//------------------------------// // Week 2: True Talent // Story: Slimy Adorable Adventures: The Birth of Yibble-Bibble // by Animatorsnake //------------------------------// Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; after Gilda’s sudden departure, the town went back to its usual day-to-day things, until an interesting figure came to town the coming week after. Twilight and Fluttershy spoke and drank tea, talking about Yibble’s progress so far; Spike entertained Yibble by cooking something for her. Yibble’s speech pattern has grown to the point where she can speak in a leveled voice, but her words are somewhat jumbled still. “Wha yu cokine Spiek?” asked Yibble. “Oh some carrot soup; you want some?” asked Spike. “Uh huh.” Yibble acted like a regular filly, the only difference was that because of her near indestructible form, she was somewhat… distracted by her surroundings. While Twilight continued to speak with Fluttershy, a knock on the door was heard. The knocking continued to get louder until Spike went to go answer it – he turned off the stove and placed the pot off the heated part of the stove. The second he reached the door to open it, he got a face full of wood to the face; two small figures stepped in, one lanky and tall, the other short and fat. “You got to get to town hall!” shouted Snips. “Yeeeah, there’s this great and powerful magician called Trixie,” said Snails, following behind Snips. When Yibble entered the room, she spotted Spike and brushed off the two colts aside like leaves in the wood – she simply picked them up to the side, gently – where she began to soothe Spike. “Spiek oky?” asked Yibble, placing a tendril on his head. “Y-yeah; don’t worry Yibble, I’m a dragon. If I can’t take a door to the face, what kind of assistant would I be?” “A flet whon?” Twilight snickered slightly and Fluttershy giggled when they heard Yibble’s comment. Ever since Yibble has been hanging with Pinkie when Fluttershy was busy caring for the animals and wasn’t able to watch over Yibble, Pinkie would volunteer as she’s Ponyville’s number one party planner. Nowadays, a little of Pinkie rubbed off Yibble – whether that’s good or not is up to debate. “Hey… good one.” Twilight turned her focused to the two young colts as they felt sheepish for slamming the door on Spike. “While I know it was an accident, but you need to be careful when opening doors,” said Twilight, scolding the boys. “Yes Miss Sparkle,” said both Snails and Snips. “Good… Now, what’s this about a ‘magician’?” “OH! I CAN TELL!” shouted Snips. “There’s this traveling magician in Ponyville and she has her show in town square. She says she’s the best magic user, ever!” At that moment, Spike jumped up from his daze, trudged forward to Snips, and spoke. “What you mean ‘she’s the best magic user, ever’ Snips?” “Well she’s so good she said she defeated an Ursa Major before!” “AN URSA MAJOR! Those creatures are really unpredictable Twilight; to fight one and not be harmed is incredible, especially if you were a unicorn,” said Fluttershy. “Their known to have hide strong enough to be resistant to magic.” “I know, but this Trixie can’t be that good… Can she?” “Of course not; you’re the Princess’s student for Celestia’s sake! Not some wannabe entertainer.” “Well you got to see her show if you don’t believe it with your own eyes! The show’s about to start!” shouted Snips, leaving. “Wait for me Sniiips!” The two young colts left, as they did, Yibble found the idea of watching someone who managed to defeat an Ursa Major – whatever that may be – interesting and fun. She crawled to Fluttershy using one tendril to climb on top as she began to telepathically ask if they could go. While Yibble was busy talking to Fluttershy, Spike tried to convince Twilight if they could go see this magician. Twilight at first didn’t want to go for her own reasons but gave in; Twilight with Spike, Fluttershy, and Yibble made their way to where this magician called Trixie had set up her stage. Ponyville, Town Square; a crowd neared the stage as a voice announced what was happening. “Come one, come all! Welcome to a show of wonder and grand proportions! Behold, of the great and powerful...” A giant puff of smoke exploded and coming out of it is a mare wearing a magician’s outfit; she stands on both her back hooves as she waves her front hooves – posing before the crowd. “TRIXIIIIE!” The crowd made some “ohhh and awwss” as Twilight reached the crowd and found the rest of her friends there too. “Oh Twi, you’re finally here. Can you believe this honkey dooley; to think she defeated a Ursa Major,” said Applejack. “That’s all horse-” “RAINBOW DEAR! Language! Some foals are here; be more careful,” said Rarity, scolding her friend. “Sorry, but the bull- I mean stuff she talks about is just… I mean I know I’m awesome and all, but even I know when I shouldn’t boast so much!” “Uh huh Rainbow?” said Applejack, a bit skeptic about the last part. “Well she isn’t doing anything wrong is she?” asked Twilight. At that very moment, Fluttershy came closer to the stage, and lost attention with Yibble. The curious baby slime crawled off Fluttershy, and slowly but