Dragon's Bane

by Sazura

Quests and Questions

The strength of a lone Dragon amounts to nothing
For he will be doomed only to battle himself
The strength of Brothers and Sisters is everything
For who else is to save you from yourself?


Twilight sat in the seat of a sky chariot as it sped through the endless blue. She was traveling with Ahtrax, Leethum and Magna in tow, as well as Celestia and Luna in the next carriage with an entourage of Royal Guards. The anticipated reactions of her friends and Ponyville in general when she would return back with her extended company sent nervous pangs through her stomach. Causing panic with the state Fluttershy and Spike were in was the last thing she wanted to do.

Next to her, Rainbow worked her wings, keeping up with the chariot easily. Her expression was one of guilt, and for a second Twilight almost forgot to be angry with her. She understood that she was only standing up for Spike, but in doing so had made his entire future a complete mess, as well as jeopardise the safety of Ponyville. Would the dragons see Spike as a servant even though he was their cherished friend? Would they turn violent if they did? Would they take him back to wherever they originated from? Question after question ran through Twilight’s head, not allowing her a moment’s peace.

Twilight refused to look in Rainbow’s direction, but out of the corner of her eyes she caught glimpses of a pained expression on her friend’s face. She knew she would have to forgive her eventually, but for now the negative feelings bubbling away in the back of her mind prevented her from doing so. Rainbow was only being herself, and Twilight had always appreciated her for that.

As they neared their destination, Celestia suddenly called for the entire procession to come to a halt. They stopped in mid-air, roughly a league away from Ponyville.

“Are you preventing us from meeting our own kin, Sun?” Ahtrax’s voice shook the air around the ponies, resounding deep within their eardrums.

“Of course not, Luna and I have promised your meeting. I simply wish to alert the residents of this town beforehand. Your sudden appearance will cause chaos,” Celestia replied. Her tone was soft, but laced with an authority so ancient not even a dragon could refuse.

With a few strokes of her snow-white wings, she ascended above the rest of the group. Her horn glowed a magnificent morning yellow, and as she spoke her voice boomed out across the landscape below them. It was not loud, however. It whispered past Twilight and Rainbow’s ears the same as the ponies below them.

“Residents of Ponyville. Do not panic, you are hearing the voice of I, Princess Celestia. Princess Luna and I will be arriving in your town in a very short time, with the company of a group of dragons. These dragons are our guests, and I ask you to treat them with the same hospitality that you would with Princess Luna or me. Our visit will be short, and I urge you not to panic. You will be safe while we are there.”

The glow of her horn died, and she gracefully descended into the chariot hovering below her. The procession began moving again. They eventually landed just outside the edge of Ponyville, beside the river that ran along the north side of the rural town. As they entered the narrow roads, Twilight explained the circumstances of Spike’s condition.

“This childling seems promising, little one. Dragons rarely dream, and our dreams usually come in the form of visions, past future or present. If this ‘Spike’ is dreamscaping at his young age he may very well be the one we are looking for.” Ahtrax had a determined look in his eyes. A fire seemed to burn in them, a fire that would engulf anything that prevented him from obtaining what his eyes were set on.

“What’s going to happen to him if he is…the rightful heir to your throne?”

“His nature will awaken. Every leader before him has answered to the call of their Royal Blood. It is unavoidable. I’m sure you have had times when Spike acted more like a dragon, less like a pony.”

She couldn’t imagine it. Her helper, Spike, the King of Dragons? Saviour of the entire race? Even more questions began calling for her attention, and this time she allowed her mind to ponder them as they walked to the hospital.

Twilight began to see that something was wrong. There were more police officers running around than usual. The number thickened as the group approached the hospital, with ponies on both sides gaping openly at the magnificent beasts. Most of the ponies sank into a bow as Celestia and Luna passed, others too terrified or fascinated by the dragons to do anything at all.

Celestia motioned to the closest officer. “What’s the situation here, sir?”

The colt only managed to stare at Celestia with his jaw gaping for a few seconds, apparently unable to believe that royalty was speaking to him. “Oh..I..um…situation at the hospital, your majesty. A patient has disappeared. We’re currently trying to determine how, exactly. We have a rough idea on who did it.”

