//------------------------------// // chapter 6 // Story: Of a strange phonomena // by Dragonrose Lovesong //------------------------------// "Rainbow Dash, are you alright?" The princess asks again. When Daisy Chain's head was properly back in place Rainbow shakes her head as if coming out of a trance. "Sorry, Dashie I think you blacked out." Pinkie says with an apologetic look to her friend. "Wha?" She shakes her head again. "What are you talking about, I just said you were acting weird then you looked over here." She says slightly confused. "And ya didn't see anything else?" Applejack asks "No, not really." She looks around, "Why?" After some blank stares her friends say, "Yep blacked out." "No she didn't." Daisy Chain says sounding suddenly sane. Before smiling sadistically while lightning flashes from her mane concentrating on a small rabbit shaped space near Rainbow's head. A small chibi style lop bunny falls to the ground charred by the electricity. "Lovie!" Rainbow cries out and picks up the plush toy looking animal and holds it her chest, "What's wrong with you?" "With me?" Daisy Chain foreigns shock and then chuckles. "A better question is why do you hold so closely the second most dangerous creature in all of Equestria?" "Dangerous? It's a bunny that likes to sew." Rainbow deadpans. "It eats souls." Crimson Quill speaks up from where the other members of the Counsel are looking at it as if it had fangs and claws. "What are they talking about Lovie?" Rainbow addresses the creature as if it were a five year old's toy while holding it at arms length. After some noises they couldn't understand Rainbow responds saying, "She says she doesn't know what you're taking about." At this Daisy Chain stops smiling and the Counsel members and Pinkie Pie back away from her. "Dash that thing didn't speak one word Equestrian." Applejack says. Dash giggles at this, "Why would she speak equestrian? She's not a pony." She again holds it close to her chest like a treasured toy. "Rainbow Dash you do know the kind of pony those creatures keep near to correct?" Pinkie Pie asks with a slightly forced smile. "Oh," she looks down. She looks up and smiles, "it should be fine. I'm sure would of triggered it." "I'm sorry did you say trigger?" Daisy Chain looks perplexed. "Yeah." She answers hesitantly. Daisy Chain once again laughs manically. "That was a good one, for a second there I thought you implied that the most dangerous creature in all of Equuis will only rampage when they seen something gruesome." "Well yeah that would be stupid." Rainbow says and the ponies who understood what was going on began to chuckle. "They can either turn to gore or lust so anything r-rated can trigger it." At this all sound stops and Daisy Chain's right eye twitches. "Princess a moment if you will." She says and the starts walking to the door. The princess follows her out of the room with a confused expression.