Born For Battle

by Brony Parasite

6. My People... Aren't What I Expected

Phoebe sighed as she sat at a booth in Sugarcube Corner. There was a bit of a mess the day before with a Griffon named Gilda, and the woman was a little confused about the tension between two of the Elements of Harmony. Phoebe didn’t partake in much of that event.

In fact, the only interesting thing that happened in the past two weeks was two stampedes, and Phoebe was busy in Canterlot, visiting her mother. So she’d missed a lot. But that didn’t matter, if she wasn’t needed, then that meant more time devoted to her work. Which, at the moment, meant reading one of Starswirl’s theories on time travel.

“Maybe I should hire an assistant… Marquis is great, but maybe I need someone who’s actually alive…” Phoebe muttered to herself.

“Um…” Phoebe jerked her head to the side, where Pinkie was standing and staring at her. “You’re talking to yourself… Sure you don’t wanna talk to me? You’ll look less crazy, trust me.”

The woman stared at the pink pony for a second, before looking across from her where a mare was trying to not stare and keep her son from doing the same. At seeing that Phoebe noticed them, the mare stood up and grabbed her son by his tail and rushing out.

“Bye Button!” Pinkie waved. Phoebe just groaned.

“Just give me my damn shake…” Phoebe grunted.

“Not if you’re going to be a potty mouth~” At that statement, Phoebe teleported to the door and left, ignoring Pinkie’s protests.

Phoebe was fairly moody today. Not like she wasn’t always moody, but she had her moments of pleasantry. But that day wasn’t one of them. She was particularly angry…

For no good reason. And that only intensified her anger. Maybe she was angry at the lack of results or a cohesive idea as to where to find others of her race. It didn’t help that her inventions- the ones that were far past beta- were mysteriously malfunctioning. Phoebe had set up security measures, but the culprit suddenly stopped.

Phoebe was on edge.

So, when she returned to the Golden Oaks Library, she checked the mailbox, as that was her chore. She sifted through the letters until she found a letter addressed to her.

After entering the library, she called out, “Hey Twilight! Do you remember anyone besides mom that would send a letter to me!? It feels like something’s inside of this thing!”

“Not that I can recall, why?”

“Cause someone besides mom sent a letter to me! And I know it isn’t mom because Spike didn’t throw the darn thing up like a belch!” Phoebe shouted back as she opened it up and pulled whatever was in it out and examined it. It was a simple golden key that had a complex build for it’s teeth.

“Did you at least open it?” Twilight then asked her

“Yeah, I just did!” Phoebe rolled her eyes. She then pulled out the note inside.

Dear Phoebe, though I know that isn’t your real name. I’ve heard you’ve been looking for beings like yourself. So, I’ve taken the liberty to procure you with a sample. A key to another world.

-A ruggedly handsome fellow.

P.S I think you shouldn’t clench the key too hard, since it’s set to activate fifteen seconds after you touch it.

P.P.S If you somehow read this part of the letter, then I should mention that you have a certain amount of time before you-

“Wait, what-!?” Phoebe screeched as the key began to glow with a blinding light. “Twiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!” By the time that the unicorn realized what was happening, Phoebe was already gone.

The first thing Phoebe saw when the light faded was another human. A scrawny one at that. This, at first, excited her. Until the momentum of her sudden appearance caused her to trip and crash into the scrawny man… And toppling him over.

And if that weren’t enough… what came next surely did not help any for Phoebe’s current position. The scrawny guy groaned, and said, “Ok, what the hell-” He feels something in his hand curious he tries to grip it before realizing his mistake.

And before he could do anything to correct that mistake… Phoebe reacted first.

“AAAAHHHH- GUH!” he exclaimed, as he was imbedded in the wall after being thrown. He coughed up some blood, and whispered, “Ow… Medic…

Phoebe had already gotten back to her feet and drew her blades, pointing them at Scout.

He holds his hands in front of him shouting, while coughing some blood out every now and then, “Woah woah-*cough*-woah, hold it! I’m-*cough cough- I’m sorry! I didn’t realize that that was what was in my hand… Also… can I have a little help out of here.”

Now using one hand to point to the wall, while holding out the other hand as if in a gesture of asking for help.

