Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria

by FandomPlays1234

Prologue: Invasion of Equestria

It's another beautiful day in Equestria and the Celestia's castle was lively as ever. However today was there was a special reason, today was Princess Flurry Heart's 21st birthday.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLURRY HEART!" everypony cheered and clapped their hooves.

"Wow thanks everypony I really appreciate you all for doing this for me," said Flurry Heart blushing.

"Anything for our cute daughter," smiled Shining Armor.

"Dad stop it," giggled Flurry.

"We love you sweetie," said Cadence nuzzling Flurry.

"I love you too mom," said Flurry. Everypony in the room once again started cheering as they watched Flurry cuddle with Cadence.

"Congratulations on your 21st birthday Princess Flurry Heart," said Celestia walking up to her.

"Thank you your majesty," said Flurry Heart bowing down to her.

"Come on everypony let's go outside we have a lot to do!" Pinkie Pie cheered. Everypony began following Pinkie Pie out to the castle's backyard talking with one another. The castle's yard actually looked a lot livelier with all the decorations and guests talking and dancing to the music playing. The ponies that took notice clapped and cheered as Flurry Heart waved while she walked past them.

"Everypony I would like to thank you for coming to Princess Flurry Heart's 21st birthday, please stay awhile and enjoy yourselves," announced Celestia. Everypony clapped and went back to talking and laughing.

"Wow good punch," said Flurry Heart sipping from her cup.

"Glad you like it your majesty, I made it from scratch," said a guest mare.The party continued to go on with ponies laughing, talking, dancing and so on. All the while Flurry Heart was really enjoying the company and was really enjoying herself.

"So how's the party?" Pinkie asked.

"It's really great, I've never had so much fun in my life," answered Flurry.

"Yay the princess likes my party," Pinkie cheered. Flurry laughed as she reached over to grab her cup when she felt something. Suddenly the talking stopped and the music was cut short.

"What's going on?" asked Fluttershy. Flurry looked over to the cup to notice it vibrating. Then she felt the ground beneath her shaking.

"What in Equestria?" asked Twilight.

"Hey look!" a mare said pointing towards the sky. Everypony turned to see what she was pointing at to see a giant object hovering over the garden as purple clouds surrounded the area around the object. A loud groaning sound could be heard just as the object came to a halt right above the yard.

"What is that?" asked Rarity.

"It looks like some sort of giant machine," answered Twilight. Just as she answered, the bottom hatch of the Airship groaned open as a smaller aircraft appeared and descended down into the yard. As the spacecraft landed the hatch on the side flipped open as a small ramp slid down. Out of curiosity the ponies began to crowd around the spacecraft as white smoke flowed out of the blinding white light pouring out of the door. The sound of footsteps slowly yet steadily approached the ponies as a human figure walked out and onto the grass. The human was wearing a black robe with a red skull in front of a giant red S with two red tridents pointing outwards from either side, was stitched onto the left side of his robe. His red hair was cut short along with his red buzz cut.

"Who is that?" asked Applejack.

"I don't know but he's obviously a human," answered Starlight.

"A human," Flurry repeated. The human looked around and stepped off to the left of the ramp and began to speak in a loud voice.

"Citizens of Equestria we've come on behalf of the most feared leader known throughout the galaxy!"

"Most feared leader?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Behold the King of Destruction, Lord Oblivion!" Just as he revealed the name another figure appeared from the spacecraft. This figure looked different then the human though. Instead of being human, this figure was a complete skeleton wearing a black armor with his red cape flowing behind him. Purple flames were spewing out of the top of it's skull and he held a large red scepter with a giant black obsidian jewel sitting on top of a skull at the tip. A Crow sat on the left figure's left shoulder while a Raven on it's right.

"Is that him?" asked Pinkie.

"It must be," answered Starlight.

"And now I would like to introduce his partner in crime, Lord Cross, leader of the Necro Zynx!" announced the human. Once again another figure walked out. This one had armor with a navy blue tint similar similar to the color of Princess Luna's fur. He had blue dragon like wings attached to his back but with circuits running up an down. He wore a helmet that resembled a dragon's skull and instead of claws, he had talons.

The figure named Oblivion scoffed,"So this is Celestia's castle, looks kind of dull if I do say so myself,"

"But it's better than nothing," snickered Cross.

Celestia cleared her throat as she stepped forward,"Can we help you with something?" the two turned to face the four princesses that approached them.

"Heh well would ya look at this," laughed Cross.

"The four princesses all gathered here at once,"said Oblivion. "Alright I ain't gonna repeat myself so y'all better listen up and listen well, right now we've got business we have to deal with so we ain't got a lot of time,"

"Normally you guys wouldn't have anything to do with us, so we WOULD leave you alone at any other scenario," said Cross.

"But to make explanations easier, how about thinking of joining our cause?" asked Oblivion.

"Your cause?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"That's right, The Sinister League and The Necro Zynx Empire," answered Cross.

"Sounds great and all but we'll pass," answered Luna.

"Hmph well then, I guess if you won't surrender, then we'll just have to do this the hard way won't we?" laughed Oblivion. He raised his left arm and snapped his finger followed by the same loud groaning of the airship's bottom hatch opening.

