What Brings Us Together

by Hyzaku

The Visitors, part one

Rarity had remained uncharacteristically silent for the duration of the walk to her home. The gorgeous unicorn was seething with frustration underneath her calm exterior. Fluttershy knew that was the case. The forced smile that craved to curve in the opposite direction, the heightened speed of her gait that destroyed the usual feminine grace of her trot, and the deathly silence that felt so unbecoming of one whose voice could so easily capture a pony’s attention. All the usual signs that Rarity was upset and there was only one pony to blame. Knowing that Rarity would never even consider letting her apologize, for her friend would insist it was not Fluttershy’s fault, only served to make the timid pegasus feel even worse.

“Well, here we are.” Rarity finally broke her unspoken pact of silence as her magic flung the front door of her home wide open.

Fluttershy followed Rarity inside, taking note of how hard the door was slammed shut behind her. Her friend was way past upset, she could only hope that being at home would help calm her down.

Rarity trotted off into the kitchen. She was determined not to let this day go to waste, and she could not think of a single time when a nice friendly chat over tea had not helped to calm her nerves. Of course, tea naturally demanded a tray of snacks for proper presentation. Even if she was frustrated, the unicorn would not deviate from her practiced etiquette in front of a guest.

It felt like an eternity waiting alone in the foyer of Rarity’s fancy boutique. Though her friend had not made mention of where Fluttershy should wait, it seemed appropriate to wait outside the kitchen. Fluttershy didn’t want to be a distraction; she knew first hoof how bad distractions can be while cooking. It reminded her of the first time she had tried to make soup for herself. She honestly had no idea how hungry her animal friends had been at the time. When they all started bothering her for food she had given in to their demands too swiftly. By the time she had fed them all, her soup had ended up pretty badly burnt. Thankfully, most of her animal friends were much more patient than when she first met them. If there was one thing Fluttershy could do well, it was waiting patiently. Well, that and being quiet. Okay, she was really good at communicating with animals, and also being empathetic towards others. Actually, the more she thought about it, there were a lot of things she was good at. Fluttershy’s pleasant thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Rarity landing on the couch next to her.

The blue aura gently placed Rarity’s preparations on the nearby table. She glanced briefly at her friend; Fluttershy smiled weakly. It was obvious that both of them only wanted to relax, it was not the time for talking; not just yet. Rarity poured two cups of tea and levitated one over to Fluttershy. The pegasus took hold of the warm cup, bringing it close as she blew gently to cool her beverage a bit before drinking.

The friends enjoyed the brief respite from stress as they indulged in Rarity’s culinary works. The unicorn may not have been a professional chef, but she knew her way around the kitchen better than most. Fluttershy always enjoyed Rarity’s snacks. Every little treat had a small flair that made it feel more like something from Canterlot than Ponyville.

Now that she felt calm and refreshed, Rarity was feeling a bit too eager for something to do. She sprang up from the couch, taking hold of the dishes with her magic as she made her way to deposit them in the sink. She returned a few minutes later, Rarity was not the type to leave dirty dishes piled up, to find Fluttershy sleeping peacefully on her couch.

Her plans had involved a few things with Fluttershy, but with the pegasus out cold for the moment, the new wave of energy was making the unicorn feel antsy. She needed to do something. There was no way she could fall asleep right then.

Soon, the decision was made to work on one of her fashion projects. Rarity quietly trotted upstairs to her inspiration room. The fashionista milled about the room, as quietly as she could, while magically manipulating fabrics and assorted tools in an attempt to bring some of her designs to life.

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes, still feeling the drowsy feeling that always accompanied her when she awoke from an impromptu nap. Nothing really registered at first as she quietly took in her surroundings. Oddly, for her at least, the sense of panic set in slowly as she began to recognize where she was. Bland white walls, desks and counters covered in slips of paper, the uninspired white and blue-checkered tile floor; she was lying in the post office lobby.

To her credit, she managed not to panic. Fluttershy tried her best to recount the day’s events in hopes of discovering a clue as to why she had been asleep in the post office. Every detail of the day raced through her mind. She fed her animals, met up with Rarity for lunch, attended Pinkie’s party, and then she went back to Rarity’s home for snacks. Nothing she could remember seemed to hold the clue she had been hoping for.

The pegasus slowly stood up and looked around the lobby for any sign of other ponies. Her examination brought her full circle back to where she had started, only this time there was somepony standing in front of her. The new arrival was none other than Rarity. Fluttershy blinked hastily several times to clear her eyes of the last remnants of sleep, partly wondering whether this was an illusion or if she really had managed not to notice her friend standing right there.

When her vision was refreshed and refocused, the pegasus was suddenly forced to ponder how her other friends could be standing in front of her. Certainly they hadn’t been there before she started blinking, yet there they were. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and even that nice Doctor fellow were all standing right there behind Rarity.

