The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask

by Ganondorf8

Chapter 73: Demon's Battle

The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Majora's Mask
By Ganondorf8
October 9, 2017
Chapter 73: Demon's Battle.

After going through so much hardship, I had finally come face-to-face with Majora's Mask, the source behind the misery that plagued Termina. For a long time, I assumed that it was by Starlight's hand that this world was suffering but in truth, it was the mask itself, a living entity, that had influenced her. I had seen some strange things throughout my journey yet this trumped them all. I still found it difficult to swallow that a mere mask desired destruction on an apocalyptic level by wanting to slam a moon into it yet I was seeing what it was capable of doing with my own eyes.

Had the ancient tribe who created it still existed or their knowledge had been written down, perhaps Majora's Mask could have remained hidden in the shadows and none of this would have occurred, yet Sonata through no fault of her own had to go and find it. While her knowledge of masks was beyond compare, her curiosity and lust for wanting such a cursed mask had condemned Termina to what it was currently experiencing. I could understand the need for wanting something--even to the point of obsession--but not if it meant innocent people suffering for it just for one's own benefit.

In that sense, I supposed Sonata could be blamed but that was in the past now. I had to focus on the present to ensure that Termina would have a future though my efforts could potentially cost me my very humanity. To fight against Majora's Mask on an even playing field--though I suspected it had ulterior motives--it gave me the Fierce Deity's Mask, the ultimate mask I had sought out by collecting every mask that existed and giving them to the children who existed on the moon. While I didn't like the idea of giving up what I had earned through difficult trials, it had proven necessary as otherwise I would have died no sooner had I begun the fight.

As the Fierce Deity, I had never felt such power coursing through my body before and I had experienced ponying up and becoming Daydream Shimmer on numerous occasions during this journey and my last one in Hyrule, yet it came with a price. The mask itself contained the spirit of a warrior who used demonic power to prevail against all those who stood in her path according to Majora's Mask. While I was in control of what I had become, deep down in my heart, I was struggling against the evil within the mask. Were I to succumb to it, I would become a new version of Sunset Demon, my humanity forever lost, my life forever destroyed.

So long as I refrained from truly enjoying the thought of having power that rivalled Majora's Mask--maybe even Ganondorf himself--I would be able to succeed in destroying this evil force and return everything back to normal or as normal as one could hope for given the world I called home now had Equestrian Magic flowing about. So far, my efforts were working as I had defeated Majora's Mask after a lengthy battle that even had the boss masks get involved by aiding the one who created them but no sooner had I proclaimed victory, the mask was beginning to undergo something completely unexpected.

My first thought was that it would burn away to nothing as it floated over to the center of this strange place but instead it was shaking as though it were cold. I had sensed a greater power hiding within the mask and wondered why it had chosen to hold back but now I was about to witness its true power. As far as I knew, my own power had reached its limit but perhaps I could go further in hopes of being able to keep up with the mask or else be completely overwhelmed and die in the process. Princess Twilight then alerted me to what was happening in front of us so I steeled myself for what was coming.

Two spindly legs then protruded from Majora's Mask followed by two spindly arms. What in Equestria was happening to it!? I thought it would just unleash a stronger power not actually start transforming into something else entirely. As I continued staring at the mask, a small head popped out at the top that comprised of a single eye that blinked at me with two horns, one on each side of its head. It then stopped shaking and began doing what looked like some kind of weird pose whilst letting out a sound that wasn't sinister but rather stupid--I really couldn't think of any nice way to describe it.

When Majora's Mask finally turned its attention to me, I gripped my sword knowing I was about to experience a much tougher battle, but I was suddenly surprised when it began running away from me leaving behind a trail that made it look like there were several of them running behind one another. It ran around the room without any concern for my presence and I simply just stared at what it was doing whilst allowing my sword to drop to the ground. As it ran, it suddenly began doing a series of dance poses that looked utterly ridiculous including: the Cossack, the Moonwalk, the Pirouette, and even jumping jacks.

I had no trouble keeping track of where it was going but when it suddenly stopped moving, I was expecting it to attack me but instead it resumed running leaving me wondering just what was going on. If this was Majora's Mask's true power, I felt incredibly disappointed by it, but perhaps this was a means of deception. By not taking it seriously, it could easily take advantage of my ignorance and kill me when I least expect it. Still... It just looked really stupid. During the first battle, I had taken some damage but I didn't need to use one of my remaining Red Potions--I doubted I would need one against this thing.

" Twilight..." I began. " What do you make of this?"

Princess Twilight shrugged. " To be perfectly honest with you, Sunset, I wasn't expecting anything like this at all."

" Is it even Majora's Mask still despite changing?"

Princess Twilight shook her head. " I think it's gone beyond being just a mask that contains an evil power. If anything, I would consider this transformation to be a new incarnation of the mask so perhaps we should call this form, Majora's Incarnation?"

I frowned at her. " Wow... You couldn't come up with something more cooler sounding?"

" You've been hanging around Rainbow Dash too much."

I blushed. " Ahem... So... How do I go about fighting against this thing?"

" Majora's Incarnation may seem ridiculous looking but don't underestimate it." Twilight answered. " I suspect it will attack you with something but I don't know when it will do so given its behaviour is completely erratic. You just need to ignore its dancing and attack by flinging magic from your sword but don't just throw your magic around otherwise you'll run out and have to use that Green Potion."

" So I need to wait for my chances?"

" Yes." Twilight answered. " Sunset... Do you recall some of your previous battles where you had to face against an opponent that constantly moved around forcing you to wait before firing one of your projectile weapons?"

I nodded. " Yeah but why bring it up?"

" This is what Majora's Incarnation is doing."

" O... K..."

" I know my words sound confusing right now, Sunset, but you'll get their meaning once you start attacking." Twilight said. " First, I would see if those pots along the edge of this place have some Magic Jars as you need as much Magic Power as possible."

To be fair, I actually didn't understand what Princess Twilight was getting at initially. Sure, I had faced monsters in the past that constantly moved about whilst rarely stopping to attack--I never did like fighting them--but they were nothing compared to Majora's Incarnation simply because of its appearance. I would have problems dealing with it on the fact that I just couldn't take it seriously yet I slowly began understanding what Her Highness was talking about. Chasing after the mask was pointless as I'd exhaust myself too quickly leaving me vulnerable to any counterattack but a ranged attack would work.

Majora's Incarnation continued running around like a headless chicken--my interpretation of it--so I chose to ignore it and went after a couple of pots that were to my left, smashing them, and collecting a big Magic Jar alongside some arrows. I was beginning to think that this battle required the use of Light Arrows given the obviousness of what I just obtained from the pots but since I was in arguably my strongest transformation, using them was a bit counterproductive. If anything, the Magic Jars were essential so as to offset my earlier blunder of not bringing along any Blue Potions or Chateau Romani.

Swinging my sword and firing a magical attack, it sailed past Majora's Incarnation who performed the Cossack to avoid it by ducking down low enough and I couldn't help but feel robbed in addition to being impressed. I assumed the dancing poses were meant to be a distraction but they were apparently useful in allowing it to avoid my attacks. It then resumed running only to begin using the Moonwalk and it was at that moment when I realized that the poses slowed it down. By showing off, it left itself vulnerable. I just needed to wait for a pose to come along before responding. I also needed to concentrate so as to not miss such an easy shot again.

It then performed the Cossack again--even though I knew the names of these dance poses and styles, I couldn't dance my way out of a paper bag--and this time I made sure to throw my magical attack when it was about to resume its usual running speed. When it happened, I flung another magical attack, striking Majora's Incarnation in its back, crashed into a heap on the ground, and began flailing both arms and legs about as it lay helpless. I couldn't help but feel bad for it knowing that it was currently unable to do anything but I couldn't allow such sympathy to cloud my judgment knowing that it really was.

Walking to Majora's Incarnation, I performed a jump attack, striking its back, resulting in it immediately jumping back onto its feet and screaming at the top of its lungs. Just hearing that bloodcurdling scream made me feel uneasy but I had to shake off such feelings if I were to maintain my composure. When the mask finally stopped jumping up and down in pain, it began running around again as though nothing happened but deep down, it was outraged over what I had just done to it through my sword. It continued running until it stopped again and I believed it would just continue running.

