//------------------------------// // Chapter 15: Attack! // Story: The Dalek Invasion // by the ghost //------------------------------// Chapter 15: ATTACK! “GOOD NEWS ZEK, YOUR VICE CAPTAIN LEZ HAS BEEN BROUGHT ABOARD THE SHIP.” Said the Supreme Dalek. “I HAVE COMPOSED A STRATEGY FOR THE INVASION OF PONYVILLE.” Said Dalek Zek ignoring the ‘good news’. “YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO 10,000 DALEKS. HOW MANY DO YOU REQUIRE?” Asked the Supreme Dalek. “FOUR.” Said Zek. “YOUR WILL CONQUER PONYVILLE WITH ONLY FOUR DALEKS!” Said the Supreme Dalek in awe. “WE WOULD CONQUER PONYVILLE WITH ONE DALEK, BUT FOUR WILL SUFFICE.” Said Zek. I WILL TAKE DALEK LEZ, DALEK NUMBER 12321, AND DALEK CAAN.” “BUT CAAN IS UNSTABLE.” Objected the Supreme. “DO NOT QUESTION MY LOGIC.” Said Zek. “THE REST OF THE DALEKS WILL SURROUND PONVILLE SO THAT THERE CAN BE NO ESCAPE. DALEKS ON MY TEAM FOLLOW ME.” The three Daleks Caan, Lez, and 12321 followed Zek into the armory. “WE WILL USE THIS WEAPON.” Said Zek attaching a death ray to his body. “IT WILL COMPLETLEY VAPORIZE THE ENEMY. IT IS A LOT LESS MESSY.” “Ooo. The hIgh-powered stuff! I like iT.” Said Caan. The other three Daleks attached the weapons to themselves as well “WE WILL START THE ATTACK IMMEDIATLY. DO NOT LET ANY ESCAPE THE TOWN OR THEY MIGHT WARN CELESTIA.” Said Zek. He tried not to think about what he had to do. He had to block out all his divergent emotions… *** “Alright Twilight. Here are all the elements.” Said Rainbow Dash. She passed them out among the mane six. Rarity had found Fluttershy, though she still was sobbing somewhat. Everypony else had taken shelter in their houses. “Here they come.” Said Applejack. A saucer like ship flew low just outside town lines. Then four Daleks one gold, one gray, one black, and one unmistakable violet started to fly down toward town. “Zek…” Fluttershy said softly. “Lets get this party started!” Said Pinkie Pie excitedly. “Only four of them?” said Rainbow Dash. “I was expecting a big invasion. They must be confident if they think they can take us with only four.” The four Daleks set down about ten feet away from the main six. “Let’s not hit them with the elements right away.” said Twilight. “I want to see what Zek has to say for himself.” “YOU WILL SURRENDER OR BE EXTERMINATED.” Said Zek. “Well that’s no way to greet your friends.” Said Rarity sarcastically. “And it looks like you lost your bow tie. What’s the matter? Was it not evil enough for you?” Caan let out a laugh. “That’S a goOd one.” “DALEKS HAVE NO NEED FOR FRIENDSHIP YOU WILL STEP ASSIDE OR BE EXTERMINATED.” “Why Zek. Why did you betray us? Was it something I said?” Fluttershy was close to tears again. “I WAS NEVER YOUR FRIEND, I SERVE ONLY THE DALEKS.” Said Zek. “There’s no reasoning with him everypony use the elements.” Said Twilight. The six tried to use the elements. Nothing happens. “Whaa?” Said Twilight. Said Twilight in confusion. How could this be happening? What was wrong? “THOSE ELEMENTS ARE FALSE.” Said Zek. “Nooo!” Twilight yelled. She let off a shot of purple magic in anger. The shot hit Zek’s shields and did nothing. Everything was quite for a second. “EXTERMINATE!” Yelled Zek. He fired his ray at Twilight. The ray hit Twilight directly. There was a look of confusion on her face and then… She was gone. She completely disappeared. She was gone. Rarity fainted on the spot. “TWILIGHT!” Yell the other four ponies. EXTERMINATE. Zek fired another shot towards Pinkie Pie but her Pinkie sense allowed her to dodge it. “EVERYPONY RUN FOR IT!” Yelled Pinkie. The other four ponies took off in two different directions. Pinkie Pie and Applejack went one way. