//------------------------------// // Chapter 3-After the Night Princess is Asleep // Story: An Honorary Father's Love for His Honorary Daughters // by Creativa-Artly01 //------------------------------// After tucking in Luna for the night, Celestia goes out onto the balcony and lets out a deep sigh. She's glad to have Starswirl back but she can't help but feel that maybe he doesn't feel the same. What if he isn't truly glad to be back. She shrugs it off and then turns into bed for the night herself but not before feeding Philomena. A few minutes later, Celestia tucks herself into bed and falls fast asleep with that lingering thought still in the back of her mind of 'is Starswirl really glad to be back? does he really want to be back?' As she sleeps, she continues to push that thought back into a corner. She'll ask him in the morning if she can get him alone in private for a few minutes. She'll just have to wait and see. As she is sleeping, Celestia drifts off into a dream. It's a dream of her and Luna and Starswirl just having fun, with her and her sister as fillies. As she dreams, she can't help but smile. Maybe he is glad to be back after all. With that thought in her mind, Celestia sleeps peacefully through the rest of the night. Meanwhile, in her room, Luna is dreaming about her time in the garden on the swing with Starswirl from her childhood. As she dreams, she can't help but smile. She's glad he's back and back for good no less. She just wishes he would decide to stay in Canterlot with them for the rest of their lives. Alas, she knows, that can never be.