“... No. Get up yourself.” Phoebe ordered, glaring at Scout. “Who are you? Where am I? And explain why you abducted me!”

“First of all,” Scout started glaring back, “I’m literally stuck in this wall; and to answer your questions in order, the name’s Scout, your in our base known as Fort Everfree, and we didn’t abduct you, you just appeared in front of me.”

“Here,” said Heavy, who was just to Phoebe’s right, walked up to Scout, pulled him out of the wall like he was gum, and handed him a sandwich. “There you go, sandvich make you strong!” Heavy said, then walked back to his seat.

“Thanks Heavy,” Scout said, then practically stuffed the entire sandwich down his throat, and suddenly looked liked he never even took any damage at all.

“Now answer me!” Phoebe demanded.

Scout looks at her with a deadpanned expression. “I just did,” Scout said in an annoyed tone, “I don’t know how you got here, unless one of the other guys used your token by mistake.”

“What’s a ‘token’? Aren’t those just for slot machines in arcades?” Phoebe asked, narrowing her eyes.

Scout looks at her as if she asked, ‘what was the sun’, “Umm…” Scout then looks a bit behind her, and gestures toward her, “I think you might want to take care of this question, Spy.”

Phoebe heard an noise somewhat like electricity behind her, she quickly turns around to see another man standing right behind her who she knew hadn’t been there before. “Gahh!” She screamed, before punching him square in his jaw.

As his body fell to the ground, lifeless from the one punch, she hears another electric noise a little further away and to her left.

“Glad I always have my deadringer active in my pocket,” Spy said casually, lighting a cigarette, “that would’ve been a lot more painful than it was.”

“Who in Equestria are you all!?” Phoebe shouted, getting frustrated.

“We call ourselves the ‘Red Team’,” Spy started, “a team of men who can do just about anything in the ways of combat. For instance, I can hide in plain sight, take down many enemies, steal any intel, and generally confuse the enemy while giving them faulty information. There are many thing we can do as a team, and I could tell you all of it… but then we’d be here all day. In short, we are mercenaries, but we have hearts and will not do anything we would consider evil.”

“I think that just makes you Bounty Hunters and/or hired help…” Phoebe deadpanned. “Where are we? Planet, solar system, country, etcetera.”

Spy looks at her with wide-eyes, then confusion, then understanding, “Ah I think I know what’s going on here. First off, do you know the country of Equestria?”

“Yes, I was raised there.” Phoebe said, narrowing her eyes. “Then… No, no, how the tartarus would there be so many other humans and I haven’t even heard of!? I spent years of my childhood searching!”

“I’ll get to that,” Spy promised, “Secondly, have you ever heard of the multiple universe theory?”

“Multiverse, and yes… Oh, damn it! How in the vast infinite were there two groups sent to the same world but in different universes!? It doesn’t make sense, unless the multiverse is much more flawed than Blueblood!” Phoebe began to pace, spouting out theories and questions that the mercenaries couldn’t understand.

“Woah,” Spy said, stopping her rant, “the main reason, if I’m correct, is that all the threats that appear in our different universes don’t get too powerful, and also… we aren’t the only two groups sent out into different versions of Equestria, we just happened to be the first Displaced you have met so far.”

“Dis… What?” Phoebe asked, stopping in place.

“Oh, boy,” Spy said, then held to fingers up to his ear, “Engineer…? I need the Displaced lecture in the dining room… Yes… I don’t know… Yes… Ok, thanks Engineer.” Bringing his hand down he looked down and backed away from the section of flooring starting to open up.

Once it finished opening a device that looked similar to a movie projector, but noticeably different in some of its parts. Spy flipped a switch on a remote he held and a screen descended from a slot in the ceiling, as the movie projector started up.

“Hello,” said the man on screen, “I’m Engineer, if you are watching this then you are about to learn about a type of human called… a ‘Displaced’! If you are a human, and you have an amazing ability or power and are in a land called Equestria… then you are a Displaced! Displaced is a term meaning: ‘Dimensionally Misplaced’ which is both true and not true at the same time. Displaced are generally humans who once lived on a planet called ‘Earth’ who, when transported to Equestria, end as whatever character they were dressed up as, as the character relating to an item that they had a hard time finding, etc. etc.

