//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: A Place That We Call Home // by Erina Tail Yellow //------------------------------// Chapter 2 Sweetie rapidly brought  Silver inside and up to speed on the nights events from her end. “And that brings us up to now.” She finished. “Sounds like your night’s been better than mine.” Silver sighed. “I’m just sorry I couldn’t make it here sooner. I just realised, tonight, how bad public transport is.” Rarity giggled as she watched the young couple reunite. She chose to cut in “Now I do love seeing you two interact. However, being the adult in charge, I believe it would be a good idea to set some ground rules in place.” The young couple shared a glance and nodded. Silver spoke for both herself and Sweetie when she then said “That sounds fair.” Rarity cleared her throat as both she and Applejack got up from the couch. A gesture was made for Sweetie and Silver to take a seat and they did just that. Rarity then began speaking. “Firstly, neither of you are allowed in one another’s rooms after ten thirty. Secondly, Sweetie you and I will be switching rooms. This way I will be adjacent to the guest room.” “Not to uhhhh… halt yer parentin’ there Rar but, Ah don’t think that second rule’ll be necessary for these two. Have a little faith.” Applejack interrupted. “Alright, I guess you are right love. Well girls, you heard her. So I guess that only the first rule stands. And I mean that.” Rarity assured. “Which basically means this entire meeting was nearly a wash.” She thought before adding “That’s right! I can’t forget chores can I?” Sweetie groaned while Silver just looked on mildly intrigued. “Sweetie chores for you won’t change but for this first week you should assist Silver to the best of your ability. Silver we have a simple list of chores here. Keep your room clean and make sure that the trash around the house isn’t overfull.” Rarity finished. “Understood.” Sweetie answered while giving a thumbs up. She then turned to her partner. “Come on Silvy. Let’s get you settled in.” The girls headed up the stairs with Silver’s luggage being dragged behind them. Applejack sat back down in the recliner. She tended to sit there when she knew Rarity had no intention of sitting back down. “Rar everything’ll be fine. Y’all have a week to prepare for yer parents visit right?” Rarity stopped pacing briefly. “Yes. We have around ten days to get everything in order and figure out how to essentially shatter my parent’s realities.” “Don’ look at it like that. Ah’ve met yer parents once and they seem like fine people. Ah don’t think things can be much worse than how poor Silver ended up.” AJ said calmly. “Ah mean you and yer sister still have each other don’t cha’.” Rarity laughed a little. “I suppose you’re right. I’m just afraid and tired. Those aren’t really complimentary emotions to experience at the same time. You were right about the rooms and now you’re right about my own worry being for not. I thought I was the calm, cool, and collected one?” AJ joined in the light laughter. “We all have our moments. Mine just happen to be a bit of a-” “Don’t you dare.” Rarity sneered. AJ continued. “Mine are a bit of a Rarity.” Rarity stomped playfully. “Oh you.” She scoffed. “I love you.” “‘Ah know you do.” AJ replied. “Say; Applejack, love, would you mind keeping me company tonight?” Rarity asked timidly. “I’m afraid I’ve worried myself to the brink of restlessness.” AJ chuckled. “Anything fer you hon.” The couple proceeded up the stairs calmly. When they reached the second floor, Rarity diverged for a brief moment to check on her sister. Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon had just finished hanging the sparse amount of clothes Silver had brought with her. They were sitting on what was now Silver’s bed just relaxing when Rarity stepped in. Rarity smiled brightly. “You two are just positively cute together.” Sweetie blushed. “Rarity.” She whined. Her sister giggled. “Fine. I guess I won’t go out of my way to embarrass you…. Tonight.” She began walking out of the room but turned around last second. “And by the way; Welcome home.” And with that Rarity went back to her room to join Applejack. Silver shuddered but gave a polite nod. Home. I guess that is what this is now. She fell back down on the bed and sighed. “Sweetie? What time is it?” Sweetie glanced at the clock on the bedside table. “It’s ten twenty. Why?” “I was checking to see how much longer we had to just lay together.” Silver said gesturing for Sweetie to lay down with her. “Come on relax. If I can you can.” Sweetie lied down tentatively. “Yeah. Just… I wish things hadn’t had to come to this.” She groaned. “Why can’t anything be simple?” “You know the answer to that.” Silver said simply as she lied her