//------------------------------// // The Foals have been Doubled! (Looks to see if Luna's around) // Story: So you're about to be a father with a Sun-Goddess. // by TheDawsonator1 //------------------------------// I walked with my wife down to the Royal Doctor. I usually take Discord's words with a grain of salt but here? I'm not so sure, it's about time for a checkup anyway but still, twins? I've prepared for one but two? I don't know... "Do you think it's true?" I ask Celestia "I don't know Jason, I don't know. I thought the increased weight was just another stage of pregnancy, Cadence's stomach grew quite large in a short amount of time with Flurry Heart. Then again, I haven't seen much cases of Alicorns becoming Pregnant besides myself and Cadence" Celestia says "If we're not careful, Luna will be added to that list, although I think Twilight's safe" I said Celestia let out a small giggle, we all know Twilight's too attached to books, the lover must be really special if they got Twilight to prefer them over books. Maybe I should try get Cadence to try matchmake somepony for Twilight, she's the only Princess who hasn't gotten laid by the looks of things. "Ah Princess, this is a surprise, you're back earlier than expected, has something happened?" The doctor asks as we came in. "Erm, can we have a quick checkup? Just to make sure everything's fine" I say. "I suppose that's natural, a lot of patients are very worried about their foals they check often, still, a wise move. On the table if you please, your highness" The doctor replied. Celestia obliged, the doctor did a through scan and his frowned after about 2 minutes... "Hmmm, this is strange, you have twins your highness, but last I checked, there was most definitely one...the other one seems different too..." The doc was thinking out loud. "Wait there ARE Twins? How did this happen?" I ask "I'm not sure on this one, I'd like Her Royal Highness' permission to do the ultrasound projection spell" The doc answers "Granted Doctor Dose" Celestia says Oh Healthy Dose, that's his name, what? I forgot okay? Anyway, Doctor Dose cast a spell that works like the machine would on Earth except it shows a projection magically. What we found was... "What is that?" Dose asks. "It's a human child" I answered There's a human baby in there? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!? "That's certainly strange, Her Royal Highness has a normal pony foal and a human foal in there too, did anything happen like with when the pony foal was conceived?" Dose notes. "No Doctor Dose, which is why I thought Discord was lying when he said I had another one in me" Celestia answers "Hmmm, strange. Princess Cadence had a "Magical Conception" much like yours when the first foal appeared but it didn't with this one, that's very strange. Perhaps it only works with ponies and not the human? May I ask if this happens to normal Humans being born?" Dose muses out loud. "No, Humans do sexual intercourse with each other the woman at the right time, they wake start vomiting which is sign number 1 a baby's on the way and they take a pregnancy test from the local store to see if it turned Positive, bear in mind if it says positive it doesn't fully mean the woman has the baby yet, they've been wrong but they see a doctor and confirm, then nine months later out pops the baby" I explained. Well that's what I remember from Sex ed anyway. "Ever seen a baby being born?" Dose asks. "Nope, although I know there's a tube that usually attaches to the stomach that's the baby getting nutruients from the mother I am pretty sure, bear in mind, this is kinda what I learned in High School and that was LOOOOONNNG time ago" I answer "Princess, I must ask of you to visit next week for a checkup, we should keep a track on the new foal and if you find anything explaining why a new foal appeared like this, please let me know" Dose says to Celestia. "I will do, thank you Doctor Dose" Celestia says. So, Pony Foal and Human Child eh? I was wondering when life would reveal its next plot twist. Well a series of plot twists, Luna, Dash and Celly, next thing you know, Twilight will get laid...ha! HAHAHAHA! Again, should really get her a stallion to marry or at least encourage her to finding one. "Jason Anderson, what art thou thinking about?" I heard Luna's voice. "Oh hi Luna, it starts with C" I answered "Our sister we presume? Pray tell, thou sees her plenty in the day, is there no thoughts worthy of thy attention other than Tia?" Luna asks. "Well uh...we kinda found out through Discord...we have a twin, a human baby on the way as well" I admitted "Oh...Tia and thee told us there was only one" Luna