Now how are we transported to an Equestria? Well, the Void Dwellers! Sometimes called a ‘Displacer’ these beings have immense amounts of power to, if they wanted to that is…, destroy entire universes! There is once Void Dweller who seems to be the boss of all of them, that are good anyway, called ‘Author’. Anyways, back on topic each Displaced is sent to a different version of Equestria: classic, anthro, opposite-persona, swapped-position, etc.”

“Now,” Movie-Engie said, “we are onto the token portion of this lesson. Displaced sometimes might find themselves in a difficult position and might need the aid of another Displaced. ‘But, how do we get their help?’ You may ask, well tokens are the answer! A token is an item that represents the Displaced and has a message, whether written down or otherwise, and when activated as instructed the Displaced will be summoned right before you. However there are some Displaced that, depending on your mindset, your alignment, etc., could become your enemy, so when summoning a Displaced, becareful, cause they might just shoot and ask questions later. Now if you want to send a Displaced back to their universe, just say something along the lines of: ‘Your contract is sealed/over/etc.’ Now there are some things that might’ve happened in your universe regarding you, such as marriages, adoption, etc. So, if you have a parent figure in your Equestria, a partner in life, or adopted children and they exist in the other Equestria remember this: you know them, but they don’t know you. That is the end of today’s lesson on: Displaced. Engineer signing off.”

The movie projector shut off and the screen slide backup into the ceiling, Spy looked over at Phoebe to see her response.

“That’s… A lot to take in…” Phoebe said.

“I understand,” Spy said, nodding, “yet… in my world, the adventures of the other Displaced were nothing but stories written down. So… we already kinda understand. Also, there even a few different types of Displaced.”

“Explain.” Phoebe said, pulling a notepad from behind her back and taking notes.

“Well,” Spy said, “there are ‘average Displaced’ who are practically in their universe, no one to talk to about their problems; there are the ‘lucky Displaced’ who are a small group of friends who were sent to the same Equestria; then… there are the ‘split Displaced’, our group is the perfect example of that. Would you like to know why?”

“Uh… Why wouldn’t I…?” Phoebe questioned.

“It’s just…,” Spy said, a small smile on his face, “it’s kind of weird… even for us. You see… ‘split Displaced’ are a group of Displaced who were once, only one person, imagine this: the personality of a single person copied one or more times and each one was changed just slightly to fit with the body the personalities were going to end up in. That’s what happened with us, we were all once one man.

And lastly, there are the ‘amnesiac Displaced’ a Displaced that knows that they belong elsewhere, but can’t remember anything before being in Equestria.”

“I think I fit with the amnesiac, but I can remember faces.” Phoebe said, still taking noted. “Can’t remember names, only faces.”

“Ah, I see,” Spy said, a thoughtful expression crossed his face, “Maybe Medic can help you with your memories later if you wish, but… I’m also curious… how in Equestria did you get here without a token? Do you remember what happened before you arrived?”

“I got a letter with a key in it…” Phoebe replied, pulling out said key. “I think it might’ve been altered to do the opposite of what a token does and bring me to another world instead.”

“...Huh…” was all Spy could say, “well that was most likely our token, given ours is a key… but what would have prompted it to reverse instead...? Wait… a letter… did the letter have a return address? If not, did the paper of the letter seem kind of old?”

“No? Not like it matters here.” Phoebe replied.

“Nevermind then,” Spy stated, then looked to Phoebe, “one question, would you like to stay here and hangout for a while? Or would you like to make a token and head back home? If you want to hangout, I’m sure Engineer would like talking to you, you seem to be the machinery type.”

“I’m sure he would. And I doubt making a Token here would be advisable. I might end up here every time I’m called and dismissed. Just in case…” Phoebe said. “I would like to explore the world a little though… And not being surrounded by only human men would help...”

“Sure,” Spy said, a smile plastered on his face, “though I do have one last question, if I may.”

“Go on...” Phoebe replied hesitantly.

“You said you were raised in Equestria,” Spy started, curiosity noticeable on his face, “so… who was kind enough to raise you?”

“Princess Celestia.” Phoebe replied proudly, smirking.

Everyone else in the room went still and, if they weren’t already staring at her, they turned their heads to look at her with surprise. Spy cleared his throat after a few moments, and everyone went back to what they were doing.