Suddenly, without word or hesitation, Rarity moved closer. Was it her imagination or had she been so focused on her friends that she didn’t hear Rarity’s hoofsteps? The white unicorn’s hooves brought her to a stop just before their muzzles touched. Fluttershy could feel the burning of the blush across her face as her best friend’s eyes gazed into her own. Rarity had never looked at her this way before. This was just like the look that Twilight always gave Rainbow Dash before-

Rarity lunged forward, her lips meeting Fluttershy’s in a sudden embrace. The meek pegasus was in complete shock. She wanted to move. She wanted to pull away, to shrivel up into a ball and hide somewhere so that nopony would see flush on her face. Alas, her body had other ideas.

As Rarity pushed in for a deeper embrace, Fluttershy’s body seemed to oblige the unicorn’s every request. She felt Rarity’s tongue brush across her lips, practically begging to be let in, much like Angel-bunny when she accidentally lock him outside that one night. Her lips parted before she could even finish her comparison. The unicorn’s tongue darted in, faster than Fluttershy had expected, eliciting a squeak of both surprise and pleasure. Almost instinctively, Fluttershy closed her eyes and melted into the passion of the moment.

Sooner than the pegasus would have liked, Rarity pulled back, abruptly ending the delightful embrace. “Teacher didn’t say you could stop.” The words escaped Fluttershy’s mouth before she could even begin to realize what had happened. Immediately, something felt strange about this ordeal. That wasn’t something Fluttershy would say. Not to mention that Rarity seemed to be acting strangely as well. It was almost as if-

Fluttershy’s eyes burst open before her thought could finish. Her breathing was heavy, her body was warm, and she felt the slightest bits of saliva dripping from her lips. She quickly raised a hoof to brush her lips clean. She probably rubbed a bit more vigorously than was needed, but she was still quite worked up and more than a bit distracted.

After a few silent moments, her thoughts began to collect. She swiftly looked around the room and - much to her relief - found everything she remembered about Rarity’s foyer to still be in place. A wave of cold air rushed over her, making the pegasus suddenly aware that she was covered in sweat. Oh dear, this is so embarrassing. M-maybe I should just go home. I’m sure I can sneak out with waking-. Fluttershy’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of hoofsteps coming closer and closer.

“Oh good to see you finally awake, darling. You just looked so peaceful when I came back from cleaning the dishes that I just couldn’t bring myself to disturb you.” The unicorn’s words drifted into Fluttershy’s ears and brought with them the familiar feeling of a flushed face.

There was simply no way, at that moment, that the shy little pegasus could even look at her friend. Everything about Rarity brought fresh memories of the dream from which she had just awoken. Every memory of that dream was sending her mind and heart racing in equal measure. Why, oh, why did I have a dream like that? Fluttershy thought. “Because you like her, don’t you?” Answered an echo in the back of her mind. “Like her, love her, how much of a difference is there really between the two?” The confusing echo rang out.

The yellow pegasus merely squeaked and buried her head in her hooves. That's when the metaphorical twig snapped in Rarity's head, Fluttershy had been acting extremely antisocial all day, and now it was directed towards her. Rarity didn’t have the slightest clue what was going on with her friend that day. Being shy was one thing, but Rarity was certain that she had never seen Fluttershy acting so downright antisocial, especially not toward her. She had to get to the bottom of this mystery. It was her duty as a friend.

“Fluttershy, darling, is something wrong?” Rarity asked as she placed herself on the couch. Her white hoof slowly reached out to gently plant itself on the yellow pegasus’ shoulder. There was a small squeak, but no major reaction to the physical contact. “Did you have a bad dream?”

“A bad dream, no, it was a great dream!” The strange voice echoed in Fluttershy’s mind. Okay, this is weird. I’ve never heard myself talk before. The pegasus thought. It was a strange sensation, talking to yourself. Fluttershy wasn’t sure that she liked the idea, but she wasn’t entirely sure that what the echo was saying was wrong. I should tell Rarity about that dream.

"Are you serious?" A rational fragment of her mind spoke out in rebellion. Well, yeah, it concerns her doesn't it. Fluttershy mentally retorted to the new voice in her mind. "Oh, ho, ho, ho NO! It does not! Don't you friggin dare!” Despite not echoing sharply through her mind as the other voice had, Fluttershy wasn’t too sure she liked this new voice. But she has a right to know what's bothering me. Fluttershy countered.

Suddenly, the voice’s volume doubled. "Then make something up featherbrain! Whatever you do, this can't be what's bothering you, you hear me?!" The smoother voice exclaimed in a tone very reminiscent of an angry shout. The pegasus’ mind froze for a moment. Now she was certain that she didn’t like this voice. But this her mind and she wasn’t about to let some mysterious voices start telling her what to do. I have to tell her.


