A Perfect World I Almost Ruined (Vol. 2)

by Metatoda42

Chapter Three Filler: The Game of Chaos

It's been two days since the events of the near future. Now, it is time for Twilight to say her last good bye to the Crystal Prep Academy. It's going to be hard for her, especially with all the memories she made in that place. All her projects, research, everything... The Crystal Prep Academy is her home and...

Who am I kidding? She hates that place! The only good memories she has were the ones with Spike and the day when the Crusaders sent her those gifts. The only reason why she's still in that place is because Cadance needs time to arrange the document for her transfer to the Canterlot High School.

Now, Twilight is flipping through the discs Screwball sent to her. At first, she couldn't find them since Screwball forgot to tell her where she hid the rest of the disc. However, through the sheer amount of boredom she managed to find those discs hiding behind an invisible locker behind an invisible patch of wall behind her computer desk.

She picked up a random disc and inserted it to her laptop. At first, she expected Screwball grinning at her from behind the screen while congratulating her for finding those discs. But instead, she found herself staring at filly Screwball and three little fillies who she presumed to be the Crusaders.

The fillies stood in the middle of the park. Twilight looked at each one of them before smiling at how adorable they are. She noticed that each one of them represents the different type of ponies. There's the yellow earth pony wearing red ribbon, a white unicorn wearing some sort of Tiara in her head, and an orange pegasus wearing shades on her face.

"Crusaders! Are you ready?" Screwball exclaimed suddenly. The crusaders just nodded in excitement. "Today is the premiere of the first episode of..." The cosmic filly clapped her hoofs and the ground beneath them shook. Theme song appeared out of nowhere and the three regular fillies stood closer to prepare themselves.

A huge stone platform burst out of the ground right underneath the Crusaders. It brought them higher and higher above the ground before stopping to a halt. The Crusaders looked around warily as dozens upon dozens of stone pillars rose from the ground and surrounded them from all sides.

"THE GAME OF CHAOS!!!!" Screwball shouted in glee. She looked at the camera and winked at Twilight before diving down to the ground below her. 'CRACK' She punched the ground beneath her and the earth split apart. Hot, red, smoldering lava starts bursting from the ground, turning the nice little park into a hellish landscape full of lava and destruction.

Twilight could only watch in disbelief as the Cute and Powerful Screwball literally trapped her own friends in a platform standing on top of a pool of death. "Screwball! Are you out of your mind?" She asked, hoping that Screwball can hear her.

"No! I'm positively crazy!!!" The Omnipotent Filly starts waving her hooves around like a conductor and everything starts moving on its own. The pillars arranged themselves into a bunch of obstacles and platforms for the crusaders to get through. Not only that, there are also pillars of lava here and there, mini volcanoes surrounding the park, giant lava monsters lurking beneath the lava pool, and the Eye of Sauron looming high behind them because why the hell not?

The purple filly flew up into the air and floated in front of HASBRO the camera. Then she start speaking like a professional MC. “Ladies and Gentleman!!!, welcome to the first episode of the Game of Chaos!!!” Floating words appeared in front of her and formed into a subtitle. "I'm your host The Cute and Powerful Screwball."

Confetti appeared out of nowhere as the Crusaders waved at the camera. “And these are our brave contestant!!!” Fireworks appeared out of thin air as The Crusaders walked closer to the edge of the platform. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders!!!”

Sounds of applause appeared out of thin air followed by a face-palm from the only audience. “Now, in this beautiful day at the park...” The Camera zoomed away, showing a huge obstacle course floating above a pool of lava in the middle of a park. “We shall test the agility, bravery, stupidity, and general awesomeness of these brave fillies.”

The platform beneath them rose a few feet up and couple of wall structures facing each other appeared in front of the Crusaders. A bunch of explosive mines sticks out of the walls and the walls start getting closer and closer as the time move on. “First obstacle, classic lava pit: Two walls, one lava pool, ridiculous amount of bombs, and one way out. Will they get through this?” Screwball commented from right on top of a camera.

Apple Bloom stepped forward and jumped on the left wall. “And there she goes!!! The pride of the Apple family!” Then the filly jumped to wall beside her, only missing a mine by an inch. Withour breaking a sweat, Apple Bloom jumped to the next platform safe and sound. “She did it everyone!!!”

Scootaloo stepped forward with a confident smirk on her face. She jumped on the side of the wall and start walking on the wall with ease. “Ooh!!! The Ninjasitter Perk everyone! The power to stick into any surfaces at any angle!” The Pegasus crossed the pit with ease and landed on the next platform. “Call it cheating if you want, but you gotta admit that is pretty darn cool!”

Sweetie Belle stepped forward and jumped on to the left wall. But instead of jumping on the right wall, she jumped up and landed on top of the walls. “Brilliant! Absolutely Brilliant!!!” The unicorn just walked leisurely on top of the walls before jumping down right in front of the rest of her friends. “Now that! Is what I call, thinking outside the box.”

