//------------------------------// // Chapter 2-Dinner // Story: An Honorary Father's Love for His Honorary Daughters // by Creativa-Artly01 //------------------------------// At dinner, Starswirl tells the sisters all about his time in Limbo with the other pillars. "So, you were trapped in Limbo for near 5,000 years?" "Yes, maybe longer, you see, time stops in Limbo," replies Starswirl. "It was always impossible to keep track of time while we were there." "That must've been hard," says Luna. "At first, it was, but after several years, we got used to it. We were used to the stillness and the darkness and the lack of time," he responds. "Stygian, when he became the Shadow Pony, how hard was that for you?" inquires Celestia. "We didn't mean to shun him, we didn't mean to hurt him," replies Starswirl, "let's not talk about that, okay?" "Okay, we won't talk about it," responds Celestia. The three then begins to eat a nice dinner of roasted vegetables, fresh fruit, teacakes, and freshly made tea. As they eat, the room remains quiet. They all just enjoy the nice dinner spread that is before them. They eat dinner for an hour before finally heading off to their separate rooms for the night. Starswirl goes and sleeps in his old bedroom above the library wing while Celestia goes and tucks in Luna before heading off to bed herself for the night. Celestia is glad Starswirl is back. She knows Luna is also glad he's back. For now, though, it's time for all of them to get some sleep.