Winter & Dagi

by Sparkling blaze

Winter's side

Winter's POV

I've just dumped the last of it down the drain. I can't believe Adagio. She promised she would stop drinking while she's pregnant. Does what she see scare her that much? I need to find her, she could do anything with how she's feeling. I call the only person I think can help me. I call my big sister.

"Hello?"I hear Sunset's voice from the other end of the line.

"Sunset,can you come around?Me and Adagio had a bit of a fight and she ran away."

"What?"Sunset sounded perplexed."I'll be there soon."

A few minutes later Sunset got there.

"Okay so what happened? She asked me. I filled her in on what happened. After that she thinks for a moment.

"She's going to go one of two places. Either she's going to go get more to drink or she's going to go back to her house."

"Let's go look for her then."

While I went to Dagi's old house and searched for her room for room there,Sunset went to all bars nearby and searched for Adagio in there.

Unfortunately none of us had any luck finding her tho.

But I was very worried since Adagio wasn't in a good mental state to be alone,and to top it off her pregnancy had not been easy till this point too.

"You find her?" I asked Sunset when I met back up with her.

"No I haven't. She could be anywhere."

"We have to find her. I... I'm really worried about her."

Sunset pulled me into a hug.

"She's going to be ok. We're gonna find her."

That's when I started getting a really bad feeling,maybe we should re-check Adagio's old house.

I turn to Sunset:

"Maybe we should re-check her old house."

"We've been there already, you sure?"

"Yeah I think we should check it."

We go back to her house it looks like it did earlier, just feels different.

"We should check her room." I go up and try to open the door only to find it's locked.

I knocked on it. "Dagi?"

No response.

"Dagi?"I call out louder.But this time I hear something that indicates she's there,and she's in danger,I hear her struggling to breathe.

I look at Sunset worried.

"Let's break the door."She says."On 3.1,2,3."

We throw ourselves at the door to see on the other side Adagio passed out,half dead,next to a bunch of bottles.