//------------------------------// // 4. Someone Else's War // Story: The Good Fight // by CoyoteXray //------------------------------// Rarity sat quietly at the table, paying no attention whatsoever to the plate in front of her. She just sat there with her head in her hands, propped up on her elbows, trying not to think about what she had just done. Cookie Crumbles breezed by and announced, "O.K. you two, I'm outta here. You sure you're covered there Sweets?" Sweety Belle looked in from the living room, and answered, "No problem mom. My ride should be here in a few minutes." "Sounds good to me," Cookie answered, and then added "Hey Rars, if you need to talk, you know how to reach me. And don't forget that your dad will be back for lunch at noon. Hope you're feeling better." Rarity sighed. "Yes mom," she answered, still not looking up. Cookie lingered a bit longer, hoping for more, before shaking her head and leaving the room, and exiting out the downstairs door. Sweety Belle waited until the door closed before going over to Rarity and asking, "O.k., why didn't you just tell her what happened?" Rarity groaned and replied, "Please, just leave me alone." "She's going to be upset when your prom date doesn't show up and you have to tell her why you lied to her," Sweety replied, "She's not a dummy you know." Rarity didn't reply, and finally Sweety just shook her head and walked away. 'No,' Rarity thought, 'my parents are not stupid; the daughter yes, but not the parents.' She had lied her way out of school today, but in the end, what had she accomplished, other than to create even more problems. How ironic that she could dismiss Twilight's fears of Bold Venture, yet now find herself consumed by her own. "Ah, true poetic justice," she said to herself, and she sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time.   "So, you gonna make your move?" Thunderlane said to Flash Sentry as they dressed in the locker room. Flash was still loading his pockets with the normal collection of devices and essential parts he carried, and didn't reply right away. But he glanced back and saw that his friend was still standing there, and wasn't going to be satisfied by silence, so he replied, "I haven't decided. You're not going to be disappointed either way I hope. I know you've been itching for a shot at him." "Damn right," Thunderlane replied, "Would've taken him down a long time ago if it weren't for that fan base he's recruited. I'm just surprised you're doing it. And why are you helping her out anyway? Are you still holding a candle for Shimmer or what?" Flash paused, and thought about it for a minute, and shook his head. "It's not that, or not exactly that. It's just that I do kind of like Sci-Twi, and not just because she reminds me of someone. And, it's not like there weren't actually things I liked about Sunset once upon a time. That said," he paused and smiled at the thought before continuing, "I did get a good laugh out of seeing her at the bottom of that crater as her little scheme blew up in her face. But, I guess I just don't feel the need to spend the rest of my life pushing needles into a damn voodoo doll." "Excuse me sir," came a call from behind him, and he moved slightly to the side as Pip came through and picked up one of the abandoned towels on the floor. Flash had to marvel at the patience of the young freshman assistant manager, doing a job that was low in prestige, but high on grunt work. "Hey Pipster, what's up," Flash asked. Pip looked up, and smiled. "Oh...uh, not much, just a bit of grunge work before the day begins." "Well, I don't know about the rest of these guys, but I'll try not to leave you too much. How'd a dude like you get a job like this anyway?" Flash inquired. Pip paused to brush back his unruly bangs, and then replied, "Well, they called it a resume builder, rather like when I became class president. Unfortunately though, someone conveniently forgot to mention that there was a rather dodgy side of this job." Flash laughed at this and answered "Well, more power to you." "Little man givin' ya crap there Flash?" Thunderlane asked as he came up from behind. Both Flash and Pip looked back over their shoulders and Flash replied, "Nothing I can't handle." Thunderlane came up to Pip and put his hand on Pip's head and answered, "Don't let this guy fake you out Sentry, he's a disloyal little putz." "Uh, come again?" Flash replied. "What else do you call it?" Thunderlane answered, "I mean we bring this guy over from the isle's, parade a first class collection of domestic models for him to choose from, and what happens? He goes after a European import. Pity and a shame." "Really?" Flash replied with a raised eyebrow. "Uh," Pip replied, his face going red, "well...'goes after' is a bit of an overstatement. I haven't even tried to talk her up yet." "Well, be careful, that girl's got attitude," Flash replied with a smile. "Don't I know it," Pip replied as he turned towards the door. "And hey, you could do worse," Thunderlane added, "I mean just think of the girl Flash is taking to prom." Flash locked eyes with Thunderlane and replied, "Don't go there dude. She's a bit different, but she's o.k." "All right my man," Thunderlane replied, "But Muffins is no princess." Flash just shook his head at this and answered, "Maybe, but don't sell her short." The threesome parted ways and Flash went back to what he was doing. Or at least he tried, before the sound of a collision met his ears. He turned around and saw the scene with Pip flattened against the wall behind the door that had