“Pardon them,” Spy said, “so… the adopted daughter of Princess Celestia from across the multiverse… never thought I would say such a sentence- oh sorry, I’m rambling. So your majesty,” Spy said playfully, “where would you like to go?”

“Just show me around,” Phoebe said.

“Well,” Spy started, looking around, then gestured to the room they were in, “Welcome to Fort Everfree, former castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, and base of operations for me and my men. Do you want a tour of this place?”

“I’ve been here. Well… You know.” Phoebe waved her hand dismissively. “I’m a bit curious about Earth. I barely remember my life then, other than having been in preschool.”

“Hm,” Spy hummed, in thought, “well, would you like to see this universe’s version of Celestia?”

“Uh… Sure.” Phoebe replied, curiosity taking over.

“Excellent,” Spy exclaimed, as he clapped his hand together, “I’ll go on ahead and let her know we have a guest going to visit, this should only take a moment.”

Spy seemingly vanishes into thin air, leaving Phoebe in the room with the other guys.

“Um,” Scout started, then seemingly had an ‘Eureka’ moment, “I’m going to get Engineer, he seems to get along with your type quite easily.”

“Hmph! My type… I estimate that I know of not one creature that’s your type.” Phoebe shot back in a huff.

“Wait,” Scout said, hurriedly, “I didn’t mean it like that, I mean, with how you act and all, you seem to be a smarty-pants, you know… the type that is always smarter than me?”

“Just get out of here…” Phoebe growled, a vein appearing on her forehead.

Scout leaves the room, after yelping, faster than fast-walking but slower than running, his voice is heard from the corridor he went but the words weren’t able to be made out.

Suddenly, a small flash of light appears and goes away to reveal a man with a hard-hat, goggle, gloves, tool belt, holding a wrench in on hand, and holding a PDA in the other. He seemed to be looking at the pda before looking up at Phoebe.

“Ah,” Engineer said, “you must be the new Displaced, Scout tends to have problems talking to women like you without saying the wrong thing, last time we nearly had a test for the respawn room.”

“Re… Spawn…?” Phoebe asked, confusion clear on her face.
“Ah, yes,” Engineer started, “it hasn’t been tested, but, in theory, if one of us dies in less than a minutes it will ‘respawn’ us, or bring us back to life, so to speak. It should only work if it isn’t a death by age.

“But,” Engineer said, a nervous smile plastered on his face, “we haven’t tested it yet because we don’t want to. I mean if it fails then… we won’t come back. So, the only way we will test it, is with an inevitable death.”

The room falls silent after that sentence.

“Why not test it on a pony on death row?” Phoebe suggested. “Then disconnect them from it if it works.”

“Because,” Engineer began, irritably, “it is NOT supposed to work on aged based death, only weapon-based, poison-based, or natural disaster-based deaths.”

“You’re clearly unfamiliar with what death row means. Death by electrocution. Why not ask Celestia to use a pony on death row as a test subject?” Phoebe replied as if she were speaking to a child.

The Engineer just looked at her for a moment, then spoke, “Is… is that a thing that happens in your Equestria? Because we have yet to hear of anything along those happening in this country ‘til now…”

“It’s not often, but it does happen with the occasional homicide.” Phoebe responded. “Mom always tried to keep it on the down low since she disliked the entire process. No civilization is crime free.”

“Hm,” Engineer hummed in thought, then looked over see medic standing in front of one of the corridors looking at him seeing make a face that said ‘Well, only if you’re ok with it’.

Engineer looked over to Phoebe, and spoke, “Do you know if the results would be the same between the ponies and us respawning?”

“So you’d rather have an accident happen and pray for the best than get an estimate? I’ll even assist with said estimate based on the results of the attempt. I can do the math if I understand the technology.” Phoebe suggested. “Of course, for a price.”

“Well,” Engineer scratched his head, “considering that you seem to have dealt with machines before, would you take a look at the machine and the schematics,” holding out the schematics to her, “If you want payment, I can either pay you bits from this Equestria, or give you some copies of my schematics, heck, if you want, I could even give you a copy of the respawn schematics.”

“I have no need for bits, as I’m royalty back home. Do you have any rare materials I could take as a reward, or perhaps something special to you. Not something personal, but something I’d not find in other… ‘Displaced’ worlds.” Phoebe suggested with a grin. “The respawner plans aren’t in my interests, as I don’t think that I’d be easy to kill… Or willingly put my life in danger.”

