Spiders and Magic: Clash of Two Equestrias

by MetalJrock

The Summoning


Spider-Mane looked at his surroundings, 'Strange parallel dimension within outer space: check. Family and friends here with me: check.' he looked at Twilight and Mayday, who were rooting for him. Pinkie gave Sonata and Trixie foam fingers much to the latters unamusement. 'Standing on an arena in a tournament started by cosmic entities: check.' his masked lenses narrowed at what he was looking at.

Standing on the other end of the arena, was a stallion that looked exactly like him. The only differences being that his costume was dark blue, with a glowing web pattern. Strapped to his back was a shield with a sun emblem on it, similar to a shield from one of Spider-Mane's inspirations back on Earth.

'Parallel version of self from a world that sounds familar yet completely different: super check.'

An annoyed grunt escaped Peter's mouth. "How did this even happen?!"

Sometime Ago...

Peter Pony Parker stretched his hooves, finally getting out of bed from a well-needed nap, "Oh man... I needed that." he scratched his side with a hoof and yawned. He had to admit, after the Sinister Six war, he was glad that there have been no threats in sight. He could finally live the life he once dreamed.

'Sleep well, Peter?'

The stallion chuckled, "You know it, Dream."

'Perhaps we should see what the others are up to?' suggested the entity in Peter's head.

The hero opened the room door. "Yeah, we should. Honestly, it feels great to sleep in every now and then." he was greeted by what looked like mile long hallways with doors to many rooms on the sides. "Aaannd... I have to still get used to this. I guess living space isn't a problem anymore, huh?"

Peter trotted through the halls, peeking through whatever doors were open at the moment. For whatever reason, every room he passed by was empty. He raised a brow at the strange silence, wondering what was going on. "Uh, Dream? Is a surprise party being held for me or something? Last I checked, my birthday isn't for a few more months." he asked.

'I'm not sure, Peter. Perhaps check Twilight's work room?' Dream commented, looking through Peter's as eyes from the mindscape.

Nodding, Peter made a sprint to the thone room. To his surprise, it too was empty. "Oh crap. Something's definitely not right here." he pointed out. "Usually Mayday's in here, keeping Twi company while she does all her paperwork. In fact..." he gestured to the pile of papers scattered on a desk. "It's still there. Twilight would never leave her work unless it was truly important."

'Perhaps this is one of those instances?'

Peter shook his head, "She would've at least let me know she was leaving. Believe me, after my Manehattan chase with Black Cat, it's for the best we be honest in regards to that. Plus, why would Trixie, Mayday, Ben, Sonata, and Eris be gone as well? Without me?" his eyes widened, "Oh no... Mayday and Ben!"

Without haste, Peter ran around the castle, looking into his childrens' room. Nopony else was in there. The stallion's jaw was agape and he was in slight shock. "No no no... Something is definitely going on here. And I intend to find out." he closed his eyes and focused.

Magic swirls and particles of black and white began to surround his body through his horn. He levitated in the air for a second, where something began to cover his body. It was a white costume fit for him like his original Spider-Mane costume. There was even a black spider emblem on his chest. He had gained the suit after discovering that he was the Spirit of Order and Harmony and defeated the Nightmare claiming his body.

He opened his eyes, but instead of being his usual hazel, they were glowing blue. Dream had decided to take over for only a moment, "It'd be wise if we act now, Peter." she closed his eyes and opened them again, allowing Peter back control of his body.

And with no hesitation did Peter run out of the castle. Panic was seen on his face and he trotted around Ponyville as fast as he could. But strange enough, nopony was seen outside as well. "Uh... Did Ponyville become a ghost town when I was asleep or something? Because it's kinda creepy with everything still sunny. Is this a dream? Dream, are you pulling an Inception on me? Or is it national 'No Peter Parker Day'?"

'No, Peter. I do not even know what that is.' Dream sighed at his quips, 'Focus on the task at hoof.'

The Order-Spider rubbed his head, "Yeah... I get like that when I'm nervous. Get used to it if you're gonna be living in my head." he joked back.

He could hear the entity's groan, 'Perhaps using your body wasn't such a good idea.'

"Yep." was all Peter said, his eyes narrowing as he looked around. As he walked forward, he felt a familiar sensation rang in the back of his head for a moment. 'Spider-Sense. Get ready, Dream. I think we're about to get ambushed.'

As fast as he could, Peter backflipped, dodging a spear that was tossed in his direction. Once he moved his head while in midair, he saw a familiar group of batlike creatures. At least three. "Thestrals? I thought we banished them all back to Tartarus!" he blurted out, shooting two lines of webbing in the direction of one of them. He landed on his hooves after a backflip, ready to fight.

A thestral tried to stab Peter, but the wall-crawler managed to backflip it in the chin, knocking it back a few feet. As another charged toward him in midair, Peter shot a thin strand of webbing to its foot and yanked, slamming it to the ground. "Okay, I know that I'm annoying, but did you have to bring the blades? I thought only Wolverine did that to me when he saw me!" he quipped.

The third thestral tried to fight Peter by hitting him with a shield. Instead of dodging, he grabbed the defensive object. 'You wanna take things from here, my favorite voice in my head?' he asked the entity in his thoughts.

'Of course.'

Then, Peter's eyes glowed blue. Instead of an uppercut, Dream used her horn to blast the last thestral back into a building. 'Perhaps we should pay for that once everything is done.' he suggested.

"Maybe. But we should get some answers from these monstrosities my counterpart in this timeline made." Dream declared, giving Peter back control.