“Um, well, you see, Rarity...” Fluttershy paused, a brief moment of hesitation. She took a slow deep breath to calm her nerves before continuing. “I had this dream and we were in the post office...” the pegasus began before her voice trailed off into an incomprehensible series of noises. “...And I think I’m in love with you.” The butter yellow pegasus finished with a resound amount of pride.

Rarity was stunned; her jaw slack, her stare was straight ahead. If Fluttershy listened closely enough she might have been able to make out the sound of the gears turning in her friend’s head as the unicorn processed the sudden statement. “Wuh, but, we…” Rarity tried to respond, but most of her words only came out as garbled noises or grunts. If she had been in a more aware state, she would have been appalled with the lack of grace she was exhibiting at that moment.

Fluttershy sat quietly as she witnessed her closest friend have a mental breakdown. But she took little notice of Rarity’s lack of composure, she had been assertive, she admitted her feelings; the smiling pegasus was far too proud of herself at that moment to pick up on any of that.

After what felt like an eternity, Rarity managed to regain a measure of composure. “Fluttershy, darling, I’m not quite sure I heard you right.”

The mention of her name snapped the pegasus out of her blissful daze. “Oh, I think I love you.” She repeated with confidence. Her books were right; the first admission really was the hardest.

“Ah, yes, that’s what I thought I heard.” Rarity regurgitated the words almost like a bad reflex in hopes of gaining a bit more time to come up with a suitable answer. This was certainly the first she had heard of these feelings from Fluttershy. Love, it was such a sudden expression to hear. Granted, Rarity had been waiting all her life to hear those very words, just not from another mare.

She had to think quickly, where did Fluttershy’s feelings even come from? Sure, the petite pegasus had been hanging around the boutique more often than usual, but that could have meant any number of things. Try as she might, Rarity could not recall a single detail or clue that could have tipped her off to her friend’s professed feelings. Suddenly, an idea struck. Oh that simply must be it! the unicorn’s thoughts exclaimed. Fluttershy must simply be confused after all the mix ups at the party that evening. Perhaps she is simply having a delayed reaction to one of the stallions she met. Rarity was certain that she had discovered the truth of the matter. Now all that was left was dealing with the confused pegasus.

The white unicorn looked at her friend with a soft gaze. “Fluttershy, darling, I think you might be a tad confused about all this.” Rarity began.

“Oh no, I’m certain.” Fluttershy interjected. “I think I love you.” The pegasus returned her friend’s pleasant gaze.

“Yes, well, if you think you love me, then you aren’t exactly certain, now are you?” Rarity countered. Fluttershy was either choosing her words poorly, or Rarity was spot on in her deduction. The unicorn was willing to bet all her chips on the latter.

“Oh, well, um...” Fluttershy stumbled with her words for a few moments as the logic of her friend’s words sunk in. Moments later, the yellow pegasus sat silently, contemplating her own feelings once more.

Jackpot. Now I just need to figure out how to help her sort out this confusion of hers. Rarity thought. It was either a few moments or a few minutes, she wasn’t the type to keep time in her head while thinking, but Rarity had thought up a solution. “Fluttershy, if you’re confused about whom you like, I’m sure Twilight and Rainbow Dash can help you sort out your feelings.” Rarity was quite pleased with the idea. If - on the off chance - Fluttershy actually did like mares, then taking her to the only two mares she knew of the same persuasion could help her work out any confusion. Even better, if all was as Rarity had anticipated, Twilight ought to be able to explain away Fluttershy’s silly idea with some science-y, doctor-y talk, or something.

“Alright then, lets go, darling.” Rarity quickly gathered a few necessities, some basic beauty maintenance items, before dragging Fluttershy out the door.

Forest Runner entered through the massive runic double doors and entered into a the sacred chamber of the Reindeer Council; the inner sanctum of the Frostfall Court. The great caribou peered down hard on him wondering what could be so important coming from some Equestrian runt to them, the leaders of Reindinhal.

It was Twilight’s turn to read that night. Rainbow Dash had been listening intently for a while now, but they had been reading since just after lunch and there was no break in sight. Sure she enjoyed these reading sessions, but sometimes Twilight had a habit of getting a little too focused on the reading. Oh who was she kidding, this happened every time the unicorn did the reading. It was always up to Rainbow Dash to find a fun way to interrupt her partner, and she enjoyed every moment of it.

"Great Reindeer of the Frostfall Court, I am truly grateful for your attention, what I have to say is of great importance."

"Equestrian, do not waste our time with flattery, if your message is of some urgency, you'd do best to go ahead already and speak your mind . We do not care for flattery here in Reindinhal and certainly not in my own city of Sky Range." The other reindeer nodded in agreement talking in hushed voices to one another.