But I was quickly proven wrong when it suddenly started shooting energy balls at me. Each of its hands fired a rapid-fire onslaught that caught me completely off guard resulting in me being knocked down onto my butt in addition to getting pushed back. I should have realized Majora's Incarnation wasn't completely defenseless though why did it choose to attack now rather than do so sooner? Why bother running around and doing nothing when it was capable of fighting back? In any case, there was no time trying to figure out what kind of thought processes combed their way through a mask. I had to focus on defeating it and saving this world.

Getting up, it then stopped and began throwing energy balls at me again. I tried raising my sword to deflect the blasts and avoid taking damage but my effort proved to be in vain as I ended up taking every shot resulting in me getting knocked down onto my butt a second time. Upon finishing up its barrage, Majora's Incarnation immediately performed a Moonwalk leaving me to get onto my feet and shake off the cobwebs. The damage it had inflicted was minimal but I knew that such damage would rack up quickly but I wasn't worried as I had enough potions on hand yet I felt like I needed to keep hold of them because of a premonition.

Princess Twilight checked up on me. " You really took a pounding, Sunset."

" Those energy balls weren't as bad as they looked."

" Maybe not but they will add up over time."

" Do you think I should use one of my Red Potions?"

" No, I don't think so." Twilight answered. " Despite having taken some damage during the previous battle alongside this one thus far, the damage wasn't what I would call severe enough where you would need to consume one immediately."

I then started acting nervously. " Um... The thing is..."

" You think it's still holding back?"

I nodded. " It's more of a premonition than anything else."

Princess Twilight then nodded. " I too suspect that Majora's Incarnation is holding back its true power again but it doesn't make any sense. Why have you face against such a strange form when it could have easily unleashed the full extent of its power? If it knows you are a threat given your current form, why not just go for the big one instead of merely testing the waters so to speak?"

" I wish I knew."

" Are you thinking of dragging this out?"

" No."

" Good because if you did, I wouldn't be very happy about it."

I had no intention of having this battle go on any longer than necessary and Princess Twilight was right to remind me of it. As much as I had enjoyed this adventure, at the same time, my emotional state had been turned upside-down to the point where I could no longer handle being in this world. I truly wanted things to go back to the way they were before this happened yet there was one flaw I've ignored this entire time up until now. It didn't matter if Termina was saved from Majora's Mask because that alone wasn't enough. Only Ganondorf could change things back to normal as he was the one who caused the problem to start with.

That meant in order to undo the change and save both Equestria and the world I called home, the Dark Lord had to be appeased to the point where he would be moved to changing things back. I knew that wasn't going to be easy given his evil nature and becoming his servant was definitely out of the question yet what could I do to convince him? Would I be forced into fighting him yet again? I didn't like that option because I always was beaten to within an inch of my life every time I would encounter Ganondorf and there was no doubt in my mind I couldn't talk my way out of this because of having acquired my own evil power.

Suddenly, I got knocked down onto my butt upon getting hit by Majora's Incarnation when it Moonwalked into me. " What the?"

" You were daydreaming again, Sunset."

I got back onto my feet. " I didn't mean to, Twilight, but I had a good reason."

" Focus on defeating Majora's Incarnation first before anything else."

I tried to focus on my opponent who began performing the Cossack before following up with a Pirouette but I couldn't get the thought of Ganondorf out of my mind. Even when he wasn't around making me feel miserable, I was still being tormented by him. When Majora's Incarnation launched another barrage of energy balls, I just stood there rather than take evasive actions and wound up getting knocked down on my butt again. " I just can't seem to focus when I know this is all going to be in vain once we're done with it." My words sounded so harsh in scope that I closed my eyes out of shame.

Princess Twilight was surprised. " What do you mean?"

" Defeating Majora's Mask is pointless."

" If you don't win here today, Sunset, then Termina is finished."

" It's not that."

" Then what?"

" It's what happens afterwards."

Princess Twilight then went quiet as she slowly realized what I was getting at. " Oh... You mean changing this world back to what it was before?" I nodded and she immediately began thinking about it. " I'm honestly not sure how we're supposed to change Termina back to the world that our Canterlot High friends live in but you probably have a pretty good idea yourself since you've been in this position once before."

" The Dark Lord."

" Ganondorf..."

I nodded. " No matter what I end up doing here against Majora's Mask, everything goes back to that man. I've no doubt that he intends on having me fight him again because I just so happen to be sporting a new body whose power could potentially rival against him. When I think about all those previous encounters I've had, he seems to continue getting stronger and loves putting me in my place as a result despite me giving it my all."

" Does he really scare you that much, Sunset."

" I can't help but be afraid."

" If you allow your fear of Ganondorf to consume you, then he will forever be dominant." Twilight said. " From what I have seen of his actions, I do agree that he is evil of the worst kind but he uses that against those who he views as weak as a means of manipulating their minds into lowering their guards. If you let him intimidate you, you're likely to succumb to his influence and become his obedient servant. Besides, you've survived each encounter against him so you must surely be doing something right. My advice may not sound correct given I'm just telling it to you straight but you must be strong or else everything you've done will amount to nothing."

" Easy for you to say." I said. " You've never been in my position before."

" I'm actually glad you brought that up."

" You are?"

Princess Twilight nodded. " While I can't even begin to imagine what you've been through, Sunset, I can be a little suspicious of his motivations. I mean, Ganondorf has been trying to make you his servant as he believes that you are destined for far greater things were you to embrace evil and abandon your heart. Yet, why has he been going after me recently? I've never been viewed as a potential target until only just recently when we saw him in the dream world. Do I hold something that he sees as being useful to him?"

I really wanted to say something in response but I couldn't. It's not that I was afraid of telling her the truth but because I didn't even know if my suspicions were right. I still believed that Princess Twilight had somehow retained the Triforce of Wisdom but proving my belief was impossible without knowing how to get the mark to appear. Even my own mark appears of its own accord without me knowing how it does that. Yet, why would Ganondorf be concerned about both of us having them? After all, he possessed the complete Triforce in his hands or maybe he didn't and in truth he only possessed one piece?

Okay... That last one was a real stretch considering I have seen the full mark on the back of his hand--Princess Twilight and I only had one mark of the three filled while he had all three--but it was the best that I could do. I turned towards Princess Twilight and sighed. " I honestly don't know why he has taken such a strong interest in you, Twilight." Saying that made me feel sick because of lying to the one person who I viewed as having saved me from myself when I was Sunset Demon. I hoped that Her Highness would forgive me for not wanting to share my true thoughts even knowing it would change her forever.

" Are you hiding something?"

I went completely limp. " I... I... I..."

Princess Twilight smiled. " You don't need to explain it to me, Sunset. I know it must be difficult for you to explain because you yourself don't understand it so I won't force you into saying something you wouldn't be comfortable with. I think my best bet would be to ask Ganondorf himself and that means first defeating Majora's Mask." She then looked off in the distance at Majora's Incarnation who had been standing in place for what looked like quite a while though neither of us were sure. " I think we should get back to the fight as it looks like the mask isn't happy that we've been ignoring it."

" Yeah, I guess we should."

" I suggest avoid getting hit by those projectiles as they cause more embarrassment than anything else."

Princess Twilight was right in that I had to focus on Majora's Incarnation as it was my opponent right now--Ganondorf would just have to wait--yet I couldn't help but feel she was putting on a brave face for me knowing the Dark Lord now had her in his sights despite neither of us knowing the reason why. I didn't want Her Highness getting dragged into this as she had her own problems to deal with back in Equestria as a princess yet it seemed destiny had other plans and was slowly playing its cards. No matter what happened, I had to protect her as that was my sworn duty as a pony and as a friend.

Majora's Incarnation, who had been more than patient during the private moment between myself and Princess Twilight, began running around again before performing yet another rendition of the Cossack followed by a pirouette. Swinging my sword just as it was about to come out of the latter, it tumbled to the ground and began flailing about before I ran over and struck its back causing it to leap up and scream at the top of its lungs. Again, I felt sorry for the thing but I had to keep going until it was finally defeated. I then swung my sword thinking I could get in an additional hit only for it to tumble down again.

