A Daring Day

by EchoWing

Chapter Five - Take the Risk...

Chaik was not one for dwelling upon inconsequential things. He was a simple pony, and his thoughts tended towards simple things – his duties and daily needs took up most of his time. As he stood guard at the entrance to the pyramid that his lord Ahuizotl currently occupied, however, he found himself thinking of the work that he and his fellows had put into preparing it. Many an hour had been spent toiling several nights under the light of the moon to clear away jungle growth and expose the pyramid. One of his fellows had attempted to work it under the light of the sun as well, only to be foiled as the plants grew back faster than they could be torn away and be berated by their lord.

Chaik thanked himself that he was not so foolish as to contravene Lord Ahuizotl. He was also thankful that he hadn’t been part of the group that had taken the pony that Lord Ahuizotl had sought for his plans. While those who had gone for her had returned successfully, one had clearly been injured, despite the care that had been taken to deal with the accursed alicorn’s magic. He’d never been fond of the Equestrians and their arrogant claims of controlling the sun and moon – only gods could control such things, certainly not mortals and definitely not simple mares. To think otherwise was sacrilege. Given that one was captured with little difficulty, his opinions weren’t unwarranted.

He knew not what Lord Ahuizotl had planned for the alicorn, and he cared little, only that his lord’s goals be reached. And he doubted his fellow guards felt any different. Nothing else mattered, not the gathering clouds high above nor the rustling coming from the foliage before them…

Chaik readied his spear, as did the three guards assembled beside him near the entrance on their side of the pyramids, as the source of the rustling revealed itself. From out of the jungle emerged an earth pony stallion, his eyes fixed upon a map and mutterings sounding from him in the Equestrian language. He looked up from the map in his hoof, smiled and said something to them with a wave.

“Seize him!”

Chaik followed his fellow’s order and rushed to the stallion, holding him at bay with his spear while another did the same. The stallion froze and put up no resistance as Chaik took his map. “I would ask how this foreigner had a map to the pyramid, but something tells me he doesn’t speak our language.” He sharply moved his spear towards the tan stallion’s head. “He looks too stupid to learn it.”

“Take him to Lord Ahuizotl – he speaks the Equestrian language, and he will want to deal with this intruder personally.”

Chaik nodded at his fellow’s order and then prompted the pony to enter the pyramid entrance. Much to his relief, the stallion kept silent and cooperated. He’d rather not have to drag the intruder’s corpse off to meet his master, as that was more work than he’d have liked.

High above in the gathering storm clouds, unseen by the guards, Rainbow Dash peeked out and looked down upon the pyramid for the briefest of moments before going back to her work. She dared not say anything out loud, but she really hoped that Quiver’s plan would work. It all sounded like it made sense, but there was a lot that could still go wrong. All she could do was cross her feathers and hope.


Ahuizotl wasn’t the sort of creature that cared all that much for architecture, but as he stood within one of the many torch-lit chambers inside of the pyramid, he couldn’t help but find the design strange. Yes, he knew why it was designed in such a way, and he was well aware that pyramids were made like this on the inside in other places – Anugypt, for example, as well as those made in the southernmost areas of Equestria by those who had immigrated there from the former location centuries past. Not that it mattered, but he preferred what he was familiar with. Far more open, and far easier to light and keep cool.

Then again, perhaps this was some cosmic penance for attempting to bring several hundred years of sweltering heat down upon the Tenochtitlan Basin. Not that he’d admit that in front of his followers, of course. Nonetheless, as he sat, he wished for some distraction from the heat and the boredom. If only noon would hurry up and get here…

“<Lord Ahuizotl!>” He snapped to attention as one of his followers entered, another pony being led ahead of him. “<We captured this foreign intruder outside! I was told to bring him to you!>”

Well, he would take what he could get. “<Hold him here.>” He approached and stood imposingly over the stallion, his eyes fixed upon the tan stallion before him, with the stallion acting likewise. “Do you know whom you are in the presence of, Equestrian?”