head on Sweetie’s shoulder. “Although, tonight’s hell is worth it if we can get moments together like these.” “This shouldn’t have to happen for us to have alone time though.” Sweetie grumbled. “I wish we could lay like this all night.” Silver said as she closed her eyes. “Me too.” Sweetie yawned. Soft morning light filtered in through the door. Sweetie made an attempt to stretch as stray ray of sunlight hit her eyes. She found that she couldn’t move her right arm from where it happened to be. She yawned as she opened her eyes and turned over to see what was halting her morning routine. Silver was nestled cozily against Sweetie. Silver snored lightly as Sweetie tried her best to free her right arm. She eventually gave up and used her free hand to lightly wake Silver up. “Silvy. Come on. We accidentally fell asleep.” Sweetie said gently. Silver groaned and her eyes slowly fluttered open. “Time?” She mumbled. “Uhhh… Breakfast Time?” Sweetie guessed. She then heard footsteps heading towards the door. Sweetie felt her stomach drop. She quickly covered herself with a blanket and went still. Silver just lied still. She was highly confused till she heard the door to her room squeak as it was opened the rest of the way. She quickly sat up and adjusted the blanket next to her. “Good Morning.” Applejack tipped her stetson. “Mornin’ Silver. Breakfast is ready when ya’ll are dressed.” She then headed back down stairs. Silver nodded and tapped the blanket. Sweetie slowly poked her head out and made eye contact with her girlfriend. “You think she noticed me?” She said tentatively. “Not sure. But breakfast sounds pretty good right about now.” Silver said as she swung her legs over the side of her bed and stood up. Sweetie rolled off the bed ungracefully and fell onto the floor with a loud thud. She laughed. “That’ve could’ve gone better.” Silver giggled. “You’re such a dork.” “Awwww. Thanks.” Sweetie replied as she walked towards the door. “I’ll see you downstairs in a minute.” Silver shuffled over to her closet and opened it to reveal the seven outfits she’d chosen to leave with. One for each day. No harm in a little repetition I guess. She yawned as she grabbed an outfit from the sparse collection and began to change. Silver let her thoughts drift as she changed. I wonder if Sweetie’s ever even seen me wear any of what I brought with me.She mulled the idea over in her head for a few moments. Probably not. My closet at home was something else. She sighed. The outfit she had chose was nothing special. It was a simple grey pleated skirt that she had paired with a silver button up top. Before she left the room she grabbed her glasses off the bedside table and threw them on. Silver made her way downstairs and towards the kitchen. She could smell a freshly cooked breakfast. Upon entering the kitchen she was greeted by the site of bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes. “This looks amazing.” Silver said as she walked towards the dining table. Rarity giggled as she turned to Silver when approached. “Good morning and I’m glad you appreciate the breakfast: Applejack worked so hard on it. Did you sleep well?” Silver shuddered. “It could’ve been better. I’m sure I’ll start sleeping better in the next couple of days.” More like; I hope She added mentally. “I’m sure you will.” Rarity said as she put a hand on Silver’s shoulder. “Now. If only Sweetie would get down here for breakfast so as all of Applejack’s work is not put to waste.” “Ah’m sure she can’t be too far behind.” Aj quipped. As soon as Aj finished her sentence Sweetie Belle came tumbling down the stairs far too fast. She managed to stop just in front of the door. “Ah. Cool! Aj made breakfast.” She immediately ran to the kitchen counter and began filling a plate. Silver looked on and smiled. She began to calmly make a plate next to her girlfriend. Silver took a small portion and sat at the opposite end of the table. Sweetie sat down next to her with a considerably larger portion of food. Silver glanced around as she ate. This really is a nice place. It feels cozy. She noted. “I like your home.” She mentioned. The comment caught Rarity off guard. “You do? I thought your family was one of the most prestigious in Canterlot City. Surely yours is more impressive.” Silver shook her head. “Your’s feels more like a home.” Rarity glanced around taking in the dining room she’d known for four years now. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary to her. Her french country style shone through despite her lack of an advanced budget. The table contained all six chairs and had no obvious flaws. The light fixture dangled gently but looked as it would normally.  “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” She finally uttered. “Somewhere people live. The Silver Family Mansion feels cold. Even when we’re all there.” Silver explained. “I suppose.” Rarity said as she looked around again. She looked back at the table and noticed a small mark on the resin from a time when Sweetie had forgotten to put her hot bowl on a trivet. She glanced back at the light fixture and upon further inspection remembered that one of the shades was chipped. Rarity sighed as she recalled the day her parent’s had helped them move in. Her father had thought he could hang the large fixture himself. That however had gone just as well as Rarity and her mother had thought. Unfortunately for the fragile shade  it was dropped and wasn’t recovered before it cracked. A warm smile graced Rarity’s face as she remembered that day. She came back to reality only to notice that Silver looked slightly dejected. Silver sighed. “Doesn’t really help that this summer I’ve probably spent less than an entire week there.” She glanced at Sweetie. “ I guess it’s worth it though.” She sighed as she began to drift off. Sweetie cleared her throat and Silver blushed as she went back to eating. Rarity had confused look on her face. “What do you mean you’ve only spent about a week in your home over the course of this summer?” Silver blushed. “I’ve spent nearly every day with Sweetie. We’ve been all over the city. It was great.” Applejack chuckled to herself as Rarity only got more confused. “So that’s why Sweetie’s been out all summer then as well?” “Y-yeah.” Sweetie said dejectedly. “What?” Rarity blurted as Aj continued to laugh. “And just what do you find so funny?” “Yer just cute when you get upset.” Aj explained. Rarity blushed and then turned back to her sister. “How long have you two been together? More specifically; How long haven’t I known?” Sweetie looked down and appeared to be thinking for a moment. “ Roughly… two years.” She mumbled. Rarity was dumbfounded. “Wait- really?” Silver moved to comfort Sweetie. “Yes. It’ll be two years by this year’s homecoming game.” Silver answered. Rarity stood and began walking to Sweetie. Rarity thought back on the past two years. The first thing that came to mind was the inordinate amount of time her sister spent on her phone. She was constantly giggling at something being sent to her. Rarity had brushed it off at the time as just her speaking with her friends but now it made sense. After that her mind drifted to what had brought her to this in the first place. Sweetie had spent most of the summer out of the house. Once again Rarity had shrugged it off as spending time with her dearest friends but with the new information a new answer presented itself. “How could I have been so blind?” She mumbled as she got down on one knee so that she was eye level with her sister. “Why? Why did you feel like you had to hide it?” “ I wanted to be sure.” Sweetie choked out. “ Are you sure now?” Rarity asked softly. Sweetie looked up and wiped her eyes. “More than I ever have been.” “I guess that’s all that matters.” Rarity conceded. “Just know that you don’t have to hide things from me. I’m your sister you should trust me.” She reached to hug Sweetie. Sweetie quickly reciprocated the hug. “I’m sorry.” “Shhhh… Don’t worry.” Rarity stood up and walked back to her seat. As she sat down she glanced up at the clock. “Applejack, won’t they be needing you at the farm soon?” Aj sighed. “ ‘Ah guess ‘Ah  gotta get headin’ home.” She picked up her’s and Rarity’s plates and began to head for the door. She stopped just before she left and turned to Silver and Sweetie. “ ‘Ah wish y’all the best of luck and it was nice to meet you Silver Spoon.” “That was nice of her.” Silver noted. “I suppose it was.” Rarity said as she picked Silver and Sweetie’s plates up from in front of them. “So what do you two have planned for today?” The young couple just glanced at each other and shrugged. Sweetie spoke “I have no idea.” Rarity sighed. “Of course you don’t. Well if you need a ride there you better think of it soon because I have to go open up the boutique very soon.” “I think we’ll be fine here sis.” Sweetie assured. Sweetie and Silver moved out to living room with Rarity as she grabbed her purse and car keys. “Okay then girls. I’m heading out. Be sure to call me if you need anything. And absolutely no funny business while I’m gone.” She demanded. Sweetie laughed. “Of course not. Have a good day.” Rarity waved quickly and then headed outside. Silver turned to Sweetie. “What are we gonna do today?” “Huh... Oh. I honestly just thought we could lie around.” Sweetie admitted as she laid her head on Silver’s shoulder. “I want to relax before school starts back up next week.” Silver’s eyes widened. “That is next week isn’t it.” Sweetie snickered. “Out of the frying pan and into the fire, right?”