just been thrown in his face by Bold Venture. Venture then stormed into the room and made for his locker. Flash took a step in Pip's direction, but was quickly waved off as Pip picked up the towels he had been carrying and left the room. Flash let out a tired groan and walked over by Bold Venture and asked him, "Bad day? It usually takes you a bit longer to run over the help." "Take a hike Sentry," Bold Venture replied. "It's none of your damn business! Just give me a couple more weeks, and I'll be free of this rathole and you and the other halfwits will be the new kings of this place." Flash just shook his head, and replied. "All I ask is that you hold down on the damage please, we're going to need to keep Pip vertical at least till the end of the season." "Yeah right," Bold Venture replied, "Why do you care anyway? The little douche is just the freaking towel boy for crying out loud. Anything happens to him, and the only downside is that you and the rest of these guys will have to actually walk your own crap to the laundry room." "Hey man, we like Pip," Thunderlane answered, overhearing the conversation, "He's humble and lovable, and he's small enough to fit in any glove compartment." He looked to Flash, who barely suppressed a chuckle as the two turned back to Bold Venture. "Uh huh, just like I thought. So much for virtue reigning supreme." Bold Venture replied, "So what exactly makes you any better than me if you're making jokes about him behind his back?" This brought a raised eyebrow from Flash, who replied, "The difference is even with the joking, we're not trying to hurt the guy. It's what we call teasing in the civilized world." "Yeah whatever Sentry, keep telling yourself that, and maybe you'll believe it someday," Venture answered, shaking his head. "And what am I going to hear next from the great man of ethics?" Flash stood there for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he contemplated how far he wanted to go. But before he could answer, Thunderlane spoke. "Dude, I'll throw something out there if you want. How 'bout one of these days you tell the world what really happened between you and Vapor Trail two weeks back. You know, the whole 'skateboard accident' thing?" Venture chuckled and replied, "Not my fault the dumb bitch pissed off the wrong person." "Yeah right," Thunderlane replied, "What you're failing to mention is your part in the whole sorry affair. Word is you got the cold shoulder, and then twenty minutes later one of your flunkies ends up putting her on the pavement. And the result, a black eye and a broken wrist, usually the kinda crap that gets us normal people jailed." Venture's expression tightened, but he never lost his smile as he replied, "Yeah right. Good luck proving any connection. I can't be responsible for what someone pulls on his own initiative. And even if she thought it was true, why didn't she say anything?" Flash, still reeling from what he was hearing, took a deep breath before answering, "Knowing her, it's probably because she has a bit too much concern for human life. Or have you forgotten about our man Sky Stinger? It may be second nature for you to do a Blue Falcon job on a teammate, but Sting was raised old school southern, and he and Vapor have been tight since the third grade. If he even suspected for a second that you were screwing with her, he wouldn't be standing here talking about it; he'd be in that hall out there with that twelve gauge of his looking to perforate your dumb ass!" Flash watched Venture's anger flash across his face. But after a couple of deep breaths it subsided and he smiled again. "Such nasty language there Sentry; careful or you'll blow your clean cut image. Besides, you know what, it would have been worth it. She's hot as hell. Bagging her would be almost as good as getting Sparkle. You ever think about it Sentry, banging a freaking damn demon?" He paused for a second, and then added, "No, I bet not. A 'true gentleman' doesn't do such things. I bet you're such a damn tight ass that you don't even go to the bathroom like a normal person. You're just planning to explode when you're thirty." He then moved even closer and continued. "It's like you and Sparkle's little twin, the princess. You can't tell me given the way you were falling all over yourself that you wouldn't have tapped her in a heartbeat. You aren't gay, are ya'. So, why did you let her get away without a parting gift? You wanted her...right?" Flash let loose a long sigh, crossed his arms and shook his head before he finally replied, "Of course I did." "Oh I'm sorry, the boys and I didn't catch that," Bold Venture replied. It was only then that Sentry noticed how many of his fellow players had taken in the conversation. He thought about it for a second, and then smiled. "I said... OF COURSE I DID!! I'M NOT DEAD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!" Flash answered as loudly as he could. "BUT I HARDLY KNEW HER; I DON'T HAVE SOME RICH DUMBASS DAD TO BAIL ME OUT WHEN I SCREW UP AND I DIDN'T WANT TO MESS HER LIFE UP EITHER!! Yeah...right," he added, throwing up his arms in mock shock, "you've got me! A pathetic victim of the old curse called 'giving a damn about someone else'!" The pitch of voice changed as he continued, "Oh my, the world now knows my dreaded secret! What will I do now?!?" "Yeah right," Venture answered, "Aren't you cute as hell. You want to include the little factoid that the only reason you're even interested in all this is because you're following the orders of the uber dyke. If I'm such a damn monster