stealthily went up the stage, and inched closer to Trixie. “Now behold as I shall cause this fruit to...” Trixie stopped her act and stared down, where she spotted Yibble. Now many of the townsponies were a bit skeptic about Yibble but gotten used to the slime baby… Trixie however wasn’t use to… whatever Yibble is. “AHHHHHHHHHH! MONSTAAAAAHHHH!” The crowd became spooked but not so much to cause a panic as they all stepped back from the stage from sudden magical shots shooting out from Trixie. Reflexively, when a unicorn was spooked three things would happen – they cast a magical barrier which was most, teleport a safe distance which would usually be the most trained and experience of unicorns, with lastly being firing off a magical attack… which rarely happened with few unicorns – and one of these things were happening with Trixie. “GO AWAY! SHOO SHOO!” Trixie shot magical shot after shot, and levitated random objects at Yibble. The baby slime simply stood where she was with most attacks avoiding her, but it was when Trixie levitated a massive crate – that was bigger and possible heavier than her – and slammed it on Yibble. Fluttershy saw this as she was also spooked by the sudden magical beams, but after seeing Yibble crushed, and harmed… well to put it in mild and less violent terms… “FLUTTERSHY SMASH!” screamed Fluttershy, with the fury of an alicorn. Trixie turned to the scream with stupidity of the most saddest degrees, before she felt two things – the taste of the wood of her stage, and the smell of slightly singed fur from being dragged across the floor, in the most comedic way possible. Fluttershy once done with Trixie flew to where Yibble was, and lifted the crate with ease and tossed it. The crate flew toward Bulk Biceps who was unfazed as the crate was smashed to his cranium and turned while scratching his head about what just hit him. “Huh? What was that?” “YIBBLE! YIBBLE ARE YOU ALRIGHT!” shouted Fluttershy, brushing aside random junk to find Yibble. Fluttershy couldn’t find Yibble and was worried something horrible happened to the baby slime. It when she heard a familiar gurgle some distance from her. “Yibble! Where are you!?” Fluttershy looked and spotted her at the last place she expected her to be. She was laid beside Trixie, and was currently wrapping a tendril around her muzzle, and softly nuzzling the side of her face that was rubbed against the floor of her stage. Trixie was too dazed to realize what was happening but instead of freaking out from being touched… she was relaxed and slowly… fell asleep. A quiet but steady snoozing came from the light blue unicorn, as she was left slump on the ground. Yibble once done with her cuddling looked up at Fluttershy, and gave the most cutest attempt of a frown. Everypony who saw this were between either “Awwing” or started to look around about how Yibble got there without being noticed. Fluttershy in the other hoof understand why Yibble was upset and felt guilty. “I’m sorry Yibble… I thought Trixie hurt you, and… I may had overreacted with my response.” “OVERREACTED! Flutters, you straight up sent her to next week with that move! Where did you learn that?” asked Rainbow, utter shock on her face. All of her friends had the same question, and Fluttershy meekly glanced back at them and back at Yibble before prodding her hooves together, as if she was caught taking another cookie from the cookie jar. “...I sometimes… give Harry some messages, and because his bigger than my other animals, I need to be extra sure his muscles are relaxed… So I would pull and bend his muscles, so the cramps he gets from time to time are gone… He really likes it...” said Fluttershy, innocently. Everypony gave a gawked look, as she smiled back; Yibble simply crawled up to Fluttershy and nuzzled her leg, and gave a cute gurgle. “Fluttershy bestass mommie!” Later that day; Ponyville, Ponyville Hospital; Trixie was hospitalized since her injuries consisted of broken bones, and some fur missing, and would be staying for the coming months. Fluttershy felt bad for what she did so she visited Trixie whenever she could where she would bring Yibble; on these visits, Yibble would nuzzle Trixie, which caused something odd. After every visit, Trixie would tell her caretakers she would feel a strange easiness over her… a painless calm of sorts. Twilight investigated this strange phenomenon and discovered Yibble’s hidden ability – Yibble’s slime while not only was capable of calming any creature, also gave off a sort of anesthetic depending on the injury of what her slime makes contact with. Any leftover slime from Fluttershy was sent to the hospital and scientists, and to this day has been used for several things them being for the care of patients, and research. Now, Yibble visits Trixie everyday and gives the performer some company; the two have become quick friends, and are inseparable. If Yibble hadn’t come to Ponyville… it gave off the question what would the relationship of this town and its denizens be with Trixie. It also brought up an important thought from Twilight, as it may give some answers about Yibble’s background. What is she capable of doing?