//------------------------------// // Family // Story: Apples of Their Eyes // by Derpedy Doo //------------------------------// ‘Wow, thanks Goldie Delicious, for the story.’ said Applejack. ‘Say, can we come back tomorrow for another one?’ ’Why of course you can.’ said Goldie Delicious. The three siblings went back home, clutching a photo of their parents that Goldie had kept in her pile of books. ‘Applejack, I miss mommy and daddy.’ said Apple Bloom. ‘Us too, Apple Bloom’ replied Applejack ‘Right Big Mac?’ ’Eeyup.’ said the red stallion. ‘Don’t worry sugarcube, they’re always with us, in here’ Applejack pointed to her heart. ‘Now come on, let’s go home, Granny’s making Apple Pies!’ said Applejack. ’Okay! Let’s go!’ replied Apple Bloom. They arrived back at the barn to see Granny Smith and Grand Pear at the dinner table with their dinner. ‘Here ya’ll go, we made these macintosh apple pies.’ said Granny Smith. ‘There’s even a side of Pear Butter for you all’ said Grand Pear. ‘Aw shucks, thanks ya’ll.’ said Applejack. They all sat together while eating their dinner and chit-chatting. ‘I wish mommy and daddy were hear to eat with us all’ said Apple Bloom. ‘Oh sonny, they’re always with us, somewhere. We just can’t see them.’ said Granny Smith tearing up a little. ‘We all wish they were still here, but we can’t turn back time. But they’re here, in our hearts and in our love for them.’ said Applejack. ‘So what do you say?’ said Pear Butter holding a cup of cider, ‘ To Bright Mac and Pear Butter?’ ’TO BRIGHT MAC AND PEAR BUTTER, CHEERS!’ said everypony.