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went the other way. “LEAVE THE WHITE UNICORN ALONE. UNICORNS WILL BE HELPFUL TO THE DALEK CAUSE. EXTERMINATE ALL OTEHRS! LET NONE ESCAPE THE TOWN! DO NOT LET THEM WARN THE PRINCESS!” “EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE!” Yelled the other four Daleks. Caan and Zek flew after Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. The nameless Dalek and Lez went after Pinkie Pie and Applejack. *** Applejack and Pinkie Pie are two of the fastest earth ponies in Ponyville. They were getting away from the Daleks. They hid behind a house. “I can’t believe it. Twi’s gone.” Said Applejack. “I know it’s just awful.” Said Pinkie Pie. “Shh here comes the black one.” Said Applejack. “The black Dalek named Lez was moving slowly though Ponyville with the nameless Dalek.” “What are they up to?” Said Applejack. “BURN THIS HOUSE.” Said Lez. “I OBEY.” Said the nameless Dalek. He used a flamethrower on the house. After a few seconds and orange filly Pegasus ran out he door “Hey whata think your doing? This is my house!” said Scootaloo. “EXTERMINATE!” Shouted Lez. “NOOO!” screamed Applejack “No wait stop!” Said Pinkie Pie Applejack jumped up and attacked the Dalek. But he Dalek was too quick. It fired a beam strait into Applejack’s chest and she was gone. “Wh-what happened to Applejack?” Said Scootaloo. And then the Dalek’s turned around and fired at Scootaloo. And then she too was gone. Pinkie Pie sat in her hiding place powerless to stop them. The two Daleks continued to burn down houses and exterminate anypony who came out that was not a unicorn… Pinkie Pie’s hair had deflated. She could hear the drums pounding in her ears… *** Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy where trying to outrun Zek and Caan, but Fluttershy was too slow. They where gaining on them. “Fluttershy I’m going to try to draw them away. You escape. If I don’t come back it’s been nice knowin ya.” Rainbow Dash turned around and headed back towards the Daleks. They fired at her, but she dodged the beams. “You’re going to have to do better then that.” She said. She turned the corner… Caan was waiting in front of her. “What the!” She said she turned another corner. Cann teleported in front of her. No matter which way she went Caan was always in front of her. Did he know where she was going to go before she did? “Well it looks like you got me.” Said Rainbow Dash in defeat. “If it maKes you feel any better, this is how Zek beat you in the race.” Said Caan. “Why that cheating little-!” Caan fired a beam that hit Rainbow Dash. She disappeared in a cloud of white smoke. 'I like her colors." Said Caan. *** Zek was chasing Fluttershy. She tried to fly lower to the ground to try to throw him off, but it was no good. She looked back to see him still chasing her. While she was distracted she ran into a tree. Fluttershy had always liked to be a tree, but right now she hated them. She tried to get up but she couldn’t something was broken. Zek landed in front of her. “Please Zek don’t do this. W-we’re friends right?” Zek continued to move closer to Fluttershy. “I don’t know what I did to make you hate me, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what ever I’ve done. I’m sorry I loved you. I’m sorry for everything… just make it quick alright?” Said Fluttershy Zek was still and silent for a good ten seconds. Then he said something that no Dalek had ever said before. “I… am sorry too.” Said Zek before he fired his beam. In a flash Fluttershy was gone… Zek turned back to ponyville to complete the invasion. (Dalek Caan is trying to tell you guys something. Can you crack his code?)