gives me an accusing stare. "It baffles all of us, there wasn't any magical explosion sending me into a wall or anything, not that my back minds" I say Maybe I should push Luna a little bit on her love. "So Luna, what about you? I haven't seen you in a while nor has Celestia, your crown is crooked too, you didn't get yourself into some trouble did you?" I ask. "We merely tripped Jason Anderson, even Princesses are capable of such things and thank you about mine crown" Luna lied. Oh she's totally lying. "Well where have you been? Celly got worried" I asked "On Night business" Luna says Yeah you have...STOP IT! BAD JASON! BAD! We talked about this. "So nothing you wouldn't tell me or your sister? Look you can tell me and Celestia, we both care for you despite how much you frighten me sometimes" I say "Night business" Luna says Ah screw it might as well get the bombshells out in just one day. "You found a lover didn't you?" I gave a knowing smile. "Thou followed us didn't thee?" Luna gave me a glare. "Me and Celestia did, but we weren't going to interrupt and we wanted to make sure you found somepony good" I admitted "Dost thou not trust us? We know what we art getting into!" Luna raises her voice. "We do, but we also want to make sure you don't do what we did, you might not get as lucky Luna. You didn't activate the law already did you?" I ask "Nay, we wanted to know him better" Luna shook her head. "Okay, does he know Luna, he should have a right to know" I ask "Nay, we will tell him when the time comes, it will be his decision" Luna says "Just to be sure and um, I'm happy for you Luna, what made you like him?" I asked Luna brightened up, as though she just got told she won the lotto. "Oh, our lover is simply amazing as thy modern language puts it, he loves our night, he's an adventurer of anything before...my banishment...He's a charmer and most of all, he's quite the charmer, we simply couldn't resist!" Luna says happily. "Sounds like a stallion I ought to meet then" I answered Well to see if he's right...wow, when did I come the "I must approve of this guy" type? I mean I never really cared who my brother came home with, and I don't have a sister in blood so yeah, Luna's my sister in-law, and I care about family. "Thou saw us kiss didn't thee?" Luna asks. "Maybe" I answered "Thou didn't happen to bet on it with our sister did thee?" Luna asked "Uhhh...maybe?" I admitted knowing where this was going. "Jason" Luna growled... "Yeeeeeesssss?" I started backing off. Tip to surviving living with Luna 101: Know when to run! This is one of those cases, RRRRRRUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN! "JASON ANDERSON THOU WILL GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Luna yelled as I ran Pranking Luna, running away from Luna keeps me in good shape, that and the fear of some shit happening soon, it's been way too long. I got to our room where Celestia was. "Sunny, you gotta hide me." I say as I locked the door. "What did you do Jason?" Celestia asked "Luna may have found out we spied on her" I explained, "WHAT!?" Celestia yelled. "Well she was lying through her teeth, I couldn't help it" I say "JASON ANDERSON! THOU HATH UNTIL THE COUNT OF FIVE TO COME OUT LEST WE COME OUT AND DRAG THEE OUT!" Luna boomed. "Oh and she found we bet on it" I added "Jason..." Celestia looked at me disappointed "I'm sorry but please hide me" I say quickly. I found myself in the closet. "SISTER! WHERE IS JASON ANDERSON!?" Luna shouted Luna was in the room. "Luna, what is the matter this time?" Celestia asks "Do not play dumb with us, Tia. We know he's here" Luna says "Luna, Jason is not here and why are you mad anyway?" Celestia asks "He told us...he and thou...spied on us and even bet on us kissing..." Luna confesses. "What's to be angry about? We were merely making sure my little sister in law was finding a good lover and not making any mistakes" Celestia asks "It is just...dost thou not trust us?" Luna asks "No, it's nothing like that Lulu, it's a family thing to do, we didn't want you being jealous of the success of our marriage and rush off into poor decisions that would ruin your life forever" Celestia assures Luna. I am holding my breath as much as possible here... "Come Luna, let's go into your room and you can tell me all about this cute lover of yours" Celestia giggles. "T-Tia, thou hath thy own lover" Luna was blushing. "I kid, I kid. Besides, he did look quite cute" Celestia comments. The door closed and both mare were gone...phew...I love my wife...note to self don't do this again. I think I'll stay out of sight for a while, mares, can't live with them, can't live without them...