The Summer Sun Incident

by Zaid ValRoa

To Sergeant Bold Spear,

Strictly off the record.

Sergeant, pardon my bluntness but what in Tartarus is going on? I’ve been chasing any possible lead on this case almost non-stop for two days now and then it turns out Princess Celestia had information about what happened all along?

She made us give this case top priority, and given the circumstances I can see why, but why wouldn’t she tell us she knew what her student was doing when she blew up half of her tower? Is she too busy with her little homage? It’s not as though she’s dead, if we can figure out what happened that day then we can still help her, for Celestia’s sa

I’ll stick to protocol and see my investigation through to its end, but I think I also deserve a little transparency, we all do.

Awaiting further instructions,
Private Copper Wing