I knew I was powerful as the Fierce Deity but I didn't think I was "that" powerful. I struck Majora's Incarnation in the back again only for it to leap back up onto its feet before running away from me again in its usual manner. For a brief moment, the possibility of constantly attacking it without allowing it to fight back had been available as an option to me but I chose not to accept it. Just because I didn't enjoy fighting didn't mean I could show any displays of being dishonourable. Sure, Majora's Incarnation wasn't fighting fair but I wasn't about to act in a similar manner and mimic it. If anything, I intended to fight fairly and allow it to fight back.

When it stopped running and began shooting energy balls at me, I ran to the left and kept on running as the blasts exploded behind me but before I had a chance to swing my sword, it quickly performed another Cossack before jumping up and down in place. Why it chose to act like that boggled my mind but I swung my sword anyway knowing its weak point had been exposed. Majora's Incarnation tumbled to the ground, its arms and legs flailing about, and I ran over to strike it using a jump attack. Again, it let out a chilling scream upon leaping back onto its feet only for it to resume running--I could have sworn that would have been the final hit.

On a side note, I was slowly getting adjusted to the immense power that my body wielded thanks in part to the Fierce Deity's Mask. My heart absolutely despised having all this power because it brought back bad memories of when I became Sunset Demon in a bid to acquiring a similar power. My mind on the other hand loved what I had become but I knew better than to listen to my mind as it was all about analytical information and lacking true compassion. As the mask performed another pirouette followed by the Moonwalk, it then stopped but didn't shoot any energy balls.

Either it sensed its defeat was imminent or it wanted me to make a mistake. I chose to stay still and allow the mask to make the next move which it did by jumping up and down before running around and leading into it performing another Moonwalk. It then stopped shortly afterwards, firing more energy balls that I avoided by rolling forward so that they went over my head, responding with a magical attack that unfortunately missed due to Majora's Incarnation having used the Cossack. Even when it looked like I had gotten the upper hand, it somehow managed to squeak out in front much to my annoyance.

It then continued running until it suddenly stumbled a little bit before resuming its pace and I had to wonder if it was another indication that it was on its last legs. Granted, this battle was more about taking Majora's Mask seriously considering it just runs all over the place like a headless chicken as opposed to the final confrontation where the fate of Termina hung in the balance. I guessed I was just disappointed at the entire spectacle and hoped for something more challenging. I really shouldn't complain as an easy fight meant not dragging it out for too long and not being on the verge of death.

Waiting for it to perform another pose, Majora's Mask instead stopped and began shooting energy balls at me. Rather than avoid them like before, I chose to take them head on and respond with a magical attack since it was vulnerable whilst standing still. With a swing of my sword, I connected by hitting Majora's Incarnation in its stomach, resulting in it falling forward, its face smacking into the ground, and I performed one more jump attack which proved to be the final hit. It screamed as it jumped to its feet, stumbled over to the center of the chamber, and collapsed in a heap. I kept my sword aimed at it in case it did something else but nothing happened which made me suspicious.

" You did it, Sunset."

I wiped my brow. " That was more annoying than anything else."

" True but you managed to endure its erratic behaviour."

" I just have this feeling, Twilight, that there was more to this than appearances suggest."

" Is that why you're pointing your sword at its body?"

I nodded. " We both sensed it was still holding back so you can't blame me for being on edge right now. Besides... If I had truly won against Majora's Mask, wouldn't the moon have begun moving away from Termina? I mean, I'm sure it will take some time but we would have started feeling something by now given we're at the epicentre and all."

Princess Twilight then displayed a glum expression and I knew exactly what that meant. " It seems we still have another battle ahead of us, Sunset. What you just said makes complete and total sense as something should have started happening by now. I suspect Majora's Mask is either waiting for you to lower your guard or needs a few moments to be able to assume another form altogether. I would take this moment to prepare accordingly as this next fight will be the toughest one yet."

" I don't need to consume my Red Potions."

" Maybe not but you are getting close to needing one."

" I could do with some more magic."

" Then shatter another pot or two and see what happens."

" I really should have brought a Blue Potion or two."

" No sense in worrying about it now." Twilight said. " You prepared as best you could without knowing what you were really getting into so don't kick yourself for not bringing along the strongest potions. Be thankful that you did bring along something instead of nothing. Had you chosen to come here to the moon without any healing items, you'd probably be freaking out right now."

I blushed. " You don't know the half of it."

" That sounds like a hint of sarcasm."

" Let's just say that past experiences made me realize that I should always bring along healing items."

Princess Twilight smiled. " At least you learned something, Sunset. Now, I have no idea how much time you've got before Majora's Mask decides to act so I would get your magic restored before you won't have a chance to do so."

Now I couldn't tell if Her Highness had used sarcasm just now but she was right about me needing to hurry. Walking over to the opposite side of this place, I picked up the two pots--smashing them with my sword would have cost me some Magic Power--and threw them on the ground where they smashed, revealing a large Magic Jar and a Recovery Heart--I didn't expect to see one here of all places. Just as I picked up both items, a loud scream suddenly echoed all around and I looked in the direction of Majora's Incarnation to see it had gotten back onto its feet though it was shaking again, an indication that it was about to change once again.

As its body shook, its arms and legs began getting muscular until they reached an ideal mass. The mask that served as its torso began folding back on its sides whilst additional muscular properties began protruding from its body until the torso gave off a Herculean--muscle man--like appearance. Finally, the tiny little head slunk down into the torso before popping back up as a demonic head with the eye now on top flanked by slightly larger horns. Just when I thought it had finished changing, a single tentacle launched out from beneath each of its hands, and I was shocked to see they covered a huge distance--each one was as long as just over half the chamber.

My entire body froze in horror that the stupid looking Majora's Incarnation had transformed into a demonic horror whose power had increased exponentially. One thing was clear right off the bat and that was it had now unleashed its full power. I couldn't sense any further power hidden away which meant that defeating this form would finally bring this battle to an end yet I knew it wouldn't be easy. To think that a mere mask possessed such a horrifying form that it only used when it had no other alternative. No wonder it wanted me fighting it using the Fierce Deity's Mask as it desired a clash between another demon.

" To think that you would force me into becoming my true form!"

" Huh... I was wondering whether or not you were still capable of talking." I said.

" You would dare insult Majora?"

I refused to allow it to intimidate me. " I'm not afraid of you, you know. After all, you gave me this mask so that I could do battle with you on an even playing field. I'm starting to think that you haven't had a decent challenge in a very long time."

" Such a fiesty attitude for merely a human worm."

" What are you?"

" You see me as my true form, Majora's Wrath! None have seen this form for several centuries and yet you have come along and awoken it once again. For that, I must thank you but it is also unfortunate because now you must die for forcing me to unleash it."

Again, I wasn't letting it intimidate me despite now knowing its name. " Why me though?"

Majora's Wrath laughed. " Though I was unable to act when I was being used by that worthless puppet, I was still able to see things though I do not how you managed to call forth the guardians of this world so quickly and uncovering the truth without even realizing it. But, what I did see proved enlightening. You, worm, showed tremendous courage and are clearly stronger than those other worms that draw breath so I needed to see if you could become my equal if only through the power of the mask that is on your face."

" Well... I'm here now and waiting for you to make the first move."

" You wish to die, don't you, worm?"

I shook my head. " Believe me, I've heard that phrase more times than you realize. Besides, I'm not the one who is going to be dying today. If I were you, Majora's Wrath, I would think twice before underestimating me and overestimating your power. I just might be an unexpected surprise."

Majora's Wrath laughed again. " I can sense that the demonic power flowing through you is proving difficult to resist."

" What makes you say that?"

" You cannot hide such knowledge from me!"

" Maybe so but I won't say anything to you!"

" I don't care about the mewlings of one who is going to die by my hands." Majora's Wrath said. " But, I suppose we will both find out if you either succumb to the demonic mien contained within that mask or use it to defeat me. Of course, you will not succeed, worm, as you now face the true form of Majora! Kneel in despair before all hope becomes lost! You shall die and I shall bring down the moon and wipe out this pathetic world!"

It was clear that Majora's Wrath ignored my warning about underestimating me but I wasn't about to hold it to account. If anything, this battle was going to be similar to my previous encounters with Ganondorf, excluding the one in the dream world, yet I was on equal footing rather than being in way over my head. Raising my sword, Majora's Wrath noticed my actions and responded by flinging one of its tentacles at me. It landed by my feet and at first I assumed it had made a blunder but that notion quickly changed when the tentacle wrapped itself around my legs before lifting me off the ground.