"What in Equestria?" asked Cadence. Both Cross and Oblivion laughed as they moved to the sides of the ramp as several more figures appeared from the spacecraft, all of them equipped with a large cannon. Twilight gasped as the figures approached them with the barrels of their cannons pointed at them. Some of the figures were wearing black armor with the same symbol that was on Oblivion's robe imprinted on their chest plates. They wore black helmets that only revealed their eyes. Some figures looked like anthropomorphic lizards with blue armor with a strange symbol consisting of the letter N in the center of a bigger letter Z imprinted on their chest plates, shoulder pads, and even their helmets. The helmets they wore looked similar to the one Cross was wearing but some of them held electro staffs while others had scythes as arms. Either way Flurry knew they were being attacked.

"Hold your position men!" Cross ordered. The figures all did as they were told and stopped short with their cannons pointed at the ponies. The guests tried to escape they were suddenly cornered by several more guards that had dropped down from the airship.

"What are you doing!?" Flurry asked.

"Don't you see, if you're not going to surrender than you're our enemy, which means you're the closest thing to threatening to our plan," answered Cross with a smirk. "FIRE!" he ordered. Just as on cue, one of the cannons went off as a large black net flew out and onto Cadence entangling her into the net as well as electrocuting her.

"MOM!" Flurry called out. More cannons went off as several more nets shot out and entangled themselves into the guests, shocking them. The guests began running around screaming as several of the lizard guards began chasing them down.

"Luna get everypony to safety!" Celestia ordered. Luna nodded as she ran off giving Celestia time to Twilight and Flurry. "Twilight listen to me, you must go and find somepony who can help,"

"I'll try Princess," answered Twilight.

"You must hurry otherwise we'll-" but Celestia's statement was cut short when a black net suddenly flew into her shocking her in the process.

"CELESTIA!" Twilight screamed. Luna hearing Twilight's cries of despair quickly turned around and ran back to find her sister on the ground entangled in the net.

"Tia!" Luna said running to her sister's side. Suddenly more guards approached the three with their cannons pointed at them.

"Gotcha!" snickered a guard firing his cannon at Twilight. Luna quickly took the opportunity to jump in front of Twilight and intercept the net before it hit her.

"LUNA!" Twilight screamed.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy called out. Both Flurry and Twilight looked over to see their friends running over to them.

Another guard fired his cannon at Twilight just as Rainbow Dash flew in screaming. "NOOO!!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Flurry cried out. Another guard fired his cannon at Flurry which both Applejack and Rarity intercepted due to Flurry's big body.

"Damn wrong target again," pouted the guard.

"I got this," said a second guard pointing his cannon at Flurry. Pinkie noticed and quickly pulled out her party cannon and aimed at the space between the guards and Flurry. Once she got her aim, Pinkie jumped in and fired launching herself towards the guard and Flurry. Mean while the guard fired his cannon just in time for Pinkie to fly through and intercept the net before it reached Flurry.

"Damn it again seriously!?" screamed the guard.

"Pinkie not you too," Twilight said.

"Twilight!" Starlight called out to her. Twilight and Flurry turned around to see two lizard guards holding their scythe arms up to Fluttershy and Starlight's throat.

"Flurry you have to get out of here find help," Twilight ordered.

"But I can't just leave you here," said Flurry.

"You have to, if you stay here you'll just be caught," said Twilight.


"GO!" Twilight ordered. Flurry took a step back and looked around the yard, the entire party was completely destroyed and several of the guests were on the ground entangled in nets while others were captured by the lizard guards. Flurry realized Twilight wasn't doing this just for her, if she got caught then nopony would be able to save the ponies here,"She knelt down to her mother and nuzzled her with a tear in her eye.

"I'll be back, I promise I'll save you," she said. She wiped her tears away and nodded at Twilight. She spread her wings and took off.

"Hey she's trying to escape!" one of the guards called out.

"Don't let her escape!" Cross ordered. All of the guards raised their cannons up towards Flurry and fired. But Flurry's agility had outmatched the guards aim and quickly dodged all of the nets and flew off.

"Stop her!" Cross called out.

"No," Oblivion ordered.

"What?" asked Cross.

"Let her go, she isn't worth our time," Oblivion answered. He turned towards Twilight smirking. "Instead take her," he ordered pointing at Twilight. Twilight quickly began digging through her bag until she found what she was looking for.

"The Elements of Harmony," said Twilight. "I have to do this," she said. As the guards continued to close in on her Twilight closed her eyes and focused on her spell. The Elements began to glow in the purple aura Twilight was emitting. Twilight through her head back just as the guards pounced on her and the elements shot up in the air and split off into several different directions. Flurry Heart who had managed to escape noticed the six purple lights heading off into different directions.

"Twilight what did you do?" Flurry asked herself. She shook her head, now wasn't the time to think, she had to hurry otherwise who knew what those guys would do. She quickly turned back around and flew towards the horizon while leaving behind a trail of tears.

She prayed for her friend's safety....

For Twilight's safety.....

For her mother's safety.