//------------------------------// // Marefriends // Story: My Family // by Woody Hooves //------------------------------// It was just a few hours before 10-o-clock at night. The sky became darker as minutes passed. Little fillies and colts went outside with their parents, some with their toy telescope to look at the stars. Ponies young and old sat on their backyard around their houses to relax and enjoy the night with their family. Some ponies went to a large park with their special someponies to talk about how much they loved each other and how much they shined like the stars that brightened the night. Hope walked around the house to find where Woody was and found him in his room. He was reading a large book with the title "The Book of Astronomy" on the cover as he laid in bed. "Hi brobro! Watcha doin?" * * * * * * "Hi brobro! Watcha doin?" She asked him in her usual tone of excitement. She couldn't wait to see the stars and the full moon. "Oh, I made sandwiches to eat on the hill tonight. Thought ponies would get hungry." He said as he closed the book he was reading and looked up at a clock that was hanging on a wall. "Wow, it's already 10? We gotta go before it get's too late." He got up and wore his light brown jacket to keep himself warm. "Get ready sis. We're gonna go soon." He said with a smile as Hope jumped up and down and went to her room to get ready. He then went up to Winter's room and knocked on the door. "Hey sis, you ready to go outside?" "In a bit!" He got a muffled response as Winter was getting dressed in her white and blue coat to keep herself warm, still waiting for a reply from her crush. "Alright!" He nodded and went downstairs to the front door and waited for them to come down. * * * * * * Onyx wanted to ask his marefriend if she'd want to see the moon with him. His marefriend, Belua, didn't have a phone and lived in the Everfree Forest just like Mimi. He'd have to go through the forest to go see her. He got up, grabbed his coat, and took a flashlight. "I'm going outside. I might be back late." He said loudly, hoping somepony heard him. He opened the door and went outside, walking on the streets that led to the forest. The Everfree Forest was a little far from the house, so Onyx knew he'd have to walk for while just to go see his marefriend, but he didn't really mind since he was already used to long walks. He looked up and saw that the stars were already out to shine the night. The sky looked bright even though it was dark somehow. It amazed him how such little stars could shine so bright that it could keep the night bright. When he reached the edge of the forest, he went in without hesitation. He went to Belua's house many times before so he was used to walking in the dark forest. After a few minutes of walking through the dark forest, he found the hut where Belua lived. He took a deep breath, and walked to the front of the door and gave a quiet knock on the old wooden door. "Belua? It's me, Onyx." He said in a soft quiet tone as he waited patiently for her to come out. He took a few steps back as the door opened up, revealing his marefriend behind the door. Belua, having a bit of shyness in her, peeked her head out from the side of the door she was holding onto to hide herself. When she saw Onyx in front of her a smile appeared on her face. Belua was a hybrid of a zebra and a pegasus pony. She had long mane and tail with red and gray stripes along it. Her cutiemark was a shape of a little mouse that represented her shy and quiet personality and her quick speed in hiding. Her mother was in a tribe formed by in zebras before she was born. There was a certain rule zebras had to keep which was being equal with the other zebras. They didn't like a slightest change in their lives. But when she met a pegasus pony by walking around in the woods all by herself, she found herself falling in love with him. Belua never saw her father before but because of his pegasus genetics, Belua was born a little different from the other zebras. And since the tribe didn't like anything to be different, they had to put her away from themselves. Heartbroken, she was banned from the zebra tribe at a very young age. But she learned to live alone in the Everfree Forest. She really had a fear in magic so whenever she saw a unicorn doing a magic spell, even a simple levitation spell, she avoided them as much as possible. In fact, she avoided everypony. She had so much fear in others, so she didn't have anyone to talk to. Which explains her shy and quiet personality. But when she met Onyx, she found out that he was different. He didn't seem to bad or dangerous to her. They met in the Everfree Forest when Onyx was walking around doing one of his patrols his military officers assigned him, he met her. And after that whenever he had the chance he went to see Belua and take care of her. That's when they realized they fell in love. Now Belua wasn't afraid of him at all. She put her trust in him, and she was happy she did. "O-oh! It's you..." Belua said in a quiet tone behind the door as she saw her stallionfriend smile back. "Hey, umm... I was wondering if you'd like to come see the stars with me." Onyx said with a slight blush, but thanks to the darkness the trees gave he was glad she didn't see it. "De staws?" She repeated the words with her zebra accent. The trees of the Everfree Forest covered up the sky so it was hard to see anything at all. She looked at him and held her head down low, feeling her face blush. "D-dat... would be nice..." Onyx held his hoof out to her, and the young zebra gracefully held onto it and walked out toward him. "I know a good hill. I think Woody is planning on a picnic at night to look at the moon. Would you want to come with?" He asked. Belua wasn't really much of a talker, but she did like Onyx's friends. Even though she was really shy, she listened to nearly everything his friends talk to him and thought it was ok to trust them since they were his friends. She decided to join them as she gave a slow nod. "Alright then, let's go." Onyx chuckled softly as he led his marefriend to where hill was and join the rest. * * * * * * Woody leaned on a wall, waiting for Winter to come downstairs so they could all go. Hope was already looking out the window, looking at the night sky where the shining stars showed it's bright light. He smiled as he saw his sister smile widely and get excited for the night. He then thought about asking Mimi to see if she'd want to come with. He knew her house was not very far from here, so he decided to go visit her on the way to the hill. "I'm ready now!" Winter said as she came down the stairs. "Alright, let's go now." Woody opened the door and walked out to the car as Hope and Winter followed behind him. He unlocked the door and got in the drivers seat and put on his seat belt. "I'm gonna try and go see Mimi before we go to the hill, ok?" They all said that it was ok as they drove to Mimi's house. In the car, Winter looked at her phone, still waiting for a reply that never came. She became a little more nervous. 'Am I late? Why did I send him that text? Will he respond? Maybe he's already with his friends outside.. Did I bother him?' Her mind began to fill up with worry as she felt a little paranoid. She then decided to believe that he didn't see the message, but still felt a little sad for not getting a reply from her crush. She leaned her head against the window and watched the trees pass by as she felt alone.