Celestia dismissed the colt with a smile and a nod. They saw now the area around the hospital was a chaotic mess, with numerous officers pulling over every passerby they could. Panic pierced through Twilight’s mind even further. They didn’t need this right now, and the thought of Fluttershy, or even worse, Spike disappearing given the circumstances was unfathomable. Ok, calm down Twilight, she thought to herself, you’re being paranoid. The colt didn’t mention names.

She spotted her friends standing just outside the doors of the hospital, with the exception of Fluttershy. Twilight ran up with Rainbow in tow to meet them, hoping they would hold answers. It was not a good sign, then, that they looked more solemn now than when she had left.

Rainbow had already reached them, and as Twilight neared AJ began explaining the situation. “Well…Fluttershy said that last night she heard someone in Spike’s room. Said she thought it was just a nurse or somethin' like that. Then she heard his voice yell out, real panicked like. The window opened, and she only got there in time to see somethin' fly away. Spike was already gone.”

The words had not quite registered with Twilight. Spike was…gone? One of her oldest friends had been wrenched away when she needed him the most. Thoughts of where he could be at that moment filled her with worry, the possibilities boggling her mind.

“Twilight…? Twilight! TWILIGHT!” Rarity’s voice snapped her out of her reeling thoughts.

“What?” she could only reply.

“Why are the dragons here, of all places? Whatever happened in Canterlot?”

“They’re not like the scary old dragons we saw at the Great Dragon Migration, are they?” Pinkie was staring at them with watchful eyes.

“We are more civilised than the members of our kin you saw at The Migration, if that is what you mean, little one,” Leethum said as he approached the group.

The presence of three dragons did not help with the situation that was already chaos at the hospital. Residents of Ponyville, including the police officers, were panicky and jumpy at their every motion.


The sudden shout surprised everypony involved, though the dragons remained unflinching. The accusation had come from Rarity, who had the look of somepony who had just come upon a revelation.

“What is it this pony is accusing us of?” Ahtrax pounded a claw into the earth as he spoke, creating a miniature crater. Several ponies jumped and quickly ran away, while the nurses in the hospital threw him dirty looks. Impressively, Rarity stared the beast straight in the eye.

“Twilight, it was these mongrels that took away Spikey-wikey! Fluttershy said she saw something huge and winged fly off last night right before she noticed that he was gone. I can’t think of a more apt description of a dragon!”

“Rarity, they’re here to see Spike! Why would they kidnap him if they were going to see him now?” Twilight retorted. She had to prevent this situation from boiling over.

“What was it that took him, then?” The normally cool and graceful unicorn was absolutely enraged.

It was Rainbow that replied this time. “Rarity, these guys were in Canterlot the entire night, it couldn’t have been them. And you’re not making a very good first impression, right now.”

“Rarity, it would be best to lay your anger to rest for now, we have other pressing matters to attend to.” Celestia’s request was not to be refused. Rarity’s mouth zipped itself, and she shrank back into the group as she noticed the dragons, who were now smoking at the nostrils.

All three of them looked like they were about to breathe fire. Literally. “Sun and Moon, what do you hope to accomplish with this?” A small jet of flame exited Magna’s throat as he spoke, scorching the earth in front of him. The dragons had apparently chosen to blame Celestia and Luna for the missing dragon.

“It was not us who arranged this. We understand that it would be in our best interest to allow you to see him. The most likely story is that a third party is also involved.” Luna’s democratic voice had kicked in.

“He is our companion as well as your kin. If you so wish, we may join to search for him,” Celestia continued with a sharp edge in her voice.

“You have angered me and my companions severely, Sun and Moon. You make promises you fail to keep, and your subjects accuse us of crimes we know nothing of. The time for talk is over for us.” Ahtrax roared, and breathed in as he prepared to loose a searing jet of flame.


Pinkie had always hated conflict. Her humble beginnings from a rock farm meant she had very little experience of it. She had nothing much at all, actually. Her family had never managed to show much emotion before she developed her cutie mark. Now, she had friends that were like her family. And she hated it when they fought.

