Love and Pies

by RDDash

1: Baking Bad: Magic is Acid

The summer arrived early this year in Ponivile, all of that just means that weather ponies would get an extra workload to make sure that air pressure would be stable during those three months until the autumn would replace it. Another concern was is that when the summer's heat arrives, it is going to hit hard on healthcare of an elderly. On average each year got hotter by a few degrees, and the weather ponies could only do so much to counter react the heat from the Sun.

Rainbow Dash had spent quite a lot of time thinking about Pinkie Pie's strange behavior. The more she thought about it the more it didn't really make any sense from her own point of view. Rainbow Dash decided it would be best if she just could go to straight to the towns bakery Sugarcube Corner and then question her directly about it. When the next morning arrived Rainbow Dash had been standing right in front of the bakery, she already saw the pony she needs.

"Hey Pinkie Pie, do you have a free time to chat? There is something I want to talk with you about it."

"Well okay, let me just take a coffee break, I'll be right with you." About five minutes later she came back, "So we have about thirty minutes before I am going to be forced to go back on my shift."

Rainbow Dash started speaking, "There is one thing you said to me, which I did find quite strange."

"What is it Dashie?"

"I think when you went a bit insane, I overheard you shouting about me having laser eyes.".

"Oh, that silly thing well I guess I am. What about it?" Pinkie Pie realized that she screwed up and tried to cover it up.

"Well you see, at first I dismiss it on the account that you might have an active imagination, but then I just couldn't forget about it. So would you please just explain this to me, because I just don't get it where this idea came from."

"Okay! An explanation! I can do this!" Pinkie Pie then slowly said every single word, which was unusual because usually, she was talking a mile a minute. "Sure, I can do that! You see, the simple answer to that is quite simple actually, I was confused! Yes, I was just confused!"

"Confused? How can you be confused about that?"

"Well, I really did think that you had laser eyes. Look, from my point of view you was the one at fault, you were moving was way too fast and was trying everything you could possibly think of to avoid eating them!"

"Pinkie Pie please concentrate, we already covered this already. You spent a whole day trying to chase me with pies and I just started to get sick of it so I finally lost it and forced to admit it that I hate pies! What I want to know now is why are you acting so crazy that day."

Pinkie Pie acted shocked and hurt. It looks like the gig is up, she would have to fess up or go home "Fine, you win, I spiked the pies."

"You did what with the Twilight's little brother? I am sorry I couldn't hear you!" Rainbow Dash once again forced the answer from Pinkie

"I spiked the pies with acid! Are you happy now!" Pinkie Pie shouted and then gasped.

Now it was Rainbow Dash turn to be shocked, "Pinkie, what the actual hay? I had been feeding those pies to Tank. I suppose right now I realized it was a really good idea for me to avoid those pies."

Pinkie Pie blinked, "Alright, I am sorry about your pet Rainbow, but I've seen you smoke cigarettes all the time. Sure it's the other drugs is where you cross the line."

Rainbow Dash facehoofed herself, she should just start explaining those things better, otherwise, ponies ended up misunderstanding her intentions.

"Pinkie Pie please tell me that you understand what is it means to have a pack of cigarettes in today's society?"

"Of course I know the answer to that question. Equestria heavily regulates the use and farming of tobacco products. This, in turn, caused the taxation to skyrocket, and now cigarettes cost a lot of bits."
"Exactly! Cigarettes are a social symbol of high society. You collect them for favors! You exchange them for favors, they sometimes work as excellent bribes! If you really become that bored I suppose you might as well smoke them like in the old days!"

"Oh! Ooooooh! I do feel really stupid right now!" Pinkie Pie hanged her head apologetically.

Rainbow's hard stare softened "Pinkie Pie I am sorry, I think I overreacted a bit."

"You are apologizing to me?" Pinkie Pie glanced at her friend.

"Yes Pinkie, just please shut up and accept the apology from me!" She then smiled at Pinkie, Pinkie smiled back.

"So does Twilight actually knows that you've been accepting bribes from nobles."
"I think she is aware of it but she can't prove it yet. Actually, I am surprised she still didn't catch on, considering she is herself from a noble family."

"I guess that does sound a little bit strange when you think about it!"

Rainbow Dash then decided that she had enough of this standing in a dark background with absolutely nothing in it.

"Um, Rainbow this is like nothing to worry about. It does happen sometimes way too often to my liking. The basic idea is if you just ignore it for long enough, the weirdness would go away. You wouldn't actually believe it but even I sometimes want to be normal."

Rainbow Dash silently agreed with her, they most likely spend way too much time in Discord's house, by now all of them got used to it. I guess he kind of the only owner of it."I don't really want to be here, I guess even brave and fearless pegasi sometimes feel scared of complete darkness."

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie just got back to Rainbow's house and only then Rainbow felt that by now she could relax.

"So is this how you managed to acquire this brand new house all those years ago. You just simply exchanged one favor for another?"

"That's the idea you can simply pull a few strings with it. For example, ponies would simply forget an individuals criminal record. I got to pull a few strings with Spitfire, and then some others, just so Starlight Glimmer would have a chance for a second life.

"Do you remember how they managed to ship an interdimensional mirror all the way from Crystal Empire, so just Twilight could have a small chance to play with it? That was partially me too.

"But enough about that, why don't you explain to me your baking shop," at the same time while she was talking she and Pinkie Pie went to living room and then they went straight to the sofa, because who doesn't like sofas.

"Well I suppose it does help a bit with the sales, it makes it a bit more popular with the adults. I do try my best not to screw up."

"That understandable I guess" She then dropped the next two words,"Tree Hugger?" Rainbow Dash then sighted, that mare was cool like a wind, but still had a few loose screws.

"Tree Hugger!" Pinkie Pie nodded her head, somehow Rainbow and Pinkie Pie came to the silent understanding and everything was peaceful again.

"Pinkie Pie?" Rainbow Dash suddenly wanted to say something to Pinkie.

"What is it Rainbow?"

"You are reading way too many Spike's virtual reality comic books."

"That's not fair, they don't exclusively belong strictly to him alone. I do have several of my own."

"So um, what are we going to do now?"

"I don't know, we don't really do nothing except talking right now! I suppose I'll be going by now!"

"Okay see ya later!" Rainbow Dash then waved her hoof to Pinkie Pie, who went going on her business.