" Oh no... Not again..." I said as I was suddenly flung across to the other side of the chamber, landing in a heap on the ground. Majora's Wrath than used both of its tentacles to leap across to where I once stood, screaming in a manner that sounded like a woman had just screamed.

" Sunset?" Twilight asked.

" I'm okay, Twilight." I answered as I got back onto my feet.

" You need to be extremely cautious about those tentacles."

I rubbed my head. " Don't have to tell me twice."

" It seems Majora's Wrath can attack using its tentacles in a variety of ways so you need to watch them constantly so that they don't catch you off guard." Twilight said. " Not only can it use them for offensive purposes but can also use them to get away from any kind of attack you might throw at it. It will likely attack repeatedly without stopping so expect to take a lot of damage no to mention falling on your butt countless times."

" Any other advice?"

Princess Twilight nodded. " Since this creature is one forged of darkness, the light is naturally going to be its weakness. You could switch back to your regular form and attempt to stun it using the Light Arrow or you can remain as you are and use your magical attacks from your sword. The latter will be more risky given you'll be striking using dark power against another being who also uses dark power. In other words, the two will cancel each other out and so it will remained stunned for a much shorter period. One last thing... It will taunt you on occasion as a means of goading you into attacking it so don't let it entice you."

I nodded. " Hopefully, my anger doesn't consume me."

Majora's Wrath then whipped out its hand and flicked it back towards its body a few times and I immediately knew that this was the taunting Princess Twilight mentioned. While the thought of rushing forward sounded like a good strategy, I knew doing so was nothing short of idiotic as it would leave me vulnerable. Instead, I swung my sword, firing my magical attack and it leapt to the left using its tentacles as leverage, screaming in the process much to my ears' displeasure. When it landed on the other side of the chamber, it flung its tentacles with one catching me on my arm with the other snapping my legs.

Unlike the energy balls from before, the tentacles were very painful due to the speed in which they were swung combined with the mask's increased power. There was no doubt in my mind that those Red Potions were going to be essential to my survival. It then resumed whipping me with its tentacles, switching between my arms and legs in hopes of somehow disrupting both my balance and my sword arm. I couldn't stand there and continue taking unnecessary hits so I moved backwards until I was out of reach of its tentacles. Majora's Wrath then taunted me again only for me to respond by swinging my sword again.

I winced slightly as the pain from getting hit on my arms and legs was beginning to take its toll but I hoped my strike was going to count this time. Unfortunately, it jumped to the right and my attack sailed by harmlessly before hitting the edge of this place. As Majora's Wrath landed on the ground, it swung its tentacles though I parried the attack with my sword, ensnaring both tentacles resulting in a stalemate. Since we both possessed equal strength, it would boil down to who had the better endurance. For a while, it was pulling against me in hopes of freeing itself while I was pulling to keep it from escaping.

Eventually, Majora's Wrath dropped to one knee signalling that I had won the stalemate but I knew not to lower my guard against such a crafty creature. As expected, it then attempted to jump to the right again and succeeded, taking me along for the ride until I got slammed into the wall before hitting the ground. We were still in our stalemate but clearly I had lost control and was now at its mercy. One tentacle then let go before smacking me several times across my chest and I couldn't do anything to stop it as my sword was still entangled with the other one. When I dropped to my knees, I was flung across the room, slamming into the wall again and slumping to the ground.

Majora's Wrath then laughed. " I knew you were no match for me, worm."

Getting back up, I was about to move when I looked down and noticed that my legs were still wrapped up. " You've only caught me off guard because you used those tentacles of yours to your advantage. If you had any decency when it comes to honour, you wouldn't be bragging right now and I would be the one dominating."

" I shall kill you because I am better!"

" Then perhaps you need a dose of reality."

" What can you do?" Majora's Wrath asked. " So long as my tentacle remains wrapped around your legs, I can fling you about without having to worry about you doing anything to harm me in return until you die. You may claim that you are still willing to fight but I know that such words will be filled with lies. I have broken your body already and will continue applying pain so that it breaks beyond recovery."

I then swung my sword down at the tentacle hoping to cut it loose from my legs but before I could complete the swing, Majora's Wrath used its other tentacle to whip me in the chest repeatedly until I could no longer continue my attack. " Crap!" I said to myself. " This thing is even more powerful than it was when it was acting like an idiot. I knew this wasn't going to be an easy fight but I didn't think it would be this difficult. " If this keeps up, I'm going to get myself killed and I have no fairies on hand to automatically restore me to life, something else I should have brought along with me but didn't."

Screaming, Majora's Wrath flung me over to the other side of the room where I slammed into the ground this time as opposed to the wall. The damage was really starting to pile up by that point but I had to believe that I could easily turn this around. " It seems I was wrong about you, worm." Majora's Wrath said. " I assumed that you were worthy because of how you were different from those other useless creatures but perhaps hastiness was my own weakness." Majora's Wrath began laughing and I realized that it had since broken off the stalemate when it whipped me across the chest a moment ago. Either it intentionally slipped or it truly believed it could kill me right now.

Either way, I swung my sword as it laughed and struck it in the chest. Not only did Majora's Wrath let go of my legs, but it also began stumbling about as though the strike had completely left it in a deluded state. I thought about rushing forward and striking it at close range but I remembered that I could also attack from a distance. While it would cost me a lot of magic, I was definitely fighting its final form so I could afford to be a little reckless with magic. Swinging my sword several times in succession, I fired magical attacks that sailed across the room, striking Majora's Wrath repeatedly.

As each attack struck, it tried to jump in retaliation to get away but couldn't as the next attack effectively repeated the process. Once the last attack found its mark, I attempted to repeat the process only to learn that I could only fire a certain amount of magical attacks from my sword before having to wait for them to dissipate. I supposed that made sense but at the same time it didn't as I assumed the Fierce Deity was supposed to have unlimited power given it relied on demonic properties. In any case, the mask had taken some serious damage by my hands leaving us back where we started though I could tell it wasn't happy.

Princess Twilight was surely surprised. " Wow... I didn't think you would do that, Sunset."

" Me neither."

" I should apologize for not bringing it up sooner."

" You mean you knew I could do that?"

Princess Twilight nodded. " Yes... I knew that you could continue flinging magical attacks until you could no longer do so. The reason I didn't bring it up before is because you would have overused it to the point where your Magic Power would have run out. That sword is heavily reliant on magic and if you were to run out then you'd just be holding a sword that's barely stronger than what you currently use."

" Strange how this form has limitations."

" Yes but you shouldn't let that be a form of discouragement."

" Do you suppose I could defeat Ganondorf like this?"

The shrug from Princess Twilight was obvious. " I really don't know, Sunset. You know him a lot better than I do so if anything, only you would be able to answer that question, but if I were to take a guess, I'd say you would be able to defeat him unless he were to show an even greater depth of power. For now, focus instead on Majora's Wrath and not Ganondorf. You should consume one of those Red Potions as you did take some serious damage just now."

" Do you think I could drink one like this?"

" I don't see why not."

Just as I was about to reach into my pocket, the loud scream from Majora's Wrath echoed throughout the chamber, snapping me to attention and I raised my sword. It definitely looked weaker than before after the assault I inflicted upon it yet its power hadn't decreased which to me was more concerning. It swung its tentacles around out of sheer fury though from my perspective it looked like it was having a temper tantrum. Huh... I never would have imagined a being as vile as Majora would whine like a spoiled brat just because I had inflicted some damage. Not even Ganondorf acted like that.

" You... You... You pathetic worm!"

" Sounds like you underestimated me." I said.

" No one does this to Majora and gets away with it!"

" I think I just did."

Majora's Wrath attempted to taunt me into engaging it but I held my ground knowing that I couldn't fall for it. I also couldn't allow myself to get overconfident as that would lead me to being sloppy. " So... I have indeed underestimated you, worm. You are definitely not like the others who attempted to destroy me in the past. Yes... You're not the first one that has dared challenge the power of Majora. Many have tried in the past yet failed as they were pathetic worms that were full of bravado yet nothing more than empty promise. Some even wore the mask you wear now but they became consumed by evil and transformed into soulless murderers before being condemned later."