This whole situation was very odd then, even for Pinkie. Not the kind of odd that makes you laugh, the kind of odd that makes you scared. She watched as the dragon breathed in and prepared to toast everything around him. She wished for something that would stop it, anything to buy time.


A police mare came galloping out of the door of the hospital. Her horn was glowing, levitating a piece of parchment in front of her. A jet of red and orange was shot into the sky, ascending almost fifty meters before dying out. The glow of Celestia and Luna’s horns also died out, for they were prepared to deflect the stream of fire whatever way they could.

“What could this pony possibly have for us to prevent us from burning this town to rubble!?” Ahtrax roared

“Calm, brother! Even if we were to engage hostilities, you forget who we are in the presence of.” Leethum motioned to Celestia and Luna, who were still looking at the dragons with reproach.

“You are overreacting. This is only one childling, not even confirmed to be the king,” Magna backed up Leethum. They both knew the magical power of the regal sisters was not to be provoked. Ahtrax simply closed his jaw, expression still steaming.

“What is it this tiny piece of parchment could possibly contain?” Ahtrax’s voice sounded like deep thunder.

Celestia approached the mare, who had now realised what she had interrupted and was quivering in place. “What is it you have for us? There is no need for fear.”

“A…p-piece of evidence that was left at the scene, Princess Celestia. It contained a message to…Twilight Sparkle and the Holders of Harmony. I overheard what you were all talking about...”

“Thank you for bringing this to us.” Celestia performed a short bow to the mare, and she managed to perform one in return before quickly scampering off. The parchment unfurled itself, and Celestia began reading the contents.

We have taken your friend across forest, mountain, desert, river and fire. Twilight Sparkle and the Holders of Harmony are to pass these trials, if they are to recover what was taken. We are at the place where dragons nest. Prove that you are able to overcome the hardships before you, and we will reveal all.

Hear our name, for we call ourselves the Dragon’s Bane.

“What in the hay does that mean?” AJ asked.

“I think…this group called ‘Dragon’s Bane’ has taken Spike to the volcano where the dragons rest after The Migration…” Twilight figured.

“We have heard of no such group among our ranks. You still suggest that the culprits responsible for taking your friend are one of us?” Ahtrax growled.

“No, of course not! Our friend said she heard the sound of hooves before she saw the winged creature carry Spike away. It was a pony that did it.” Twilight panicked. Was there any way she could stop him from becoming hostile again?

“So you admit to your treachery, then?” Ahtrax looked as if he was about to spew fire again.

“Brother, think rationally! Why would they want to admit it was a pony who committed this heinous act?” Leethum rebutted before Ahtrax could set everything alight.

“Well, what was it that Fluttershy saw flying off then?” Rarity inquired.

“I don’t know…but it might the key to figuring all of this out,” Twilight said.

“Well what are we waiting for? Spike’s waitin' for us! Let’s get movin!” AJ maintained her reputation of diving into things headfirst.

“Wait. If you are to take on the advice of this note, it would be best for you to prepare,” Celestia interrupted AJ before she could speed off. “I have a feeling you will not be alone on this journey. These trials may test you more severely than you first anticipate.” Her horn glowed, and a case materialised out of thin air. It was the case that contained the Elements of Harmony.

“It was a message sent to the Holders of Harmony, so it only be appropriate you undertake this journey with the Elements,” Luna explained.

“Ahtrax, Spike is a member of your kin. What is it you desire to do for this situation?” Celestia asked, watching the dragon with testing eyes.

He looked to be processing several thoughts at a time. Ahtrax appeared more rational now than any of the ponies present had seen him so far. “We will stay in your land to search it further. This childling is of interest, but there are surely more dragons in Equestria. I can see that you will undertake this journey regardless of whether we ask you to or not.”

Twilight looked back at him in puzzlement. It seemed unlike them to let she and her friends look for Spike alone, instead of overseeing it personally.

“It is settled, then. The Holders of Harmony will take this task alone,” Celestia said to no one in particular.

“We have information back at Canterlot in the Archives that may seem useful to you, Ahtrax.” Luna gestured back at the chariots. With a nod, the dragons took off into the sky, heading back in the direction they came.