“Hmm…” Engineer thought, long and hard before having his own Eureka moment, “I think I’ve got something for you… but one question, what weapon do you prefer to use?” He asked, as he pulled a backpack from seemingly nowhere behind him.

“Uh… What?” Phoebe asked, confused.

“I asked what weapon do you prefer,” Engineer stated, “sometimes a Displaced is sent here with weapons that they can use or can make weapons that they use, but sometimes we like to use something just a little different, you know? I mean, do you like to use those swords on your back?”

“Yes, I built them.” Phoebe glared at the Engineer’s presumption.

“I could’ve figured you built them,” Engineer stated, “and I didn’t mean to insult you if I did, but sometimes… bah, nevermind, so would you like another sword made with a rare material, usually only found by us?”

“I don’t need another sword.  Phoebe said, annoyance clear in her voice.

“Well,” Engineer said, scratching his head, “is there another weapon you would prefer? We’ve rifles, shotguns, pistols, revolvers, scatterguns, miniguns, knives, machetes, and even a wrench; and of each of these items, there are at least two of each made of the same rare material.”

“How about a tool?” Phoebe suggested.

“The wrench could work,” Engineer stated with a smile on his, “it can also double as a weapon, though for some reason any melee weapons made of this stuff, upon killing an opponent immediately turns them into a statue of said material.

“Also this material, known as australium, is extremely powerful stuff, if it comes into contact with someone; it either boost one of the things they have little of, which for that would be strength and stealth, or boost something that have great potential in, which for me would be my intelligence and building my equipment. I have no idea how it will affect you so, just be careful with stuff ok? I also have no idea at all on how it will affect ponies so keep it hidden, locked away, and never speak of the stuff to anyone except to those who you would trust.”

