Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria

by FandomPlays1234

Chapter 1: Magic

To be honest I don't know how this all started but I guess I have no choice. I mean I couldn't just leave this pony lying here. Yeah you heard me right a pony. What you don't know what I'm talking about, yeah I figured, I just dove right into the topic didn't I? Alright then I guess I'll explain everything. So as a daily routine I went into the forest to my favorite spot to sketch again. It was raining hard last night for some reason, the weather didn't say anything about rain so I found it strange. Fortunately for me, the ground was wet so it was nice and cool. But enough about that, so I get to my favorite spot and I'm about to sit down when I noticed a horde of animals crowding around something. Curiously I walk over to see what it was and surprisingly it was a pony. I didn't know where is came from or why she was here but I couldn't just leave her knocked out here. So I decided to take her back to my house and that's where I am now.

"God what has she been eating?" I mumble carrying her on my back. I continue to carry her and eventually reach my house.

Flurry moans as she tosses and turns in bed the scared look on her face indicating that she was having a nightmare. Meanwhile I sit on the chair near her bed. I intently stare at her thinking about why she was here. Could this have some sort of connection to the strange stone I found nearby last night. Right now I had question without answers, thus the only way I'm going to get answers is if she wakes up. I walk over to her and stand over her as her eyes shoot open as she wakes up gasping.

"So you're finally awake," I say calmly. She looks over to me and slowly gets up.

"Wha... Where am I?" she asks.

"You're in my house," I answer. "I found you unconscious at the lake near here so I brought you here,"

"Where is my mother?" she asks.

"Your mother?" I ask. She groans as she puts a hoof up to forehead. "Whoa don't get up you're not well yet," I said putting my hands on her shoulders.

"Who are you?" she asks.

"I'm Fandom Player but most of my friends just call me Fands," I answer.

"Fandom?" she groggily asks.

"Listen I don't know where you came from or why you're here but you're not well enough to get up," I say gently pushing her down.

"No I can't I mean I really appreciate you trying to help but I need to go," she said.

"No I'm not letting you leave in this condition," I say. "Now that I think about it who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Flurry Heart," she answers.

"Flurry Heart you need to stay here," I say.

"No I need to get up," she says jumping out of bed. But just as she took one step towards the door she winces and nearly collapses. I run over and wrap my arms around her chest and help her up.

"Come on I'm telling you to relax," i say.

"No you don't understand!" she cries looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Flurry," I say with a sad look in my eyes. Flurry's eyes widened realizing what she has just done.

"Oh my Celestia, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No it's fine," I interrupt. "Normally I don't force others to do what I want but you really aren't in the condition to move," I add. "But from what I can tell, there seems to be more to the story isn't there," Flurry slumps down and covers her face with her hooves and starts to cry. I rub her on the back and ask,"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah," she sniffles.

"Alright then," I say sitting next to her. "So what happened?" I ask. And so Flurry thoroughly explains everything from her birthday, to the invasion, to Oblivion and Cross, and ending with her escape from the enemy. "So that's it," I say. I clench my teeth in frustration as she mentions Oblivion and The Sinister Legion. "Shit," I curse.

"What is it?" Flurry asks looking up.

"Oblivion is a selfish being that believes this world is corrupted thus he wants to destroy it to make it perfect," I answer. "The Sinister Legion is an organization that follows Oblivion because they believe he's trying to make a perfect world, little do they know that the world Oblivion is trying to create is a world full of hatred and despair,"

"What about Cross and the Necro Zynx?" Flurry asks.

"To be honest this is the first time I've heard of the Necro Zynx, but I can tell you that I belong to the resistance opposing Oblivion and his followers," I answer.

"I see," Flurry said.

"You say you escaped from Canterlot to find help am I correct?" I ask.

"That's right, but I have a feeling that this is not just about finding help," she answered.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"When I was escaping, I saw six purple lights fly off in different directions, curious I wanted to follow a light to what it was," she answered.

"And I suppose one of those lights was headed near here," I suggest. Flurry nodded. That's when it hit me,"Oh well in that case I think it might be connected to this weird stone I found this morning,"

"Weird stone?" Flurry asked getting up.

"Yeah it's a purple stone in the shape of a six pointed star," I say walking over to the nightstand.

"Purple stone in the shape of a six pointed star?" Flurry asks. I nod as I pick up the box off the nightstand and walk over to Flurry.