“Good luck to you all…we will be in contact.” Celestia and Luna also ascended, heading back to the chariots, leaving the bewildered group of friends standing stock-still, trying to believe everything that just happened.

Pinkie looked around at her friends, who all had mixed looks of worry, nervousness and anticipation. She knew it was not the time for another song, or comedy act. They needed something else to cheer them up.

“Hey, everypony? Let’s go visit Fluttershy again. She’s really healed up!” Pinkie burst out.

The mention of Fluttershy waking seemed to form a spark in Twilight and Rainbow’s eyes. They had not yet seen her since she had awoken. Twilight levitated the case containing the Elements, and the group walked through the hospital, where nurses, doctors and patients were still trying to get over the fact they had three full grown dragons about to get violent just outside these walls. Everypony seemed jumpy at every small motion, as if whatever caused it was about to spontaneously combust.

Fluttershy looked at them as they entered, and a joyous look spread across her face as she saw the two friends who were absent at her waking. “Rainbow Dash, Twilight! Oh, you’re back!” She was weak, however, and stayed in the bed while they approached her.

“You don’t need that clunky thing breathing for you anymore!” Rainbow laughed.

“It’s so great to see you’re getting back on your hooves! When did the doctors say you could leave?” Twilight said happily.

“I could leave now…but where would I go? I don’t have a home anymore…” Fluttershy still had the same kindness she always had in her eyes, but it was mixed with an indescribable sadness.

“You know you’re welcome to stay with any one of us for as long as you need to, sugarcube,” AJ offered.

“Yeah, we could have sleepovers every night! And eat popcorn and watch movies until morning!” Pinkie knew that she enjoyed quiet nights in with close friends.

“Thanks everypony…it really means a lot to me…” Fluttershy’s eyes were quivering, and as thoughts of her crumbled home filled her mind uncontrollable tears began running down her face. “I really don’t know where I would be without you all right now.”

The sight of Fluttershy crying like this absolutely tore apart Pinkie’s heart. Pinkie pulled herself in close to her and hugged the tearful pegasus, careful not to graze any parts of her seared skin. Everypony else had also come closer to the bed, offering sympathetic hugs.

Eventually, Fluttershy’s tears dried. Everypony fell silent. They would have to tell her soon, that they would be leaving Ponyville, most likely not returning for quite some time. It was Rarity that decided to brave it.

“Fluttershy…darling…we’re not quite sure how to say this, but we won’t be able to stay in Ponyville for much longer. It’s regarding Spike…” Rarity began.

Twilight took over the rest of the explanation. As Fluttershy heard the entire story, the look in her eyes hardened. By the time Twilight finished her expression was unreadable.

“Alright…so when are we leaving?” Fluttershy simply asked. The reaction had taken everypony there aback. It was unlike their shy friend to accept such a big task so readily. Nopony argued with it.

“As soon as possible…Spike is depending on us,” Twilight replied.

Everypony exchanged anxious glances, none of them wanting to start a journey so important and dangerous anytime soon. It would signal all of them leaving something they took for granted.

“Hey…everypony? Twilight’s said this before, but as long as we have each other, everything will be alright, right?” Pinkie said happily. Her inexhaustible spirit was impossible to keep down. Everypony smiled as they recalled the memory. Pinkie extended her hoof to the middle of the group. Five other hooves joined hers.



Rainbow’s emotions were a complete mess. Twilight was angry with her, they were about to begin a journey that could change the fate of an entire race, one of her friends was still in hospital, and another missing. The tough-boiled pegasus had little experience with such a wide array of emotions at one time.

Instead of going back to her home to pack, she simply lay on a lazily drifting cloud attempting to make sense of the chaotic spectrum inside her. She wasn’t the type to ponder thoughts. She had to do something. Right now.

The cloud disintegrated as she kicked off, her destination the library. This was one thing she could try to fix now. At least she wouldn’t start this entire thing on a bad foot with…her. Rainbow arrived at the library in a very short time, and spent longer standing in front of the door with her hoof hovering over it. Eventually, she took in a deep breath and knocked quickly.

