?" She asked still nuzzling Crazy.
"Batty put Crazy down, Crazy go to bed. Batty do what ever just do it quietly until Duty Bound gets back." Batty let Crazy go and waved to him. Crazy waved back, concluding that she was a nice Vampony. Still he'd have to change his PJs.