 “How could I not?” There was no fear in the stallion’s tone as he looked Ahuizotl in the eye. In fact, his tone quickly turned awestruck. “I’m in the presence of one of the greatest figures in modern literature! Seriously, it’s you! You’re him! Ahuizotl himself!”

That was the last reaction that he’d been expecting. He narrowed his eyes and inched his head closer to the intruder. “Who are you?”

“Me? I’m nopony, just a tourist who happened upon this pyramid and tried to ask for directions. I didn’t expect to be led to someone as important as you. I mean, let’s face it, without you, nopony would give a rat’s plot about that tomb raider Daring Do.” He looked back at the other pony and asked, “Am I right?”

“<Keep your attention upon Lord Ahuizotl, heathen!>”

Before his subordinate could attack the intruder, however, Ahuizotl snarled, and the spear was lowered. A laugh then sounded from his lips as he turned his attention back to the second pony. “I do apologize for my followers’ zeal. They are rather loyal, and better conversation than my cats. But it is nice to have an admirer.” Another chuckle. “So, you are aware of those accursed books about my nemesis. Tell me, what do you think of my portrayals in the film adaptations?”

“They’re horrible.”

“Ha! Good answer! They can never get my accent right!” He gestured for the stallion to accompany him, his follower trailing behind automatically. “Come, let me show you about! We shall talk on the way, and perhaps you will have a glimpse at something that not even Daring Do would dare to stand against! Oh, this shall be so much fun!”


Twilight was having no fun at all, and for good reason. She hated feeling like she’d been tricked, and she hated being a prisoner. Most especially, she hated feeling like she didn’t know everything that was going on. Ahuizotl obviously had a plan in place involving her and the golden device that she was shackled onto, but she had no clue exactly what the plan was.

One deep breath, and then another. A cool head was what she needed here, not anger. She looked around the chamber she was in once more, hoping that this latest sweep would give her something to work with, but there was little difference from before. The chamber was hewn from stone, no doubt centuries old and undisturbed until recently. What little light she had from the four torches that surrounded her in a rough square let her see a mechanical device in place that reminded her of the shutter aperture on a camera, as well as the two guards who stood watch over her with spears. Likely local Maretonians who had been brought into Ahuizotl’s service.

Twilight quietly hoped that all of those foreign language courses she’d taken hadn’t been a waste as she cleared her throat. “<You make a terrible mistake in holding me. I am a princess of Equestria, and when they are told…>”

“<Silence, witch!>” One of the guards sharply jabbed her with the bladeless end of his spear and prompted a cry of pain. “<We fear not the false gods of Equestria! Lord Ahuizotl has greater powers than they, and soon, he shall take his rightful place as their master!>”

Twilight grimaced. Clearly, reason wasn’t going to work, as she was dealing with fanatics. But there had to be a way out of this…

“…In truth, I miss the old fortress, but until it is fully rebuilt and certain structural issues hammered out, well, one must make do.”

Her ears perked up as a familiar voice echoed into the chamber through the hall before her. Her two guards stood at attention, which confirmed the identity of the speaker shortly before Ahuizotl came into view with two stallions in tow. One was another of his subordinates, but the other…

It took everything she had to not cry out.

“And speaking of making do, here we are at last at the end of the tour.” Ahuizotl gestured towards her and looked to the tan stallion beside him. “You know whom this is, of course?”

Quiver looked to her and gave a very convincing look of surprise. “Princess Twilight Sparkle!” He then sharply looked to Ahuizotl and asked, “How did she get here?”

“How else, but deception!” The beast cackled as he explained, “Imagine my surprise at my last encounter with Daring Do to see that the mare who famously worked alone was being aided by six more Equestrians, among them an alicorn. With some help from a new associate, the very same associate whom I have to thank for pointing me towards this very pyramid, I determined their identities. He was even kind enough to provide me the means to nullify her magic, some artificial derivative of a creature called the Smooze.”

“And here I thought you’d just read a newspaper.”