‘BOOM’ The mines on the walls hit each other and the platform beneath the Crusaders rose a couple of feet up. Stone pillars rose from the ground and start moving randomly in front of them. “Second obstacle: A dozen stone pillar, one lava pool, and a way out somewhere around here...” Screwball commented while holding a pair of binoculars backwards in front of her face.

The Crusaders nodded at each other before jumping on three separate pillars at the same time. They jumped gracefully on every pillars before stopping at one giant platform in the center of the lava pool. “Whoops! This doesn't look like a way out...” The pillars around the giant platform descended back into the lava, trapping the Crusaders together in the middle of the lava lake. “This looks more like... An arena!”

Dozens of stone ponies grew out of the pillar below them. The stone ponies growled before moving in to attack the crusaders. “The Army of Stones!!!” The Crusaders smirked and assumed their combat stance. Apple Bloom stood in front of her friends, ready to intercept the attacker. Scootaloo stood at the side, ready to deal surprise attack and the hard hitting blow. Sweetie Belle stood behind them all, ready to heal and support her comrades.

"Let's see how the Crusaders handle this!" The stone ponies marched forward in a full on frontal assault. Apple Bloom charged towards one of them. ‘Crack’ With a single kick she sent a stone pony out of the arena and into the lava pool below. Apple Bloom gave the rest of the stone ponies a Fluttershy-worthy stare. “Take another step forward, I dare you!!!”

The Stone Ponies looked at each other before charging towards the little filly. Apple Bloom prepared her hind hooves for a powerful roundhouse kick. ‘Crack’ She knocked five of them back and two of them into the lava pool. The ones that are still standing growled at her before surrounding her from all sides.

“Surprise!!!” A flash of dark orange filled the stone pony’s vision before they found themselves flying out of the platform. A few seconds later, Scootaloo suddenly appeared right beside Apple Bloom. The pegasus's coat glows in a yellow light and her mane is flowing in some invisible force. “Thanks for the boost Sweetie Belle!!!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

The Unicorn filly nodded and her horn glows brightly. A flash of yellow light appeared from her horn and hit Apple Bloom. The earth pony smiled as a wave of new-found power coursed through her body. “Would you look at that?” Screwball exclaimed from the sky. “Converting Healing Spell into a powerful enchantment spell; these stone ponies doesn’t stand a chance!”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom grinned at each other before charging towards the stone ponies. With just one kick from Apple Bloom, the stone ponies shattered into rubble. With a punch from Scootaloo, the stone ponies went flying to the atmosphere.

“HELP!!!”  Apple Bloom looked back and saw Sweetie Belle hanging on the side of the pillar with a bunch of Stone Ponies surrounding her. “Hurry!!! I can’t hold on much longer!”

‘Whoosh’ Scootaloo ran towards Sweetie Belle before Apple Bloom could react. The Pegasus kicked the stone ponies away before helping the unicorn up to the pillar. “Next time, try to be more... whoa!!!”

Twilight gasped in horror when she saw Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle falling off the cliff. "Screwball!!! You have to save them!" She exclaimed in panic. The second she said that, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle disappeared from the arena. A double dinging sound appeared out of nowhere.

"Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle lost one life!" Screwball exclaimed.

Meanwhile at the arena, Apple Bloom is glaring at the stone pony who knocked her friends away. "Oh you are going to be so sorry mister!!!" The earth filly ran towards the stone pony and tackled it to the ground. She grabbed one of the stone pony's hoof with her front hoofs before standing on her hind hooves. She looked at the rest of the stone ponies with a steely look on her eyes.

Screwball watched with wide eyes as the earth pony dragged the poor earth pony by the hooves towards its brethren. "The following content may contain elements that are not suitable for some audiences." She said towards the camera.

Twilight Sparkle watched in sick fascination as Apple Bloom used the Stone Pony in her hoof as a giant mace. 'BANG' 'BANG' 'CRACK' The filly pulverized all stone ponies standing in her way. When the stone ponies in her hoofs shattered, she easily take another one and repeat. Soon enough, all Stone Ponies took the hint and decided to stay away from the angry filly.

"Whoa, Apple Bloom... Tone it down will you?" Scootaloo commented after she and Sweetie Belle materialized right behind her. "You know we still have two lives left right?"

Apple Bloom looked back at her friend and shrugged. "You both just lost one life already and the game just started." She said easily. "We need all the life we can get to defeat that!" She pointed at a Giant Three-Headed Lava Snake waiting for them at the end of the obstacle course.

The platform beneath them brought them towards the next part of the challenge. A rope bridge stretches right in front of the crusaders. Axes, blades, flamethrowers, timberwolves, drills, and fluffy kittens swung back and forth above the rope bridge. The descended down gradually every second, ready to snap the bridge in half.

"Behold!!! The Gauntlet of Deadly Terror!!!" Screwball exclaimed. "Yes, that was an Undertale reference."

Twilight Sparkle held her breath as she watched the brave little earth pony running through the tightrope bridge with ease. She gasped a little when an ax sliced through the ribbon on her head and almost knocked her off the bridge. 'Whoosh' Apple Bloom halted just in time to stop herself from running face first to a plume of fire. When the fire dissipated, she quickly lunged towards the next platform.