Great this doesn’t sound like there’s going to be a good breaking point any time soon. The pegasus thought. She glanced over to Twilight only to find that familiar, intense stare that tended to overtake the unicorn when she got really into whatever she was reading. This was going to call for drastic measures.

"Let the boy uphold to his traditions Balgruuf, he only means to show us his utmost respect." One reindeer of a much deeper voice and the size to match refuted.

"Whatever you say, Noric..." Balgruuf hissed but accepted defeat all the same.

Noric turned to Forest Runner and spoke, "Please, lad, continue."

As Twilight continued to read the story aloud she failed to notice the slight shifting next to her as Rainbow Dash slowly positioned herself over the unicorn. Rainbow Dash lowered her body to rest on top of Twilight as she reached around to begin nibbling on Twilight’s ear. Her teeth pinched down gently. The sudden sensation caused her prey to twitch in response, but she was not about to give up on it that easily. A small guttural noise erupted from below her, possibly a distress call from her prey hoping to garner the attention of nearby creatures! Swiftly, Dash pounced at her target, gently nipping the ear once more. She carefully, and slowly began working her way from the tip of the ear all the way down toward the base. Her prey tried to escape by twitching again, but she was ready for it.

“Rainbow, would you stop that, I’m trying to read here.” Twilight snapped. This was a more common occurrence that Twilight would have preferred. She had learned that this was Rainbow’s way of telling her to stop, but that didn’t make her like being ripped out of her ‘reading zone’ any more than she normally did.

Rainbow Dash silently ignored the complaint as she wrapped her forelegs around Twilight’s neck and continued her nibbling. Suddenly, she was dethroned from her perch as the unicorn rolled over. “Hey that’s cheating!” Dash exclaimed as she tumbled onto her back. Before she could react, Twilight was standing over her with a gleam in her eyes and grin on her face. Dash liked where things were going.

If Rainbow wanted to distract her, then she would distract the distractor. Twilight’s hooves moved in and rapidly stroked against Dash’s belly causing fits of laughter to erupt from the pegasus. She worked her hooves feverishly as she positioned herself for her next assault.

It was almost torturous how well Twilight had learned to tickle. Unfortunately for the unicorn, Rainbow Dash had already prepared a counter attack. As soon the first bout of tickling stopped, Rainbow rolled away before Twilight could continue. She quickly repositioned herself and pounced at the surprised unicorn.

The resulting collision left Twilight flat on her back. Just as she regained her senses she felt the warm touch of her lover pressing against her body. She was thoroughly pinned, or at least she was willing to play the part. Her partner’s lips gently brushed against her own. Oh, I guess I can forgive her for interrupting our reading for this. Twilight thought.


“Hey Twi, are ya’ll in here!” Applejack exclaimed as the door to Twilight’s room was forcefully swung open. “I was...oh.” The farmer’s face dropped its smile as soon as her eyes took in the scene that laid before her.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me.” Twilight mumbled under her breath. How many times are they going to interrupt us today, I wonder? The unicorn thought.

“Hey, out of the way AJ. I don’t wanna be stuck in the stairwell all night.” Thunderlane commented as he pushed his way past the orange mare. “Looks like we found...” The stallion’s mind shut down the moment he saw the two mares embracing on the bed. He tried not to stare, but his efforts were futile. It wasn’t until an orange hoof shoved him back down the stairs that he was able to return to a normal train of thought. Well, as normal as yelling in pain while falling down some stairs is.

The sound of Thunderlane crashing backwards down a flight of stairs was not the most pleasant sound in Equestria; it actually sounded rather painful. Applejack knew she would need to apologize to him later for that. “So, um, I needed to talk to ya’ll about Thunderlane’s work schedule.” Applejack managed to force the words out. “We’ll just see ya down stairs in a bit.” The earth pony made her way down the stairs to check on her date’s condition.

"Ugh, this is exactly why I thought he would've been the first one to try and bug out of the tornado to shoot water to cloudsdale. Like, seriously, he's always looking to make sure he doesn't have to work extra, even when they're paying over-time." Rainbow Dash groaned in exasperation. The pegasus begrudgingly dismounted and began the boring trek to the first floor.

Upon arriving in the foyer, Rainbow Dash was treated to the delightful sight of Thunderlane nursing a rather noticeable lump on his head. She snickered inwardly. Serves him right for interrupting us, now I just need to make sure I get AJ back for this. Rainbow thought menacingly. At least, it sounded menacing to her. “So, what brings you two by at this hour?” Rainbow Dash practically growled the last part for extra emphasis.