“I have wrenches where I’m from… Ugh, we’ll discuss my payment afterwards.” She groaned, taking the schematics. “Let’s get to work.”

~~~Time Skip: 30 minutes later~~~

Celestia, walking along side Spy, are heading towards the respawn after finding out from Scout where Phoebe went.

“-so I told him they were at fifteenth squad, it took him a full day to find out that the information from his lieutenant, i.e. me disguised as said lieutenant, and they both argued about the info until army arrived!” Spy told.

Celestia chuckled slightly, “My, what an amusing moment in your career.”

“That’s not even the best part,” Spy continued, “after they surrendered, they continued to bicker; that is, until I went in there disguised as the lieutenant and part way through talking to them I deactivated my disguise and they both just stared at me like I like someone would an abomination. It was something alright.”

Celestia chuckled, “Well, I guess you pulled the wool over their eyes.”

Spy smiled proudly, “Indeed, it is my speciality.” Spy then looks around, “It seems we have arrived.”

Celestia looks around, and notices Engineer, next to the one called Phoebe. “Hello,” Celestia greeted, “you must be Phoebe, correct?”

Phoebe jumped up and spun around. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you there mo- Princess.” She emphasized this with a courteous bow.

Celestia has a small moment where confusion is slightly noticeable on her face, when Spy whispered to her, “In her universe, her Celestia adopted her and so she considers you, i.e. her Celestia as a mother.”

Celestia’s eyes widen, as she looked at Phoebe, “So, how has your... visit gone so far?”

“It’s… Okay. A little disorienting… Especially since it’s been years since I last saw… Others of my kinds…” Phoebe added sheepishly.

“Oh, I see,” Celestia said with a frown, looking away, then looked back to Phoebe with a sad smile, “I hope that this aids you in your travels, maybe talking with my sister will help you, she… well… you probably already know.”

“I’ve… chosen to avoid Aunt Luna… For some fair and understandable reasons.” Phoebe stated. “I didn’t even know of her until a few weeks ago… But anyways! I can see that my Celestia’s much more experienced than you.”

Celestia lifted an eyebrow, “Experienced in which way?”

“You seem awkward around me.” Phoebe replied.

“Wow,” Celestia said, eyes slightly widened, “I’m that easy to read? … wait… you said a few weeks ago? But she-”

“Got out of the moon months ago,” Spy finished, looking Phoebe over, “you’re not only in a different universe, but technically also in the future…”

“Wow… Can you tell me anything- no, wait, I don’t want to know.” Phoebe said. “Also, I recalibrated your respawner. It’s ready for a test run.”

“Wait, what?” Spy asked, with a bewildered expression. “When were we going to do a test run Engineer?”

“Since Phoebe brought up a good point,”  Engineer said, then looked to Celestia, “Celestia… you wouldn’t happen to have… any… criminals… given the… death penalty…?” Engineer asked with a nervous smile.

Celestia stared at him owl-eyed, “Um… why do you ask…?”

“Well,” Engineer said, taking off his hard-hat and held it between his hands in front of him, “there is no easy to answer this so I’m going to give it to you straight…” Engineer looked at her with a neutral look on his face, “We have a machine here that could potentially bring someone back to life, but, we’re not one-hundred percent sure if the device will work. The only time the device will work is if it is a natural death, meaning… anyone attached to it, in order to die permanently, if it works properly, is a death by age.

“But,” Engineer continued, “there hasn’t been a way to test if this works, that is until, Phoebe here brought up an idea,” Engineer gestured towards Phoebe. Engineer sighs, “What I’m proposing to you… is that if you have any criminals put on death row, aka, have been  given the penalty of death, we could use them for the tests. If they don’t come back, it would be one less pony you have on death row, but if they do come back, it would mean a successful test, and we would have to to worry less about death.”

Celestia then gained a hard look on her face, almost glaring at Engineer, and just when he thought she was going to tackle him, she sighed as her face softened, looked back up with a sad face.

She looked away in thought, then after a moment, she looked back to Engineer, “You have my permission to use those on with the death penalty, but if, at some point, the test succeeds and the pony does come back to life, send the resurrected pony and the untested ponies back to me, ok?”

Though unnoticeable to anyone who didn’t look closely, Engineers eyes widened under his goggles, then said, as he bowed to Celestia, “As you command princess.”

Then Princess Celestia started to leave the room, a neutral expression on her face, stopped and looked at the Engineer, “Any information whatsoever, regarding this project and test is to be confidential, and any notes that you no longer require I wish to have them given to me personally, understood?”

Engineer did a mock salute, but said with seriousness, “Yes, ma’am.”

Then, she started to walk away, Spy looked at her again as if… as if he was missing something about her, then back to his colleague and fellow Displaced.

“So, is everything in place?” Spy asked.

“Seems so frenchie,” Engineer replied.

“Frenchie?” Phoebe questioned, baffled by the Engineer’s response.

“Frenchie, you know,” Engineer said, gesturing towards Spy, “because he is French? It is kind of his nickname.”

“I don’t get it…” Phoebe grumbled.

