//------------------------------// // Movement // Story: War of the Daleks // by Emperorxeno //------------------------------// “Are you sure that we won’t have trouble?”, an averaged sized guard mare asked her superior. Her superior is one of the few unicorns that are still stationed here in the city. “Yes, these snakemen still have their restrictive chains on, inhibiting their magic. If they even tried to revolt, with just a flick of a spell, they’re all immobilized anyway.”, he said to her in an arrogant voice. Instead of responding to his obvious arrogance, she just sighed and began her usual patrolling. In truth, she hates the entire war itself. She doesn’t really care for the empire herself, but she could never truly condone genocide on an entire species. The only reasons that she stays in the guard, is it not only has a high payment, but it ironically fits her cutie mark, which is a helmet. The most important reason though, is her husband. Her husband is a Changeling that’s been living in early retirement from the army from the changeling empire. Unknown to most outsiders, many changeling soldiers go to live outside of the empire as a way of permanent vacation. She remembers the stories that he told her about Queen Chrysalis. Tales of how she was a fair and just ruler, who would willingly sacrifice everything for her subjects. When the war started, he was called back into service in defending the empire when the war started turning against the changelings. The last she heard of him, he was defending the city of ebony. The city that she is garrisoned in at the moment. Due to being a suspected sympathizer to the changeling cause, she was forbidden to go near the wing of the prison that holds all the surviving changelings. Just to make sure that she doesn’t sneak off, they gave her the responsibility of caring for the leader of the serpent people. He’s a kind old man, even if he is sometimes a bit cryptic with his choice of words. He always seems to have a story to tell me, as the countries south of here are full of lore best by those who personally lived through them. He also always talked of how his people are mistreated by Equestria and it’s allies. Of how many die every time they tried to resist the outrageous demands. Of how tired they are of being oppressed by those with more numbers than them. Of how their children’s children are doomed to suffer the same fate as them. All that, and much much more. If she wasn’t being constantly monitored, and didn’t have to worry about how to get her husband out of the prison, she would’ve already joined the changeling side a long time ago without a second thought. She’s also part of a growing group, comprised from the remaining guard stationed here, that are sympathetic to the changeling cause, and are disgruntled by the actions of Equestria. A familiar, yet soft, hiss broke her out of her thought process. Taking out her short sword, and preparing for the worst, she hastily crossed the the turn the sound was coming from. What she saw, shocked her to the core of her mind. In front of her, a large group made up of snake people, changeling soldiers, and sympathetic guard were taking the loyalists of the guard as prisoners. The one leading the the group, though, caused her to run towards with a swell of emotions that cannot be described. As she collided with her husband with a constrictor-like hug, her husband returned it with renewed gusto. Their actions spoke more words than they could ever say out loud. “ another time and place, children. For now, we must prepare for the arrival of the god of flesh and metal. We must capture the cursed horned of gluttony that eats the share not his, to give the god of flesh and metal the boon of judgment upon the one who has filled his belly with darkness.”, serph, also called father by followers of the faith, spoke softly before continuing forward towards the castle in a slow, methodical way filled with purpose and motivation. Silently, most of the snake people warriors followed father, silently chanting, “rejoice”, under their breath in a language that few would understand and recognize. One the serpent people warriors had the flag of the changeling empire, which was a crown with wings on a background of royal green, connected to its back on a small pole. As she quickly, yet quiet, trot, she caught up to Serph. As they silently traveled through the streets, neutralizing any loyalist patrols along the way. As they were nearing the castle, she looked up at Serph. What she saw was a predatory grin that would haunt the nightmares of any who saw it.