“Oh, well Thunderlane here was kind enough to volunteer to help me out at Sweet Apple Acres on Monday. We just need you to free up his schedule so he doesn’t have weather duty then.” Applejack replied with a surprisingly cheerful tone.

“Monday? Why the hay would you promise to do that on Monday, Thunderlane?!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “I know how much you love to bail on work, but what makes you think I’d let you out of weather duty so you can go on a date?” The pegasus continued, her voice seething with irritation.

At that moment, Twilight enters into the room, her mane was surprisingly neat considering the... activities she had just been engaged in. “Sorry about that, I had to brush my mane. I can’t walk around looking like a mess in front of guests.” She mentioned casually.

“It’s not a date Rainbow, he’s gonna be helpin’ me buck apples.” Applejack retorted, ignoring Twilight’s appearance.

Her thoughts took a detour south as a sly grin crept across her face. "Bucking Apples, are you dating him or making him part of the family?" Rainbow Dash quipped. “Or perhaps he’s gonna be bucking your apples.”

“How dare you! I am not bedding down with somepony I just met!” The farmer angrily shouted back. Of all the nerve. I can’t believe this.

“Hey, both of you calm down right now or everypony is getting thrown outside!” Twilight interjected with a harsh tone of her own. The arguing duo were met with an equally harsh glare from the unicorn that told them she wasn’t joking.

The group sat quietly for several minutes. Suddenly, Thunderlane decided to, bravely, break the silence. “Um, for what it’s worth, Rainbow Dash, I am actually going to be working with her on Monday.”

“Not unless I reschedule a bunch of other ponies to give you that time off.” The pegasus countered. At that point she was more interested in messing up Applejack’s plans than being rational.

“Then I’ll help you reschedule them.” Thunderlane replied.

“I’m telling you, Cloudkicker needs that day off. She put in the request three weeks ago, I can’t make her work then.” Rainbow Dash argued. The rescheduling discussion had gone way past being tedious after about five minutes, and that was roughly an hour ago if that clock was actually telling the truth. Twilight just wasn’t sure, the clock wasn’t Applejack, it could definitely be lying to her.

“Well then, stop just rejecting my ideas and tell me what will work.” Thunderlane replied in a huff. AJ said this would be easy. The stallion thought.

“I’ve been trying to tell you that I can’t make it work. There’s a reason we plan the weather out weeks in advance, Thunderlane.” Rainbow Dash grumbled. Her tone grew increasingly more hostile with every word. “I don’t know why you thought interrupting my private time with my girl and asking me to completely rework the weather plan I’ve had in place for the last month just so you can skip work to go on a date was a good idea.”

“Actually, Rainbow, this was my idea.” Applejack interjected, her voice wavered a bit as she tried to remain calm.

Rainbow Dash’s jaw went slack for a brief moment. Her eyes shot over to the farmer, only to be met with a gaze as unrelenting as her own. “This was your idea?” She asked in a surprisingly soft tone.

“Sure as sugar is.” Applejack answered promptly.

Rainbow Dash stared at Applejack for a few seconds. Suddenly she turned to face Thunderlane, not bothering to change her icy glare in the process. “So, let me get this straight. You finally got a date with the girl you’ve been pining after for months and you let her volunteer you to piss off your boss by asking for a schedule change with only two days notice so you can work at her farm the whole day?” The pegasus asked with a very calm, nearly monotonous tone.

“Wait, how did you know-”

“Blossomforth, now answer the question.” Rainbow interjected.

“Yes.” The stallion responded sheepishly. Yeah, this was a bad idea. I’ll be lucky if she even lets me come back to work after this, He thought. As Rainbow Dash spoke, a gloomy picture of him being jobless began to form in Thunderlane’s head.

“You really are a bonehead, Thunderlane.” The stallion could feel his world crumbling around him as the cold words lingered in the air. “But, at least you’re a dedicated bonehead. Just take the damn day off. I'll figure something out.” Rainbow Dash continued, adding a flippant wave of her hoof for added effect.

Thunderlane couldn’t believe his ears. He honestly had no idea what had changed his boss’ demeanor, but he wasn’t about to screw this up. “R-really!? Thank you so much Rainbow Dash. I really owe you one for this!” He exclaimed happily. Oh thank Celestia...shit.

“Alright, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind the next time somepony needs time off.” Rainbow Dash replied with sly grin.

“Well, that’s mighty kind of ya, RD, but I think we’d best be gettin’ outta your hair.” Applejack spoke up as she pushed Thunderlane towards the door. The farmer leaned her head in real close to her date’s and whispered, “And you’d better start explainin’ that whole ‘pining after her for months’ business as soon as we step outside mister.”

“AJ’s right, that was really nice of you Rainbow.” Twilight commented as the farmer and her date shut the door on their way out. “I really thought you were going to yell at him some more.”

