Waking Nightmares

by Kelvin Shadewing

Chapter 7

Waking Nightmares

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit work of fan fiction. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro.

Chapter 7

"Twilight," I said as the unicorn climbed off my lap and stood in front of me, "H-how come he c-could s-see me?" I didn't realize just how hard I was trembling. Discord was a memory, an image of the past. It shouldn't be possible for him to see me.

Part of my mind argued that since it was all in my head, anything was possible, and I should ignore it. But when the draconequus looked me in the eye... I couldn't describe it. Something there seemed all too real.

"To put it simply, Discord is the spirit of chaos. Maybe he can sense the future and knew you'd be watching from there." Twilight was looking up at the ceiling, thinking about something.

I pointed at the pink mare behind her. "But then what about Pinkie Pie? She saw me too! And none of this explains where Applejack went."

"I sensed you there with my Pinkie Sense," Pinkie told me, "when the tips of my hooves have that pins and needles feeling, that means there's a human watching me. I actually get it all the time."

"Gee, I wonder why," Dash cut in sarcastically, "It's not like there's a TV show about our lives or something." She was hovering just above me, dangerously close to having her mane trimmed by the ceiling fan.

Sadly, I'm no good at picking up on sarcasm. "Actually, there is. It's called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Tons of people watch it."

"Yeah, I know," the cyan pegasus said with a disappointed scowl, crossing her forelegs and rolling her eyes.

"That still leaves the question of poor Applejack," said Rarity, "She is a strong pony, but not the most... diplomatic."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I know. I can't imagine what she might be doing around here, assuming she came to this world too."

Of course I still didn't believe they were real, but I figured now that if I played along and helped them get back together, they'd go home and get out of my head.

But still, I wondered to myself, just what has my subconscious cooked up for AJ?

"Hello? Y'all deaf er something? Hello!" Applejack's voice increased in volume as she waved her hooves in front of the two humans embracing each other on a bench.

A bus pulled up and the couple broke their hug, walking onboard the vehicle after other passengers disembarked. Applejack called out to them, jumping and shouting. Every human who passed her was completely oblivious to her.

"Consarn it! It's like they're all deaf, dumb an' blind!" She sat down hard on her haunches and sighed. "Ah wonder where the others are. Ah'd give mah left flank just to be back together again."

She eventually gave up and trotted down the street towards the setting sun. Her stomach growled like a manticore. "Ugh, there's gotta be some food 'round here somewhere."

She lifted her muzzle to the air and took a whiff. The smell of something cooking nearby led her to a small store on a street corner. The sign on the front of the building was glowing, standing out vibrantly against the darkening night sky. 7-11.

Applejack stepped up to the door, then jumped back a bit as the door opened on its own without the glow of magic. She cautiously stepped through the metalic portal and looked around inside, drawn by the scent of cream cheese pretzels under a heat lamp.

"Nopony can see me, so Ah guess Ah can't get in trouble fer takin' one o' these." The orange earth pony put her forehooves up on the counter and grabbed a pretzel in her mouth.

"Gah! What the hell?!"

Applejack froze in place, her eyes shifting to the side and locking on the human who was definitely looking right back at her. She dropped the pretzel on the ground, getting a plop noise as cream cheese popped out from where she bit it. "Y-y'all can see me?"

The human slowly nodded.

Applejack bolted over to him and pounced his chest. "Thank Celestia somepony finally sees me! Listen, Ah know this is a might strange, but Ah need yer help t' find mah friends!"

"Oh, man, I think someone roofied my beer," the cashier said, laying face up on the floor under the cartoon equine, "I'm totally seeing My Little Pony."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Your little pony? Ah'm mah own little pony, ya got that?" She jabbed his chest with her hoof. "Now, like it or not, yer the only one in this confounded place who can see me. So like it er not, yer helpin' me out, least until somepony else can see me. Alright."

The human nodded dumbly.

"Thank y'all kindly," Applejack lightened her tone and stepped off him, "Mah name's Applejack. And you are?"


Applejack helped John up. "Pleasure makin' yer acquaintance. Now, let's get goin'."

"Ah-ah-ah. Not now." John stood back up at the register. "I got a job to finish here, so you're gonna stay quiet until my shift ends."

The earth pony sighed. "Land's sake... fine, Ah'll just wait here till yer done." She started pacing around the store, reading the labels of all the strange items for sale to pass the time.

John groaned and rubbed his head. "I hope these drugs wear off soon. My room mate's gonna flip if he finds out I'm seeing talking ponies."