The Spirit of Order and Harmony grunted, webbing up the last conscious thestral. "Alright, batty. I think it's about time I got some answers. How are you here, where are my friends and family, and why is Ponyville a barren wasteland? You better talk before I let my friend take over." he stepped a hoof on the beast's body, choosing to stay there.

The thestral raised a claw to the sky. This prompted Peter to look up as well. His eyes shrunk and he gulped at what he was seeing. Up in the sky was a giant spaceship. "W-Was that there this whole time!?" he asked in shock.

Then, without warning, beams of light covered the thestrals and they were warped into the ship. "I guess that answers that question. Now can someone please explain what the hell is happening?!"

"Perhaps I can."

At the sound of the voice, Peter turned around, his eyes blue. Dream aimed her horn directly in the direction of the source, it lit bright blue and ready to shoot a spell. They were looking at a very tall figure, a human, surprisingly. He wore a black suit, yellow cape and a belt of the same color. His hair was white and pointed up, and his eyes were pupil-less. He gave off almost a regal vibe.

"It has been a while, Spider-Man." the figure greeted.

Peter shook his head in disbelief, Dream hiding in the back of his mind again, "H-Huh? Wait... Aren't you the Collector?! Why are you here?" he asked one after the other. Then a thought came to him. "Don't tell me... You're here to collect Equestrians for your collection. Well, that's not gonna happen today--"

The Collector raised a hand, "I'm sorry, Spider-Man. I have no choice in the matter." he sighed, putting his hands behind his back, "Believe it or not, this is for your own good. I wish it hadn't come to this, but you're better off if I'm here."

"My own good? You just show up in Equestria and kidnapped everypony!" Spider-Mane shouted. "By the time I'm done, you'll wish you were fighting the Avengers and Guardians!"

Shaking his head, the Collector continued, "This was not my doing, Spider-Man. There is a reason why I am here. Perhaps it would be better if I explained on the ship. We have to wait for him to return anyhow from his little visit."

"Who and where?" Peter blurted out, seeing a beam of light cover him. "Oh crap."

The light took him upward. "AAAAAHHHHH!" he screamed.

Another Equestria...

There is a theory known as the Butterfly Effect. The theory goes that even the smallest changes in details could leave dire consequences in the future. One outcome could lead to another. This is one such instance. The multiverse is a vast place.

Within an alternate version of Equestria, Peter Parker was summoned to Equestria by the same circumstances. But one little change affected how he and his friends live. That was Luna.

The Princess of the Moon had confessed her feelings for Peter before Twilight Sparkle could. This lead to many changes, such as the stallion moving to Canterlot, taking Sunset Shimmer under his wing, and marrying the Lunar Princess. Peter Parker then became Equestria's royal protector: the Spider-Knight.

Today was supposed to be like any normal day. But today was different for the Spider-Knight. Everypony in Canterlot was missing. And so, the prince donned his dark blue costume, designed after his princess and love as a symbol of being a hero under her rule. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Luna? Sunset? Celestia?" Peter paused, calling out the names of those close to him in the city. "...Blueblood?" he grunted out the last name in slight disgust.

The Spider-Knight stood on his hindlegs, holding the shield strapped to his back in his hooves. The shield was round, like a certain hero's from Peter's world. And on the center was the Sun, showing that he was representing both of the Royal Sisters.

He paused his trot, and narrowed his lenses, 'Yep. I definitely feel my head ringing. Thanks for that, Spider-Sense.' he ducked, dodging a green beam that was meant to shoot him.

Spider-Knight crouched down, seeing a familiar bug-like creature, "A changeling? Hold on, I know what this is!" he hopped in the air, slamming his shield facefirst onto the horned changeling, who buzzed in pain at the feeling of having a metal shield slammed down on his head. "You want to kidnap Canterlot for your empire to feed? Newsflash, bug. I'm here."

"Captain America who?" Peter joked, tossing his shield so that it bounced off two buildings and directly into the face of the bug. The stallion caught it with one hoof, placing it back on the strap. The changeling fell on its stomach as Peter smiled smugly. "Now, where are the rest of your friends?" he interrogated it.

It was at that moment, the changeking vanished in a beam of light. Spider-Knight raised his shield, "Okay..." he slurred, "That wasn't supposed to happen, I think."

A figure stepped forward, the sound of the footsteps getting Spider-Knight's attention. Standing next to him was a tall man, wearing yellow and had blue skin. His hair was white as well. "Actually it was, Spider-Man." the stranger corrected, raising a finger in a matter-of-fact tone.

Spider-Knight growled, "Now this is new. Why are you here, Grandmaster?" he asked in confusion and annoyance. "Trying out another scheme here?"

The Grandmaster chuckled, "Actually, I am not the Grandmaster you know. But in fact a parallel version. I have heard that Spider-Man had wound up on this world, Equestria, and decided to have a little fun for old times sake with my 'brother'. But I needed more players for my team. That's where you come in, Royal Spider-Knight."

"A game?" hissed Peter, "Of course. This is you, we're talking about! You always messed with the Avengers and Squadron Supreme! What kind of game are we playing? And if I win, I want this world back to normal."

Grandmaster folded his hands, "Why, you are more forceful than the Spider-Man I knew. Goes to show how different things are in this world. Of course that's what will happen, Spider-Knight. But you must participate first."

Spider-Knight instantly responded, "Fine. But I want you gone from this world when it's done! I could make do without my enemies following me!" he huffed.

"Excellent. Now it's time we head back to the ship. The Contest of Champions shall begin!"

Then, Spider-Knight and Grandmaster were warped back to discuss the contest further. What lied ahead for Spider-Knight? Well, he would be in for a shock.