" Then I guess I must finish what they couldn't."

" You seem confident, worm."

I shook my head. " No... I'm not as confident as you think. To be perfectly frank, I wish that I wasn't doing this right now but destiny placed this burden upon me and I have to see it through even though it meant experiencing torment. Granted, I've been seeing the same things numerous times since I started this journey and while I did eventually accept my fate, it took some serious positivity."

I knew that by mentioning that I had relived the same three days over and over would entice Majora's Wrath and sure enough, I was proven correct. " For a worm, you are definitely the most interesting amongst their useless kind, yet you have intrigued me on something. Before I kill you in sheer bloodlust for having done so much wrong to me, I am curious as to how you summoned the guardians so quickly. That useless garbage of a puppet followed my suggestive words without fail and yet you still succeeded in summoning them."

Looking at Princess Twilight, she nodded and smiled indicating that she wanted me to tell Majora's Wrath the truth about how we pulled it off. " If you really must know, I used the power of time travel to go back through time and experience the same three days constantly until I had amassed everything I needed."

" Time travel?" Majora's Wrath asked. " I did not think such a power existed."

" It does if you have the right item."

" Yes... You are indeed different from the others."

" By resetting time, I was able to free the Four Giants from the dark masks that had imprisoned them."

" If I kill you... And take that which you used to manipulate time, then I can undo the damage you caused and ensure Termina is destroyed. " Majora's Wrath said. " Yes... You must die now, worm."

Majora's Wrath flicked its hands and its tentacles snapped on the ground. I was expecting it to use them by having them wrap themselves around my legs and flinging me about until my health was completely drained--my health was rather low and I needed to use a Red Potion. Instead, I found myself suddenly getting slapped in a merciless manner as its tentacles began smacking me in a frenzy. As Majora's Wrath screamed at the top of its lungs, I tried desperately to escape but couldn't and was overwhelmed. By the time it had finally finished, I took a single step forward before collapsing to the ground.

The entirety of my body felt like it had been pummeled into oblivion. I didn't think the mask was capable of going into a frenzy but I supposed it made sense since I had caused it great harm and it was retaliating in a similar manner. I was still alive though my body really needed healing but how could get enough time to consume a potion without it attacking me again or smashing my bottle thus denying me the chance to heal my wounds? I needed to come up with a plan quickly as I doubted it would wait for me. Getting back up onto my feet, I raised my sword in hopes of swinging but then I got knocked back by another tentacle, landing on my butt again.

It was going to pick me off from a distance unless I stopped it from using its tentacles. That's when I had an idea though it was risky as it could quickly figure out what I was doing and simply avoid getting hit by jumping all over the place until my magic ran out. As Majora's Wrath raised its tentacle to strike me, I swung my sword whilst still on the ground, catching it by surprise and causing it to flail about as it attempted to overcome its temporary stun. Quickly, I took out a bottle containing Red Potion, uncorked it, and drank its contents, proving that Princess Twilight was right in that I could consume the potion whilst in this body, weird as it was.

As my strength returned to me and my wounds began healing, I put the bottle away just as Majora's Wrath recovered from being stunned. It was already annoyed what with me pummeling it with magical attacks but now it would be even more furious as a result of me having regained my health. It tried taunting me again but no avail so instead it leapt to the right before attempting to wrap a tentacle around my legs which I avoided by flipping backwards. I followed up with a magical attack only for it to jump to the left, avoiding my attack, and when it landed, it started whipping me in a frenzy again. Like before, this was something I couldn't escape from.

Sometime before the Four Giants were summoned...

" Mutoh!? Why are you still here?"

" Huh? Viscen? I'm surprised that you of all people are still here."

" As the captain of the town militia, I am unable to leave Clock Town even when during such a crisis as this out of a sense of protecting others." Shining Armour said. " To be honest, I really wish that I could have fled like everyone else but to do so would mean abandoning those who cannot protect themselves. Some of my men attempted to flee earlier before all of this insanity started yet they chose to stay when I said I would personally have them arrested for desertion."

" I never imagined you would enforce such a strict order." Sweetie Belle said.

Shining Armour sighed. " And what's your excuse, Mutoh?"

Sighing as well, Sweetie Belle looked up at the Clock Tower. " I truly wanted the Carnival of Time to be the best one yet, Viscen. Me and the boys spent the past few months making the necessary preparations to ensure all those who come here would never forget their experience. But, everything fell apart when that monster of a moon first appeared in the sky followed by all those blasted monsters." She stomped her foot on the ground several times before letting out a crowing sound. " Bah! It would have been perfect but instead we ended up with a pitiful result where only a few crazed individuals decided to remain."

" Never thought you were so dedicated."

" We of the Carnival Committee have stuck to tradition for generations."

" I can see that."

" Even if there was a natural disaster plaguing Clock Town or if no one was around to witness it, we would still put on the carnival because of tradition." Sweetie Belle said. " The boys were dead set on making the bridge that would have connected to the Clock Tower the best one seen in years but as you can see, it looks rather pitiful, a pathetic excuse if I ever saw one."

She pointed to the bridge in question and Shining Armour looked at it for himself. Sweetie Belle wasn't kidding when she said that was a terrible looking bridge and the results clearly spoke for themselves. What looked to be the main foundation lacked support beams not to mention it had a few pieces missing here and there but it was the main part itself that was truly disheartening. It didn't even reach the tower itself, stopping short by a few feet, and with a couple of poles holding it up. No sane person would be crazy enough to try and use such a rickety looking thing even if professional carpenters had worked on it.

Looking at the pitiful excuse that was a bridge, Sweetie Belle punched it out of sheer frustration, and while it did wobble about for a few moments, it ultimately remained standing much to her surprise but also her dismay. Reaching behind her back, she pulled a rolled up piece of paper out from her pocket, and unfurled it revealing a drawing of what the bridge to the tower was supposed to have looked like upon construction. Shining Armour managed to get a good look at it before Sweetie Belle rolled the paper back up, placed it back in her pocket, and sighed heavily whilst placing her hand on the foundation of the bridge.

" I'm sorry it didn't work out."

" It's not your fault, Viscen."

" You truly are dedicated to ensuring that each Carnival of Time is better than the one before it."

Sweetie Belle looked at him for a split second before looking back at the foundation. " That may be true but I was so obsessed with the carnival that I was completely blinded by what was really happening. I said that the problem was the monsters that had begun appearing outside of town in recent months yet it was what lies above that turned out to be the true problem that threatens us all and our world."

" Well... I was a stickler for wanting everyone to flee."

" And they did so."

" Not everyone fled, Mutoh."

" You already know my reason for staying."

Shining Armour nodded. " Despite your men abandoning you and leaving you with a ramshackle bridge, you still decided to start the carnival even though most of the townsfolk fled before nightfall. Yet there are still a few people who refused to run including those who are still carrying on with their lives like nothing is happening. For example, those young boys who claim to be watching over the town continue looking around for people to help. And then there is the banker who is still taking in rupees though why anyone would want to deposit money during such times must be crazy if they think we will survive."

" Do you believe the end is upon us?"

" Yes... I truly believe that."

" A shame really as I hoped we were all going to live."

" The chances of us surviving are slim to none."

" Viscen... Have you ever heard of the legend of the Four Giants?"

" You mean that old children's story from long ago?" Shining Armour asked. " Well, yes, I have heard that story before. I mean, everyone has heard that story when they were naught but children, but don't tell me that you actually believe we will be saved by some giant creatures who protect this land from any threats made to it."

Sweetie Belle nodded. " Call me crazy for still believing in a fairy tale but I've held firm to those beliefs as long as I can remember."

" I'm not one to say that you shouldn't believe such things but considering we're at the very end, I won't criticize you."

" Ha!" Sweetie Belle laughed. " Didn't think I'd hear you say those words."

" You and I may have had our differences, Mutoh, but at the very least, we respect each other as professionals in our respective fields." Shining Armour said. " The carnival would never have been so successful these past years without you and your men pulling out all the stops. And while I do pride myself as being an effective captain, I will admit that I could do so much better and not second-guess myself."

" Without you, our town wouldn't be safe from what lies outside."

Shining Armour nodded. " Guess total armageddon turned out to be a blessing after all."