just for living my life, why is it only now that you're saying something?" He moved towards the crowd a couple of steps, and then turned back. "And the only reason that I can get away with anything is because of my 'rich dumbass dad' huh?" He raised his hand and pointed to Flash and added, "Really?" he continued, "Yeah right, let me show you pikers how it's done." He turned and quickly made his way towards the door and went out into the hall. Thunderlane and Flash looked to each other, and the other players, and then the whole group followed along. "What do you think?" Thunderlane asked. "I think that he's going to do something stupid," Flash answered Flash and the gang followed along after Bold Venture as he peered through the halls, looking for someone. "What the hell are we doing exactly?" Flash asked. "Looking for a certain pain in the ass that I should have dealt with two days ago," he replied. In another part of the building, Photo Finish strolled down the hallway, the weight of her book bag bearing down on her making her think a bit too much of the mess her week had been. She had already spent almost an hour on the phone trying to appease her friend Violet, and the thought of then having to deal with another day's worth of various prickly dispositions excited her about as much as getting kneecapped. For being so early in the day, she was tired, of the drama; of the diplomacy needed just to get through the day; and at least a half dozen other things she couldn't list at the moment. "Hey Photo!" came a call from somewhere to her left. She turned her head and spotted Twilight Sparkle, standing alongside Sunset Shimmer, who gave her a friendly wave, which she returned with a smile. Of all the things that had come out of the week, makings friends with that girl was totally unexpected. "Now", she thought, "if only the rest of my life would work out that well." Bold Venture strode down the hallway at an even more rapid clip than average, his head on a swivel as he hunted his quarry. The group behind him followed along, though not too closely, as no one could decide what the point of the whole exercise was. "Who the hell is he looking for?" Thunderlane asked Flash Sentry. "I can think of two possibilities," Flash answered. The group marched down the hall as the search continued, until in the distance, he stopped and smiled as he spotted his quarry. He then proceeded down the hallway with a look of determination, his eyes focused on the target. Photo Finish first saw him from what seemed like 100 feet away, the large imposing figure followed by the gang of large boys behind her. The thing she focused on, the thing that captured her attention, was the intense focused stare and his clenched jaw, and that his attention was focused squarely on her. Sunset Shimmer stood up and closed her locker, finally sure she was squared away. She turned around to look for Twilight, and spotted her staring down the hallway. "Hey Twi, what in the..." she started. Only then did she see the wall of males approaching and said under her breath, "Oh crap." Flash Sentry spotted Photo and said to Thunderlane, "You see what I see?" "Oh great. This oughta be good," Thunderlane answered with little enthusiasm. He then quickened his pace, which Flash matched, trying to close the distance before it was too late. Photo could only see Bold Venture, as he came up on her. It was another test, another trial by fire, and she wanted no part in it, a third day was too much. She brought her head up and let out a long clearly audible groan before she started walking towards her tormentor. She took only a half a dozen steps before she executed a textbook leftward pivot and proceeded down the adjoining hallway. The sudden change brought Bold Venture to a sudden halt, and he turned and watched the girl proceed down the hallway. "Hey!" he called out, "I've got a few words for you!" "Wunderbare! I've got somezing to zay to you too. GO TO HELL!" was the response as she continued walking, "I do not have time to vaste playing schtupid gamez vith little children!" Venture put his hands on his hips and pondered his options before the sound of laughter in the background caught his attention. He turned his head and gave an angry glare to silence the crowd, and then turned back towards his adversary. Immediately, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and heard Flash Sentry's voice tell him, "Don't do it man." He pulled away and went after his quarry, accelerating his pace to overtake her quickly. He got only a few feet when someone popped into his line of sight, her arms out to block his way. "Leave her alone!" Twilight Sparkle cried out earnestly. Venture though would not be deterred, and shoved her out of the way. "MOVE IT DAMMIT!" he commanded. She tumbled over sideways and bounced off the lockers on her left, barely keeping her feet. The sound brought Photo to a stop and she turned to observe the debacle behind her. Immediately Flash and Thunderlane rushed forward and grabbed on to Venture's arms. "Hold on a damn minute there ace!" Flash yelled, and Venture finally paused. "HEY DIPSHIT!!" came a call from the crowd, which parted to reveal Rainbow Dash, who came forward clearly infuriated. "What the hell is your problem?!? Is that brain tumor of yours acting up again?!? Why don't you try taking on someone you own damn size just once!? And stay the hell away from Twilight Sparkle, since you obviously can't be trusted around normal people!" "Really?" Bold Venture answered, "This is none of your damn business. So take a