That snark earned Twilight another jab with a spear as Ahuizotl continued, “After that, it was easy enough to lure her here today through a friend. The ponies who were with her were blindsided and easily dealt with by my minions, and they are no doubt still in the jungle, desperately searching for her to no avail.” He paused to cackle before he continued, “And soon, my plan will come to fruition, and the world shall be in my grasp!”

Ahuizotl didn’t notice the brief expression of anger on Quiver’s face, either because of the distraction caused by his gloating or because of the dim lighting. It was quickly ended, however, as the stallion noted, “And, of course, you haven’t elaborated on that plan at all. Don’t want to tempt fate and everything.”

“<Lord Ahuizotl cannot be defeated! Fate is in his favor!>” one of the guards called out beside her.

At Quiver’s curious expression, Ahuizotl laughed and remarked, “He simply said that he doubts you understand the intricacies of this plan.”

“Well, most wouldn’t. But I like to know a little bit about the places I go when I do the whole touristy thing, so I don’t quite count.” Quiver inched closer to Twilight and kept his gaze upon the artifact at her hooves, then reasoned, “If what I know of Maretonian history is correct, and what I saw of this place on the outside was right, then this pyramid is the Tomb of the Nahual.”

“Tomb of the…?” Twilight gasped. “Of course! I’m standing on the seal of the sarcophagus that contained the nahual!”

“And with your control over cats, then you must think that you can also control a creature that is part jaguar in its native form. And if you can control a creature that can put others under its control, then by extension, you’d control them.”

The beast beamed. “Your logic is excellent.”

“But he can’t release the nahual unless it’s a specific day…”

“The anniversary of the day it was contained.”

“…and he’d need to put the sarcophagus in contact with…” Twilight’s gaze moved up to the aperture above her as she realized, “…direct sunlight. And an alicorn.”

“And at high noon, that aperture will open and sunlight will come streaming down into this chamber from outside, no doubt aided by a large shaft cut into the stone making up this structure. And with nothing atop this pyramid save a flat summit, only the clouds could obstruct it.”

“Which forecasts say nothing about, given government-mandated weather monitoring thanks to Equestria.” A dark chuckle escaped Ahuizotl’s lips. “The irony is such that I can taste its sweetness, feel its texture upon my tongue! And I shall savor that irony so very much!”

“Of course, all of that magic would result in a lot of thaumic backlash, enough that it could potentially kill the princess.”

“A minor sacrifice, and it isn’t as if the Equestrian government can do anything about it! Maretonia is an independent state, despite being an Equestrian protectorate, and the Duke cannot touch me or my followers! And if Celestia even had the stomach to try, it would be a diplomatic nightmare!” A wicked grin formed upon his face, and the beast continued, “Besides, with the nahual under my control, nothing will matter! The entire world will suffer at my hands, and all shall know the true power of Ahuizotl!” His gaze turned towards the aperture as he added, “It’s only a matter of time.”


“Is it time yet, K’iin?”

Atop the pyramid’s summit, two ponies stood watch, one holding up a fancy watch and the other nursing a bruise upon his jaw. The latter glowered at his associate and replied, “Koh, you heard Lord Ahuizotl’s orders. Nagging me will not make noon come faster.” He then looked back to the timepiece in his hoof and noted, “And these growing clouds will not make my task easier.”

Koh frowned. “The sooner the time comes, the better. My part in Lord Ahuizotl’s plans was unpleasant.”

“The pain will pass with…” K’iin’s eyes went wide as the timepiece ticked right to noon, and he called, “Time! It is time! Now, Koh!”

Koh immediately bolted to a device that had been built into the pyramid, with a large lever clear as day before him. He pulled it, and the strange device before him opened just as a rumble sounded from the clouds high above…


Quiver’s gaze followed Ahuizotl’s to the aperture as a grim look fell across his face. “I wasn’t exaggerating earlier, Ahuizotl. You are, without a doubt, the most popular among the various characters who appear in the Daring Do books. Without you and Caballeron and so on, they wouldn’t be nearly as interesting. We like it when things are easy in real life, but in fiction, we don’t like it when things are easy for the protagonist. We want to see them struggle and fight and triumph against seemingly impossible odds.”