The cyan pegasus’ devious grin had yet to wear off, “That’s because our plans for Monday just changed for the better, Twi.” Rainbow’s good mood was bleeding through her every word as she glanced casually at her marefriend.

“But we don’t have any plans for Monday.” Twilight rebutted. She still wasn’t sure what Rainbow Dash was grinning about, but based on what she had learned about the pegasus, it likely meant that she had a plan in mind.

“Well, now we do have plans for Monday, Twilight. We are going to-” Rainbow Dash began to say before a rapping noise on the front door interrupted her.

“Oh, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, are you there?” The cultured voice bled through the door. “Fluttershy and I need to talk to you about something dreadfully important.”

Twilight and Rainbow Dash simultaneously groaned. It seemed like they were destined to be interrupted tonight. Twilight’s magic opened the door, allowing her newly arrived friends to enter her home. The unicorn really hoped that this visit would conclude much faster than the previous one.

Rainbow Dash tried her best not to scowl at the latest intrusion. Sure, she had gained a wonderfully entertaining idea for Monday because of it, but the last interruption had lasted far too long. “What do you two want?” The cyan pegasus snapped.

“Oh, we are so sorry to bother you at this hour, but this is an issue of grave importance and it simply cannot wait until morning.” The white unicorn’s tone was as unnecessarily dramatic as it was whenever she brought a problem to her friends. “You see, Fluttershy here is quite confused about her - how shall we say - sexual preferences.”

“It’s none of our business what you two want to do in bed Rarity.” Rainbow Dash quipped.

“That’s not what I’m talking about, Rainbow. Furthermore, I would appreciate it if you would cut the attitude. If you didn’t want visitors you should have just said so.” Rarity replied sternly.

Twilight sighed. “She’s got a point, Rainbow. Just because we’re a bit frustrated is no reason to snap at our friends.”

“Ug, fine. I’m sorry I snapped at you, Rarity.”

Rainbow Dash’s tone was still rather harsh, but any apology was good enough for the moment. “Thank you. Now, as I was saying, Fluttershy seems to have come to the conclusion that she is attracted to mares.” Rarity continued from her original topic of discussion.

“How is that a problem?” Twilight asked. It was true that Rarity had not been openly accepting of Twilight’s choice of partner at first, but the white unicorn had already come to accept that such love is possible. The insinuation that Fluttershy was flat out wrong for making that same choice was a confusing prospect for the studious unicorn.

“Well, I’m fairly sure that she isn’t. I was hoping that you could talk to her and help her figure out her actual proclivities.” Rarity responded, her voice was full of concern.

Twilight sat quietly for a few moments, digesting the information she had just received. Rarity, must know something I don’t. Why else would she just assume that Fluttershy is confused about her own desires? The studious unicorn thought. “Alright, Rarity, I’ll talk to her.” Twilight replied.

The lavender unicorn turned to the meek pegasus. “So, Fluttershy, why don’t you start by telling me why you think you like mares.” Twilight’s voice became very calm as she addressed her friend. A small note pad and quill levitated over to the lavender unicorn.

“Well, I don’t think I like mares, I like think I love Rarity.” Fluttershy responded with more certainty than she usually would.

“You hear that, Rarity, you’re a colt now.” Rainbow Dash remarked. The cyan pegasus was not prepared for the avalanche of books that landed on her head mere seconds after her verbal jab.

“Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed. “Now I’m going to have to put all those back.” The lover of books was visibly upset to witness part of her collection be used for such a barbaric act.

“Ow.” Rainbow Dash’s pain filled voice rose up from beneath the pile of literature. The mound of books shifted slightly, but the pegasus did not emerge.

Twilight sighed once again, “You know Rainbow, you did bring that on yourself.” The unicorn commented. The mound of books remained still. “If you don’t stop being overly dramatic I’ll let you handle the next reshelving day all by yourself.”

Suddenly, the pegasus burst forth from the pile, “No, no, no, I’m fine!” Rainbow shouted. “Totally fine and not dramatic in any way.” She continued, as a mild sense of dread pervaded her voice. Anything but reshelving day. The pegasus thought.

“Well, I’m glad to see you made such a swift recovery.” Twilight remarked casually. “Now, Rarity, if you would be so kind as to put the books back where you found them.” Twilight turned her gaze to a rather large desk in one of the corners of the room and pointed a hoof at it, “You can find the charts showing where each book belongs in that desk over there. It’s standard library procedure to put things back when you’re done.” Twilight’s voice carried a playful, yet serious tone to it.

The fashionista already knew better than to argue with the librarian. She set about the assigned task with a small, hidden grin. It was totally worth it. She thought.

Twilight returned her attention to Fluttershy. “So, why do you think you love Rarity?” She asked.

