The Summer Sun Incident

by Zaid ValRoa

Moon Shows No Signs of Change After One Week

By puff piece
canterlot - After one week of the Summer Sun Celebration, the moon remains unchanged.

After the magical mishap which marred the Thousandth Summer Sun Celebration, the moon remains unchanged.

As it is now public knowledge, Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia, was performing magical experiments in the Southern Tower of the Castle when one of these experiments backfired and caused the explosion. She remains, as of the time of this writing, in the hospital under intensive care.

What also remains is the purple shade left on the moon.

There are scholars who have maintain that the visage of the Mare in the Moon is a homage by Princess Celestia to an unknown pony from the past, and further theorise that the addition of the purple shade is a homage as well, this time to her student. Whichever the case, Princess Celestia has yet to make an announcement on the matter, so we do not know if we will have a purple moon for the months or centuries to come.