“Which I shall soon do!”

“Especially when they’re stacked against a genuine monster like you.” Ahuizotl’s head snapped to face him as the stallion slowly turned to lock his gaze upon the beast’s beady eyes. “You’re a fantastic character to read about, but the fact that you exist? Makes me glad that Daring Do’s out there to keep you in check.”

“Daring Do knows nothing of this!” The aperture opened as Ahuizotl continued, “And she is too late to…!”

An echoed rumble of thunder sounded from outside, and rain began to fall down onto Twilight with rising intensity as Quiver continued. “Didn’t your brainwashed little minions tell you that Twilight was with two other ponies? Didn’t it occur to you that Daring Do could find them, and that together, the three could concoct a means to thwart your plan? I’m guessing the answer both times was ‘no’.” The tiniest of grins curled upon his lips as he mocked, “Better luck next time, Ahuizotl.”

The beast roared in rage and seized Quiver by his neck, then turned about and slammed him hard into the ground. His hands tightened around the struggling stallion’s throat, and he bellowed as his captive attempted to kick at him in vain. “You will pay severely for this! You shall drown for a thousand years! Your every last moment shall be screaming in agony for every last breath of air, which shall never come! And you will only die at my discretion!” At the gagging sounds coming from his captive’s mouth, he slightly loosened his grip and crooned, “Have something to say? Speak up! I can’t hear you!”

 “He said that you talk too much!”

Ahuizotl’s head snapped back as he saw the last of the goo covering Twilight’s horn drip off. He turned alarmed just as she winked out of sight, and then felt a sudden burst of air against the side of his head followed by a hard two-hoofed buck to his jaw. His grip on Quiver’s neck was released as he went flying back and landed upon the seal containing the nahual. The bonds that had previously held his prisoner were now secured to him.

Chaik and his two fellows charged upon the two Equestrians, only to slow and halt as Twilight planted her hooves onto the ground, wings spread and horn lit with a bright aura. The flames from the torches flew, gathered around her horn and grew as they took on the shape of a dragon, wings spread and jaws snapping before it charged upon them. Chaik dropped, but the other two were caught up in the spell’s wake and sent flying into the wall. They emerged singed, unconscious, but alive.

As Quiver got to his hooves with heavy breaths, Twilight asked, “Are you alright?”

“I’m alive. You’re alive. He’s beaten. I’ll settle for that.”  A loud scream behind him was quickly silenced as Quiver turned to find Chaik slammed against the floor and his spear left on his side. “Thanks.”

“<Equestrian heathen! False god!>” Chaik’s calls continued even as Quiver snapped up his spear and held it with its stone blade pointed to the ground. “<Lord Ahuizotl shall rise from this setback and see to the end of all of you!>”

“<Princesses. Not gods.>” Quiver’s command of Maretonian was poor compared to everyone else in the chamber, but his next actions made his point clear as he walked over to where Ahuizotl was held and slashed him along one blue-furred arm. His attack was rewarded with a wince, and he turned to Chaik and held the spear aloft over the other stallion’s head, its stone tip now wet with blood. “<Ahuizotl. Not god.>”

The spear was tossed aside as Twilight looked to him uneasily. “Was that necessary?”

“Believe it or not, I was restraining myself.” His gaze was kept upon the zealot as Quiver prompted, “Let’s get out of here, Daring Do and Dash are waiting for us outside.”

A wing was wrapped around the stallion, and Twilight winked the two out with a quick teleport. Freed of the alicorn’s magic, Chaik got to his hooves, and then set to work freeing Ahuizotl. “<You will be free soon, my lord.>”

Despite being beaten by some random pony, Ahuizotl grinned. Elsewhere he was a villain and a monster, but to his followers, he was a god. And he didn’t see that ending soon.