//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Fortress in the Forest // Story: Smash Ponies: Devastation Equestria // by FandomPlays1234 //------------------------------// Twilight sat on her bed sadly looking out her cell window. Meanwhile Rainbow attempted to saw off the cell bars with a plastic knife she kept from yesterday's lunch. This was her second day in the cell with her friends while both Starlight and Trixie was locked up in their own cell to their right and Cadence and Shining Armor in their own cell to their left. Meanwhile Celestia and Luna was locked up in their own cell next to Cadence's. "How's it coming dashie?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow dash angrily threw the plastic knife down in frustration. "Stupid bars!" screamed Rainbow kicking it. "Relax Rainbow surely somepony will come and save us," Twilight said. "Don't get your hopes up too high princess," a familiar voice spoke up. Twilight and her friends looked out to see Cross, Chrysalis, Bowser and four Necro Zynx Guards walking up to them. "Well, well why the sad face princess?" mocked Cross. "Keep your jokes to yourself Cross," growled Twilight. "And what are you doing here Chrysalis!?" Cadence asked. "Lord Cross here has promised me unlimited amounts of love if I agreed to do his bidding," cackled Chrysalis. "HOW DARE YOU!" Cadence screamed pointing her hoof at Cross. "Oh please princess, say what you want, it won't change the fact that your lives belongs to us now," chuckled Cross. "Surely you're precious daughter won't survive alone out there," "Don't you dare," growled Cadence. "Tough luck princess it's game over for her, one of my strongest foot soldiers has a squadron waiting at the fortress in the forest your daughter is in," laughed Cross. "And you know what the best part is?" "She's headed right into it," Everypony gasped in shock. "Surely your daughter won't survive the ambush," laughed Bowser. "Come you two we must go," said Cross turning around. "Oh and one more thing, just because she's found the temporary bearer of Magic doesn't mean we're going to go easy on them, by the end of the ambush she'll be dead," laughed Cross as he walked off with Bowser, Chrysalis, and the four guards following behind. "Please don't," Cadence sniffled close to tears. Twilight glared. Once she and her friends were free, she won't forgive Cross or Oblivion for their actions. Artemis continued to lead us into the forest while all three of us pushed away bushes and tree branches out of the way. "How much further Artemis?" Flurry asked. "Not much further, we're pretty close actually," answered Artemis. "Great," I say. Eventually Artemis leads us into a huge opening in the middle of the forest. "Wow," said Flurry. "Quickly now," said Artemis walking forward. Both of us look around us and continue to follow Artemis back into the forest. As we continue to walk we eventually pass by a green creature with a big nose and orange shoes sleeping on a tree stump. "Hey look," I say pointing at the creature. Both Artemis and Flurry stop short to see what I was pointing at. I quietly walk up to it with Artemis and Flurry following behind. "Aww how cute," cooed Flurry looking at the creature. "What is this?" I ask. "I dinosaur, dragon, I have no idea," answer Artemis. "Well whatever it is, it's probably not a good idea to wake it up," I say. "Good idea, let's keep moving," said Artemis. Flurry pouted in disappointment as she followed the two of us deeper into the forest. Meanwhile the dinosaur slowly raises it's head as it watched us walk back into the forest. "Get away from me," I say swatting away the tree branches out of my face. "Wait," said Artemis stopping us. Nearly running over Flurry, I stop myself and ask,"What the hell Artemis?" "Whoa," said Flurry. "What?" I ask. "Look at this Fands," said Flurry. Confused I walk up next to Artemis only to find ourselves standing in front of a giant fortress in the middle of a bunch of trees. "What the hell?" I ask. "Strange I don't remember a fortress standing here," said Artemis. "Wait is that a good thing?" asked Flurry. "I don't know, but we have no business for this place let's keep moving," said Artemis. But just as she took one step forward I realized. "Artemis look out!" I yell. "What?" asked Artemis confused. Without hesitation I tackle Artemis to the ground just as a small explosion went off behind us. "That was close," I say. "Um Fandom," Artemis says. "What?" I ask. But before I could ask anymore questions, I realized I was lying on top of Artemis. "Oh Artemis I..." I quickly scramble to my feet cheeks pink. "That was unexpected," said Artemis blushing. "Are you two alright?" ask Flurry running up to us. "Yeah we're fine," answered Artemis. "Damn it," cursed a voice. We