//------------------------------// // A Hero's Welcome // Story: Tales of the Battle Foals // by Sirdubya //------------------------------// “Did….that all really just happen? My mom? Princess Twilight? Ms. Cheerilee? The Cutie Mark Crusaders? And…..even my dad!? What was he doing there? Air Slash’s dad too! And…..was that another Shadewalker helping us? Why are they coming after us? We don’t belong…... They have no business…” “Fire Fight!” Shadow Shroud said. Fire Fight was snapped out his train of thought as they ninja filly got his attention. “Huh!? Wh-What’s up?” he said. “I was going to ask you the same thing.” Shroud said. “Although….I’m fairly certain I know what you’d answer.” “Fo’ real. Real talk, I’s ‘bout to smack my hammer onto dat damn floor, y’all. I almost messed up fo’ us ‘cause I’s so freaked out.” Turf War commented. “And we sincerely thank you, darling for not killing everypony.” Quantum Tech said. “Still….forgive me if I find myself still catching my breath.” “As are we all, I’d imagine…” Air Slash muttered as he thought back to the sight of his father with Princess Twilight. “Why could he have possibly been searching for me with the assistance of one of Equestria’s royalty? Was I to be taken back to the stronghold only to be banished from my clan, stripped of my honor as a Bladerunner and perhaps even my swords?” “Air Slash…” Greensprout said as she gently grabbed his hoof, and he looked at her. “Even if such a thing were to happen, you know that you wouldn’t be alone. I’m sure any one of us would welcome you into our lives apart from as it is now.” She pecked his cheek. “I certainly would…” Air Slash chuckled. “Having friends is quite the boon.” He said just before returning the kiss. “Elch. Get a room already, you two.” Bullseye growled. “We will once we hit that inn.” Fire Fight said. “What’s it called anyway, Valkyrie?” “The Hatching Egg.” Valkyrie answered. “It’s only about 15, maybe 20 bits for a night there.” “Uh….b****, only dat much?” Turf War inquired. Valkyrie rolled her eyes. “We have some economic problems! Sue us!” she said. “It used to be worse, ya know.” “How much worse?” Shroud asked. “I’d rather not talk about it.” Valkyrie answered. The foals could detect a hint of sorrow when she gave her reply. “But whatever! We’re doing better, and that’s what matters. I’ve been making sure of it.” She said as she started to pull out Lechuza’s head, but quickly put it back when Kickback covered his mouth. “Whoa! Sorry…” “All’s forgiven…” Kickback said. “Y’all know what? Ah reckon none o’ the land to the east from here has been charted. Reckon we can settle over yonder?” “You probably could, but I’ve explored the eastern mountains once or twice.” Valkyrie said. “The terrain around there is pretty nasty, even if you can fly since there’s almost nowhere to land safely. Certainly doesn’t help that there’s monsters straight out of the hellish nightmares imaginable every four inches you walk. If you’re gonna do the same, I’d suggest building your little refugee camp right beside them on our side so you have a safe enough home to retreat to in case you run into trouble out there.” “We should have a look at the map when we get a room at the Hatching Egg. This is really foreign territory for us, guys.” Tidal Wave said. “We have lots to discuss there anyway….” Shroud said. Her voice trailed into a sorrowful tone, and her comrades were all well aware of why. One of the biggest obstacle between them and their freedom was built in mere seconds, and they only barely circumvented it. However, the pieces of that obstacle were broken in such a way that it could easily be rebuilt, and the Battle Foals might not be so capable to break it down again. “So….who’s got 20 bits on them?” Bullseye asked. “We shall pay like our ancestors!” Crazylocks blurted as she used her pigtails to pick up a bunch of sticks and stones. “Crazylocks, even my people do not exercise such a primitive form of currency.” Zebota said as Shrapnel pick them out of her hair. “YOUR WORDS MAY NEVER HURT ME!!!” Crazylocks retorted. “Who said anything about words?” Bullseye growled. “Tch. I could probably make a bet with one of ‘em with an archery contest.” “Not to worry, darling. I attained a small sum of my parents’ wealth before I made my own escape in case we ran into financial difficulties. I’d be happy to.” Quantum Tech said. “Thanks, Quantum Tech!” Spiral Galaxy said. “It’ll be nice to have a cozy bed to lay in after so long.” “Word. D’hem beds back at dat ol’ castle was better than sleeping in grass bags.” Turf War commented. “Ah! But I worked so hard on them!” Shadow Shroud said in feigned disappointed. “Ah reckon we all worked mighty hard to get where we are now.” Kickback said. “We might not be settlers, but our li’l escapade has been chartin’ more new territory than there is sand in a desert.” “Well, let’s not wait too much longer to find that one perfect spot.” Fire Fight said. “ But first, some much needed R&R.” “And it looks like you’re gonna get it here pretty soon. Check