“In a way,” Spy explains, “it is a jape towards me, since many things in America, back on Earth, have been named after France, which is where I’m technically from, I hope that helps clear up that bit of confusion.”

“What’s France?” Phoebe questioned, completely baffled.

Engineer hung his head and sighed, then looked back to Phoebe, “Equestria’s equivalent is Prance,” he said, then mumbled something about ‘terrible horse-puns’.

“Wait, what? Equestria doesn’t have France. Or do you mean Prance is the pony version? I’m still not sure...” Phoebe said, scratching her head. “What were we doing again?”

“Prance is practically the pony version, yes,” Spy stated, then gestured towards both Phoebe and Engineer, “and you two were going to work together on testing our respawn room.”

“Oh, yeah. Well, It should work, but we need a test subject. So, have one here asap. Not sure if I’ll be here long enough to work on it again.”

“Shouldn’t take too long with our teleporter system,” Engineer said, “with this system, we can transport anything living or just supplies… except bread.”

“Definitely no bread,” Spy agreed.

“Okay…” Phoebe replied, shrugging.

“Anyways,” Engineer said, “back to the job at hand, we will get Celestia to lend us a few of those prisoners with a death sentence, and then… well… do some testing.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Spy replied, nodding his head, “are you ready Phoebe?”

“I’d rather not see it.” Phoebe said, “But if you can, record the event and focus on the errors. And remember to inject the subject.”

“Inject?” Engineer asked.

“Didn’t we have a thing that goes into the subject so they’re connected to the room?”

“,” Engineer stated, “we have a port to put a piece of the subjects DNA into, for which the machine practically turns the DNA into code for the machine to track analyze the subjects vitals and will be on standby to be able to rebuild their body using the DNA’s code… Oh and the code can be deleted at any time using the master passcode to prevent the person from respawning should it be necessary.

“And it also doesn’t matter if the DNA is a flake of skin, a strand of hair, or a dab of saliva, any piece of DNA will do,” Engineer finished.

“This feels familiar…” Phoebe grumbled. “Anyways, need anything else?”

“Nothing besides a few mops and buckets,” Engineer stated, “I remember the first time the original Engineer had respawned and… well… it was like flying for the first time for me, I did not feel well and needed several buckets for every time he respawned.”

“Wait, so it worked?”

“In that universe and time, it did,” Engineer explained, “but that was with the original RED Team that we were turned into, and they had a normal power source, not a gem infused with magic.”

“Well… I suppose that’s it. Go test your machine, I’ll tinker around.” Phoebe said, walking away. In truth, she needed to try to cope with everything that’d happened. She had stopped herself from thinking too much about how she was in another universe, how her mother didn’t recognize her, that somehow a key- token was used to get her into a world where there were others of her species who could reverse death. It was too much for her to handle, or even process. She made a mental note to review each of those baffling discoveries for the next few weeks.

“Okay, so… is there anywhere you’d like to stay?” Spy asked, “Since you may be staying here for who knows how long, I think you’d need somewhere to lay down. If you want I could let you bunk with me, just have to set up the bunk bed, or if you want to, we could also see if Celestia would let you live with her for a while.”

“I’d love the latter, thanks.” Phoebe replied.

“Alright,” Spy said, as he started to leave, “I’ll go check with her, and see if that is possible.”

“Okay,” Engineer replied, “see ya when you get back.”

Spy then left the room, leaving just Engineer and Phoebe in silence.

“I don’t think I have long here… So, can you tell me a bit about Earth?” Phoebe asked. “Culture things and such. I was taken when I was barely in school.”

Engineer’s eyes widened, unnoticably, in realization when told she had not been taken as a teenager but as a child, in preschool no less, then waved her towards the hallway with a sign pointing to it saying ‘intelligence’, and started walked into it.

“Follow me,” he stated firmly and calmly.

Phoebe followed, slightly intimidated by his actions.

“We have all information about what our kind has done in the intelligence suitcase,” Engineer stated, “because that suitcase is the number one thing, besides the respawn room and the generator room, that we will protect with our lives.

“All that humanity has done,” Engineer continued, with a sigh, “sometimes, I wish humanity never even existed, because of all the bad things it has done, not just to itself, but to everything around it.

“Anyway,” he said as he and Phoebe entered a large room, “the suitcase is right here,” gesturing toward the red suitcase with files seemingly just ready to explode out of it.

He opened the suitcase and pulled out some files, all having the same big red wording ‘CLASSIFIED’, and on the tabs of the files, in black wording one says ‘Weapons’, another says ‘Unconventional Wars’.

“I was hoping for more on… well… culture and what not. I never learned history.” Phoebe nervously giggled. “But when you’re a kindergartener, that stuff flies over your head.”

Engineer chuckled, a small smile on his face, “I can understand that, most stuff flew over my head in school… except math, when I get taught how to do it, I could to the same equation without have to write down the work. Sometimes, that was a problem for the teacher when I actually need to write down the work, meaning I had to go over the same equation five to six mentally just to write it down properly.