Then it is Scootaloo's turn. She crouched down and unfolded her wings. 'Whoosh' The pegasus was a blur as she zipped through the rope bridge faster than eyes can see. 'CLANG' Twilight cringed when Scootaloo smashed face first to the side of a huge ax. Thankfully, the pegasus is unharmed and she can continue her way through the rope bridge albeit more carefully.

Finally, it's Sweetie Belle's turn. This time, she has to be very, very, very quick or else the blades will destroy the bridge. The unicorn glows in yellow light as she used her magic to move even faster than normal. 'SNAP' Twilight gasped in shock as blade cut one of the ropes behind the unicorn. The bridge starts falling apart before Sweetie Belle can reach the end of the platform.

The unicorn filly hold on to what's left of the bridge and start swinging towards the platform. She slowed down just in time before she impacted the base of the platform. She looked up and saw Scootaloo scaling the edge of the platform to rescue her. "Come on Sweetie Belle! We can't risk losing another life or... AAAH!!" A bunch of fluffy kittens fell off the Gauntlet of Deadly Terror and assaulted the two fillies.

Both Apple Bloom and Twilight Sparkle face palmed after seeing Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle falling off the platform for the second time. The two of them appeared a few minutes later behind Apple Bloom with a sheepish look on their faces. "This is going to be harder than I expected..." the yellow filly said.

ROARR A huge three headed lava snake roared at them. Each of its head opened its mouth and shoots out a plume of fire. "Don't worry I got it!" Sweetie Belle's horn glows bright and a force field appeared in front of her. It protects everypony behind her and herself from the fire.

Too bad Apple Bloom was standing in front of her. 'Ding' Apple Bloom burnt into ashes before materializing behind Sweetie Belle with an annoyed look on her face. "Sorry Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

Now, the crusaders have to defeat the Giant Snake with only 4 lives total. All they have to do is to formulate a good strategy with their remaining lives. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, ATTACK!!!" Or they can just charge in, why the hell not?

Apple Bloom ran towards the snake. She dodged the plumes of fire coming her way before lunging towards the snake and raised her hoofs. 'SMACK' The snake slapped Apple Bloom away with its tail and the filly soared away towards the lava pool below.

"Okay, we need a plan!" Apple Bloom said after materializing behind her friends. "And quick because we only have one life left." She added while she and her friends jumped up to dodge a tail swipe from the snake.

A few seconds later, Apple Bloom somehow managed to formulate a plan. She looked at her winged friend jumping around to dodge the incoming fireball. "Scootaloo! I need you to distract all of its head!" She looked at Sweetie Belle who's holding off a plume of fire with her magic. "Sweetie Belle! You have to restrain that snake after I give you a signal." Finally she looked at the snake. "Snake!!! I need you to keep your eyes on Scootaloo and don't struggle too much when Sweetie Belle tried to restrain you." The Snake blinked owlishly before nodding in response.

Scootaloo went straight into action. She ran around in circles around the snake while the beast tried to strike him with its three jaws. "Haha!!! Catch me if you... omph!" A huge tail appeared out of nowhere and struck him straight in the face. The Snake smirked and the middle head start moving towards the pegasus filly.

"Now Sweetie Belle!!!" The Unicorn nodded and bright blue light appeared all around the snake, restraining it from doing anything. She gritted her teeth as she took a few steps back to pull the snake's maw from Scootaloo.

Twilight Sparkle watched in disbelief when Apple Bloom came running straight at her instead of the snake. The screen shook as Apple Bloom grabbed HASBRO like some sort of a basketball and start running towards the snake. 'Crack' the earth pony struck the snake with the robot camera, knocking one of its heads out cold. "Together everyone!!!" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo delivered another blow at the snake, disorienting it.

Sweetie Belle's horn glows bright. A huge wave of force field appeared right in front of her. With all her magic, Sweetie Belle pushed the three headed snake off to the lava pool below... and both of her friends too. Leaving her alone standing in the platform. "Oops..." She muttered to herself.

"AND WE HAVE A WINNER!!!" Screwball shouted. "With her sheer luck and superior power, Sweetie Belle has won this round of the Game of Chaos!!!" She clapped her hoof once and a blinding light engulfed the whole screen.

The light faded away a few minutes later, revealing the Crusaders standing together on a normal non-lava park. Sweetie Belle stood in the middle of them with a gold medal draped around her neck. They all smiled and waved their hoofs at Twilight. "Tune in next time for the next episode!!!" Screwball exclaimed. "Or you know, just grab another disc."

The video ended and Twilight Sparkle sighed with a satisfied look on her face. She looked at the pile of disc behind her and shook her head. "No thanks... I want this to last." She muttered to herself. "We'll see you soon Screwball, don't we Spike?" She looked behind and saw her dog sleeping peacefully on a sofa Screwball materialized a few days ago.

She smiled and sat right beside Spike. She gently picked him up and put him on her lap. "I can't wait to get out of here..."