An Honorary Father's Love for His Honorary Daughters

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 5-Goodbye Hugs

A few days later, Starswirl departs but not before giving goodbye hugs to the royal sisters. "I'm going to miss you, girls! I'm so glad I got to see how much you've grown! Celestia and Luna, you've both grown into beautiful, wise mares. Celestia, your cooking, and baking skills have just continued to get better and better. Luna, I'm so impressed with your dream walking skills. The lavender is a great touch too. It's very calming. Well, see you later. Well, I don't know when but hopefully sometime soon." He then kisses them both on the forehead before heading off down the road and into the sun.

"Goodbye, Starswirl, the only father figure we ever really had," say the sisters as he walks away. "We hope to see you again soon." The two then go back inside and to the royal sauna. The two still have some time to themselves before they have to jump into their royal duties for the day.

As he walks, Starswirl sighs. He's glad he got to see the royal sisters for a week. Now, he has to head back to his old hometown to help the cleanup efforts. After all, he wants it to be a place where the generations to come can enjoy the statues of the Pillars, the crystal lake, and everything else that is wonderful about the town. After all, it is a place very close to his heart.

The End