"I assumed it fell out of the sky but I haven't been able to confirm it's origin," I answer opening the box and showing it to her.The face she makes when gazing at the stone is one of obvious, she was clearly shocked at what I held.

"That's...." Flurry stutters.

"What?" I ask.

"Fandom you say you found this right?" Flurry asks. I nod with a confused look on my face. "Fandom you just found something that may be the key to saving Equestria," said Flurry excited.

"I did?" I ask.

"Flurry gently picks up the stone with her magic and gazes at it,"This is one of the six Elements of Harmony," she answered.

"Elements of Harmony?" I ask. So for the next few minutes Flurry explains to me about the Elements of Harmony and it's bearers. "Wow so it's a very powerful item," I say. Flurry nod.

"I'm surprised that this one chose to land here though," said Flurry.

"Does it not normally do that?" I ask.

"Well we've never actually had the Elements break from each other but the fact that YOU found it must mean something," Flurry suggests.

"Does it really?" I ask. Flurry nodded, suddenly the element began to glow in a bright purple pinkish light as it began to hover above the ground, the next thing I knew a holographic form of a purple pony appeared before us. The pony was a mare with a horn and wings like Flurry. "Whoa," I say.

"Twilight," Flurry whimpers.

"What?" I ask. The holographic pony turns towards Flurry and smiles.

"Hello Flurry Heart," it says.

"Twilight is that you!?" Flurry asks excitedly.

"No I'm just a part of her conscience," the pony answers.

"Her conscience?" I ask. The holograph nods and looks back at Flurry.

"Flurry Heart I must congratulate on your achievement," it says.

"Achievement?" Flurry asks.

"Yes, you found the temporary bearer of the Element of Magic," answered the hologram.

"Wait temporary bearer?" Flurry asks. The hologram nods.

"As you know Equestria was invaded by The Sinister Legion and Necro Zynx Empire," Both Flurry and I nod. "I must warn you that what they have planned is one that none can imagine,"

"What do you mean?" asks Flurry.

"Both the Necro Zynx and The Sinister Legion are planning to use the powers of the legendary Prism Pokemon Necrozma to summon Dark Mastter Core in order to activate the Solunar Eclipse in order to create the Dark Hole," answers the hologram.

"Prism, Pokemon, Necrozma, Dark Mastter Core, Solunar Eclipse, Dark Hole, what!?" asks Flurry Heart.

"I'm afraid the only other thing I can tell you is that you must go beyond Equestria to find six heroes to act as the temporary bearers of the elements to put an end to Oblivion and Cross's plan you already found Fandom the bearer of Magic, now you just need 5 more," said the hologram.

"Wait, who are you and how do you know my name?" I ask.

"I am Twilight Sparkle's conscience, as for the second question, I know you because I chose you to be the temporary bearer of Twilight's element," answered the hologram.

"Wait Twilight I don't understand," said Flurry.

"I don't expect you to, but in a certain time you will, for now this is all I will say, if you wish to know more, go find the rest of the elements and their bearers, until then farewell," said Twilight's conscience as she vanished. For a moment things went silent until I spoke up.

"This is so weird," I say. Suddenly Flurry's head shot up as she looked at me.

"Fandom I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to do, but I need you're help," she pleads.

"Wha?" I ask.

"Please if what she said is true then this is the only way we can save this world, please my family's life is in danger, I can't bear to watch them die," Flurry pleaded. I think about it for a moment. Oblivion is planning to destroy this world which means everyone's life is on the line. But he doesn't know what it is he has to do. But even so that doesn't give him the excuse to run out on Flurry. I nod and turn to face her.

"Alright I'll do it," I say. Flurry's eyes widen as she hugged me.

"Oh thank you, I don't know how to repay your kindness," she sobs.

"Don't need any repayment, this IS for your family after all," I answer.

"Thank you," Flurry sobbed. Suddenly the Element began to glow as it suddenly flew over to me. Both Flurry and I look down to see the element settle down around my chest as two strings emerged and wrapped around my neck turning the stone into a pendent.

"Whoa now that's cool," I say.

"Well you ARE the magic bearer," said Flurry.

"I guess that's true, well let's get a move on we have to find the rest of those elements," I say running out the door. Flurry smiled and ran after me as she wiped the tears from her eyes. This was it, the time for our biggest journey to begin.