“Well, she is really nice, and she’s beautiful-”

I can already see where this is going, “Yes, that’s great and all, but those are very shallow characteristics to base love on.” Twilight interjected. “Let me rephrase that. What triggered your infatuation?”

“Oh, that would be the dream I had where I made out with Rarity.” Fluttershy responded calmly. Every possible mental alarm was going off in the yellow pegasus’ head. Her every thought was screaming, This is a terrible idea! To her immense credit, she was managing to ignore every one of them.

Several thudding sounds were made as the books Rarity had been levitating all dropped to the ground. She what? It was the only thought that the unicorn could actually process, so it continued to repeat in her mind, over and over again.

The room fell silent. Fluttershy looked around at each of her friends, hoping that she might be able to gauge their reactions. Shocked. That was the only emotion she could recognize on anypony’s face. Maybe Twilight is waiting for me to explain? She thought. The yellow pegasus recounted every last detail she could remember, aloud.

“Oh, is that all?” Twilight promptly responds to the finale of Fluttershy’s tale.

“What do you mean ‘Is that all’?” Rainbow asked, her tone was one of confusion. “How is there anything simple about that?”

Twilight giggled, “Oh, Rainbow, you still have a lot to learn.” She reached a hoof over and gently patted her marefriend on the head. “You see-”

“Hold on, Twi.” Rainbow interjected. “Skip the big long sciencey talk, and get to the point.”

Twilight’s head drooped, her ears flattened, and her smile vanished. “But I like my big scientific explanations.” She remarked with a dreary tone.

“And we like knowing what you are talking about.” Rainbow countered.

Twilight snorted. The studious unicorn took a few moments to revel in her misery, before sighing heavily and returning to a more normal posture. “Fine.” She snapped. “Basically, Fluttershy only has me and Rainbow Dash as real world examples of romance. So, in her dream, her subconscious swapped us out for her and Rarity because she has a closer friendship with her than with anypony else.” Twilight was proud that she could condense so much psychoanalysis into so few words, but it didn’t help her sense of loss at not being able to provide her full explanation.

“Oh.” It was the only word Fluttershy could manage. She had been so certain... Okay, maybe she wasn’t that sure of her decision in the first place. The gentle pegasus felt a sense of disappointment. She finally thought that she had found love and it turned out to be an overly active imagination.

Twilight could see her friend suddenly slouching down, the way she tended to do when she was upset. The lavender unicorn knew she had to give Fluttershy some kind of positive message. “Don’t worry about it, Fluttershy. Now that we’ve cleared everything up, I’m sure you’ll find a nice stallion who will make your heart all fluttery in no time.” Her voice as cheerful as she could manage.

Heart... fluttery? The yellow pegasus thought. “So, if my heart is, um, racing and I start to feel, say, warm, that’s a good thing?” She asked, her voice full of confusion.

“Well, yeah. That means you’re at least physically attracted to the guy.” Rainbow Dash answered with mild condescension. How can she not know when she’s hot for a guy?

“Oh, then I guess I wasn’t getting sick earlier. That’s a relief.” Fluttershy commented with a  smile.

Oh, you have got to be kidding. Rarity thought. She turned from her assigned reshelving duties to look at her friend, “Fluttershy, darling, when you say ‘getting sick’ are you by chance talking about those times you ran off during the party?” The unicorn asked.

“Yes.” Fluttershy answered plainly.

The fashionista could feel her eye twitching with irritation as she resisted the urge to plant her hoof to her face. “Well then, darling, perhaps you need to reintroduce yourself to some of the stallions we met this evening.” It took every ounce of control Rarity had to not sound stressed and frustrated.

“Well, I’m glad I could help you work everything out girls, but visiting hours were officially over three hours ago. Good night.” Twilight interjected as the magic began to coalesce around her horn.

“Well, good-” Rarity began before she was engulfed in a flash of light and magic. “-night.” The unicorn finished as the light subsided, revealing the inside of her boutique.

“Well, that was different.” Fluttershy remarked as she looked over at Rarity.

“Well, that’s one way to get them out of here.” Rainbow Dash was thoroughly happy to finally be free from unwanted visitors. The pegasus’ voice dropped to a lower, saucier tone, “Now we can get back to the fun part.”

“Actually, Rainbow, it’s pretty late. We should be getting to bed soon.” Twilight replied with more than a bit of disappointment. She had been looking forward to some private time with Rainbow Dash for a while now, but given the time, it simply wasn’t going to happen.

“Uh, Twi, we’ve stayed up way later than this before.” Rainbow Dash countered.

“Yes, but those times we didn’t have Princess Celestia coming to visit the next day.” Twilight replied in frustration.

“What do you mean Celestia is visiting?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” The pegasus bore a slight frown of disappointment.