Twilight answered seconds later. She didn’t look particularly angry anymore, thought she didn’t seem overjoyed to see Rainbow.

“Twilight…can we talk?” Rainbow wasn’t one to plead, but the situation called for it.

Twilight stepped aside and let her through, her expression unreadable.

“Look, I’m sorry.” They had both said the words at the same time. The pair stood staring at one another slightly dumbfounded.

Wanting to avoid any further clichés, Rainbow spoke first. “Look, Twilight, I’m sorry about piping up back at Canterlot. This whole thing would have been a lot easier if I had just kept my mouth shut.”

“No, Rainbow, I over-reacted. It seems this whole thing was unavoidable. I know you were only standing up for Spike. That’s something I’ve always loved about you, you know. The way you always stick up for us.”

Twilight’s last sentence sent and shock throughout Rainbow’s body. The words didn’t seem to process properly. Rainbow made sure to keep her mouth closed before she truly understood what Twilight was saying, in case she uttered something stupid, or even worse told Twilight how she felt.

“Um…so yeah. We’re cool?” Rainbow finished lamely.

“Yeah, we’re cool,” Twilight smiled as she reached over and hugged the wide-eyed pegasus. “Don’t you have some preparation to do?”

“Yeah…see you again soon.” Rainbow panicked as she turned and streaked out the door, leaving Twilight surprised at her sudden goodbye.

Of course Twilight only saw her as a friend. To think otherwise was ridiculous. Rainbow suddenly felt moisture on her face. For the first time in her life, tears streaked behind the hardened daredevil as she flew.


Fluttershy stood at the remains of her old home, several hundred meters away from where the group agreed to meet, beside the main road leading into the Everfree forest. She felt no more sadness, only a melancholy numbness, backed by a hardened resolution. Right now, she didn’t have anything in Ponyville except her friends, and they needed her as she needed them. The quest they were about to undertake gave her another purpose.

It was about time for everyone to meet up, and Fluttershy forced herself to ignore her burns and walked to the agreed place. By the time she had spanned the distance Rarity had already arrived.

“Fluttershy, it’s great to see you up and about again.” Rarity forced a smile. It was not the usual smile she gave when she was zapped with new inspiration for a design, or when she found something genuinely amusing. It was the kind of smile you saw on a pony who was being brave.

“Oh…Rarity. Is something the matter?” Fluttershy asked kindly.

“It’s just…I’m so worried about what’s going to happen. Like Twilight said, Spike is depending on us to rescue him, and the entirety of a race may be depending on us too. I can’t imagine how terrible I would feel if I- I mean we, never see Spike again.”

“We can do this Rarity. We have each other, and we have the Elements. Not even Nightmare Moon or Discord could defeat us while we have that,” Fluttershy said determinedly.

Rarity stared back at her long time friend; she had never seen her act so adamant before. “It’s really true what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, isn’t it?”

Fluttershy only nodded. The pair waited in silence while the rest of the group arrived. They were joined eventually by AJ, Pinkie, Twilight, and finally a downtrodden looking Rainbow.

“So, why did you tell us to meet here, Twi?” AJ indicated the Everfree Forest.

“In the note left in Spike’s room, they said that they took him over Forest, Mountain, Desert, River and Fire. When we first followed Spike to The Migration we went through the Everfree Forest first, then the Frostbitten Mountains followed. After that we traveled over the Dry Plains and finally, the Fathom River. The Fire most likely means the Volcano where the dragons nest,” Twilight explained.

“Who knows what we’ll expect to find when we reach there?” Rarity’s eyes gazed at the forest, as if she was trying to see beyond the thick foliage.

The group didn’t hesitate in entering; the forest was not an unfamiliar territory to them anymore, unlike their first venture to find the Elements. Twilight had stowed the case containing the precious jewellery in one of her saddlebags, which she vowed never to let out of her sight.

The humid climate coupled with Fluttershy’s injuries made movement slow, but with her expertise in animals and Twilight’s frequent trips into the forest to visit Zecora, they managed to avoid any creatures that would mean them harm. The journey had started, and the six friends ventured deeper into the dangerous wilderness.