Sweetie Belle nodded. " We just have to wait for about six more hours and then it will all be over. On a different note, I wonder if that girl who used the Couple's Mask earlier during our meeting with Mayor Dotour fled town like most of the others did? I spoke with her a short while ago but then she disappeared completely. I hope that she didn't decide to climb up the tower as the only thing up there is some weird kid wearing a freaky looking mask on their face."

After whipping me repeatedly until I dropped down to both knees, Majora's Wrath began whipping me using a single tentacle, pausing for a second or two between strikes as a means of adding insult to injury. I tried getting away before it could attack me again but I just wasn't fast enough to avoid getting hit. The only saving grace was that the damage I was taking was minimal though it was slowly building up. I had just used one of my Red Potions and the thought of using another one so soon was something I wouldn't accept. As the whipping continued, Majora's Wrath screamed as each tentacle smacked me--it clearly enjoyed making me suffer.

But when it suddenly used its tentacles to leap forward, I couldn't help but question why it decided to do that. It was clearly in control of the fight and could have just continued to whip me until my body could no longer handle it. Sure it would've taken a long time to whittle down my health but I would have been utterly helpless. Perhaps it decided that it just couldn't wait any longer and decided to bring the fight over to me? In any case, I was able to get back up and swung my sword when it landed, causing Majora's Wrath to flail about while I proceeded to attack it repeatedly until it leapt away.

Landing on the other side of the room, Majora's Wrath taunted me and once again I chose to ignore it knowing full well that it was a trap. Upon realizing that I just wouldn't fall for such a cheap ploy, it stopped taunting me and immediately wrapped both tentacles around my legs. Before I could hack away at them to make them let go, Majora's Wrath jumped across the room, slammed me into a wall, jumping back to its previous position, slammed me into the ground, and then repeated the process all over again. By the time I was finally let go after it got bored of doing the same thing over and over, I was still rearing to continue.

Majora's Wrath then attempted to go into a frenzy but I flung a magical attack at it to prevent it from carrying out its onslaught but it managed to jump to the left to avoid getting hit by my attack. When it landed, I threw another attack only for it to jump again, and when it landed this time, I attempted a third attack only to fail as well when it once again jumped to the left to avoid getting hit by my attack. No doubt it was making me waste my magic in hopes of angering me to the point where I would rush forward but I needed to remain calm as my anger would only work against me.

I tried using a fourth magical attack only to discover that I had indeed run out of uses. My sword, which had been glowing and leaving behind a shimmer of energy whenever I swung it around, had lost its glow and had become just an ordinary sword. Without any magic, I could no longer stun Majora's Wrath long enough to attack it repeatedly. I needed to use my Green Potion or smash the remaining pots located by the walls in hopes one of them would contain some Magic Jars. Looking around quickly, I noticed there were at least four pots remaining yet Majora's Wrath was blocking my path and I doubted it was going to let me gain access to the pots.

One option was to take off my mask, use a Deku Nut or some other projectile in an attempt to blind it long enough for me to consume my potion. Or, I could just take as many hits as necessary while drinking the Green Potion. Or, I could just make a run for it and hope that I get over there without screwing up. Majora's Wrath decided to make the decision for me by flinging out both tentacles which wrapped themselves around my legs, lifted me up off the ground, and held me upside-down, my blood rushing to my head. Princess Twilight, who had been watching me get pummeled, flew down to my pockets and I knew what she was planning--can't believe I didn't consider her as a viable option.

" You have lasted much longer than I thought, worm." Majora's Wrath said.

" I'm used to fighting against powerful forces." I said.

" Such a boisterous claim coming from you."

" I'm serious!"

Majora's Wrath laughed. " All you fought were those pathetic creatures that have infested this world, creatures whose powers are clearly beneath me. I will acknowledge that you overcome the four demonic creatures that kept the guardians hidden yet even they are nothing compared to me. Are you telling me that you have faced against a force whose power exceeds even my own?"

I wasn't surprised that the mask was arrogant but perhaps I could distract it long enough whilst Princess Twilight does her thing. " There is someone who is even stronger than you and if he was here right now, you would have been destroyed before you would get a chance to respond."

" No one is more powerful than Majora!"

" This man definitely is."

" Who is this one you speak of, worm?"

" His name is Ganondorf." I answered. " And his power is unmatched by anyone."

" Why have I not seen this one?"

" He doesn't exist in this world or rather he's not supposed to."

Majora's Wrath was immediately intrigued by what I was saying and it allowed Princess Twilight to search my pocket for the Green Potion. She succeeded in pulling it out of my pocket but made sure not to reveal herself otherwise the mask would know. " Your words make no sense, worm, but I am curious as to who this Ganondorf is that you claim is more powerful than me, so you shall summon him."

I gulped. " You... want me to summon Ganondorf?"

Majora's Wrath nodded. " I want to see his power for myself."

" Um... I'm not sure if you can."

" You will summon him now!"

" Ganondorf will only appear when he wishes to." I said. " And even then, he's not supposed to be a part of this world because of a force that's beyond your understanding and would take me way too long to explain. I now wish I hadn't said anything about him as now you'll just be obsessed with wanting to meet someone who shouldn't be here. Why not just focus on ending my life."

This caused Majora's Wrath to start stomping its foot on the ground in sheer anger. I had succeeded in riling it up by bringing up Ganondorf--who for once had proven to be incredibly useful to me--and that allowed Princess Twilight to uncork my bottle of Green Potion, pour the contents down my throat--it felt awkward because of being upside-down--cork it back up, place it back in my pocket, and finally hide behind me without Majora's Wrath knowing any different. To think that talking about the Dark Lord was what would distract this demonic monster long enough for me to regain my Magic Power.

Now that I could fling magical attacks, I did exactly that, catching Majora's Wrath off guard, forcing it to let go of me, and I dropped to the ground making sure I tilted my body enough for me to land on my feet as opposed to my head--the latter would have really hurt. With it flailing about, I fired a few more magical attacks that struck it--perhaps jump attacks would have been better as those inflicted double damage as opposed to the normal way--until it jumped to the right to avoid taking further damage. Surely, I was getting close considering how much punishment I've inflicted on it but then some monsters were more resilient than others.

" How did you do that?"

" Let's just say I had some help from a very good friend."

Majora's Wrath leaned forward to get a closer look at Princess Twilight who didn't hide behind me this time. " You are being assisted by one of the fairy folk, worm? Either you have made it your obedient slave or it helps you of its own free will. I don't care because it changes nothing! You will die at the hands of Majora!"

" Then why am I doing so well against you?"

" I have underestimated you, worm."

" Why not surrender now?" I asked. " That way, we can both walk away without either of us getting killed."

" You dare to mock me, Majora!?" Majora's Wrath shouted. " This will only end when I tear you to shreds leaving nothing more than a bloodied corpse on the ground. Once you are dead along with that fairy, I shall seek out this one you call Ganondorf whom you claim is stronger than me. I must see with my own eyes whether this one is what you claim to be true or is merely a false worm who thinks they are something special."

" I don't think you will be able to find him."

" If he possesses great power as you say, I will be able to sense it for myself."

" No, I'm afraid you won't." I said. " As much as I would like to see him get what's coming to him, your chances of finding Ganondorf are less than zero. He can foresee everything that happens long before they are conceived and he can see any and all possible outcomes. No doubt he already knows about your ambition towards finding him and has chosen to ignore such prattle because of deeming you unworthy to be within his presence. I'm sorry that I brought the whole thing up in the first place. If he were to come before you, Majora, you will wish you were elsewhere. Trust me... He could kill you without even having to lift a finger."

" You deem me weak, worm?"

I shook my head. " You are the most powerful force that I have faced in this world. But, Ganondorf is stronger than you are but he comes from a different world or rather he comes from a different time period though I'm not sure where or when. Why not take solace knowing that no one in Termina can match the kind of power you possess and just accept that there are those who exist in other world whose power exceeds your own."

My words made Majora's Wrath swing its tentacles about and I raised my sword to parry each blow. Clearly, it had lost its mind knowing that it could never be the strongest though why did it even care in the first place? From what I remembered listening to its ramblings before coming up here, the mask wanted to destroy Termina and was determined to consume everything in the process. How could it have changed its way of thinking from pure destruction to wanting to ascertain itself as being the most powerful? In a way, the two were connected because one would need to be strong enough to destroy a world.