“Because the Princess requested that I keep her visit a secret. She wants to spend some personal time with me tomorrow, and she didn’t want to have the whole town in an uproar over a sudden royal visit.” Twilight responded in her matter-of-fact tone of voice.

“Oh, fine.” Rainbow pouted as her tail twitched in silent irritation that her partner would keep such a thing a secret from her, even at Celestia’s request. She knew that Twilight wouldn’t dare disobey Celestia, not that she would either, but knowing there was a secret between them still stung a bit.

“Well, come on then, we should get to bed.” Twilight trotted happily up the stairs to her bedroom; the looming visit from her mentor was already putting her in a good mood.

Rainbow Dash followed the merry unicorn upstairs, making sure that she left her irritation at the door. The guest bed was still broken, and she wasn’t keen on sleeping on the floor again.

“So, Twi, am I in your bed tonight?” Rainbow asked, testing the waters before diving in.

Twilight glanced over at the broken guest bed. I really need to get that fixed. She thought. “Hmm, well you did have a lot of stress today.” The unicorn’s tone dropped, hinting at her answer to the proposed question. She sauntered over to her bed, making extra sure to give Rainbow a show as she did. Her hips had an extra sway as she slowly stepped towards the bed. Her tail was consciously being kept out of the way as the unicorn stopped and slowly stretched her back legs.

Rainbow was certain she heard a soft moaning as she took in the generous view the Twilight was providing. I have got to find out where she learned this stuff... Rainbow thought before her mind trailed off to more desirable pursuits.

Twilight finally made her way onto the bed, laying down to face the engrossed pegasus who couldn’t seem to keep her wings down. “As long as you can behave, sure.” Twilight teased as one hoof patted a spot on the bed next to her

Rainbow Dash shook her head a bit to clear her mind. “And you expect me to behave with you right next to me?” Rainbow Dash countered. “You know I’m terrible at that.”

“Well, let’s try not to stay up too late then. We do have an early morning.” Twilight replied. Okay, I guess I can deal with an hour or two less sleep tonight. She thought as her partner joined her in bed.

Rainbow Dash plopped down where Twilight had motioned earlier. She took a few seconds to steal a gaze into the unicorns radiant eyes. Her eyes moved a little lower, coming to rest on her current desire. As she looked at her partner’s lips, imaging what she wanted to do, the tip unicorn’s tongue poked out from behind her lips; it made a slight move to point upward before gently sliding back into hiding. It was all the invitation that Rainbow needed.

Rainbow dash leaned in and pressed her lips against Twilight’s. Usually she had to tease the unicorn’s lips to get them to open, but Twilight was not waiting around for that. Dash felt Twilight’s tongue push forward, spreading the pegasus’ lips apart as it ventured forth into her mouth. She could feel Twilight pressing deeper into the kiss as she maneuvered her own tongue to answer the sudden invasion of her mouth.

Twilight brought her hooves up behind Dash’s head to ensure the was no escape until she was ready to move on to something else. The excited unicorn pressed further into the embrace as her partner began to moan in pleasure. Suddenly, she felt herself pulled forward as Rainbow, positioning herself on her back, pulled Twilight on top of her. Even with such a sudden movement Twilight managed to hold their kiss; she still wasn’t done.

The unicorn squirmed a bit as she positioned her legs on either side of her lover. Her front hooves finally released their grip as she leaned her entire body into Rainbow. It was nearly time to switch activities. Twilight broke the kiss, as she slowly pulled her head back, making sure to tenderly lick Rainbow’s lips upon exiting. A few moments passed before a concern struck her. Rainbow was being awfully quiet. Twilight’s eyes opened as she began to examine the pegasus.

Dash’s eyes were closed shut, saliva dripping down the side of her face, and a slow rhythmic breathing beneath Twilight’s body were signs that added up to one thing. Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep.

You have got to be kidding me! The unicorn mentally shouted. I’ve been waiting all day for this and she just falls asleep. I’m gonna have to get her back for this. The thoughts grumbled in her mind.

Twilight sighed reluctantly, it seemed her fun would have to wait for another day. She took a few moments to magically position Rainbow Dash underneath the bed’s covers before slipping under them herself. She turned the sleeping pegasus onto her side and shimmied up against her, wrapping herself around her partner in a spooning position. Let me see. The unicorn thought as she went through a mental checklist. Hooves around her belly, check. Wrapped around her in curled position, check. Pressed tightly against her, check. Yeah, everything seems positioned properly according to that book I read on romantic sleeping positions. Now for the final touch. Twilight leaned her head forward a bit, allowing her nose to rest just a hair’s breadth from the back of Rainbow’s neck. She took a deep breath, inhaling every possible scent she could. A smile appeared on her face as she slowly drifted off to sleep.