it.” Valkyrie said as they came through some bushes, and they were met with the sight of Griffonstone on the red horizon. The architecture reminded some of the foals of the underground ruins where Greensprout’s parents were found, but without the strange, futuristic vibe. Instead, Valkyrie’s claims of them having problems became apparent as rundown huts and houses with only a few complete ones lined the immediate cityscape, but it was clear that enough funds existed to keep them maintained and repaired. “Whoa…” Tidal Wave said. Valkyrie sighed. “Yeah…..Sucks…..” she said. “Ah well. The inn’s that way. I’m gonna pay the king a visit if he’s not catching Z’s already and hit the sack.” “Ok. Thanks for all of your help, Valkyrie!” Fire Fight said. “You’ve been such a gracious guide.” Shroud said. Air Slash drew one of his swords. “And let us remember to cross swords at some point. If you are not busy, what say at high noon tomorrow? We can meet outside of this inn you speak of.” Valkyrie wiped her nose as she deviously chuckled. “Sounds like we’ve got a date.” She teased. She spread her wings and lifted off. “Later, twerps!” She said as she flew towards her king’s castle. Air Slash sheathed his sword as he and the others watched her disappear into the sunset. “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m about ready to hit the hay too.” Tidal Wave said. “Yes. I must be well-rested if I’m to fight at my peak tomorrow.” Air Slash said. “Just don’t get too crazy. I don’t want to have a repeat of what happened at the temple.” Greensprout said. “I just hope that the locals will not be too disturbed by Shrapnel, or Quantum Tech’s machine for that matter.” Zebota said. “Meh. We can explain, right?” Spiral said. “And hope that they’re understanding.” Quantum said. With only their hope of little to no issue involving their more controversial possessions, the foals casually but carefully approached the inn. No one seemed to be around given that the sun was about to completely set, so there would thankfully be no screams of terror anytime soon. Quantum parked her mech beside a wall with no windows with Shrapnel laying down beside it, and the foals entered the front door. The interior of the Hatching Egg was about as simple as the exterior. Everything was either made of would or stone, and there were only torches for any sort of light. The lobby featured a small area by the reception desk that seemed to be a dining area where a few tables were occupied by some adult griffons enjoying minor snacks such as a cup of coffee, or some muffins. All the griffons there gave the foals some odd looks, certainly not expecting their presence. Even the receptionist at the desk didn’t seem too ready to greet them. “What can I do for ya?” he asked while staring them down. Fire Fight took a deep breath before replying. “We were hoping we could get a room here for the night.” The receptionist slowly cocked his eyebrow, likely unsure of what a group of foals would be doing here on their own, much less wanting to rent a room. “Ya got 18 bits, kid? Who told ya about dis place anyway?” “A griffon named Valkyrie did, sir.” Quantum Tech answered as she pulled out her bits. “Valkyrie!?” the receptionist exclaimed. The diners in the other room seemed just as surprised. “The descendant o’ Siegfried!? That Valkyrie!?” His tone made a complete one-eighty. “Uhh…..Yeah, why?” Fire Fight said. “HAHAAAA!! Never thought I’d see the day when she’d make nice with ponies, but hey! Friends o’ Valkyrie’s are friends o’ ours, am I right?” He addressed his dining guests. “Damn right!” one of them said back. The receptionist looked back at the foals. “How about half off just for tonight, eh?” The foals were shocked at the griffons’ sudden hospitality. “Wow. She is popular.” Spiral commented. “That’s kind fo you, sir, but she told us of your……difficulties, and we’d feel quite remiss if we did not pay full price.” Quantum tech said as she levitated her bits up to him. The receptionist took her money. “Ain’t that somethin’! They’re even as charitable as the tough, little hatchling.” “Well, their kind did sort of start the whole ‘friendship’ ideal, so it’d be a tad odd if they weren’t.” another guest commented. “Although, I can’t say I’ve ever heard of them having wacky striped coats like that one”. Zebota just rolled his eyes and paid the griffon largely no heed. “Th-Thanks!” Fire Fight wasn’t sure how to respond to their comment about his race. “So, I guess this means there’s a vacancy?” “Oh! Right!” The receptionist gave him a room key and pointed down the hallway behind him. “Yours is gonna be No. 14 on yer right. Should be big fer all o’ ya. Let me know if ya need a sleeping bag or two, ok?” “Thank you ever so much for your hospitality, sir.” Greensprout said. The receptionist bid them goodnight, and the Battle Foals made for their room. ***** Valkyrie landed in front of the castle’s front doors with two guards on either side. Normally, guests would be stopped and questioned by the watchful birds, but