As its temper continued to rage, it then suddenly spawned what looked to be a spinning top. I personally thought it was cute at first that it had gone and created a mere child's toy but that sentiment changed when the thing began moving towards me of its own accord and that it possessed spikes that looked like they could pierce the toughest of hides. I flung a magical attack in hopes of stopping it but my magic bounced off the spinning top and I knew my only choice was to see if I could outrun it. Turning around, I began running all around the chamber making sure to keep my eyes of Majora's Wrath.

The spinning top proved to be very dangerous as it pursued me without mercy until it managed to catch me on the back of my legs. I couldn't stop to check on the possible wound it had just inflicted so I kept on running until the thing started slowing down. A few moments later, I looked back and saw that it had stopped before burning away to nothing. No doubt in my mind that Majora's Wrath had plenty more where that one came from so I needed to be prepared for an additional attack alongside those tentacles. Strange how it didn't use it until now so perhaps it was on its last legs?

" Are your legs okay?" Twilight asked.

I looked down behind my back to see that despite having some deep cuts, there was no blood flow. At the very least, I hadn't been cut in the sensitive parts of my legs. Had that happened, my movement would have become severely limited. " I'm not bleeding or anything so I'm still good to go, Twilight."

" That spinning top was certainly unexpected."

" My magical attacks do nothing against it."

" It could be that they are indestructible." Twilight said. " If that is indeed the case then all you can do is avoid them until they run of spin. I wouldn't be surprised if you were to have to deal with two or more of them at the same time."

" I hope that isn't the case."

" You might want to use another Red Potion as you look to be running out of steam."

" But I only have the one left now."

Princess Twilight gulped. " Well... You might want to use it now just in case Majora's Wrath decides to punish you especially after that spiel of yours involving Ganondorf or you could take a few more hits before choosing to use it. Either way, you need to make this one count, Sunset. On a more positive note, it seems Majora's Wrath is definitely showing signs of exhaustion given that I can see it breathing heavily."

" So it's almost had enough?"

" Yes, but don't get too overconfident now." Twilight answered. " There are those who will truly unleash their power when backed into a corner with no place to go. I suggest you continue attacking from a distance but maybe use some of those jump attacks of yours."

" And my magic?"

" What you have is what you've got."

I had a feeling Her Highness was going to say that but then this battle had dragged on for quite some time so her words had merit. I had no indication if the remaining pots contained additional Magic Jar so I had to rely on what I had left of my Magic Power. If Majora's Wrath was truly on its last legs, I only needed to strike it a few more times--jump attacks would make it even less--but that involved getting up close, something I hadn't really done throughout this fight. Was I afraid it would kill me in an instant if I got too close? I shouldn't be as I've gone up close against other monsters. Perhaps I was letting it all go to my head or something.

" WORM!" Majora's Wrath shouted.

" What?" I asked.

" How could you have pushed me, Majora, to the brink?"

" Because you underestimated my abilities and overestimated yours."

" There is definitely more to you than appearances suggest."

" You have no idea."

Majora's Wrath then laughed. " You have definitely intrigued me, worm, despite your defiance in not succumbing to the peaceful embrace of death. I have seen many humans like you over the course of the centuries long before I was cast into shadows until I was found and they were meek, worthless, snivelling wretches. But you... You are so much different and not just because you have pushed me so far. For a human, worm, you were modeled from a different clod of mud."

I gulped. " Um... I'm not a human."

" Not now you're not."

" No, I mean, I'm not really a human."

" Are you mocking me, worm!?"

I shook my head. " I'm being very serious with you. In truth... I'm a pony from a magical world where others like me live in mostly peaceful harmony. To be more precise... I'm a unicorn though I haven't been back home ever since doing something terrible that I continue having issues with." I made sure not to mention that Princess Twilight was an alicorn in case Majora's Wrath assumed that she was just as powerful as it was. It's reaction to the revelation of what I really was looked like it went over well but then it began cracking its tentacles on the ground. Either it wasn't amused or clearly didn't care of my true form.

Again, Majora's Mask laughed. " So... You are in fact one of the lesser life-forms that exist?" It cracked its tentacles harder and faster than before. " Now I have nothing holding me back from stripping you of your flesh and bone. Majora will not allow such a lower being to defeat me even if you are stronger than I thought. When you are dead, this world shall follow you into the eternal abyss so you won't be going there alone."

It then began whipping me repeatedly with its tentacles in another frenzied motion in a bid to wear me down to the point where I couldn't fight back. Unlike before when I was stuck and unable to move, I had a much better idea of what I was dealing with. As each tentacles connected with my body, I moved slightly backwards in hopes of getting out of their range without letting it know what was going on. It took some doing along with lots of chip damage before I was able to get away from the tentacles yet I dropped down onto one knee before getting knocked down onto my chest by another tentacle whipping.

My legs were then wrapped up once again and I winced because the previous pain from the spinning top triggered again but before I could be flung about, I swung my sword, firing a magic attack that missed when Majora's Wrath leapt backwards, releasing its grip on my legs. When it landed, it summoned another spinning top before launching it forward and I quickly got back up onto my feet and started running, or tried to only to collapse because of the pain coming from my legs--those tentacles must have touched a nerve. The spinning top collided into me, knocking me forward into the wall and would repeat this again before it stopped and burned to nothing.

Now I really needed to drink my remaining Red Potion and make it count. I reached into my pocket and began fumbling about only to get hit again by another spinning top that came directly me, knocking me into the wall then pushing me forward into the ground, finishing up with a slight roll. Getting back up, Majora's Wrath switched back to its tentacles by wrapping one around my legs and flinging me to the other side. As I landed, it used its other tentacle by having it wrapped around my neck, and began squeezing tightly, my breathing becoming difficult, the expression on my face becoming limp.

Knowing that I could pass out at any moment, Princess Twilight decided to do the unthinkable by flying over to Majora's Wrath and get in its face. It tried looking away from her in hopes of not breaking its concentration but she refused to stop and it released its grip on my legs in the hopes of knocking her down. I watched as Her Highness flew about and made the tentacle smack Majora's Wrath across its body releasing the other tentacle allowing me to breathe again. From there, the tentacles swung about in hopes of swatting Princess Twilight but she proved to be too small of a target for them to hit.

This was her way of giving me enough time to heal my wounds and I wasn't about to let her efforts go to waste. I pulled out my last bottle of Red Potion, uncorked it, drank the potion, corked it back up, and put it away as my strength returned to me once more along with my wounds healing. Princess Twilight was still distracting Majora's Wrath though she almost got skewered when one of the tentacles shot out at her with such speed but when she saw that I was fine, she flew back over to me though she chose to rest on top of my hat due to exhaustion from playing such a risky game.

When Majora's Wrath figured out what had happened, it raised its tentacles and was about to go into a frenzy again, but I swung my sword, firing a magical attack, knocking it off balance, and was about to fling some more attack when I remembered what Princess Twilight said. I dashed forward and performed a jump attack, resulting in Majora's Mask letting out another bloodcurdling scream yet it still wasn't enough to defeat it--maybe I should have used the magical attacks. Anyway, it reeled back before summoning two spinning tops, launching them out at me and things were about to get complicated.

Both tops clanged off of one another, increasing their speed and maneuverability, and that was enough for me to run away. One of the tops came to a sudden stop--perhaps it got hit a little too hard--burning away to nothing whereas the other one slammed into my back knocking me to the ground. It then ran me over before it also stopped and burned away leaving me feeling like I just got run over by a car. Getting back up, Majora's Wrath threw out two more spinning tops that began spinning forward and I didn't want to have to deal with them this time as they were just plain annoying.

Leaping over both spinning tops, Majora's Wrath whipped me several times with its tentacles yet I continued advancing until I swung my sword unleashing a magical attack. It jumped to the left and when it landed, I flung another attack which missed as it jumped to the right screaming all the while. Landing again, it whipped me a few more times and was about to summon two more spinning tops to give me trouble but I swung my sword, throwing one more magic attack that left it disoriented, flailing about completely helpless. I dashed forward, used another jump attack and Majora's Wrath screamed differently as its body began shaking.