hike." "Like hell," was Rainbow's reply, "and leave you running around lose? I've been watching your stupidity long enough! And Rarity told me about what happened yesterday! Exactly what were you trying to accomplish in chasing down Twilight all over the damn town, or did you even stop to think about just how crazy that looked!" "Better be careful there bitch," Venture replied, anger evident in his voice, "Your mouth is making promises your body can't keep." "Don't bet your life on it," Rainbow replied. "Alright," Venture answered, "You want a piece of me, you'll get it." "Bring it dipshit," Rainbow replied, totally unfazed by the challenge. Venture took two steps forward and then lunged at Rainbow, a left hook barely missing her head as she dodged right. His right though caught her shoulder, sending her off balance. She quickly grabbed onto his arm, and held on as her left leg drew in and fired off a deadly accurate kick which caught Venture in the worst of all possible spots. He immediately gasped and collapsed to his knees, while most of the male members of the audience turned their heads and cringed. "Oh my," Thunderlane said, "right in the ole' crown jewels." Venture by now had gone to all fours as the crowd stirred behind him and parted to reveal Copper Top, the S.R.O., who strolled forward and quietly examined the situation carefully. She then turned to the group and announced, "Miss Sparkle, Miss Dash, Miss Finish, Mr. Sentry...Thunderlane, report to the office now...and don't make me have to come looking for you!" She then turned to Bold Venture and said, "And plan on joining them Mr. Venture, after you get checked by the nurse." She then turned to the others and said, "And as for the rest of you...get to class! Show's over." Two members of the group came forward, lifted Bold Venture to his feet, and started him off to the nurse's office, pausing for only a moment to give Flash Sentry a dirty look as they passed. Rainbow Dash took a step back, and then turned to make her way to the office, her smile beaming as she went. Photo Finish took a few cautious steps towards the scene, still in disbelief. "Ohhh," she groaned, and said in a low voice, "Jemand bitte sagen Sie mir, dass das nicht schlimmer werden kann." She moved in the direction of Twilight, but suddenly found herself face to face with Sunset Shimmer, who asked, "What in the world were you doing!?! That idiot was your problem dammit! Where do get off leaving it to Twilight to fight for you!?! You already know that she can't take on that guy! She could have been stomped into the floor tiles for crying out loud!" Twilight moved in to separate the pair. "Sunny, please," she entreated, "it wasn't like that." Photo's jaw dropped, and she lowered her head for a moment, totally taken back by what she heard. But then raised it up and looked the red haired girl in front of her straight in the eye, her jaw tightening and her hands clenching in anger. She answered, "Iz zhat vhat you zhink happened? Is zhat vhat you zhink of me? She continued her volume increasing, "Now you listen to me little girl! I am not here to play gamez! I am not your crazy friend Rainbow Dash, who zinks she can take on anyvone! I am just me. I am noot a fighter, and I zhould not have to be one vhen I am zimply minding my own buisnezz!  And I have never...ever thought for a zecond about leaving Twilight to fight my battlez," she paused, a tear running down her right cheek, "and I resent zhat you would zhink zhat I vould do zuch a thing!" She paused to try to catch her breath and seemed to calm down a bit. She brushed away the tear with her hand, and then adjusted her book bag before adding, "and for ze record Mizz Shimmer, I schtill do not like you," before she turned and moved down the hallway in the direction of the office. Sunset looked to Twilight, who just shook her head and turned and followed Photo. Sunset hung her head as Flash Sentry walked over and stopped beside her. "We both blew it, didn't we?" Flash asked her. "Yeah, the world's just full of surprises these days isn't it," Sunset replied, looking totally defeated, "What do you think will happen now?" Flash just shook his head and answered, "I don't know, but knowing Venture, I'm betting this isn't over no matter what Celestia does with him."   Bold Venture walked slowly out the room, with Copper Top following close behind. At one point, he looked back and saw Vice Principle Luna's disapproving glare which was enough to make him quicken his pace slightly before leaving her sister's office. Finally, the door closed and Principle Celestia looked down at her desk at the paper she had just signed and said, "Funny, for some reason I thought that that would feel a bit more satisfying. I hate to write off anyone, but right now I wish I could have expelled him." "He's got a lot of strikes against him," Luna answered, "But you know that we can't simply think in those terms. Until we have established a pattern of behavior in our own records, all we can do is what is necessary to protect the students." "It won't be enough," Celestia answered, "I'm very concerned that I can't trust him around female students. And in a week, he'll be back." She paused and took a deep breath, then gave a frustrated groan. "I loathe the thought of what comes next." Celestia looked to Luna, who had nothing to add. Instead she simply stood up from her chair, walked around the edge of the desk, and patted her sister on the shoulder before strolling to the door way and exiting her sister's office, closing the door as she did so.