turn around as a figure walked out from within the forest. The figure looked like a member of the Necro Zynx Empire, but unlike all the others this one was wearing purple armor and a purple cape. His green eyes glowed with hatred and his spiky green hair only made him look even more sinister than he already was. He had two scorpion claws and tail but his face was clearly those of a alligator. "Wha- who are you!?" asked Flurry. "My name is Skorpio, the strongest foot soldier in The Necro Zynx," answered Skorpio. "And welcome to your death trap," Just as Skorpio finished his statement, several Necro Zynx troopers popped out of the ground and surrounded us. The fortress doors opened as more Necro Zynx troopers as well as several Sinister Legion members, changelings, and other strange creatures poured out and joined the others. Artemis quickly drew her bow and quivers while Flurry Heart and I got into battle stance. Skorpio laughed,"So eager to beat us aren't you, but you're obviously outnumbered, how about we make a deal instead, you hand over the princess and we'll save you the troubles of getting beaten," "Over our dead body," I hissed. Skorpio shrugged,"Hard way it is then," His troopers got ready to pounce as they awaited Skorpio's orders. Nobody saw the dark clouds forming above the forest. "KILL THEM!!!!!" Skorpio ordered. I kicked a Necro Zynx member in the stomach as he lunged at me. Flurry blasted an oncoming changeling with her magic while Artemis fired arrows at all who tried to sneak up on us. This went on for about a half an hour only because every time a minion fell, a new one would replace it. "It's no use," I say breathing hard. "There's too many of them," gasped Flurry. "Hmph what is that really all you got, come on you can do better than that!" Skorpio snorted. Artemis clenched her teeth and looked at us. She saw us exhausted and tired. At this rate we would fall of exhaustion. Could she protect both of us if we fell? "Come on you two don't give up!" Artemis said trying to encourage us. "I'm trying," I wheezed. "Come on stay on your toes, just a little bit further!" Artemis said. The three of us gathered whatever strength we had left and battled off the minions for another 30 minutes. After a while Flurry stopped short gasping like she was going through a stroke. "I can't do this," gasped Flurry as she collapsed on the ground. "FLURRY!" I wince as fall to my knees coughing. "FANDOM!" "Heh well, well, well two down, one to go," smirked Skorpio. I could Artemis glaring at Skorpio as his minions closed in on us. Is this really how it was gonna end? I was beginning to gather all my thoughts into one place when something fell out of the sky and struck 4 minions hard. There was a sudden explosion that caused two minions on each side to fall back unconscious. "What the hell was that?" I asked. Suddenly something zipped out from the bushes and landed in front of Flurry. When taking a closer look we saw that it was some sort of yellow mouse with red cheeks. "What the fuck!?" Skorpio hissed. Suddenly the dinosaur we saw earlier jumped out from the bushes and headbutted into three enemies sending them flying. "What is the meaning of this!?" Skorpio yelled. Finally an elf wearing a green hat and shirt with brown gloves jumped out and slashed with his sword striking 5 minions and sent them flying. "WHAT!!!???" Skorpio yelled. "Who?" asked Flurry. The three didn't speak and attacked, striking minion after minion and sent them running. Eventually Skorpio was the only one standing. "GET BACK HERE WITH SPINY ASSES!" Skorpio yelled. But none of his minions heard him an the three cornered Skorpio. "You may have been saved this time, but next time you won't be so lucky," he growled as he ran after his minions. The three walked over to us and helped us up. "Thanks for that," said Artemis. The elf nodded. "Who are you three?" asked Flurry. The yellow mouse smiled and let out a squeal. "Pikachu!" "Pikachu huh, cool name I guess," I said rubbing it's head. "Yoshi!" squealed the dinosaur. "Thanks for saving us Yoshi," said Flurry. "And you?" I asked the elf. The elf said nothing but drew his sword and began scratching something in the dirt. "L-I-N-K," I read out loud. "Link?" I ask. the elf nods. "Well nice to meet you Link," I said holding out my hand. Link, without hesitation took my hand and shook it. "Well now that that's cleared up we need to go," said Artemis. "Ok," we both say in unison. Both of us start to follow Artemis when we noticed the three following us as well. "You want to come with us?" asked Artemis. The three nodded. "Alright I guess It's better to have you guys around," shrugged Artemis. And that's how we befriended three newcomers in the forest. The five of us continued our way out of the forest.