As before, it gravitated towards the center of the chamber before collapsing to the ground in a heap. I then walked slowly towards where it fell making sure my sword was ready to strike in case something unexpected happened. After everything I had experienced with Majora's Mask changing forms twice, I didn't want to take any chances. Reaching the motionless body, I tapped it with my foot and immediately stepped back out of fear it would suddenly lash out against me but nothing happened making me wonder if it was truly defeated. I then poked it with my sword and again nothing happened.

" Is it?" Twilight asked.

I decided to prod it with my sword again just to be extra sure. " It's not moving... I think it's dead."

Princess Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. " Then that means you've done it, Sunset. You've saved all of Termina from the wrath of Majora's Mask."

This time, I breathed a sigh of relief as I put away my sword. " That was absolutely intense from start to finish. If not for the fact that it had three different forms, with each one being stronger than the last one, I'd say this was a much harder fight than what I had against Ganondorf--Lord Tirek--during my previous journey. If I could take one thing from this whole experience, it would be making sure to have the correct healing items on hand. If not for the pots containing Magic Jars, I would've run out of magic a lot sooner and be completely helpless against Majora's Mask."

" Perhaps you could use this new knowledge in the future."

I shuddered. " Personally... I'd rather go back to my normal life even if it's filled with wild Equestrian Magic. As much fun as this adventure has been, there were times where I absolutely hated it with a passion and wished it had never happened. I know it sounds weird given how my overall mood has changed from time to time but I really do want to not have to go on a third adventure like this any time soon."

" Do you think you will?"

" Yes."

Princess Twilight was surprised. " Then why did you just say you didn't?"

" Because Ganondorf is sure to send me on another journey some time after this one has ended." I answered. " I've already told you why he brought me to both of these worlds so there's no need for me to repeat myself but I just know he will make me go through another adventure just so that he can break down my spirit until I pledge my loyalty and become his obedient servant."

" Maybe he will leave you alone if you challenge him as you currently are?"

" Do you think I stand a chance?"

" It's not like he's been holding back or anything."

I gulped. " Um..."

Princess Twilight's jaw dropped. " If that's the case then I'm not sure if your current body is strong enough to defeat him. You started this journey off pretty badly if you want the honest truth from me, Sunset, but you quickly got better until you reached this exact point. I'd say you're not the same person from before so if anything, you could give Ganondorf an unexpected surprise."

" Guess all I can do is give it my best shot."

" I'm sure he won't kill you."

That was perhaps the one positive thing about having to deal with the likes of Ganondorf . Despite him being vastly superior to me in every way, he never once threatened to kill me even when he clearly had the proper motivation. If he were to end my life, all of his hard work towards making me his loyal servant would have been wasted and he would ultimately lose out. To him, I needed to remain alive in addition to overcoming whatever he threw me into to fulfill his expectations. It wasn't the best outcome for me but it was better than being dead and my family mourning over my loss.

And yet, I still hadn't figured out what Princess Twilight's role was in all of this. Again, I felt tremendous guilt over having unintentionally dragging her into this conflict given that she already had her hands full with her duties back home in Equestria, yet not once had she blamed me for any of it. While I appreciated her honestly, I couldn't help but feel that she didn't deserve such a punishment. If anyone deserved it, it was me because of my past actions. Sure, I had overcome them for the most part yet there was still a lingering regret in my heart I couldn't get rid of no matter how hard I tried. I supposed I just had to accept it and hoped it wouldn't end up destroying me.

Since there was nothing else for me to do, I turned around and was about to walk away when I came to yet another sudden realization; how was I supposed to leave this place? I couldn't see any exits so unless a miracle happened like teleporting away, I was essentially trapped here. That wasn't the only problem I had to contend with. There was also the fact that the moon had yet to return to where it came from. It should have left upon Majora's Wrath's defeat so did that mean it still lived? Unless there was some kind of delayed reaction, I wasn't finished with this adventure yet.

" Twilight..."

" What is it?"

" The Four Giants are still holding up the moon."

" Does that mean what I think it does?"

I nodded. " Majora's Wrath isn't dead."

Princess Twilight sighed. " I had a feeling that it was still alive but I guess we were briefly fooled by it pretending to be dead. I suggest turning around right now before it gets a chance to take advantage of your lowered defences."

Whipping myself around, I drew my sword from its scabbard--I had one in this form apparently--only for a tentacle to knock it out of my hand, fly across the chamber, and land on the ground with a loud clanging sound. Before I could run over and pick it up, the same tentacle wrapped itself around my legs with the other wrapping around my neck. I was completely immobilized and once again at the mercy of Majora's Wrath, who had gotten back onto its feet though its demeanour had clearly changed. Blood--or whatever constituted as such--trickled down from several open wounds and its expression was one of sheer hated towards me.

" WORM!!!!" Majora's Wrath shouted.

" I knew you weren't dead yet." I said as I struggled to breathe.

" How dare you inflict such pain to Majora!"

" Desperation... It looks good on you..."

" I'm going to make you wish you were never born." Majora's Wrath said, the anger in its voice calming down which had me worried. " Because of you, my body has been ravaged where I now bleed the blood of my being but I still live though the same cannot be said about you, worm. You cannot escape from my grasp and that accursed sword of the demon is now beyond your reach leaving you helpless and at my mercy. I was foolish to have given you the Fierce Deity's Mask! It was a poor misjudgment on my part but I shall not make that mistake again."

" I... I'll still defeat you."

Majora's Wrath laughed. " You have been ensnared and are helpless, worm. But, I wonder how long it will take until you run out of air and die before my eyes? I think you have about a minute left. And do not expect that little fairy to help you now. I can see that it has exhausted itself after flittering about in its misguided bid of attacking Majora even though it had next to no power with which to do so."

" Got to... Get my sword." I said as I looked behind me and saw it on the ground.

" You cannot escape me."

It did have a valid point in that the tentacle around my legs prevented me from moving and the one around my neck was slowly cutting off my air supply. I had less than a minute to get my sword otherwise I was going to die right at the final hurdle of this journey. I tried jumping to see if I could leap out from the tentacle's grip but it didn't budge an inch so that idea was a lost cause. I then tried wiggling my body in hopes of pulling on both tentacles long enough until it let go due to strain yet that didn't work either. I was beginning to lose consciousness due to lack of air and that's when I had one last idea.

Leaning my head forward as best as I could without putting too much strain on it, I opened my mouth and bit down on the tentacle with as much force as I had. On the one hand, using such a primitive maneuver felt degrading but I used to do such things when I was a pony. On the other, I really needed to wash my mouth out as the tentacle tasted absolutely revolting like I had bitten down on the foulest thing ever known. In any case, my unorthodox attack made Majora's Wrath scream in pain. It began flailing about but my grip on its tentacle was firm but it quickly increased its intensity in hopes of making me let go.

This little stunt of mine went on for a while and during that, my consciousness continued to slip as my breathing became even more difficult, but I refused to let go of my grip, questionable and weird as it was. Just when it looked like I was about to lose it entirely, Majora's Wrath finally released its grip on my neck and I began breathing intensely as though I hadn't in years. Now I needed to free my legs. My arms weren't long enough for me to grab the tentacle nor could I wiggle free so I decided to go with another crazy idea. Ducking down slightly, I pushed my body outward and began applying pressure to the tentacle.

Seeing what I was doing, Majora's Wrath began pulling back to stop me from reaching my sword yet I continued applying pressure even as my legs began feeling tremendous pain resulting from the tentacle getting tighter. Again, this went for some time before Majora's Wrath could no longer maintain its grip, and it let go in a rather horrific manner where its tentacle pulled itself apart at the tendrils--I had to look away or else I would have thrown up. I went flying across the room, landed next to my sword, picked it up, turned to face my opponent, and charged straight at it.

It swung both tentacles in hopes of hitting me yet I avoided these as I rushed straight at it, my sword lunging forward, pierced its torso, and came out the other side. In what felt like an eternity, I had delivered a fatal blow against Majora's Wrath. It flailed about like before, swinging about its tentacles in frustration, but this time it didn't collapse but instead it floated off the ground before letting out one final scream as its body began crumbling to dust. As this was happening, a bright light then blinded me and everything turned white. Was victory mine at last or was I to face off against it still?