Engineer then shakes his head quickly, “We have gotten off track,” he said, then looked to her, “say, did you ever learn of the name of the country you were originally born in?”

“I don’t remember… All I do know is that there was someone called… ‘Bush’ running it?” Phoebe shrugged.

President Bush?” Engineer asked in surprise, “well at least we know you were born in the USA, that makes most of the information finding easy,” he stated pulling out some papers from the files ‘Unconventional Wars’, ‘World Wars’, ‘Terrorist Attacks’, and handed her the entire file labelled ‘U.S. Common History’. “Here you are,” he said ashe handed it to her, “everything about your country.”

“Well… It’s a lot to read. Can I take it back with me?” Phoebe asked.

Engineer sigh, “Sure, as long as you Pinkie Promise to make sure you don’t let a single sentient-” Engineer paused, “no wait there’s also Fluttershy’s....” he mumbled to himself, then looked back to Phoebe, “not one creature, sentient or not, is not allowed to even see these documents, they could make you look… bad politically, or the information could be used to blackmail you.”

“How bad can home be…?” Phoebe asked, more to herself than anything else. “I think this should be payment enough.”

“If I were to tell you right now,” Engineer stated, “you would probably call me a liar, and would get rid of the documents before you read them, thinking I would’ve faked any and all bad information on there. Then again that is just a guess, sometimes… the truth is a bitter pill to swallow.”

“So you wrote this…?” Phoebe asked.

“Had to,” Engineer said with a shrug, “there isn’t exactly any other humans in this Equestria to have this written by.” Engineer looked back to her with a normal posture, “So… are you going to Pinkie Promise to not let another living being see these documents,” he held up the aforementioned documents up, “except any other Displaced?”

“What’s even a ‘Pinkie Promise’?” Phoebe asked, confused.

“Have you…” Engineer then looked around then whispered to Phoebe, “have you met the pink pony who defies all logic, that Twilight has as a friend?”

“Yeah, I recently met her… She made a promise named after her?”

“Eeyup,” he confirmed, “except she makes sure that those promises are kept, even by herself, and nopony dares to break a Pinkie Promise, because if you do…” Engineer shivered, “she will know and she will hunt you down through time and space. Mainly because you broke a promise to a friend, losing their trust-”

“FOREVeerrrrrrr,” said the aforementioned pink pony as she popped out of the files, causing Engineer to freeze up, and Phoebe to scream and fall backwards onto her rear.

“...l-like I was going t-to say,” Engineer said with a bit of a stutter, “she c-can and will b-be quite terrorizing.” Engineer looks over to Phoebe and holds out his hand to help her up.

Phoebe nodded, taking his and and letting him pull her onto her feet. “P-Pinkie Promise… I won’t tell another soul.”

“Good,” Engineer nodded, then walked over to a machine on the other side of the room, “let me give you a copy, after I make the copies.” Phoebe nodded and sighed to herself.

This trip was becoming a hassle to her health.

“What!? How!? Why!?!? I have so many questions!!!!!!!!”

“Uh… Twilight, I think you should calm down a bit-” Spike said, just walking in and opening the door when Twilight just went off like that.

“Calm down!?! Spike, do you even know what just happened?”

“I think I know what needs to happen. Everypony can hear you all over town.” Spike pointed out.

“Spike, Phoebe just disappeared… In front of me… without… a trace!!! Something that isn’t Scientifically possible!!!!

“Uh…… What?” The drake asked, confused and a little scared because of how Twilight was acting.

Suddenly, a wormhole made of a dark purple energy opened up in the library. It was loud and sounded like a tornado caught in a blender. Which had the baby dragon gripping onto Twilight in fear as her mane was being blown backwards all over the place. Then, to their surprise and relief, Phoebe stepped out carrying a large red suitcase.

“I’m back…” She said nervously once the wormhole disappeared.

“Where the hay were you!?” Twilight shouted, tackling Phoebe to the ground. “Are you okay!? Are you hurt?! What happened!? Please tell me!!!!”

“Uh… Well, for starters, I think I proved the multiversal theory…” Phoebe chuckled. “Either that, or mom has an elaborate way of pranking me…”

“What are you talking about, Phoebe?” Twilight asked. “All I remember you doing was reading a letter and the next moment, poof!! You disappeared without a trace!”

“Yeah… Well, it’s a long story. But before I tell you, let me get some things done.” Phoebe replied. “I need to get my head on straight… And you have a lunch date with your friends.”

That was when Twilight realized that she did indeed have a lunch date with her friends… and by the time things are right now… she was running extremely late. “Oh horse apples!!”

“Twilight, language.” Phoebe said with a childish smile. “Only I swear.”

“Only you, I am close to being extremely late!!” Twilight yelled, before using her magic to grab her saddlebag as she galloped off to go catch up with her… and leaving Spike behind as he just sighed.

“You want me to have Marquis make us some coffee and cocoa?” He asked Phoebe. “Something tells me we may need it.”

“Yes, please… I’ve been away for a while…” Phoebe groaned, tired.