they bowed to her and opened the door for her without so much as hesitation. As she passed by them, one of them spoke to her. “Welcome home, Valkyrie.” She said. Valkyrie stopped and turned to her. “Thanks! Good to be back.” She said before resuming her entry. As she casually strutted through the castle halls, she was greeted by every attendant who happened to bump into her, whom she returned them too. After a moment or so of navigating the royal labyrinth, she finally came across the throne room, and the guards happily let her in. Before her was a grand room that was only undermined by the relative disrepair as a result of bad infrastructure, but upheld by its master, who sat in his throne on the opposite side of the room. He slowly creased a small smile when he saw who his guest was as she finalized her approach. “The bearer of the sacred Valhalla graces us with her presence once more.” He said. “Welcome back to us, honorable Valkyrie.” Valkyrie bowed to her king. “Good evening, Your Majesty. I hope you weren’t about to go count sheep.” King Grover chuckled. “It is late, but my ears are always open to your words, my dear. What news of your investigation in western Equestria?” “You’re either gonna have lovely dreams or horrific nightmares once you see this. Apologies in advance.” Valkyrie said as she reached into her satchel. Grover was concerned by her warning indeed, but his worry turned to excitement when she showed him her prize. “How’s this for a report?” Everyone in the room gasped. “Could that be!?” one of the servants exclaimed. Grover got up from his throne and quickly approached Valkyrie. “The malevolent Lechuza…..t-truly!?” “Yep! Well, her head anyway.” Valkyrie said. “Praise be to you, mighty Valkyrie!” the servant said. “Oh, stop. She was a cinch” Valkyrie said. “Pardon me. What’s all the ruckus?” A female griffon entered the room from a side door. She wore a red robe with Griffonstone’s crest sewn on either side. “Counselor Skadi! Valkyrie was successful! Lechuza is slain!” another servant exclaimed. Skadi gasped when she looked over at the armed griffonlet and the prize she held. “Souvenir?” Valkyrie joked. Skadi had to rub her eyes as she approached, but finally managed to take what was in front of her as reality. She laughed heartily. “As if she wouldn’t!” she said. She then clapped her talons, summoning another servant to her side with a plate and a transparent cover. “I’ll see that this is properly stored away.” “Thank you, counselor.” Grover said. “Yes, my lord.” Skadi said as she bowed before escorting the stored head and her servant back to her chambers. “Valkyrie, this is perhaps the mightiest deed any of Siegfried’s descendants have accomplished. Lechuza has proved both too powerful and dangerous of an adversary for the best of us, and you finally lifted this curse.” Grover said. A servant brought out a large bag containing a large sum of bits. “I will see that you are well rewarded.” But Valkyrie gently pushed the giant wallet away. “I can’t, Your Highness.” She said. “Those funds should go to all the people of Griffonstone who need it. So long as I bear this talisman of my ancestor, everything I do is for them. Their prosperity is my reward.” While surprised at first, the griffon king smiled once more, seemingly trying to hold back tears of joy at Valkyrie’s charity, which his servant seemed to share, but then he heavily sighed. “If only your father could see you. He’d be so proud….” Valkyrie lost a little color and sighed herself, but she smiled once more when she looked down at the Valhalla. “Nah. I keep him close right here.” She said as she gently clutched her talisman. “Never heard any complaints, so I must be doing something right.” She tried to sound snarky, but she couldn’t help but to shed a little tear. The servant gently lifted her chin up. “You put on such a brave for us every day, especially for one your age.” She let go as Valkyrie got her smile back. “It must be so difficult.” Valkyrie chuckled. “If not me, then who?” “Indeed.” Grover said, but then a puzzling thought crossed his mind. “Say, how’d you get back here so quickly? You left merely a couple of days ago.” “Huh? Oh! While I was out there, I ran into some ponies who wanted to get to Griffonstone through the portal that connects to Siegfried’s grave, but it needed a griffon in order to activate, so I obliged.” Valkyrie explained. “Oh?” Grover said. “And what is their purpose?” “They’re just explorers. They don’t mean any trouble.” Valkyrie said. “One of them is supposed to be pretty skilled with his swords, and he wanted me to duel him tomorrow at noon.” “I see!” Grover said. “Well, so long as they don’t cause trouble, I see no reason to take any real note of them. If I have time, perhaps I’ll come watch your duel with this swordpony.” “Do what you need to, Your Majesty. Goodnight!” Valkyrie said. Grover and the castle staff bid her a heartfelt farewell as she saw herself out of the royal establishment……..blissfully unaware that someone was listening in….